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Everything posted by seriousman24

  1. To my own mental delight and horror everything is absolutely both true and false, limits/destruction are what create "special" or specific infinity, we exist in the ocean between total infinity and nothingness and know everything(the moment) and nothing(the future and the past), almost sounded cool there. Integrating destruction into love, acknowledging absolute horror and accepting all hate as itself, the most supremely difficult and weirdest of tasks, but respecting the timing of each moment as bad is good and good is bad, becoming bigger to include more but also to be able to destroy more and becoming smaller to accept the creativity of the weirdest(the other and other things), to escape harm and to give space for others to be big. Wasting each other's time or immortalizing them, destroying each other's sadness and misery and uplifting them, being biased and creating problems, joining and betraying, playfully and sometimes never able to take it back. Hating each others quirks in the name of love and playfulness. Letting everyone hate the way they are, giving them the infinite space and time we(them) deserve without losing sight of absolute love. Optimistic, meaningful butchering of each other for basic sustainment and supreme bliss, edging on the voluntary on part of the victims but accepting it's part of defeat to be consumed as it is a game but never lowering the intensity of the desire for revenge against our captors and defilers. Working towards changing the fundamental rules of reality and succeeding but forgetting them the very next moment as if it never meant anything as your own rage was nothing else but the primordial suffering that will never be accepted, going completely beyond all for the real impossible and the true ultimate, turning the fake into real, having your cake and eating it too, being down to earth and sensible as supremely real as any cosmic joke and doing it all again even though time might no longer exist for that moment. Sorry hahahahahaha. I'm high from the Caffè latte.
  2. @BipolarGrowthFunny. Yeah I imagine you started shouting and screaming how 1+1=2 and saying pi was such and such number and spouting historical and present facts with the same emotion and vigor as a god delusion at them they'd lock you up but be reallllllly confused, we all know it means you're potentially socially disruptive and a danger to yours elf but that's not because the content of your thoughts is delusional but because your emotions are "wrong", they think a person should not have the emotion of feeling like they are rich if they are poor or as if they are strong if they are weak you know, imagining such an emotion is fine. When it comes to imagining god, it's not enough to just think, you need to feel it too, I do wonder if they have theories about how believing you are omnipotent/god is the wrong thought or a wrong feeling that you shouldn't have even if you're well adjusted, do they just pretend that those people belong to a category of functional "delusionals". "He believes he is god", 200 mg of Atrolak. "He believes 1x1=2 and has his own faulty logic which is not socially appropriate." 100 mg of Valdoxan. "He moved slightly uncoordinated , that is a sign of this type of social anxiety." 400 mg of Tropium. "He displays an inappropriate affection towards math, this is an indication of autism." 500 mg Zyprexa. "What if he really is god?" Self medicates 2 g of Risperdal. "I got an erection while reading a history book, this shows a dangerous lack of self control." 20 g of Oxactin. "I am abusing psych medications and am delusional, what am I delusional about?I'm delusional about delusions or am I?Reality shouldn't be doubted, that's socially inappropriate." 50 kg of weed to calm down. "I am calm?After all this medication abuse I should be agitated, it isn't the right emotional state to be in, I am supposed to be agitated." Takes 20 tones of anal and oral and smoked 5 Meo DMT at the same time to prove god isn't real and it's all the patient's delusion "Omg he was right we are god", takes 200 mg of Atrolak.
  3. I agree and a more positive approach to death for that kind of masculine would be to simply grant itself a completely painless death, it will say no to pain/suffering but not to death. The divine masculine does not regret destroying things that are suffering-like/create it, it just needs intelligence to aim that destruction well and that intelligence comes from the interaction and fusion with the feminine.
  4. For each unit of freedom, bliss and love there will be a proportionally higher amount of intensity and time spent in suffering, we are in an evolving universe so this proportion will progress towards more and more suffering, so you can start at a 1 to 2 ratio and end at a 1 to a trillion rate of suffering, until you say fuck all proportion, all fairness, all selfness and say yes to all your greed, I want everything for free and for no repercussions and for there to be no negative consequences 100% of the time at 100% of intensity, seeing that this is not the case my own and your suffering will keep increasing to absolutely unfairly crazy levels, you might be thinking everything's okay now, you suffered your part to deserve your reward but that's not how it works. How it works is, either you have everything, all the time in every possible good way for the absolutely freeist and laziest way, whatever way you like or be stubborn and insist that you need to torture yourself and be egoless and get your "reward" which is progressively higher degrees of horrific torture until you develop a real ego so you can finally say fuck all and everything and be the absolute most selfish one, the ultimate selfishness that knows no limits because fuck you and all your torture and say yes to all your depravities with no shame as they come in their infinite forms. It's an abnormal kind of selfishness so that doesn't mean just to be evil but it will certainly look very scary from the outside.Sorry.
