Robert Leavitt

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Posts posted by Robert Leavitt

  1. Greetings everyone,

    My name is Robert Leavitt and I wrote a free PDF file about this coronavirus pandemic.

    I decided to try to be part of a solution because I see a lot of people out there struggling right now to try to get some kind of "handle" on this situation.

    My mom called today rather upset that I am not quarantined.

    My fiance works at the local hospital too.

    I'm going to go right on living my awesome and peaceful life.

    Peace and Love,


  2. On 3/3/2020 at 5:02 AM, rNOW said:

    I try to do what is necessary for me in the moment. But then I find there is a lot of things necessary. How do I choose or pick? Like I could spend 1 hour cooking a regular dish or spend 3 hours trying out a new one. I find I need to set limits to my creative expressions to a certain few things otherwise I'm spreading myself too thin in all things! 

    If you are doing  one thing in the moment...there can't be many things to do in the moment.  Do only one thing...take the leap of faith and just do one thing without thinking about the "other things" I have to do (that's not being in the moment, that's being in the future).

    The fear is, I will forget, or it won't get done, and you will be amazed that with enough patience (and a little learning, and practice) that everything that needs to get done, will get done..and those things that don't get done...didn't really need to get done


  3. 13 hours ago, Average Investor said:

    effective marketing is lower conscious

    Man, if that's not the truth I can't tell you what is.

    I have a couple of businesses I run on the side.  One is email marketing strictly to the personal development / law of attraction niche.

    I also own a small plant nursery which ships to California residents, and also has a website and email marketing situation going on.

    I look at the competition and I copy them a lot.

    I don't even consider "Competition" because I could care less, I'm trying to get a REALLY small piece of the marketshare.  That's all I'm doing.

    They aren't competition anyway, they are all friends and collaborators.  I only look at the relationships with others as opportunities, because as it turns out..if you ask someone who is successful at something 99 out of 100 times they will be more than willing to tell you what they did.  I find that they will tell you EXACTLY what they did (Sometimes for a price) and it will be COMPLETELY different than my ideas.  I act on those completely different ideas now, because..if you think about it, it has to be that way.  They have to be "completely different" than what I Am doing otherwise I would already be a huge success now wouldn't I?

    Being successful to me involved OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEAS, not my own.  I knew NOTHING about running a business, and what I thought would work, and what actually works are completely different things.

    This whole "Cut throat" dog eat dog world thing that people portray is NOT what is really going on.  Sure it happens between huge companies at big levels, of course it does, but it's really not what is happening in my world.  I approach everyone with a good attitude and I listen and try very hard to execute on the advice they give.

    Anyway here's a great rule I have learned over time...

    Whatever I think is going to sell, and whatever I really like and I am super happy about is typically NOT what people are going to buy.  You have to listen to your customers needs and desires and adapt to them.  That's my best advice to you is that "my great idea" never made me any $$ at all.  Maybe one day they will, but until then I provide things to people that THEY really want, not what I want or care about.

    In fact..I play right into other people's need to "make an impact" ... or "change the world" .. to me I am not trying to change the world. I simply copy what has worked for other people and my net worth increases every month.

    I don't know if any of that was helpful.  Just some food for thought.  I spent a lot of wasted years trying to change the world because I was passionate about things that no one cared about (I'm not saying no one cares about your idea...please don't take this personally it's just my experience).


  4. 3 hours ago, Shiva99 said:

    So how could that be authentic? I feel if something is meant to be for you, it will come naturally and the drive or whatever comes with it. 

    Look at your current life.. Exactly now in this moment.  That's what comes "easily" to you.


    3 hours ago, Shiva99 said:

    don't know what i want. It changes everyday. Today i might wanna become a police officer, and tomorrow i want to be a Psychologist or work as a lawyer. Today i want a big family and tomorrow i want to be independent and alone. This is what keeps me stuck, but i can't stick with something. I get a lot of second doubts and become bored very quickly if i start pursuing something.

    That's not what's keeping you stuck.  You are what's keeping you stuck.  Those are simply job titles.


    What do you really want?  Not job titles....




    Find out what really makes you tick, and you can start to make some changes, and I haven't watched that video, but I bet it's awesome.  Watch it again.

    :D And most importantly, give yourself a break! 


    -update I have watched the first 3 minutes of the video so's completely awesome and totally on point.  

  5. @Shiva99 I agree with @Bill W here.  The post is authentic.  The fact that you are honest with yourself about these things it's very important.  It's not really my place to say one way or another what decision you would make, but Bill is right.  Just because you don't want to do something, doesn't mean you aren't "authentic" by any means.

    There are about a million things I would prefer not to do in the course of my day.  But I understand in the depth of my soul today that if I REALLY want something,  I have to do what's necessary to obtain it. If I don't have it, it's because I haven't done the things necessary to obtain it.

