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Everything posted by Globalcollective
Yeah I've heard that before, the coolidge effect or something right? def feels that way right. the more you orgasm the more you feel pushed away over time. How have you find this helping with your long term relationships ? @Rolo Yeah work on how your feeling inside, its a tough one because the more sex you get the more you realise its not a big deal and you start getting more and more of it. remember sex is not a big deal and also dose not bring you happiness.
This ^ spot on! I also was heavily involved with it about five years ago and the main problem with it was it just lacked empathy and awareness towards the female agenda. Also it dose not touch on the higher aspects of dating like say such as love, meaningful connections and how to maintain a healthy relationship. Deep down at the heart of it all PUA's just want love and a lot of them get so lost in chasing sex and validation they loose sight of why they really got into it in the first place. I went through a very strong resentment towards pick up for a few years the more I developed on my spiritual path but I think now it needs to come back but in a more mindful and conscious way as its getting worse for young men with things like red and black pill. Im shocked at how bad it has become. Everything your saying is valid and should be taken into account by any guy who is looking to improve his dating life
@Globalcollective ahah yeah it dose. yeah Mantak Chia is awesome, I'm prancing a lot of what he teaches atm. I haven't heard of Daniel Rose tho. I slightly missed the wave of picking up girls on IG so have yet to try it. I know for some guys they might not be able to leverage there IG so cold approach will work best. I use to work in the film industry so I have no excuses I could make an amazing social media account if I wanted maybe il see how it goes. Any good books on relationships you'd recommend ? I work in a very green environment and meet lots o spiritual people all the time so luckily meet hot hippy chicks all the time ahah but when I was living outside a city its very hard to find girls your compatible with in that area. @Rolo @Rolo So women get put of by you being overly needy and supplicating, you can be a nice guy but you have to be free of the need of sex and validation of the girl to pull it off. See the difference? Also you can be a needy bad boy and that too won't also work. Don't worry about being an archetypal nice/bad boy focus on the vibe you are giving off when you approach. Are you emotionally needing a good reaction from the girl or are you feeling centred within yourself and in control of the interaction, if your very sure of yourself women will follow.
@LfcCharlie4 @LfcCharlie4 Thanks man, yes absolutely I ended up having a really high quality relationship with someone which changed my whole perspective on how much better that is then being a so called "Player' but I totally agree with you, you need to know how to this stuff works first or else its very difficult to have a chance at getting the sort of meaningful connection one deserves. Now I just look for someone who I can have a deep connection with and only have sex if it feels right but I have also noticed you really need to know how to turn the girl on otherwise she will friend zone you ahah. How do you find meeting girls who are on a similar journey ?
@ColeMC01 What country do you live in? Right now with Covid its a tough time to focus on this but heres what you can do. - You could look at moving to an area of the world like New York, Vegas or London where there is a high volume and anonymity for say a year or two. Thats what I did, I spent six months saving money so I could live in a massive city. One big advice here is always put your life purpose before learning dating tho. A lot of guys just get into this and use women as a way of avoiding really giving life your all. I found this hard when I did get good I would just get with girls all the time and became super unmotivated and lazy. Don't fall into that trap. - Work on your appearance so fashion and tone up at the gym . - Spend abit of time learning attraction from different courses or I can help you. - Get on some dating apps and try and arrange some dates if you can, ultimately what is going to make you improve at this is getting as much real life interacts with women as possible. You have to get comfortable showing your sexually interested in them and learn how to be socially calibrated. If cold approach in the day is super taboo in your country just go out and do very indirect approaches to start, just try and get into as many interacts as you can. Even a 5 minuet convo about the weather is a good start then you build from there.
Agreed, if someone back you into a cornered you can't walk away. watch some Mike Tyson on how to throw leaping hooks and uppercuts ?also throat strikes are very underrated. I know a guy who use to work as a bouncer and he would end all his confrontations with just a simple throat strike. Actually eye attacks are very effective in street fights, I come from a very violent town where there was a fight every night and it was well known back in the day that you can end a fight very quickly with eye attacks but its more down to the fact of how moral someone is as most people are not willing to do it. I think a good solid foundation in MMA will be enough however without the need to go extreme and you can even subdue people relatively easily and call the cops.