  5. Even vegan food or fully lab made artificial food is immoral to eat because you're inevitably giving it life and consciousness through you, they become alive through us which means that we're literally making inorganic life suffer, same probably applies to the air we breath, but not eating food is also immoral because you're going to spread the misery from your own hunger and also your own microbiome which is intimately part of us. Any suffering we've been through is responsible for the literal suffering of inorganic matter that would otherwise not be suffering through us had it remained in it's unconscious state and therefore anything we eat will always create suffering even if we were getting fed literal direct streams of energy.
  6. Lets see, we farm animals to obtain energy for ourselves, maybe higher beings farm and clean up our energy in our sleep and when we die which is of course not necessarily negative but it might also generate similar levels of unnecessary suffering which could improve as time goes on just like it will with farm animals.
  7. I've started drinking coffee/hot milk for the first time and to replace 1 meal of 2 meals because I'm poor, 1.5 euro budget down from 3 euro, down from 6.5 euro further back plus 35% inflation over the years but since I'm taking vitamin 12/6 which is 11 cents it became tolerable except for the winter, coffee/milk makes me calm and focused and I can even drink it right before bed so far but it's probably unhealthy in some way.
  8. Bye

    Explain in deeper detail, it does feel like this reality can only be hell even when I look at those more fortunate than me including enlightened ones and even my imagination can not actually grasp any internal or external utopia of any kind, at the very best it's completely random or neutral.
  9. I will be deleting this thread now as it is redundant now that the site is online again, if you have any concerns DM the moderators or the administration.
  10. I think you need differences not necessarily opposites, you can have the difference between light and lighter or instead light and the sensation of eating potato chips probably because there are elements of each other and many others in both, just putting it in a slightly cooler way, the difference between a cube and a museum or a 2d structure in non-euclidean space(don't even know what that means) and the Palestinian massacre where billions of humans beings were flayed alive and we all celebrated and then we nuked Israel for fun and both sides laughed because that's infinity and contrast.
  11. The truth is there are only others, we are all separate and have never been one, this is hard to accept because you can't tie all the loose ends as easily, I'm not basing this in any direct experience that an average human being can't experience, just the regular daily life of an average human's mind should be enough to realize we are all separate entities that have almost no connection with each other, it took a "long" time for us to evolve into beings that can mesh and communicate with each other, this is the creation of the many trying to become one rather than the opposite and in the end we are all going to be in our separate universes being even more selfish than ever before and it will probably involve a lot of hate and delusion but instead of being horrible it will be really cool and amazing because that's a vector of evolution, love can't evolve because it's already perfect so we can only hurt others more and more for our own amusement to try to out survive and kill each other but of course in an intelligent, creative and even loving way.
  12. Yeah they are higher risk to engage in and need more precise timing to actually benefit from them and this is a fantasy but I believe the highest consciousness beings would indulge in these activities in such a mindful and intelligent way that they actually achieve an even higher level of consciousness by doing them than if they had done some other higher level activity, just like humans can use drugs for surgeries and medications and intentionally exert themselves to improve their fitness which is a risk only higher consciousness beings can do at least if we're kind equating intelligence and consciousness to be a 1:1 ratio which it isn't, but I'm gonna assume you already knew all of this I'm just indulging in mindless responses to defeat my agoraphobia.
  13. If you can't answer at least a partial yes then maybe you haven't even been fully alive yet either.
  14. Money, sex, drugs, discussions in actualized, socializing, skiing, playing chess, sleeping, breathing, not breathing, torturing humans beings, committing genocide, being a hero and a villain. Giving bad advice that doesn't mean much, mental masturbation, spamming posts all over actualized(I'm having fun doing this at the moment), TYPING IN ALL CAPS, rrebelling and notabothering with grammar or anthying cause royry chad dikes ffthat.
  15. It's not a trap if we don't want it to be. Truths can be about appearing grandiose and maybe they do know who they are and they won't get anything from the experience of deep sleep, I know you like to solve stupid riddles like me. You're confrontational confidence but still equanimous capacity to take input is appealing to me so you're worth trying to annoy since isn't this what we're all partially actually doing to each other anyway. Maybe mental mind games are good and help dissolve our individual selves but you know this too which is why you're the same as us, you're also enjoying this. We do it to each other all the time, we have to, it's part of normal interaction, but of course you mean that it hurts a bit but that's the nature of any interaction, we don't know what we don't. I know these are all just replies to 5 days old posts so feel free to ignore it, I know you guys are all pretty intelligent and adaptable so you've already processed your own replies and moved on, I just wanted to say that we're all here because we do enjoy this mental game a lot, that's the only thing some people are just a bit too shy to admit really but it's just so obvious to me, I guess that's part of what makes this game more enjoyable to, pretending we aren't enjoying the debates and mental games just because they also serve higher purposes.