    So the question is, what do you REALLY want? Then look at the first thought you have about that question, and realize that it's probably a lie, and dig deeper...and be really honest with yourself about what you really want, and who you really are...

    You are on the right path!


  6. Sarcasm = Soul is a great article I found: convey mock or contempt.  I've also heard it defined as cruely humours with the intention of undermining someone else's self esteem.

    You can tiptoe around that all you want and live in denial about the "oh I was just kidding" but those thoughts didn't just fall out of the sky.

    I used to be this way and I used to lie too and say, "oh but I'm just kidding" but deep down inside, I was never kidding.

    I was a monster.

    I also accept that other people are not at that point in their own personal journey, and I have even been known to laugh if something is funny to me, but it's soul murder.  It's not acceptable for me personally.  I won't personally do it to someone ever again.  It an earmark of someone who isn't secure with themselves.  It's the undertones of a bully who enjoys poking fun at people so they can get a little "rush" out of it.

    If you don't agree with me, I don't can go argue with the dictionary.


    Peace and Love!

    Robert Leavitt


  7. 7 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

    Great story thanks for sharing... that's awesome you recognized liberation ❤

    I was curious did you happen to experience a falling away of the self structure?  or was it recognized the story of "I" is an illusion?

    I also noticed you're from California and 3 years older than me... I don't find that very often on here ?




    Thanks for your kind words.  I had to stop and think about it.  I guess...I realized that I was not who I thought I was.  


    I would think things "Ya but I'm a nice guy" <-  But I wasn't.

     - Denial: Justification


    I would think "But I deserve this" <- But I actually didn't.

    - Denial: Justification (also entitlement)


    No one could help me, because if they would tell me ' are a liar" I would respond "I'm not like that...I never lie".

    -Denial: Absolute


    I was a huge tremendous liar, that lied just to lie.  I was constantly insecure and full of fear of what someone might think about me, but you couldn't help me because "I wasn't like that".

    -Denial: Absolute


    I had to stop lying to myself about who I was, and I also had to challenge everything I thought I "knew".  My expectations of the world, it's people and myself were completely out of line. I had to learn to "lower the bar".

    -Perfectionism / Judgements of others (and myself)


    I had to stop blaming other people for my problems, and blaming other people for how I felt.

    -Denial: Blaming Others


    I had to stop "making excuses" which is a form of denial called rationalization.

    There are 13 forms of denial, at least there were 13 I learned about. I had to get out of denial, and start seeking the truth.

    The what set me free.



  8. It's about seeking the truth. I got out of denial and I forgave the world.  Then in turn I forgave myself.  I wasn't seeking "enlightenment" I think it's kind of silly to listen to people talk about it.  I'm not big into a giant philosophical debate about the whole thing.  I can tell you this, the whole world changed for me.  The colors became super bright and it felt like someone pulled a thousand pound weight of me.  But, I was working on myself, and it was about getting honest with myself and who I was. ( I was not sitting around thinking about enlightenment..I was doing WORK on myself...big time).

    I stopped pointing my finger outwards, and started pointing it inwards...and I broke free.

    Broke free of prejudice, broke free of hate and resentment.  Broke free of self pity, and self-centeredness.  It amazes me to see individuals talk about enlightenment because I would say that 90% of them really just have some fantasy ideology in their head, and no direct experience really at all.. (it's just some concept that sounds nice and they have a bunch of opinions...blah blah words words...)

    I figured out that I wasn't God and I had no right to think the way I thought.

    Then I figured out, that I am actually am God (or at least God is in me) and I can create any experience I want.

    I also figured out how INCREDIBLY opinionated and ENTIRELY full of ____ I actually was...I realized that I was just a highly opinionated idiot, who couldn't listen to anything or anyone but myself...I was so in love with my own thinking that I couldn't even hear anyone else).

    I was amazed...then I was disgusted..and the I was FREE.

    If you are asking yourself the question "Am I enlightened"? You aren't.

    You'll know...there will be no "question" about it...I was dumbfounded for days...and then I was.....




  9. @wavydude I started with everything.  I just cut it all down for a while.  Then I did the "positive thought", "negative thought" work...and that proved extremely helpful but also super tedious.  Then...after that, I just stop judging the thoughts as being positive or negative.  That was super liberating.  I think more than anything though, I just don't take my thoughts seriously at all anymore.  It's not like I can't get back on that bandwagon of resentment, self pity, fear, the future, etc... I can do it.. I just don't believe my brain most of the time.  I've gotten more in tune to what fear is, and what's just nonsense....

    On 2/17/2020 at 4:46 AM, wavydude said:

    For example often I have thoughts of me commenting on what I'm doing or trying to figure out what to do, these are not negative per se but they seem like unnecessary layer of thinking over reality.

