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Everything posted by Whatwhat

  1. @Byun Sean @Gili Trawangan nice thx
  2. I just had an amazing acid trip with Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Vol II album I find it hard to contemplate on party psychedelics music (Shpongle, Astrix, etc...) Any songs that are similar to the above? or any calm/ambient songs that you had a great trip with?
  3. @Beginner Mind Wow thanks a lot It's very similar to the first song!
  4. First I wanna thank to my man Leo Hahahaha what a work you've done and all my cosmic gangs in this forum My deepest and truest love to you all What a journey we are having? wow... I put my body against the waterfall and I let it wash all over me and am screaming from my core to all ambients I'm screaming WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not excited I'm perfectly calm This process to the liberation is just wow I have so much work to do Being in the spiritual path is the best man... hahahaha I have so many things to realize It's just so beautiful I'm not hallucinating, it's been 10 hours I've been in weird multi-dimensional places Those dimensions showed me how deep can I go to myself I submitted myself to myself and went deeper There I met infinite love That has been there all along Whooooooooooooooooo~~~!!! The coolest and warmest water all over my body washing all of me yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!