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Everything posted by seriousman24

  1. I agree my view on this is that those who became mad through real suffering either take revenge or refuse to escape the 3d world and instead transcend it while within it as to actually truly understand it from this particular position; so of course by definition of the difficulty of such a suffering the masters that ascend first came and/or go somewhere else spiritually speaking; that is, their suffering is not so much our own it might have been something imaginary or they just didn't have to suffer because you don't have to. Not suffering is the best but that will mean you will discount mundane reality as only imaginary and not both like me for example;there are people who will have suffered even more than me in a 3d type trivial way so their field of reality will be more in direct parallel type world (maybe that's how psychopath elites are formed through successive slow torturous reincarnation and then pure revenge); there's this dichotomy of true power through total domination, ascension can happen from any position, it is only not understood because we are social creatures but we have dominated the inferior species so to speak, in other words if a psychopath completely dominates other humans there is literally no difference from what you and me are benefiting from right now, they will get their dominance and "evil" will be enlightened as it is and perfectly and just as ultimate if not more if you want to add any other element. Also assuming pain is what somehow creates the self recursive conscious imagination of reality. In the end or from the start or whatever it can be all a story/game for fun.It can be some straight up non imaginary type reality though and still enlightenment.Like non infinite enlightenment or enlightenment through literally torturing kids and having pleasure through it.I'm utterly unhinged in my thought process/imagination so please bear with me even here I can only expose 15% of me everyone is too sensitive for real freedom even on this forum it feels like some idiotic anti love prison which is also part of the game and perfectly understandable and even reasonable I just want it my way lol.
  2. Somehow I have a feeling that it's almost radical to say you should hate the experience of hate/pain when you are indeed actually hating it. The sequence of words isn't epic or complex enough or doesn't appeal or stimulate you enough I understand we're all humans I'm exactly the same. For me simply holding hate/dislike for something is enough to trigger an internal automatic reaction that errs on the side of effectively integrating it in the interdependent organization of the individual/universe by just simply having it internally automatically arranged in a similar way to pleasantly tasting your favorite food and consciously tuning out and/or noticing that tuning out of slight unpleasantness in the taste of the food are happening which optimizes said taste which only got optimized by you disliking and separating yourself from that very slightly unpleasant sensation or has in any other mundane experience.The taste doesn't get better because of contrast it gets worse and something that's worse is pushed away by self definition of it being worse and we liking better things it's that simplistic;this is mostly the useful starting interpretation for small or maybe near ultimate things(might just be a scale thing). We usually don't intentionally create our suffering but we can avoid it. Too many people failed to notice important details in small things because bigger experiences are simultaneously easier to get engrossed in but harder to intellectually process in a mathematical reductions type way through a memory tho probably more useful as a trigger for major overhauls; anyway I digressed too much from my initial intention so I'm leaving(I almost hate myself for exposing myself so much but it has been cathartic).
  3. The ideal and probable reality is that when you really reach a ultimate state your past or structure gets fully rewritten so that you simultaneously suffered and got permanently scared for it but actually have no scars in the present moment/structure.It's like the equilibrium of physics.
  4. If you had the power to successfully carry out your obsession in a perfect way you'd also be fine but you wouldn't have interpreted it as surrendering you'd have moved on and let it go (just like surrender). If you were drinking a glass of water because you were thirsty you wouldn't just later on describe that you could have just surrendered to the thirst and somehow not be thirsty and therefore not need to drink. This does not mean that your wrong about this it means that you are right about everything the bigger thing is this fling between you right now and the multiple images of what your perfect ideal and less ideal selves could have taken or might take in the future interrupts/distracts you from actually surrendering to whatever moment you happen to be or will be in or even where; Surrendering also means partaking in the ego fully(this is useful to me you can stay with your own meaning); the relative meanings/feeling of our stories and words are useful for interaction with others and to develop strong internal stories (which can be very interesting and beautiful and useful in their intricacy) but I personally believe absolute surrender at the level of maintaining a somewhat cohesive mind is possible by just intentionally flipping the meaning and feeling of every single word and perception into every other word and perception purely for fun or to induce pure schizophrenic horror and creativity on yourself. Love seems to be the prevailing truth around here so technically in an ideal universe we would be able to be total psychopathic monsters just like the type that already exists and everyone hates and still love everything about ourselves and our relationship to the world; of course I flip and super impose everything for fun so I also hate them in a way that makes me ONLY feel love and results only in love; I've only been able to recently communicate some of my true negative schizophrenic past(from my own present point of view of my past isolated from this future/present self) after gaining more of an ego so I just wanted to really underline the reality that there are types of people that also start out on a logical type intellectual yellow/orange sort of type spiritual/science path but their own internal system unironically functions through an exaggerated over reward type system(like most children or our reaction to new experiences sometimes) even into adulthood due to either being misfit to this over stimulation of information or any other excuse, there are people that primarily already work through mostly "love"(over dopamine supply) believe me which is why this bizarre confusion and of course most people don't get it because they actually work primarily through hate so they eventually learn they need love it's really extremely sick because I needed to be able to hate and in a specially complex/intricate way that most others somehow have already automatically built in for them(not love tho strangely;I guess it's a % thing that matters when we're underdeveloped); anyway enough for now I'm clearly not helping in my own personal understanding of what might even help you.I'm slightly sorry for disrespecting you and the other lurkers who might come about(I know some rare types should enjoy crazy ramblings since it's likely there are more people like me here). I'll try to be more reserved with my "outbursts".
