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Everything posted by cky

  1. When we talk about "full awakening" or "permanent enlightenment", doesn't it imply complete effortlessness? If you need to take a substance or make an effort to meditate, it is not your natural, effortless mode of being. Some traditions talk about reaching a stage of "no meditation" to make sure this is understood. In fact, after having the peak experience of awakening to God/Shunyata/Consciousness fully and completely, there can be a lot of work left of integration and refinement. Usually it is good to have an experienced teacher to guide you, but those are obviously rare. That said, I wonder what use it is to critique the little spots we feel aren't lining up in Leo's conduct? You have a unique opportunity here to talk to someone who clearly makes a lot of sense and has reached levels of clarity and consciousness you haven't. Why concentrate on the grey parts while there is so much white to absorb and learn from? How often in the history of mankind do you think people had such easy and close contact to someone that has such knowledge to offer and at the same time speaks your language? Take it or leave it. You're using up resources and cognitive bandwidth. Your critique may come from an honest place of wisdom, I believe you, but like Leo says, it often says more about you than you dare to admit. By the way, this isn't intended as an inflammatory comment! I hope we all make good & quick progress on our path to awakening. It is a long one and we need to cherish the opportunity while we have it! Much love, cky