Sorry to hear aboug this bro, your doing the right thing to take sometime to process it. It also wouldn't hurt to learn how to fight and defend yourself, could look at training MMA. In situations like that a good striking and wrestling foundation could work well, running of course is always the best option like you did. If its only one person with no one around BJJ is the best but you have to really make a carful judgement call on that as someone could hurt you when your on the ground from behind. Boxing, thai boxing and wrestling are the best for multiple attackers. Learning how to stick and move creating distance you can fend people off and if you get into a clinch you can easily slam or knee. Most people can't fight properly, you'll be suprised. You can always tell if someone is trained by there technique and stance so if you spot that always worth trying to run. Krav maga is also very useful for quick attacks to end fights. Martial arts can also be great for spirtual development too. Don't let this scare you of going out my bro. Find a soild mma gym near u
Globalcollective replied to herghly's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah he is getting confused with brain activity with conciseness, what he should say is if you damage your brain it interferes with the activity of the brain. Do you have a brain in a dream? no but you have consciousness of the experience of the dream without the need of a brain. When you actually find out what consciousness is it will leave you baffled as to how clueless these rational scientist are and the fact there opinion is so highly regarded. then again if the game was well known would it be so fun playing it? prob not Elon musk dose some great stuff btw not hating on him but he is clueless in this area ? -
What has helped me is get a evening routine preparing yourself for sleep. So no extra stimulation before bed so no caffine act. Also cut out any mindless internet surfing too and maybe all electronics on hour before. Try and make your room completely pitch black and maybe do some calming meditation or yoga. Also if there is one close by try floating, really helps with insomnia and catching up with rest.
yeah opening up like this can be dangerous if you haven't already developed sexual tension, it can come across as needy and its worth checking why your so attached to her in the first place if you haven't been with her for sometime. Of course its ok to like someone but it comes across you are heavily invested in her which is why she isn't respondent in the same way. Again Im just making assumptions as she could also just not fancy you at all, but generally its better to wait until you have built sexual chemistry before really opening up. In terms of you winner her over if you do all that stuff is an unknown and unlikely, the only way to stand a chance is to actually just let it go and work on yourself for you and go date other great girls. I have had this a few times, I once dated an amazing and very attractive girl who I got overly attached to and she wanted to just be friends. I agreed and really worked on myself and a few years later I could tell she regretted it when she could see who I had become.
Globalcollective replied to blankisomeone's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
definitely getting very close to this, years and years of psychedelics and intense practice gets you there, or did for me anyway -
Ive also noticed that most people who relate to red pill have unsuccessful relationships and inabilities to relate to women and use this toxic theory to scapegoat the problem rather than do the work to fix it. Which is by no means easy. I tell you what why don't you go speak to a 5000 women and date a couple of hundred of them and see for yourself, then it would be undeniable? I did this, it was stupid I know. When I was young I got wrapped up in rsd and pick up which had its own flaws but I did manage to see the truth of this for myself. Id say about 30% of the girls fit the red pill ideas, they would date up if they had the chance and also sleep with the Alpha whilst dating the beta ect. But ultimately the real problem was the fact most men are terrible at relating to women in a sexual way and being emotional secure in themself's which just turns women off making them stray elsewhere. But if you get your act together women would do anything to be with you and be more loyal then they get credit for. Also the more conscious you become the more you can spot dishonest cheaters ect. The red pill is about as toxic as you could get second only to incels and black pill.
Because reality and humans are way more complex and nuanced to understand under the lens of biology and being rational. If anything it blinds you from the real truth. Isn't this one of the main messages of the forum? "I don't get why some people have such a hard time understanding this" ? When I was younger and first heard about red pill ideas I would always look out for this with my girlfriends and not once did I ever see any of them behave in ways red pill said they should. Maybe its because there is such a thing as conciseness and love? sometimes women are able to transcend there desires for the love they have for there man. At the end of the day red pill is just another excuse to play the victim and not take action on improving your circumstances in this area. Remember suffering is a choice ✌️
@K Ghoul @K Ghoul sadguru, rupert spira and Tolle all have wifes. (I know sadgurus wife is dead) but you can totally have a relationship if you want. It's not black and white. Relationships can also test you more and make you grow quicker. I'm aware they can also be a trap too and take up alot of time and energy you can channel into your spiritual life but you have to be honest with yourself sometimes to make sure your not bypassing
@StarStruck yeah it may seem sucky but @Leo Gura is dead right on everything he says. You have to keep dates light and playful for a few weeks/months and get sex out the way before you start getting heavy like that. Ive had my fair share of dates over the years and this has rang true everytime. When I started getting really good at dates I then got a GF and started focising on my spiritual life. Then when I became single again I thought I would be developed enough to be able to be way more vulnerable on first dates ect and it just isn't the best appraoch, sometimes girls are cool with it you have to feel it out but for you, your better off learning how to be a man and sexually escalate. Stop identifying with being an Incel too, never look at the shit again thats also a massive part of your problem.