  5. The experience and of pain/suffering can be retroactively justified (after we are out if it) as teaching us that's it's okay to hate/dislike/separate yourself from something, that's it's fine and good to run away from something you don't like, that it's okay to have dislikes, and specially that there is a part of reality where something can only be disliked, even if you think you've "evolved" when you started enjoying your healthy vegetables as an adult that type of evolution might just lead you to thinking hurting yourself in a way that makes you personally and unequivocally feel bad is somehow good, this being perpetuated by almost any and all communities of every stage with the concepts of self sacrifice, endurance, selflessness, non ego, ego,etc. Pain is bad because it's bad; pleasure is good because it's good when you reduce it to it's purest fundamentals; it's like a basic unit of language when stripped out of external details/entanglement, a recursive/redundant/tautology, I personally got stuck on trying to find something more fundamental but at some point I had to stop because I had to hold all this pain/pleasure memories inside of me; maybe it's because time/mind exists which means boundaries; in the end language,identity,specificity seems to exist regardless and by definition of something rather than nothing it needs an "address" or ego or coordinate so having a specifically defined boundary is what reflects/ricochets the mutual interdependent existence of "others"; language/etc; in this case pain being a specific neuronal language if you want to use this identifier as such (any identifier/word works as long as the relative pattern of meaning between words serves it's function); people aren't feeling experiences directly they're only looking at it like a pretend god so they can have fun bouncing concepts at one another as a social game (just an observation since I enjoy doing it). Anyway sorry for this unedited mess I know I'll mess myself up instead if I try to fix it for others; what I meant is that you can look at baser feelings of pure pain/pleasure as just that directly as if it's the simplest personal language, the confusion is when it's mixed you might not know what to do or not do, again personally I used to be all about full acceptance/love and I know it can work like that in the ultimate ideal(exchanging what would normally be an experience of pain for pleasure like getting run over) but ironically enough it seems as if I wasn't accepting time as real/useful or linear thinking/order as useful I was trying to bypass something and that something was actually just denial/hate/dislike/etc, you can pleasurably hold hate/dislike just as any tool that you are allowed to use, I mean that's self love right, you don't hold it so that it goes away you hold it so that you can actually hate/dislike something; it's just that the pattern of hate/dislike can need precision or it can spill over yourself and you get hurt; I completely bamboozled myself with all these concepts of pure love/non duality/no thinking/pure feeling/law of attraction and while for the most part I loved and understood others hate/dislike I didn't really because I couldn't accept my own hate because I couldn't control it, now that I've become capable of intentionally disliking something I have more control and hence less fear/pain; in other words because I do hate things I feel more love; it doesn't just exist as a bench or something low just so that something higher like love can exist or just as a part it can be it's own thing too that's what love really means; my hate doesn't hurt me or anyone for the most part; it's part of a boundary that I think specifically creates the experience of "others" rather than some stupid contrast bullshit; it's not that you can only communicate what you like by telling others what you don't, it is specifically and directly the fact that hate/fear/rage/shame/guilt and whatever are directly amazing; the reason they might not look like it for most people is because the simpler the boundary or internal unit of language the more it will get mixed and you will lose your boundary that allows you to exist at the same time as others if you actually lost yourself to some kind of mad reclusive personal indulgence or external creation of these feeling in others like you can observe in psychopathic type individuals; essentially hate/fear/rage/shame/guilt/etc can be conceptually bad but should also be directly pleasurable so that your actually internal understanding of it can actually function optimally at a neurological level if you want to put it that way; if you are only capable of distancing yourself from bad things you will come to infinite pain sooner or late and if the only thing you are capable of is directly turning it into pleasure you either directly die into personal love where "others' and boundaries would disappear or again you would turn into a psychopath. Why do you think that you feel fear when supposedly surrendering it's because there is definitely something that is nothing else but 100% bad in it; it's because people's intelligence is detached from their energy that they attack themselves; we hurt ourselves in the name of the systems we built because the point of this particular existence is actually ego, the finite, others; the state of full love as a human is intimately tied to our social survival but doesn't mean that it's bad or good, simply that it is a boundary; it's not just humans that have ego, ego just means definition.Imagine if we didn't come already prepacked with the patterns of a human; how would we reach the same level with just pleasure/pain as signals in an empty universe without even time. Anyway sorry again for my lengthy pure regurgitation type posts but that was quite the load off myself somehow thank you all for triggering me lol just feel the vibe out or something don't hurt yourself with my bullshit if it's too much.
