I am always a silent observer in the forum but since no one has talked about this I really wanted to share it with you.
Probably because Claudio Naranjo was not a native English speaker, even though he lived much of his life in the US, his work hasn’t been acknowledged that much outside of Spanish speaking countries. But his impact was huge.
For example, he was disciple of Fritz Pearls and spread the word on gestalt therapy around the world. Also, he was one of the first people to research the possible use of psychedelics in psychotherapy (back in the sixties). He, for example, organized the first ayahuasca ceremony in Europe. Sadly, many of his books are only available in Spanish.
Well, what I wanted to talk about is his work on the Enneagram.
The enneagram is not just another personality type indicator. It is THE indicator, it’s a very important map, I’d say as important as spiral dynamics. They say it comes from the Greek philosophers (maybe even older) and that many mystic traditions around the world have studied it over the years (Sufism, some schools of Christianity, Kabbalah…) but it was always spread orally since it was sacred knowledge.
What did Naranjo do?
Naranjo had a master, Ichazo, who had been student of the mystic Gurdjieff. Ichazo told Naranjo that if he spent some weeks with him in the Arica desert he would awaken (if I remember correctly) and also get to know everything about the enneagram and protoanalysis (identifying people’s enneagram type), but that he would not teach him the latter. Naranjo went to the desert and there he had some awakenings and also, he spontaneously channeled from Source everything on the enneagram (then and in the following years I think). Up to that moment, the West and most of the world did not know about the enneagram (although Gurdjieff had taught it to some groups of people). He decided to start to teach it to some groups with an initiation and a commitment that they would not teach it themselves because it is very nuanced, and they could get some things wrong. What happened is that some students ignored it and started teaching, missing important information, since they did not have all the notes he had from channeling. Also, Don Riso was a Jesuit who happened to find notes in the library were Naranjo was teaching and wrote a book about the enneagram (and got some things wrong, for example “wings” do not mean anything).
Because of so, Naranjo decided to write his own book “Ennea-type Structures: Self-Analysis for the Seeker”. The work of Riso got a lot of success, but Naranjo’s not so much. I think there are two reasons for that, first of all, because Naranjo’s is more directed to seekers and not just any person, and second, because he was a type 5 and they are known for being blunt. Riso is a 4, and they are more careful with their words. Anyway, I was just here to recommend Claudio Naranjo’s book, that, since it was channeled, is extremely, extremely accurate. This book, if read properly, will make you cry. Except for personal history, SD, social conditioning and genetics, it is explaining your whole personal way of functioning. It reveals all your motivations, secrets and fears, all your pain and also your gifts. I cannot explain how accurate it is in explaining why you are the way you are. This book will help you accept yourself and give yourself the love you deserve. Also, because you’ll understand yourself deeply, you’ll start having compassion for other people’s “fixations”, a term explained in the book. I don’t know what else to say, just read the book. Thanks for reading until here, I wish you the best in your journey. Also sorry if I don’t reply, I’m not a very good conversationalist.
PS: he also has a book on enneagram subtypes (yes, there are 27 subtypes in total, having each of the 9 types 3 instinctual variances), which is only available in Spanish. I’ve found this webpage which is a summary of the information provided in the book: https://theenneagraminbusiness.com/subtypes/enneagram-theory-the-cutting-edge-of-our-subtype-knowledge-according-to-claudio-naranjo/ It will make more sense after reading the book I recommended.
PS 2: They say 4s and 5s are the ones most aware of their ego mask and most unhappy, and therefore more drawn to spirituality, so maybe if you're a seeker you are a 4 or a 5, although you could be just any type.