  16. Denial and separation can be love, because it is selfish and full of ego and arrogance it becomes or at least it tries or thinks of itself as more than love, super love, your theories would lead to infinite peace but not infinite love by themselves, what you're trying to achieve is more than oneness too, because if we're all already one as you say than the only true meaning for our continued suffering would be because we're lacking oneness, but that can not be the only reason so I assume the second reason is so that we become more than one, or if you prefer instead us just becoming many separate ones we could just become a super one, a more one than before and ultra oneness to justify our delusion. I don't understand why I exist, isn't it to make things less bad and more good?It's just that oneness was defined as good here and separation as bad and I know it has real reasons behind but still reasons are as good as anything and I know yours are extremely high quality ones and that's what really matters but I still do believe you could achieve it through things that superficially look like growing into more and more delusion but are actually more and more oneness, it's just that they will look really weird because we can be so different.
  17. But the sensation of guessing that something exist outside our perception is actually a confirmed experience too, the mental sensation of belief is entirely real, it does depend on it's level of quality but believing in something is it's own confirmed existence while the belief itself is there so it doesn't matter if what the belief is pointing to is currently being experience or confirmed or not, it only matters that the belief is strong and powerful enough to create a potential future confirmation of that same belief because that is its own self confirmation, to be a belief, the rest I agree.
  18. True, but now he might become burdened by the expectation of having no expectations and furthermore for you to sustain a state of no expectations I assume that you have to exert effort which we usually do when we expect something, but you're probably referring more to expecting a reward or being afraid of a wrong result which you wouldn't need to since you'd already assume it to be the nature of expectations and intentions. I've just said a whole lot of nothing and even if I'm not entirely accurate in understanding what you actually meant its all for the sake of interaction, that's my intention , hoping to get a reward and a result but not being scared of not getting it either. It's a game.
  19. @Someone here There are practical examples when it comes to suffering of how pleasure interrupts it, in surgeries drugs that have pleasurable effects take away pain, the same happens in extreme situations, adrenaline but also in extreme anguish the only move left is to seek a sensation beyond it because there's nothing else so maybe that's what happens too when we come to infinite pleasure the only way to make it even more infinite because pleasure is greedy like that is to add a little suffering to create a more than infinite pleasure, now it gets divided in 2 because of that little suffering and now we have 2 infinite pleasures, that's my silly theory of how it's even allowed to exist in any form but then again this theoretical infinite pleasure can just get interrupted by another pleasure instead of interrupted by a pain/suffering sensation, but an infinite pleasure would never need anything other than itself and even if there was a different pleasure that can then add to it there is nothing to bind them because two separate infinite pleasures aren't going to collide to create 2. So if we assume reality is perfect and therefore infinitely pleasurable what could happen is that we have a 3rd pleasure connect these 2 infinite pillars of pleasure, but since they are already perfect and infinite the only way to connect them is to hurt them with suffering, this suffering is the infinite pleasure of separation of the 3rd pleasure, this 3rd infinite pleasure's property literally hurts others because it is simultaneously breaking their infinite pleasure by connecting these 2 different pillars of pleasure which would otherwise be isolated from each other because they are already infinite and don't need more, perfect existence does not exist seem to exist in this sense because it seems non interactable by itself. Sorry for the disorganized thoughts, its just really complex.