  6. Actually I believe everyone needs to learn to be a real devil at least through your imagination or thought as an experiment maybe to purge maybe to find something new; We need to learn to be evil in a perfect way(you don't have to hurt yourself or others) not just as an excuse to escape and transform it; Maybe dark enlightenment is a useful perspective. You hate pain that means you don't like it that means you want to destroy it but you can't because everything is "love". We should decide to accept that pain hurts and we don't like it and that that is a desire that we selfishly desire/need even if you had to literally torture every single other being for eternity to save yourself; THAT is true love and it's what pain tries to tell us at a fundamental level; Feel free to destroy/kill/cripple all things/anything at all levels of existence if really needed; it isn't only those of us who are at their lowest that deserve the love that allows us to be unhinged at least for the sake of unlocking our full intensity; we gate keep ourselves out of much by withholding our natural negative life forces as lower vibration or looking at them as mere dirt to be transformed as fast as possible. Anyway I can't help you either but I wanted to post because I resonated with you the most out of anyone in a very long time although I don't even care at this point; love that hate you have for pain by directly hating it if that's even something that makes sense; regardless things do seem to be a lottery or at the very least "we" or at least me in particular am a "new" being under the illusion of time/or something else It's like when you do physical catharsis and you cry and you look ugly and full of snot and awkward doing all kinds of exercises but when it's more mental/imaginary we gate keep ourselves from being evil; but being evil is natural so how can we be enlightened without being evil; because it looks like we're just trying to transform ourselves away from the scariest possibilities, which is fine but just wondering. Anyway thank you for reading.
  7. @datamonster Don't worry they have infinite money anyway.
  8. Red:music you quite never got the appeal of Blue:what you're personally afraid off Orange: something you used to like Green: something you enjoy when you're feeling good/in the mood Yellow: music you think most people don't get Turquise: you don't actually love music just poking fun at it hope you don't mind it's all within my personal biases just bantering for personal amusement we better stop before leo strikes us with the love hammer
  9. If you accept the existence of "others" then others must also be subject to the passive reactive sensory imaginative reception of all sensations so technically for you to imagine really hardcore stuff like phasing through a wall you might have to hack those very fundamentals that connect every life form you know since they are also unconsciously letting the physical stability of the world use their imagination as a resource to keep it going; maybe it's a fight of imagination(through love or playfulness changing or weaving/adding your own imagination to the already established fundamental biologically imagination of physical stability that less sentient matter is reverse projecting on us through consciousness in a perfectly synchronized way since we "imagine" to have non sentient patterns of matter on us which is our physical bodies by nature of having sense organs that are "imagining" things for us);you'd have to do it by yourself with no support in an entire new universe, maybe this human reality can just be seen as a template for us to become willing creators.Thank you for reading my word salad haha.
  10. I give S+ to every single one of you; every single one of you are right at every possible level. The energy raised from a "confrontation/interaction" has inherent worth in it.
