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Everything posted by randombodymind

  1. Any map of various stages as well as the pros and cons of using maps
  2. any NLP tools you find useful - would love to know your take beyond just matcher, mismatcher, big picture details stuff Or the rapport matching and mirroring. I'd like to get in deeper like ways to use timeline therapy. You take on weather stories or hypnoic language patterns could be useful in coaching Or explaining stuff like the 6 step reframe Or pointing out some other deep tools like them that is hard to come across
  3. Pros, cons, how does it compare to other methods, Anything to add to a vipassana practice, and does it have any limitations. Is it ok to mix practices during a peroid of vipassana, like conscious breathing or should you just be with shallow breaths. I dunno, if you've done a vipassana retreat it'd be awesome to have your take on it, because I have a lot of respect for your opinion, you tend to see things like this quite clearer and in a wider context than many. How does vipassana compare to other schools would be quite interesting. Also vipassana goenkas way seems to be different from the traditional teaching
  4. Lotta people asking about this Leo. Meditating like a monk and going after enlightenment is a life long commitment. Mastering yourself and a career to the point where you can serve other people and make the world a better place is a life long commitment. I think in this video you'd cover points like 1) materialism 2) contribution to others through really serving them through a career path like in your video creative contribution 3) is life about growing, being, or contribution 4) Making a meaingful life through career and contribution vs realising everything is meaningless and aligning yourself to that 5) Is meditation and enlightenment a higher path? 6) Can you even achieve high states of awareness well seeking power even if it's mostly based around contribution 7) Is there a middle way and would it be more about contribution or more about enligtenment And maybe talk about coaching since i train up other people to be coaching 1) Can personal development distract people from enlightenment 2) Are coaches serving people or distracting them from being 3) What about someone in a slump and depressied, giving them a compelling future, personal development stuff, motivation and getting them on the hampster wheel seems helpful here coz they are depressied because overwhelmed, not taking action and not compelling future. 4) working on marketing, building a busniuss to reach and serve a lot of people requires a lot of time spent on marketing etc - is that a bad or good move? But yeah you've been answering some comments about this but it'd be cool to get a more indepth anaylsis of Can you balance growing and being The value of just being, easier when no future your striving for Creative contribution vs awarenes should we ENCOURAGE people to strive towards there life purpose or discourage them so they can focus on being? that kind of thing
  5. we are going to die. Society is a way of hiding that. Like you said in contemplating your own death, it's a very motivating thing to do. Most people hide death and trivilise there lives. Let's look at those mechanisms for hiding it and various coping mechanisms and avoidance strategies
  6. Pretty much every advanced spiritual teacher I have come across alludes to multiple lives. david deida mentioned it in passing saying i'm sure most of you don't feel incarnation, or reincarnation as something you could feel after you got sensative enough. When I went on a vipassina retrat gonka qouted the buddha saying that on the moment of enlightenment buddha could see all his previous lives chasing his tail etc... For years I thought they were all just a bit crazy. Then I thought about something else I didn't even used to know one could be more present, then I read a spiritual teaching about that and went wooooah you can be more present - all this self not being real stuff, everything being conscious and reinacarnation stuff is stupid though. Then I read a book about the self not being real and had some direct experiances myself and went woooooah the self could be a concept. ook that's really cool, i like the presence stuff and the self being a concept but this everything being conscious stuff is rediciouslous. Then I had some experiances where I went wooooah everything might be conscious it sure feels like it. then my mind jumped too - woah every step of the way I listened to spiritual teaches and had an experiance of deeping my awarenss and thought this is cool but I doubted the steps further ahead. When i was focused on presence, i doubted the self being made up When i was focusing on the self being made up i doubted everything being conscious When I had an experience of everything being conscious i doubted the multiple lives stuff. But what if I'm wrong and they are right. What if the spiritual teaches that new all the other stuff before me also new something i didn't in this area. THAT REALLY FREAKS ME OUT COZ i have a lot of anxiety now about doing sinful or bad karma actions and so on like greed and glutony etc as if it's no big deal. What if i'm signing a contract with the universe that's setting me up for a shitty next life. Or I am just going on my own trip and I should stop judging actions as good or bad because they're isn't some supernatural force giong around judging everyones every move. I actually don't know anymore. I feel quite devided and don't know what to make of this
  7. Thanks so much for all the wisdom guys. Helped me process this in a healthy way. Also cheers Leo for the new video. Couldn't be more timely. This is the best answer i've gotton so far and i'll just go with this for now. Sounds like more fun anyway
  8. love this forum. What a community. Much wisdom. Great sages. Wow! But really thanks guys, helps me drop worrying about the whole thing and just get back to enjoying life
  9. I recommend going back and giving it another shot. It helps if you can build up to the 10 days. i've done a few retreats to them and been tempted to quit many a time but stay for 10 days and the rewards you get are unspeakable
  10. and in seriousness i agree. Meditation provides a sense of perspective that i thinks important when you are making decisions on a global level.