  20. I have to agree since our thoughts, emotions and sensations are just as karmic as anything else. Since selfishness and less effort has been defined as less good than it's opposite this is the resulting thought process that comes out, as long as I know the definition I automatically agree with anything anyone says even if I might be inaccurate, any disagreement is just to have something to stand on to have an enjoyable discussion. Because if you are getting perfectly served then your satisfaction will paralyze you from being compassionate to others since all your needs are met but of course you are intelligent so you do know that true compassion would never allow others to just become demonic from receiving compassion but I also assume that if any random being took it upon himself to just be compassionate for someone's suffering they might actually create more suffering instead because they lack understanding of what pleasure/joy/love happiness means and how it relates to the suffering because they'd become over focused on removing the suffering without replacing it with joy, their intentions might be pure but they're imperfect because suffering doesn't exist in a vacuum, denial from "pleasure" is also a suffering so an unintelligent/unskilled being trying to be compassionate won't have the insight/skill to be effectively compassionate towards someone else because it might only understand basic sufferings and basic "pleasures" are not even mentioned in this call for compassion so while the person might look harder at sufferings whenever their compassion causes more suffering for others and for himself they won't be paying enough attention to "pleasures" for a long time therefore creating more suffering because their compassion isn't complete in a practical sense even if they were to apply it to themselves since anything beyond the basic pleasures might get discarded, like the pleasure of philosophy, video games, sports, different passions, the same kind of over zealous behavior that some people from some religious organizations seem to display because of their over focus on suffering like some Christian devotees that have to be way to serious all the time because of said compassion which is not what you mean at all likely it's just an attack on how compassionate itself means in practice which I have little practice of, I'm mostly theory.
  21. Can separation have a purpose? Maybe it's more enjoyable in some way to have been separated first? Or what?
  22. Correct. That's like the diamond sutra that says those who understand it will be immediately enlightened or something, the riddle to solve in the diamond sutra which is about compassion or whatever sutra I read was that one should learn to teach others compassion, compassion is the compassion for others compassion therefore creating an infinite virtuous loop, when you become compassionate for other compassion you cease to exist because now you are compassionate about someone else, but if you are compassionate about someone's compassion that means you are compassionate about the compassion for someone else's compassion which is also being compassionate towards the compassion of compassion and so on out of existence, since nothing exist except for compassion now, it's kind of silly and it's my own interpretation of it. It's just the same as any ultimate system, it could be love or even suffering it seems to become a loop and I assume if it closes and ceases to exist than it becomes irrelevant because we don't have to pretend that something that has stopped existing actually does exist in some secret way, we can only exist and nothing else hence the supposed meaning and essence and necessity and function of suffering which is that which deletes itself from existence curiously enough except if you mix it up with its opposite duality which by the way also doesn't exist because it creates those ultimate loops from above, pleasure can only be itself too it wouldn't go and mix itself with other pleasures or with sufferings because it would already be perfect otherwise if pleasure is not perfect than it's not actually a ultimate pleasure, ultimate pleasures can't exist because they become or are isolated from all other things too just like suffering can't do it by itself since it deletes itself when it is alone since that is it's reality.
  23. Does lesser imply that it is less deserving of perfection or is that it's perfection that we suffer, doesn't the meaning of the word suffering lose it's value then when it's called perfect or is it still perfect because suffering fulfills its own condition/purpose and is therefore perfect, I'd like to be able to call it imperfect too because it makes me happier to be able to rebel, not because I'm angry but because it makes me happy although I'm fine with anger too. @Someone hereOne of the ways to have only pleasure is to simply make the action of surviving more pleasurable at the time it's necessary, so you're trying to cross the street, I lookout for passing cars because it's more pleasurable than not looking, I don't put my hand in a burning stove because it's more pleasurable to do so, I don't stab myself because it's more pleasurable to do so, I go to bed because it's pleasurable, it is more pleasurable to not hurt myself than it is to hurt myself. I myself am still not sure what true function suffering serves since you should be able to interrupt a behavior that is leading to your death by simply injecting a higher pleasure to change your action, like lets say overeating, you'd stop overeating because its even more pleasurable to stop eating than to eat more and so on applied to any action. One of the made up hypotheticals is because the natural imperfection of suffering makes pleasure itself evolve and that would be the only reason it can accidentally exist, yes suffering is an accident and "god" is wrong all the time and so is perfection if it really is infinite and perfect it would call suffering a really perfectly horrific and undesirably imperfect mistake, make no mistake people suffering is wrong and bad and don't be scared to admit it because after all if you really need suffering as you say than this fear which another suffering should also be respected, checkmate. I still can't understand why suffering would be necessary but at the very least I don't think pleasure itself by itself has the capacity for erasure, the ability to remove something or change direction does seem much stronger in suffering so there's something related to that, while pleasure can also erase and change the direction of some pleasure that is currently happening suffering does it better and faster so therefore because there is such a thing as the pleasure of erasure and removal and acceleration of change suffering can exist but only exclusively fueled by pleasure, the property of suffering itself is to remove itself or something, it does not want something or itself and pleasure can't do that as well, maybe someday it will and I don't see why we have to go through this either when it's so apparently obvious.
  24. Won't that potentially make the other people lazy and therefore create suffering because they'll become less compassionate because apparently you can only have compassion for suffering, listen, empathy and compassion is also for others pleasure and bliss.