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Everything posted by intotheblack

  1. Interesting! So you think he did want/expect this to happen ?
  2. do you think trump underestimated just how radical and brainwashed his fans are? Did he see the attack on the captiol coming? I guess almost everything up until now has all been him talking shit and winding people up virtually, over Twitter etc. And now it’s all came to a head in reality and plain for all to see .. did he plan this?
  3. he should have been banned long ago, ever since he tweeted ‘when the looting starts, the shooting starts’ and numerous other tweets. why is he just getting blocked now, and many of his people turning against him? because his presidency is at the end of the road and people can’t be bothered defending him anymore?
  4. Trump on actualized forum.. now that would be amuzing
  5. Just shows how much power social media giants have... being able to shut up the president lol
  6. Do I need protein with every meal or is once per day enough? I don’t eat meat so am cooking things like beans and lentils. How much protein does one really need though?
  7. the vaccinations will start rolling out next week with the old and vulnerable members of society first in line to receive it
  8. @xxxx thanks. I’m highly sensitive person and an empath, so a lot of the time it has to do with my environment. I’m easily drained, and often feel in a low mood, especially after being around a lot of people. @electroBeam It’s not really about neediness I don’t think. If anything it’s the opposite and I want to be left alone haha. Actually, when I’m in a bad mood or feeling stressed about something I will go and sit by myself.. or take a shower.. or go and lie on my acupuncture mat and basically try and make sense of my thoughts. Its true that I would keep a lot of things to myself though and have since I was a kid. I’m definitely more open now though since my boyfriend is also open so he helps me to open up.
  9. I have always been the moody type, and i guess it’s just a part of who i am and being female. Some days it’s just like a dark cloud following me around. just a constant cycle of feeling peaceful, to feeling loving, to being in a good mood, then emotional and moody, snappy, or simply just in my own head and don’t wanna talk or do anything. Especially the time leading up to my period I can be very emotional and feel full of doom. But it’s like a feeling rather than a thought. I can be thinking to myself ‘I’m in a bad mood’ and know if I’m being overly emotional, but my body does differently. It’s had me wondering, how does a female be fully in control of emotions and moods? (The way that a man can be- or can learn to be in control of his).
  10. @Gesundheit I guess I just mean how to not be moody haha. But as I said it’s a feeling not thoughts, so can it be controlled? ..
  11. Simple Greek salad with tzatziki! For the salad: Red onion Cucumber Tomatoes Organic Feta cheese/vegan feta Fresh or Dried oregano Drizzle Extra virgin olive oil Squeeze of Lemon juice splash of apple cider vinegar chop it all up and mix well. Tzatziki - plant based plain natural yoghurt 2 cloves garlic minced Half cucumber deseeded then grated a few sprigs of fresh dill Optional Splash of olive oil mix up manually or Pulse in blender just a bit to chop everything up can be kept in fridge covered for a day or 2 if you make too much. I served mine up with a small pita bread and some sweet potatoes.
  12. And money! Looking good costs money, that’s why all the celebs look great because they can afford the best cosmetic surgeons and the most expensive clothes etc to look amazing. Just check out some before and after pics of famous people.
  13. @Leo Gura is looking buff on his dating application photo though
  14. Haha it’s a joke right ?
  15. Anyone tried cacao nibs? I add them to my smoothies. Sometimes I eat a cluster of them and it gives me a little energy boost.. but I’ve just purchased some of the powder since reading this post... gonna make a hot cacao tonight thanks for the inspo
  16. You sound like you are very emotionally unavailable... so you will attract someone who is either also emotionally unavailable or you will attract an anxiously attached type. learn first about what you’re attachment style is. if you want to attract a secure partner then you yourself should first become secure and emotionally open/available. Otherwise it’s gonna lead to a toxic relationship. One or the other will end up hurting, because one/both is afraid of intimacy. It also sounds like you simply can’t be bothered to make effort in a relationship? What about if you found a girl who really cared for you, who just wanted to be loving towards you, and wants to grow together and simply be in the moment together ? Are you open to that or does that seem frightening?
  17. That’s crazy. I grew up in U.K. and only recall About 3 vaccines as a kid, no idea what I had as a baby. We only got the serious ones. Maybe it’s changed now? That was the 90s tbf. I remember that the last vaccine I was supposed to get was when I was 14/15 and the BCG one. Anyway, I was sick that day so I missed the vaccination. My mam planned to give me it at home (she’s a nurse) but then life happened and we forgot about it. So I never got that one. whether I take the corona depends on if it’s a one time vaccine or a yearly one. I don’t like the idea of taking something every year that may or may not work. Like the flu shot. People I know that I took the flu shot got real sick afterwards, and they had never been that sick before. I’m all for the vaccines for serious diseases. If I were to travel to a country which was a high risk for certain diseases I would take the necessary injections before going. But I believe first and foremost health and immunity should be stronger and there needs to be more emphasis on that in society, for young and old. Not just masking symptoms with a vaccine. Older people especially don’t know how to strengthen their immune system. I’m telling my mam all the time different foods to eat and what she should avoid, she is clueless when it comes to mind & body health. I don’t know enough about corona and the vaccine yet to decide if I would get one.
  18. @Leo GuraIs the mercury in vaccines a bi product of the other things or is it added? Why are there so many metals in it?
  19. I bike to and from work every day 6 miles all together but it’s really becoming a struggle for me. Like, my legs just feel weaker and it’s really a struggle to push in the morning. At work I have to stand all day (I’m a barber) coming home I feel exhausted. Today I took public transport to work for the first time since last winter. Just because it’s colder and I couldn’t face the Bike ride to work. Is it possible that cycling is actually damaging my legs and could cause problems long term? or is it simply that I’m over working my legs by Cycling and then standing the whole day? I also do yoga to try and build strength.
  20. @fridjonk in what form do you recommend? And how much?
  21. I also get shoulder and upper back ache, which is why I do yoga to stretch it out.
  22. @PurpleTree it’s not so much pain, it’s more like I don’t have the strength to push lol however, every now and then my right knee ‘gives way’ and sometimes I feel like an old woman bending down. My knees feel creaky.
  23. @RendHeaven Good advice. hey @Alfonsoo read the book ‘the way of the superior man’ I’m female and both me and my boyfriend have read it, it’s good, I learned some new ways of looking at things