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Everything posted by randombodymind

  1. One word about Fred - FURTHER. Just listen to the guys voice, you can hear in someones voice all the tension that comes from the ego. You can tell Fred is deluded and there is deeper one can go. Having said that - he is amazing at giving people an awakening experience. This is the first step, then resting as this experience along with consciousness is the path. What fred is great for is releasing you from feeling like you are your body mind and experiancing what consciousness is. Although there is further he's the best in the world i've come across to do this part and it really is an amazing experiance. Him along with Jed Mckennas spiritual enlightenment the damndest thing are like atom bombs for the ego and the need to be seeking and constantly feel like you are going somewhere. A huge block for spiritual practice of any kind is feeling like you are going somewhere with a goal to achieve. Anything that gets rid of this is helpful on the journey, fred included. Practice is also helpful for going deeper though. Hold both paradoxs in your head. Meditatite, do inquiry, consciousness work. And don't think it's going anywhere at the same time (even if it is). Fred Davis is helpful for the secound one but don't do what he's done and stagnate at that level and giving up on practicing entirely. Anyway he claims to be into non-duality. YOU MUST PRACTICE is a duality YOU MUST NEVER PRACTICE - STOP TRYING TO GO ANYWHERE is a duality. He claims the second one which is a partial truth. A lot of teachers claim the first one which is a partial truth and a trap. Hold both. If you don't believe there is further adyashantis programming from awakening to liberation talks about 3 gateless gates. Fred is good at getting a taste of the first. Not that I know any of this shit. I'm even less enlightened than fred and haven't 'woken hundreds of people up' which he claims (he really does wake people up, just realize there is more awakeness that fred doesn't provide). But him and Jed are useful tools
  2. yeah anyway can grow there consciousness. Your right, I don't mean to place restrictions
  3. Most enlightenment traditions encourage seriously devoted monk types to abstain from desire and hang out in the desireless state. Then teachers like David Dedia say actually having ravishing tantric type sex can provfide glimpses of realization and can get you in touch with a darkside which actually makes it easier to push through barriers in meditation and feel fully alive. Are tantric traditions like the a rationalization for one of the last attachments which ultimately holds one back from the deepest meditaition or are they a better choice than celebacy?
  4. I didn't think it was possible to have an awakening experience from books. 1) I read spiritual enlightenment the damndest thing 2) Then the book of undoing I'm not enlightened but had a hell of an experience which is possible to put into words. Read them in this order too. Also after you've read both don't get trapped into thinking you've got the whole truth. There is always further. A great next step is asyantaki's from awakening to liberation talks