  12. Love to know more about erikson's stages of psychosocial development or pergies stages of development and how that might mix in with spiral dynamics or maslow
  13. Most teachings treat the two the same. David Deida in his talks actually points out there are two different ways people open. Some open as an unchanging witness as they grow. Others get more radiant and full of life. becoming more radiant tends to be the feminine way of opening. Meditation makes one more still and less radiant. Can meditation be a block in feminine people growing spiritually. Are there better ways for them to open?
  14. Have peak experience of unity - ego creeps back in. How do we spot that ego creeping in. Maybe talking about equanimity with the enlightenment experiances coming and going and not clinging to them. Does practice change at all after an awakening experiance and how to process what just happened Maybe a little about how society, family and friends almost encourage people to come back away from extreme practice and tend to try pull you back into life too
  15. Romantic infatuation and picking the negative patterns of your parents. Could it be bad to pick someone who feels deeply familiar and like home to you because actually your picking up the same dynamic you had with your parents and you'll soon go through the same pain. If you buy into any of that, would love to know your take
  16. title says it all really
  17. When shooting videos or running workshops how different does your material have to be. Particularly I love Tony Robbin's tools for creating change with people. 6 human needs Primary Q emotional triad crazy 8 are very powerful tools. I am wondering if I can talk about them in workshops and videos and if its a good idea to rename them and change the explation slightly vs explining them the same with the same names and crediting tony. What's the best way to share the best tools with people and any advice on what kind of things are considered copyright infringement and you can get sued for. for example Tonys Primary Q seems to be based on a werner ernard tool called 'the guiding principle of someones life' so often these tools evolve from teacher to teacher being renamed and re-explained. Even Tonys 6 human needs seems to have been renamed by brendon burchard as his own '10 human drives' which do sound erriorly similar. so how does this process work and where are there lines. Doesn't sound like a nice game to play by trail and error.
  18. Although it takes more time it's cool making your work feel less hey look at this cool thing and more your own art anyway
  19. All right, guess it's hard to get more specific than that, so thank you - i'll roll with that. That's always been my mindset anyway but nice to get this out of my own head a little
  20. Is there a time leo you were struggling with this delima and how did you resolve it - if that's not to much to ask. know how busy you are trying change the world and enlighten that ass at the same time
  21. I guess I'm just getting a feel for what the rules are by pushing the edge a bit with the last comment. In reality I definitely have much more of my own style. What I'm gathering is I think in reality since I am really careful I should in fact worry a bit less about all of this
  22. Thanks, I defiantly have no problem at all with citing. I guess my question is if I referance ideas like tonys can i use them in my coaching at all? and do the rules become different if it's filmed Can I explain his 6 human needs and crazy 8 and all in a lot of detail and not get sued even if I referenced them. Also he has some powerful stories in some of his interventions, can i ever used them in coaching in a workshop by saying "I heard this story from tony robbins, blah blah blah blah blah" and get in trouble for using his story even though it's genuinely helpful to people. So my question isn't to cite or not to cite is it - can I use tonys tools in workshops?
  23. burn burn burn the ego. the fire is the only progress on the path. scream as your detachments fall away into nothing. This is how you find god. Through crucifixion. Part of the process. I think it's worth it but I really have no idea. Just enjoy it. Sing along to these songs, and try not get stuck in indulging in negative emotional patterns for there own sake. Stay equanimous with whatevers happening. Don't try and feel worse thinking it's progress. My first contact with the fire was after reading jedmckennas book. It's a pretty powerful igniter. Anyway - my tip is always lean into your edge. Dissolving the self structure can hurt and the reason most people don't is because there scared. If anyone has had a bliss experiance they know on some level they are denying it. They could be experiancing unity but instead they are chosing eating a donut, waiting for a football game nextweek, or whatever the goods of life are for them as an indiviuated self. Real practice is to lean into your edge, pushing yourself as much as you can into the fire. and allowing yourself to feel the pain when you are chosing less than god. When you are rolling around in the pig mud of life as a small little self, enjoy yourself, really get into it. but know what you are doing. Allow yourself to feel the pain that you are living life less deeply than you know is true of your deepest heart. when you stay with your day to day experiance and realize wow I really am chosing this over truth it's tapas, it burns away samskaras. As long as you don't back way off from the truth you'll find your way back into practice and deeper realisation by feeling the pain of your own bullshit. So theres two pains. 1) the little pain of knowing you are wasting your life 2) The big pain of destroying your ego and probably a lot of the things it built and valued in the progress Is it worth it. I dunno, not enlightened but so far happier for the rough times in this process and a lot of teachers seem to think so. Also i guess why i posted songs about it is find the humor in it. It's all good.