@TDW1995 yeah I second @Horizon . Your in your twenties and your sexual energy is at its highest enjoy it and go get laid. If you cant then learn how, you can't bypass this unless you have some kind of powerful spirtual gift. Be mindful of not getting sucked into it tho but it can be a very enjoyable part of your life
@ColeMC01 it's not actually being a jerk, girls like guys who are not needy, understand socail acuity and are good at sexually esculating in a calibrated way. Stop genrelaizing and scapegoating. @Arcangelo well maybe becaude its toxic and will hold u back in your development is this not obvious? If I was Leo I'd clamp down hard on anything to do with this stuff. What is it ultimately that you guys want from your life? Is it not to grow into the best person possible? Surely that person would have no room for red pill. It's your funeral at the end of the day
Just trying to make a point that you can reach a point in your development where you are free of the suffering red pill is born from. You said it yourself MDMA therapy ?
Sorry to hear about this dude and the difficult situation you found yourself in. It might be worth taking a deeper look into why this happened. But understand a lot of this is a deeper reflection on who we are and the beliefs we have adopted about ourselves, reality and women. I find myself in the opposite situations, its normally the women who Is loyal and loving and if anything the man is more likely to cheat and take advantage of the women. Im not rich and don't have big muscles so I don't know what that says about your hypergamy theory. if you develop yourself into a wholesome authentic human who dose not live in fear and can love without fear then who in there right mind would cheat on you? also it would be very hard for you to have shallow relationships with people trapped into material pursuits from this point. The more you heal yourself of your own trauma the more you can see it in others and catch it when other people try and project there problems onto you or manipulate you. This forum is meant to encourage people to take this path. Im not saying there are not terrible people out there who will make your life a misery but its your job to learn how to reconize it and prevent them from entering into your life.
@Preety_India ❤️ likewise
@Opo @Opo Of course, for older men its slight different reasons as to why they fall into the red pill trap. I actually know some well known advocates of red pill personally and some of them are older and didn't grown up in the internet generation. I witness there journey from self improvement into red pill and it was interesting. A lot of them do talks at this convention called the under 21s. The man who started that convention was a cool young dude who was looking to improve himself. He then became a victim of narcissism abuse in his marriage so it caused trauma in him and his way of dealing with it was to blame women as a whole rather then take the responsibility that he allowed someone like that to hurt him so much. I actually went through the same problem but never once blamed the other person. If your committed to a life of love truth and growth you'll wiz past red pill and it will be so far beyond you you wouldn't touch it with a barge poll. You think if Jesus was around today he would be a red piller?
@Preety_India yes its crazy isn't it. Especially on a forum that is so heavily interested in spiritual concepts you would think people would be able to see the wholes in red pill. I guess the best thing to do is try and understand why people adopt this mindset then try and show understanding and help them evolve out of it. My theory is this is a product of everything moving online. Young men growing up now lack real life experience so base a lot of there Ideas from stuff like online dating and social media which gives a false projection to how socialising really is in real life. I use to be so bad at relating and connecting to women. I was definitely on the autistic spectrum due to mental and learning difficulties so I was a prime candidate as someone who might end up falling down the red pill rabbit whole but I didn't. The difference is I took full responsibility and decided to change my situation and I did so I know other people can to so its very sad to see this. Also another problem is there just seems to be lacking a healthy and wholistic approach for men to learn how to relate to women out there on the internet.
Crazy isn't it how people now just want to complain about this stuff even on personal development forums.
Awesome at least your taking responsibility and not falling into the incel trap, its not easy for a lot of people but with work you can make some amazing improvements and start focusing on other areas of your life
@ColeMC01 yep you def don't you work on all that too but some people might have to :\ Ive seen a lot of people go through this and a lot of them need to approach a lot, sorry to burst your bubble but Ive seen around 1000 plus guys take this path and there are patterns