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Everything posted by Globalcollective

  1. What is the highest way to deal with societies evil and injustice? The way I'm seeing it atm is that evil is really just a part of reality and needed part of reality. Ultimately Its really just another form of love and seeing it this way eliminates ego from getting in the way when trying to deal with it in society. Seeing it for what actually is, is the first step in dealing with it properly. The problem I am having is that if I tell this to people it causes them to get defensive and also they claim taking that perspective is bypassing the problem, which in ways it can but I see it that if you don't then you just using "stopping evil" as an excuse to exercises your own agenda and belief systems. But of course people will always see it this way until they have mystical experiences so whats the best way to relate to them? I work in a very "green" environment so people are very sensitive and passionate with the idea of stopping injustice and protesting ect. however they seem to get very defensive regarding ideas on none duality and everything being an expression of love. So I know to keep my mouth shut but is there a better way to communicate this or am myself not seeing this correctly. Thanks for taking the time for reading this
  2. I think it would be to complex and nuance than that. And who said humanity needs to change? dose 5meo not show you everything Is perfect as it is no? if god wants to change humanity he will, how dare we get in the way
  3. @Johnny5 There are indeed, Im just not sure being passive about it is the most effect way tho. Maybe it just dose not matter. How do you communicate such Ideas without triggering people or do you not bother. People will grow at there own pace I guess
  4. Can you trust reality? Can you trust trusting ? All games of the mind
  5. Yeah and he has awakened through 5meo and the fact he's the baddest man on the planet ahah
  6. Interesting tho it did the opposite for me made life waaaay more enjoyable. Like life x100 but It took me awhile to reajust
  7. @Nak Khid yeah I've met mike tyson quite a few times and he's fully awakened
  8. @Kiko Hey mate if its any motivation I use to suck with girls also like really really bad. aged 22 I got involved with pick up for a few years it was a lot more popular back then around like 2013. For two years I went out every day and it was brutal at first but eventually it all started to sort itself out within about 3 years of pushing my comfort zones. Luckily this is something you can work and improve on and dose require effort but if you put in enough effort you can get better results quite quickly. And there is a lot better advice out there now, a lot more wholesome. I'd say Brain Begin the fearless man seems to be the most integrated maybe check him out. Ultimately this all comes down to how much love you have for yourself and others. When I researched 25 I finally got good with girls and I was miserable, it didn't make me happy. I ended up having a dramatic spiritual awakening brought on by some intense life experiences and then naturally progressed on that path as I realized deep within my soul no one can truly make you happy you have to find it within yourself. So with that being said you don't really need to put pressure on yourself here as you are the one who holds the light at the end of the tunnel not members of the opposite sex. Knowing this makes it so much easier as you can then start to work on truly loving someone without the need of anything in return from them. Ive researched a stage where I could live the rest of my life without ever meeting someone again. If one comes along great but it really dose not matter to me. A true awakening will make remake you a happy virgin. So keep this in mind you will be going around in a circle but thats ok as it needs to be realised. P.s learn comedy too, women looove to laugh its the key to there ♥️
  9. @Jacobsrw Yeah vipassanas are great really recommend them. Yeah for sure, luckily about 50% of the meditation done there can be done alone you can request a cell too. Yeah the book is a very good outline for meditation. @Raptorsin7 1. Look into doing a retreat or doing your own home one. 2. make your sits gradually longer 3. start looking at incorporating yoga, start with traditional hatha then you could try kriya? 4. Read the book the mind illuminated 5. Outline what it is you want from your meditation, stream entry/ enlightenment 6. keep practicing you'll get there it can be a slow process for some, Im quite impulsive so I have to incorporate a lot of yoga to ground me into my body, for past month managed to turn lockdown into a spiritual retreat and made so really great gains. The main thing that I can say that gives you liikelyhood of success is just doing longer sessions so 4/7 hours a day and you'll be getting down with buddha real quick. Tho everyone is different I guess
  10. Yeah the longer the sit normally the more likely of a breakthrough. I find if I do it strong determination (not moving) things start to get really funky 1.5 to 2 hours in. Also retreats are great and give you a huge boost. Incorporating yoga also helps a lot. Also have you read the mind illuminated? Thats. a great book on meditation?
  11. I'm very worried for his mental health I think he needs someone to support him and guide him through this transition something seems very ungrounded. I wish him all the best however and its good he has woken up so to speak and can spread the message
  12. Leo have you ever considered writing a book about psychedelics and everything you have learned on them? Would be awesome, you are the man to do it
  13. The only way to truely find out is to awaken to god otherwise we are just playing intellectual games
  14. Ahahaha I love hearing stories like this, beautiful ?️‍♂️
  15. Great report dude thanks for sharing was an interesting read ?
  16. @Free Mind hahahah I think he was joking, but I wouldn't underestimate mike. He is doing a great job of pushing this into the mainstream as he in a well known figure also he has had an insane life and had experienced a lot of things most people never will so he has developed spiritually quite a lot id imagine.
  17. Awesome report nice one glad you had a good experience
  18. Exactly, case closed. Can always get a well trusted friend to watch over you to make sure you don't do anything stupid.
  19. RIP Brother, hope he died in peace (>
  20. This ^^^ yeah start doing concentration pratices and also look at doing long meditation retreats. They give you a great boost and show you whats possible. I guess like anything I've found its down to how bad do you want it? You'll become enlightened if you really want to. If you really want it you'll do anything whatever it takes. Also try not to lable yourself as a compulsive thinker, don't deny it but just see it for what it is
  21. @EntheogenTruthSeeker when i go on meditation retreats I start feeling like I'm tripping balls LSD so its possible. If you think how a retreat works its not just meditation its also cutting of all possible mind distractions. Maybe try doing daily long SDS
  22. @Vipassana Amazing thank you for the motivation. I have done this in the past but recently really fell of the bandwagon. I find when I medittlate to this intensity reality becomes like a acid trip and it can really open up all darkness and you really have to be prepared for that. Have you also found this?
  23. Liturally been thinking this, I have aload of dmt for lockdown and was thinking of doing a heros dose seeing if I can extract any messages regarding the situation. Maybe this is it, need a perceptive shift regarding the situation
  24. @billiesimon interesting I always use to find it very smooth and easy going but it has been a very long time since I last tired it. It did also feel like its distorts your perception somehow so harder to contemplate when on it, like almost being very drunk
  25. Nice stuff man I use to do ketamine along time ago when I was younger, its dangerous for your health so prob best switching to safer pyscdelics but I do remember have some insane expirences on it. I use to be able to create whole universes however I wanted and would drive around space in the millennium falcon and slide down hugh space slides, I defo got an insight into being god on it but defo better to stick to other pyscs. Ket was very forgiving when on it unlkle DMT, would rarely get anxiety or panic on it.