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Everything posted by seriousman24

  1. Would having a speech censoring feature that you can turn off if you want be okay?Then you can have both groups satisfied.Maybe exclude minors to protect them.
  2. Just in case have you tried keto/carnivore diets, fasting and vitamin b1 and synthetic b1(benfotiamine) and b12(b12 methylcobalamin specificaly) and zinc carnosine, bile salts too maybe? I suggest first doing absolutely everything you can on the physical side. I'm biased in favor of dr berg because his videos helped me alot but most of all you can find alot of people discussing the same health problems on his comment sections which helps alot: I also like Dr. Sten Ekberg, don't forget to check the comments for support:
  3. Well guys lets loop back to love again, the manifestation of the possible(which includes the impossible) and the removal of the impossible(which includes removing what is possible), we are that which transcends all impossibles and possibles in my imagination of course.
  4. Suffering would never allow more suffering to exist, only love can do that, it is the function of suffering to not exist or to exist only in the past or in the future, but as we can see suffering exists in the present, that is because love is capable of loving more than itself so it loves suffering, when it loves 1 suffering it stops suffering because the purpose/function the very sensation and everything around suffering means "to not exist, to wish that it ends, to have never even existed in the first place and so on", so if you're suffering you can blame love but then you get confused because love doesn't hurt, love is always infinite(ultimate love), with suffering it becomes finite(love+suffering), so I blame neither love nor suffering I blame time itself, time is what allows for both love and suffering to get attached to something that isn't anything by itself which is the material universe, if we had only love we would be timeless(has to be endless/etc), if we had only suffering there wouldn't be any time(has to end as fast as possible/etc), having both seems to be what allows time which I think is what allows or is big part of what allows duality, me and other to actually exist, with me and other being indeed one of the weirdest things, same as existing versus non existing which I conjecture to be love and suffering(finished) respectively, I guess the "universe" is time, suffering, love and space(materialized nothingness?) put together to see what happens if you want. It's weird because I can see how suffering needs love but it's harder to see the opposite, I do see it here and there, I think suffering creates more infinity, it creates the impossible, it's the catalyst of the impossible, maybe.
  5. As far as I think I've understood so far @Chrisd it's as simple as because us,we,life,death you and I don't want even a temporary hell.
  6. People in places with little moderation like 4chan are way more pessimistic so that's their actual bias, I'd say it's incredibly superior energy intensity wise for discussion but it drives more optimistic people out so it fails, we do need more forums or chats with anonymous features I don't know why nobody tried, so it fails because you don't have everyone participate in it same as places with more moderattion, pessimistic people are afraid of being ostracized for their negativity, they themselves might not know it and neither do the optimists but that's where I see the divide, moderating negativity or positivity out severely cuts of basically everything, it's much slower and less creative like this that's why the coolest and highest works of art have both.
  7. Bufotenin (5-HO-DMT) dunno if it's relevant
  8. I'd really like to know too.
  9. The times around the full and new moon have a strong effect so that's easy to notice, just pull up the dates and see how different it feels in and outside those periods.
  10. Only thing I can say is, that's genuinely really inspiring to read.
  11. And energy transmissions from "gods" and enlightened beings.
  12. And ego can be viewed as the wonder of form/shape and infinite limits.
  13. Osho also said tantra=conscious indulgence(pleasure) yoga=conscious supression(removal of suffering) in Vigyan_Bhairav_Tantra(there're 2 different free lecture transcripts in pdf forms on the 112 tantra/energy techniques) In the end of each path they converge because there's an element of pleasure in the removal of suffering/solving a problem and an element of relief/catharsis in indirectly/creatively dealing with suffering by intentionally searching for another pleasure that will indirectly/naturally solve suffering. Tantra is meant to be personal so getting real info on it is naturally difficult and because almost every spiritual generalization is sadly about removal of suffering and rarely about indulgence, incidentally psychedelic's tend to be more tantra oriented but then you come out with yogic like explanations with the major exception of leo who actually correctly empathizes love. People are horribly confused about what pleasure is, extremely so, even here where chemical assistance is encouraged, we are naturally confused because perfect pleasure(or love) seems to necessitate "solved suffering" as a platform of which our physical body already as multiple loops of through natural survival processes, thing like digestion look trivial, supposedly come from solved "loops" from earlier universes according to yoga but just because they are survival processes does not mean that their purpose is to protect you from suffering, these processes are to facilitate communication between beings through the common grounds of shared experiences of the physical loops of pleasure that we share, then the only positive love based explanation of others is that solved uniqueness adds additional pleasures/love to the already impossible. Different would be "pains/pleasures/uniqueness" of each individual being coalesce into higher orders of love through the loops that the physical body facilitates by forcing/funelling each one of us into being in cooperative creation using the survival mechanisms as the common factor which is always primarily pleasure not pain/suffering. Makes me think of a forgiving view that it's not just some evil ego that makes us suffer but it's actually also our temporarily disharmonized pleasure that each unique being bring into the universe accidentally hitting one another because neither