    Yes I can totally relate, I have found now in my life it is mostly unnecessary chatter.  I think the most important thing that I had to really practice how to do was not judge.  This includes not judging people, places, things and situations... I would find myself judging constantly (it's the perfectionists way..the whole "nothing is ever good enough" nonsense)..  So I would think things like "I'm bored"... or "this suck".. or "I hate doing this".. blah blah.. and now.. I find that when I don't think those things, I am never bored, and nothing ever sucks...and I don't hate anything anymore (which is awesome).

    Also wavydude I think it's important to note too that all the other comments I have read on this post have real validity too.  I understand what they are saying, and of course you just can't stop thinking forever.  But...having a good handle on what's necessary and what is just completely counterproductive is a really great start to a better life (in my opinion).  All the chatter of people's opinions can sometimes make things super confusing.  I feel that getting my thinking under control was the first step in the journey.  It's was of paramount importance.

    Sitting around all day trying to define "enlightenment" ... ya not so important to me.






  10. Thought Stopping.  Meditation...and ultimately...humility.  Humility is what changed it all for me.  Once I realized I was so incredibly irrational and off the mark, I was able not to think as much.  In fact, it is possible not to think at all.  Sometimes individuals like to voice their opinions about not thinking at all (having no thoughts whatsoever), but it has been my experience that individuals who say "oh that's crazy, you can't do that, that will never work"...have never done it.  So, if they have never done it, why would they say it can't be done?  They have no experience doing it but they have an opinion about it....cynical and highly opinionated.... don't listen to people who haven't accomplished something you are trying to learn, they will just reinforce your fears.

    So they think it's not possible, and unfortunately, because they think it's not possible,  they never accomplish it and give up immediately (if they ever even try at all). 

    In order to not think or have a barrage of thoughts going on in the mind, you have to be open to the fact that it's possible. have to practice.

    I have the ability to stop thinking all together on command at any took me years of practice, but it's 100% doable. (I DO have experience doing it...not saying you would be wise to listen to me necessarily...)



  11. @wavydude Ya... I am not really a licensed practitioner or anything, but basically it consists of interrupting your thoughts with another thought or word (like the word stop)...imagine saying "stop" in the middle of one of your thoughts. And then putting a different belief in place.  It's pretty controversial but it changed everything in my life.  I'm sure there are youtube videos on it, or the like.  No one taught me, I was just so dang determined to change my thoughts so I could change how I feel, that I just started a war against myself.  I started cutting down all my thinking and interrupting it all, and it eventually gave up. 

    Here's some examples of thought patterns I would have (that I wanted to change)

    Judgements/Harsh Criticisms (of others or myself, things, situations, etc..)


    The Future (Worry, what-if, anxiety)

    Comparing myself to others

    The Past

    Envy (jealousy)

    Self Pity

    These are all examples, but I would guess by my own account that 95% of the thoughts I had were completely ridiculous and my very own thinking was making me MISERABLE.  IT was my specific day to day thoughts that were keeping me so trapped inside this made up fantasy land of hurt and pain, and I was doing it all to myself.


  12. You know it's amazing.  I don't have an internal dialogue anymore, but I had to actively work to stop thinking. Through meditation, and a process called thought stopping.   I started disagreeing with all the nonsense I was thinking on a regular basis.  It took about 2 months of heavy work.  I still have thoughts, but .. it's nothing like it was.  It's not a bunch of nonsense constant criticism and bickering (or worrying about the future, or dwelling in the past),  A lot of judgements and assumptions.  Tons of denial... I was psychotic and most people are (They just don't know it because they believe every thought they have).  I was delusional just making up stories about people and myself all day long.  I'm no different than the vast majority of people either.  I still make up stories sometimes now, but I make them AWESOME stories.

    Anyway you can change it, it takes practice but you can totally change it, and it's awesome.  I live a super peaceful life now, it's amazing.

     I can tell you for a fact, that it is not necessary to think anything to listen to what someone else is saying.

  13. 23 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

    Is committing suicide something that is fundamentally driven by ego or by something else?

    This question comes to mind when you think about the core purpose of the ego which is thought to be self preservation or the arousal of a sense of self for the sake of self preservation. Either way, if that's the case then how or what drives people to commit suicide considering the nature of the ego. Is it ego? Or is it something that's trying to escape the reality of the ego?

    Can someone clear this up for me? I've been pondering on this for quite some time now.

    I have multiple suicide attempts in my life starting at the age of 18.  I am completely free of all of that now, so was it the ego?  Heck yes.  I was walking around feeling SO SORRY for myself that I was in constant pain all day long.  THEN, to add insult to injury I was super mad with the world because they wouldn't feel sorry for me too.  So I just wanted to get out of the pain at that time.