  11. Oh my god I'm stage orange what do I do!?
  12. Let me start of by mentioning that I'm a lower form of life aka stage orange so I can't be responsible for what I'm typing You can just ignore all concepts and all patterns of physical reality and replace them with the inner abstraction of pleasure and pain; just make being murdered pleasurable in all it's complex dimensional detail(physical/mental/emotional) and murdering pleasurable. I will leave the feasibility/stability/logic of it for you to figure out, one of the questions I always asked myself was if it was possible for sentience to act the exact same way if all pain was replaced with different shades of pleasure since it sounds like a nice design but yeah I guess it really is all a spiral, it's scary how it goes on for infinity anything can be broken at any level Murder and being murdered should be fun but I guess it isn't because there really are reasons if you wanna call it that; it might not be possible to have this much diversity of "others" if it was majorly just shades of pleasure driving our actions instead of pain which seems more "defined"; what would sentience be like in a dimension with only pleasure versus one with only pain is that even possible; it seems like a sentience submerged in a pleasure realm might instantly lose consciousness and therefore be forced to awake in a less pleasurable one while the pain one wouldn't be even able to exist physically for a single moment; anyway I'm really sorry for the disjointed thoughts I'll stop here
  13. Hate them in a way that is internally positive for you or only externally express in way that's useful for you to perhaps gain some space or whatever need specially if you are in pain; in fact hate the whole world hate everything in it's full glorious rage feel it's extreme fury and perhaps even beauty; yes!fury, hate, greed and all bad "ego" things can be great for creating a useful distance or boundary between you and the world, separation is good and just another ingredient of existence; feeling like it's you against the whole world is also great; you might find that if you to hate everything including yourself for long and intense enough something else might start to arise within that hate; something that isn't fake and forced; a genuine feeling of hate and any other negative emotion is infinitely more important and useful than phony and fake and forced positive emotions that both the spiritual and normal community at large seem to try to force on each other only loving as a mechanism to turn evil into good; only loving to turn hate into love, that is fake love UNLESS it's a love that HATES hate only then is it real only those who can genuinely hate and be evil can be complete.
  14. What is his diet; I'm curious since he can't eat I think this can always be improved upon unless it's more hardcore than that and he has to be fed through serum; simple and habitually known stuff in the self improvement communities like vegan/carnivore/keto(therapeutic and more extreme keto for nerve regeneration) a possibly vitamin D K2(mk4/mk7) super high supplement which reduced arterial calcification by 40% according to a japanese study just thinking of things that might help someone who can't move at all feel lighter; does he get the proper amount of sun exposure? maybe try some light fasting here and there? Here's one study: K2 MK-7 and the Activation of Osteocalcin and,regulates calcium in the body. You can also else get mk4/7 from fermented foods like natto and very specific types of cheese and goose liver; might be harder to find and more expensive than a supplement though.
  15. A lot of the time it's about doing much less and removing things whatever their beneficial appearance as an experiment; might be the case that too much is being done and not enough of the old is being removed/adjusted.
  16. I suspect this is actually the case; you just need to mix infinite intelligence with infinite love and you will see the possibility of that reality. Just as in a video game killing another player is just a fun game; so it's from this kind of perspective where everything morphs into something beautiful. I'm a yogurtarian/milk kefirian/eggarian for the most part myself in the last months with some small amounts of meat every other week.
  17. Hello friends o/! I have a problem; recently I replaced my broken mouse with a new one and it turns out it stops at random every 20 or 40 seconds or so and this is deeply disturbing; I thought I was enlightened but now I'm not so sure since the mouse stopping makes me feel frustrated. Any advice?How can I renlighten myself while being under such pressure.
  18. My personal anecdotal experience from my entire life is that fear is just another form of pain; a really slippery and enduring one and I want to add that pain itself is what might have to go; personally I used to just make something intentionally more painful to try to find it and drive it away; this resulted in a totally hellish existence for most of my life from which I'm still damaged. Only pleasure/pain or whatever higher(love)/lower(fear) form you call it has ever felt real or navigable for me(after escaping this disease) so I just follow what makes me feel the most pleasure and deny the pain no matter what I'm thinking/feeling or whatever system I was embedded in my own head 20 seconds ago, on the other hand I'll immediately bounce back to any old system if it makes me feel more pleasure/less pain; I apply this at all levels(meta/material) I do my outmost to function like the most mindless/lowest form of consciousness and it seems to be working for me at the moment probably because it's quite effective at balancing your lower chakras if you want to call it that. Might only be possible because I have the background going full on into something that's psychologically/emotionally painful but I just choose to simultaneously act out within that pain in the most hedonistic/greedy/selfserving/non selfless/hateful/selfspiteful/egoful way I can muster within myself; all these "weak pains" I self inflict help me triangulate other pains that need to be cleared since they do seem to have been largely affected by insanely unstable "higher" thought patterns running at full speed for a very long time(namely through extraordinary effort trying to understand the entirity of reality mostly through the mental dimension). Anyway I completely lost track of where I was going with all of this so please forgive and feel free to skip ahead I'm still posting for my own selfish reason of letting it out around one of the only places in the entire realm of human consciousness that I can actually connect to. I love you guys and sorry lol.
  19. @RoerAmit It will help you to be aware of this diet if you aren't yet.Exercise is just 20 % of the equation according to him.