pleasure or pain can exist by themselves they need each other, so just to not keep this too long I want to people to understand what the ideal perfect pleasure really is rather than the super demonization of it, it's really silly, we all pay too much attention to suffering, we understand even physical suffering somewhat deeply but not pleasure, it's so demonized. This is coming from my personal extreme investment in solving suffering and seeing how my obsession with solving it reached a hardcore limit of which the only possibility was to start exploring pleasure, with my choices being limited to internet activities and food, quite the limited set that through idiotically extreme and unnecessarily painful effort made me understand that intelligent indulgent pleasure is necessary, because I know people have all sorts of intelligent complex personal and generalized mental suffering removal techniques and copes but the pleasure side of techniques is extremely underdeveloped because of course pleasure is "shameful" and honestly I think the main reason I'm able to achieve what I think is a more correct distinction of what pleasure really is is because I got a direct "awakening/realization" of what perfect "non suffering" is before puberty which made me extremely relaxed and open to the intelligence of personal innocent pleasure before the confusion of interpersonal pleasure of emotions/sexuality was present, so all I want to say pleasure is severally underestimated, how it's mechanics function in the body and how it relates to our survival and to our creativity and to love, please stop unconsciously demonizing it and desires too, stop viewing desires like some evil that as to be removed, do feel free to manipulate it to further understand it but know you can be intelligent about pleasure itself, it's a bit hard to come with examples of techniques, tantra techniques tend to be examples of pleasure techniques that use the body up to a certain level to transcend both pleasure and pain, with pleasure you don't just surrender after all suffering as been solved you can rejoice directly in the dance in a direct casual way like with socializing like I'm doing here, you guys are helping me solve my shame of having to depend on others just by the higher level of understanding that I perceive you to have, that is my priority isn't solving shame it's ehancing pleasure, the excitement of breaking free NOT because of suffering but because of love, I make sure to memorize the physical sensations of what one would think doesn't have a physical correlation but does have when you make it so, like when a master perfects a craft like tennis or chess, I don't silence my mind just to minimize suffering, I silence it specifically to reach higher levels of mental/physical pleasure, if you only remove suffering you'll lack energy, perfect non suffering isn't ultimate love, it as to be ultimate pleasure, all evils and shame and guilts will have to be ultimatized both as they are and as their implied harmonization. I apologize for my somewhat disjointed ramblings as usual, thankfully I've come to understand you guys are really nice so I don't feel as guilty as before.
  14. Prioritize all physical health related strategies before you go for any psychological ones, because you were fine before and now you aren't so even if there was a psychological trigger behind all of this the best solution is a physical one, I believe that sometimes it's because your energy has become too much for just your body to handle, I know there's yoga for that but easiest thing to change is diet, I'm only here to provide anecdotal advice based on my life, so uuh that kind of sounds like nerve weakness so I dunno what you eat but for me I only started resuscitating from catatonic schizophrenia(the "worst" psychosomatic psychiatric "disorder") once I started on keto and later on I found out eating pork(ribs had the most effect) restored my nerves and calmness, I backtracked on the research I had studied so far and vitamin b1 seemed to be lacking which pork has alot of, of course other foods have lots of b1 too but somehow it didn't have anywhere near the necessary impact that solving it's deficiency is described to have, so to confirm if b1 was really what was having this immense restorative effect I order some benfotiamine(higher absortion b1) and it worked miracles on me, going to try water soluble b1 too, maybe your energies need more of certain foods now than before, maybe you need to update your body somehow, try high doses of b1 or b12 or b vitamins, they help nerve methylation, I have yet to try b12 since I'm relatively poor but it could work, remember with vitamins and supplements you need the right versions for you, some people report benfotiamine not doing much for them(?) but normal b1 one in high doses does, on activated b12 used for rheumatoid arthritis/neuropathy just like b1 is used for); luckily you are both wealthy and early on the problem so good luck, just remember first exhaust all physical options, sorry for my horrible mental schizobabble and text format but I forgot to mention try some vitamin d/k2 maybe magnesium(I'm too poor to get the best versions so dunno), since it also helped abit(I take it off and on since it causes a burning sensation that's actually helpful in controlled amounts).
  15. Being in fear but not in suffering, hating others without hurting anyone, creating through destruction, being attached to your body with no pain yet be fully alive just like children or teens can be, being attached to your thoughts without them hurting you or anything, I don't want to go too far because it's ban'able but yeah I think because so many spiritualists either seem to rely on drugs or rely on old traditions they have never understood creativity, they're using the term imagination as actually unmagination which is cool but of course they are scared of real imagination which creativity is because they could create new horrors, I believe one part of the endgame of this reality is to truly incorporate this, aka real love through real contradiction and real paradox, I'm childish so I'm just expressing my disappointment at how love is used to actually mean escape through transformation of evil(which is one good way) rather than the type of creativity I'm pointing at which would actually fully embody it, so tldr suffering without suffering and if you want real madness suffering through bliss(don't go there), pain is pain so you don't need to go there.