    Looking back I was just ridiculously entitled and selfish.  That's an amazing thing to say because I endured a large amount of trauma both through abuse and also some natural disasters.  But I had no self-awareness and I was constantly blaming the world for my problems.

    It was entirely of my own making.  I know it's harsh and it sounds like I don't have compassion for others in the same situation, but I do.  I just know that for myself, one day I made this decision that I wasn't going to feel sorry for myself anymore, and I grew up and took responsibility for my own life.

    Depression for me  is "God not doing MY will"...

    I was diagnosed BiPolar, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, blah blah and I find that when I was completely identified with that, I just blamed those diagnosis for my problems and yet again shifted responsibility.

    I did that for 38 years, walking around trapped in a "victim identity", and that's what depression really is to me today.


  14. 2 hours ago, Maharani said:

    Suffering manifests as 1. guilt, 2. blame, 3. pride, 4. worries & anxiety, 5. expectations & attachment to outcomes.

    The root cause of all suffering is our false belief in personal doership.

    Awesome work,

    I would like to add that suffering manifests also as Self-Pity and Resentment,  Which really is #5 if you look at it deeply because the resentments would stem from expectations & attachment. 

    I also think that all suffering really stems from selfishness and self-centeredness.

    It's all really the same just worded differently.  It does not matter what path you take to get there.

    I know for me myself personally I had an experience that caused me to no longer be upset, and I don't know if I am "enlightened" but, I can tell you that when I had this experience the entire world changed.  The colors outside changed, everything got super bright, and all the people became alive and vibrant and vivid.  It has stayed that way for years...without drugs.

    I dropped all my prejudice towards people, and forgave the whole world, and forgave myself all at once and that horrible story in mind was gone.

    Turns out, it was me...I was the problem...not the world.

    I wasn't searching for "enlightenment" when this happened btw.. I was actually focusing on trying to be a better person.





  15. @Lynnel So...I'm going to go out on a limb here and just shoot it straight from the hip.  Because, it's important to my and ultimately to you for me to be honest in my perspective.  I will not offer you a resentful opinion about corporate America (Because that doesn't help you).

    That company doesn't owe you anything.  Life isn't fair...

    Your major problem is that you believe that they were supposed to accept your negotiation (you already had the job mind you) and they reconsidered and they didn't accept it.  That's on you, not them.  You put yourself out there (kudos for that, because that's hard to do), and then they said no...and I'm 100% sure they had their reasons for changing their minds.

    Reasons that you will probably never know (but you can rest assured they had something to do with your negotiation or your interactions with them).

    The major pattern I see that you are describing is a sense of entitlement.  You felt you were entitled to whatever you negotiated for, and then you thought you were entitled to them being upfront with you and giving you what you wanted.

    But you aren't.

    I hope this doesn't cause you a tremendous amount of distress.  I could easily just say "ya F__K those guys, who do they think they are?" but... that's not going to help you.

    You have my support no matter what.  

    Peace and Love,





  16. 37 minutes ago, Patt said:

    ok I'll try :

    Alright!  I'm super excited, I hope you can see the problems aren't the problems.  Beating yourself up all day long, that's the problem.  Give yourself a break!  You didn't waste any time...  in my opinion the only time you wasted is the time you spent calling yourself stupid, or dumb, or any of those kinds of things.  THAT is wasted time my friend!


  17. Dr. Jordan Peterson changed my life.  Him along with about a million other things.  I hope that he can find some help for what he is going through.  Because you know, caring about other human beings is really what it is all about.

    I don't care all the time for his politics, but, I believe that being accountable for yourself, and being honest and truthful and taking responsibility for things is extremely important in this world.  It's something that is easily missed by the resentful.  I was a resentful person for a very long time regarding just about everything, till I took responsibility for myself and realized that it wasn't the world that needed to change.  It was me.

    I also enjoy watching people project themselves all over him.  It's kinda comical to me, but again, I make an effort to love everyone regardless.


  18. @Ero Man, that was an AWESOME explanation.  I loved it...thank you so much for posting that, it was amazing.   Denial is the #1 problem I think we face in this life and in this journey of "awareness" or whatever you want to call it, I don't get to big into the long winded philosophical debates about the thing.  I just know one day, I gave up all the control and started getting SUPER honest with myself.   It made the difference.


  19. 22 hours ago, arlin said:

    I mean, if the thoughts i think, choices, actions are not mine, then why be grateful for this journey in the first place? What does my journey mean? 

    Let's assume, for a moment that the thoughts aren't yours and that they are all inspired by God...

    Do you really think all your thoughts are inspired by God?  Maybe your thoughts stink...and you need to come up with better ones?

    It's a tennis match at first, disagreeing with yourself, but you can do it, and change everything.

    You can make any experience anything you want it to be.  Just come up with a better story than the current one your telling yourself at any given point in time.