  16. Raping someone isn't wrong in the sense that you can only know if someone else is going through suffering if you can somehow simulate and rearrange someone's else's state through your empathy to put themselves in their shoes and EVEN then perhaps you've already perfected the art of getting unfair suffering inflicted on yourself and now that you've become or are immune it's your turn to inflict on some other thing not to mention for all we know the other person's screams of agony are actually screams of pleasure how would we know, why is it assumed that a scream is necessarily pain, only thing we can do is assume and imagine the other is real and not commit "sins" but that clearly isn't ultimate freedom, ultimate freedom would allow inflicting pain on others and close to ultimate freedom or I call it composite freedom allow for the type of possibilities where you are inflicting pain on someone else and such a person is acting in the way normal humans do and you yourself do when you suffer and YET the more pain you "intend" to inflict the more pleasure you are actually causing without EVEN changing the direct mechanical/physical effect of your actions and YET with zero suffering just like in a video game, it might be the case already which then would mean that as long as we perfect ultimate freedom can retroactively be rewritten to have indeed always been perfect WITHOUT HAVING to change anything except your inner sense which includes your imagination of someone else's inner sense(where suffering and pleasure are auto switched) and the only thing that we are evolving here at a "universal being" level is one or three fundamentals, definitely something to do with properly imagining others. This very material physical reality can be infinite. We can have our cake and eat it.
  17. Happiness that is beyond suffering while incorporating it and not being suffering is also truth like, that is if your quest was infinite happiness and not truth you'd get wherever it is that would create happiness including truth and non truth and as we all know truth includes non truth so I guess it's just another angle like would strawberries lead to french fries?yes if you try hard enough.
  18. I think it's because what you feel and sense is deeper than isolated thoughts and isolated imaginations; of course these thoughts and imaginations are "full power" in a developed human because they're synched to the feelings and sensations and in the first place the power of the T/I comes from the isolated "shape" it has, so it's because we are communicating using t/i that come from different f/s so when you know and have seen and have thought and imagined and unimagined that all the t/i come from different pools of f/s you know the pool is just the same so by pure logic everyone is fully right all the time at all times because god is love, I prefer the term god is pleasure because it's truer and more fundamental to me and I can mold and stretch it to love and back to pleasure from love but it's harder to stretch love for which I can't imagine it's pleasure source back to pleasure. True profound thinking can be said to actually be more like manipulating your feelings and sensations at a mechanical level like a dance, like controlling the speed of your heartbeat, the nature of communication makes us confused, the very thoughts of others have to be "one" with us through all their natural tribulations of abstract logic and arbitrary pleasure, it's easy to see perfect "space/form/position" but it seems hard to feel the perfect "movement" in and of thoughts of ourselves and others, but yes with love everyone is correct and logical at all times to me because much of my logic is "in love" so I get a little hurt when people as the humans they are seem to not be in agreement with literally everything everyone else communicates at all times by which point I realize that I'm in slight disagreement with they're non agreement and then I go back to full agreement when I connect to the source feelings/sensations which I can only be sure that exist in that pool that I imagine exists whose only real justification and sustainability for its existence is the pure sensational pleasure it creates from increasing the complexity of itself like a separated entity that earned it's own existence and as the supreme logic that it is it knows it can/should/would connect with the other parts of itself which aren't like itself but don't yet know that their own logic is full love, just as something exists because it's love it's also much easier to see that it exists because of pleasure and therein the starting common source between "evil" and "good" and all in betweens is actually pleasure not love why?because love can go outside pleasure more often than pure pleasure ends in complex horror, only when it ends in love can it transform itself into some horror(what would be someone's else's pleasure), our pleasure and our love are very confused with one another at least within me, that's my view on the main reason for our own confusion and I know the answer exists. Hope you're good at skimming through cause I'm not good at this communicating thing.
  19. Yes it's always going on and the full moon is relevant to this, it will go away again too, it might be harder to remember when an incompatible vibe disappears rather than when a new or older one is enhanced, in my personal experience observing my inner states during full moons and new moons(for 2 years now) it feels like the full moon enhances me and the new moon is painful, the full moon tends to be positive for me, relaxing or "simple" when it's further away and inspiring and sublime when closer while the new moon tends to be painful and the strangest thing is that it is provokes way higher density of synchronicity irrespective of my state which is why I intentionally try to calm and lower my receptivity to them(like closing my mind/sensations and grounding) during new moons otherwise it's painful, I don't understand the new moon benefits or differences between it's varying distances but I suspect it affects your physical body more directly. I use this,-157.96417; I tried figuring out how it's "speed" or closing in and out affect me but found it too complicated.
  20. I think he partially means that he hasn't been able to put it and or integrate it in such a way that it would be something useful/or/and even entertaining to humans when presented in a youtube lecture format. His interviews with Curt might entertain you for some time: