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Everything posted by intotheblack

  1. ‘Money won’t make you happy’ is something rich people say, who used their money for selfish gains and became greedy, then had a rude awakening that it didn’t make them a better person or feel more fulfilled. Their money didn’t bring them happiness, it brought material things and short term pleasure. People confuse happiness with getting pleasure. So of course if you buy whatever the hell you want and keep chasing and buying things to fill the void you will never be in a place of peace... this is the situation that a lot of rich people go through and realise that having all those things didn’t make them a better person. This is one side of the coin. the other side of the coin is using your money wisely. It’s not the being able to buy whatever you want that will make you happy, but it’s the security having money brings that will make you be able to live a more comfortable life. Money helps you create a better situation and can drastically change a persons life who has none. Having a good financial situation is having one of the lower human needs met, when that need is met you can be a little more at peace and focus on other things. Money should be used as a tool for security. having enough money is 1 less thing to worry about.
  2. It lowers immunity, is toxic, has terrible long term consequences on the body, lowers consciousness, makes people behave completely different, do things they wouldn’t normally do sober and is addictive in the wrong hands. A glass of wine here and there is ok if it’s done responsibly, but in general people can’t do that. Binge drinking is the norm. There is social pressure to drink. Is it just that it makes so much money that it is kept legal? Many people base their entire business on the sale of alcohol. I know some countries have restricted it like Sweden. Will we see other countries restrict the sale in the future? Perhaps in the distant future it will be banned all together? i don’t know how accurate this is regarding the name.
  3. No don’t text him again.
  4. More money makes more money.. If you have money you can keep turning it into more, by having multiple sources of income and assets etc. You need money to start business ventures etc. whereas if you have only a minimal amount to get by, its harder to turn it into more.. you need to spend whatever you have and it becomes very difficult to save anything. The money that poor people spend on things goes directly to richer people. So basically people at the bottom are giving their small amount of money to people at the top through consumerism and living expenses. (Poor getting poorer, rich getting richer) During the lockdown people were loosing jobs and livelihoods. That’s why it’s important to buy from small and local businesses when you can and not give your money to already rich people if you can help it. Since the value of money keeps decreasing we will see more people in poverty. Everything is now getting more expensive. What you can buy with 50€ now gets you much less than what you would have gotten a few years ago. I already notice this with food shopping. I can spend 50€ on food shopping and have little to show for it. If it’s like that for me who isn’t living in poverty imagine how it will be for someone who is. What will they do? Buy the cheapest food and then become sick aswell as poor!
  5. Fear is definitely a part of it, I thought maybe something in childhood would have caused them to be like that. Being a miser gives control, so I think it is like a side behaviour of a personality disorder or deeper wound. I think there is narcissism there but could also be ‘schizoid personality disorder’
  6. Haha I suppose.
  7. I like some natural wine occasionally, and did drink a lot when I was younger, partying etc. With the lockdown I have barely drank and don’t miss it at all. Just thinking about how easily people abuse it and how much damage it can cause in the wrong hands. I suppose as society becomes more conscious as a whole they will drink more responsibly? At the moment it’s a way to help people cope..
  8. In the material world, yes... in the spiritual world, no. More money helps you achieve your dreams easily. It makes life more of a breeze. You will be less stressed if you don’t have to worry about money. Financial difficulties is one of the top stress causes, So having no money also affects health... Rich people can buy the best food, have people cooking for them, have personal trainers etc. So all depends what you spend the money on. The rich people who spend money on strippers and cocaine and own many cars will be less happy than the rich people who spend their money on travelling, a personal chef, a home gym and a sauna.
  9. Just take away the internet all together. We all be addicted to this forum ?
  10. I would feel like a fool for not noticing they were a robot. I don’t think I could continue the sexual relationship after finding out. I would still want to stay friends though, having a robot friend would be cool and clearly we had been through a lot together.
  11. Yeah exactly. We have to realise that humans at tribe level were also deeply unconscious. There is no point to compare humans now to how humans were back then. Like when people say that tribesman used to hunt and eat meat, so that means that we have to do that. Even though the reality now is totally different. We have to move with the times. Marriage has been moving full circle... first there was no marriage > then everyone was getting married > now it’s going back to people not getting married. as people move up the spiral they will move towards more intimacy based relationships. There will still be sex but it goes meta. Who knows if the future of relationships will be true poly, I don’t know. First we are going to see people having stronger intimate relationships where they grow together, and if they outgrow each other eventually they will remain friends. An example would be when parents get divorced and have new partners, but they still all hang out together and bring up the children as 2 families. Many people couldn’t imagine this because they are still in a place of fear. People just no longer know how to relate to eachother.. Chasing lots of sex is a way to try and get intimacy without having real intimacy. relationships like this are unsustainable especially for the woman, which is why there is a lot of hopping from woman to woman. the woman might hang around for a while out of feelings of insecurity or having some fun, but as soon as she meets someone else who will fulfil her emotional needs she will leave no questions asked. If you are in a loving relationship with lots of intimacy and affection then the need for sex diminishes. If you are in a relationship without intimacy, the more likely you will be to cheat. It’s just that the fear of opening up to another is so great that people don’t do it. This will change in the future though with conscious parenting and more spiritual education. there is a lot of damage to undo. Men also want intimacy deep down, but this is seen as something weak so it’s been suppressed by them. I remember Leo saying in one of his videos one time that anything anyone ever does is an action out of fear or out of love. It’s a good question to ask oneself. Am I doing this out of fear ? Or out of love?
  12. This is why it’s very hard to work in modern times. You could have seen it in tribe days, where everyone was supporting eachother and everyone shared love openly. Casual sex wasn’t a thing then, casual sex developed because of people being incapable of intimacy. And it’s nobody’s fault, it’s not good or bad, this is just the times we are living in and the way people cope because of upbringing etc. in tribe times there was more of a natural instinct to be polyamorous. It was more based on emotions and loving the people in your community. The women could have their emotional needs met by more than 1 man and the man could have his sexual needs met by more than 1 woman. But now it’s expected that the man can have many woman, but the woman has to make do with only 1 man. The woman’s needs are ignored or suppressed. Society and parenting over time has a toxic effect on what was once a healthy natural thing.. now it comes out in forms of cheating, or fear of intimacy, avoidant behaviour, jealousy etc. throw social media into the mix and self esteem issues are higher than ever. In modern times, the thought of your woman having her emotional needs aka emotional cheating, met with another man may drive a man crazy. Or vice versa. It’s sometimes seen as worse than having sex. Cheating with Sex can be more easily forgiven in a relationship because it can be done unconsciously. This just shows how big a part emotions and intimacy play in relationships. Today what you see is open relationships, mostly this only works if both partners are able to put feelings aside and only have sex... this is of course easier for a man to do. There has to be somewhat of an emotional wall up between them, and they can ignore the fact that they are having sex with others, turn a blind eye to it.... but in reality if they knew the whole detail of what was going on they would feel jealous or hurt. Therefore most people are suppressing their innermost needs and getting by on sex alone. Probably the closest form of polyamory would be ‘swinging’ usually when a couple already has a strong relationship and have deep intimacy with eachother, they may both want to explore and swing with other couples after some time. This would be more open, each person knows the details inside and out, everything is out on the table and both want this. There is no keeping things from the other.
  13. True polyamory in this day and age is very difficult to achieve. And this day and age people use so called polyamory as a way to avoid intimacy in relationships. True polyamory is being able to have intimacy with more than one person. Today, people cannot manage intimacy with 1 person let alone many. Or open relationships where the partners know they are sleeping with another person, but don’t want to know details about it because this would cause discomfort or jealousy. All details are kept private in order to not hurt the other. True polyamory will only work when society as a whole stops basing their self worth upon other people. So yes, poly relationships today will cause a lot of drama, and many people will feel hurt, jealous or not good enough. If there is only sex without intimacy the women will begin to feel unloved. Not Having the ability to be truly intimate with many women will of course, cause a lot of stress and drama on the mans behalf, and unfulfillment for the woman. It has to come from a place where all participating members feel whole and feel able to share love and intimacy with one another.. the man needs to play the part of fulfilling the intimate needs of many women at a time. If you were born and didn’t have any childhood traumas or societal programming you would naturally love everyone and your self worth wouldn’t be based on others, and all people would be fully open to intimacy. We are a very long way from this.
  14. I've also wondered the same. having knowledge of the traits of different stages and the way those stages think and act, doesnt mean you fully lived through the stage? I can learn how a stage turquoise person would view the world and try and change my world view to match that... but that doesn't mean i am turquoise. i can think in turquoise but am i actually turqoise?
  15. find new friends and go do your own thing. I walked away from my girls&boys friend group when i was younger because i broke up with my boyfriend. which was hard because we all hung out and even all took holidays together. I was the one who did the breaking up and felt that things changed between me and them after that anyway.
  16. If you're talking about first glance attraction.. looks do matter to women. if a woman thinks a guy is ok looking but not sure about him, she will even discuss with their friends whether they find the guy attractive or not.. all it takes is for 1 friend to say ''hmm i don't like the look of him'' and that could make her change her mind, i've seen that happen before. girls don't want to be seen with a less attractive guy. they want to know that other girls think the guy they are dating is good looking. surface level speaking. attraction is very particular, what one girl likes in a guy another one won't. Same for both sexes. the fact that you didnt want to kiss that particular girl is no big deal. she had a moment of attraction to you for whatever reason. you rejected her for not suiting your particular taste, people get rejected all the time for this. i have rejected guys because they werent good looking to me, even though we got along well. Even if a guy had good "game" but was ugly in my eyes, i would still reject him because i wouldn't want to make out with someone who i didn't find attractive. If there was 1 hot girl with model looks, who is clearly beautfiul.. then on the other hand you have a girl who is pretty, maybe more alternative and with her own style, but not the perfect looking instagram girl. maybe you would choose the more societally attractive one. but alot of people would choose the alternavitve girl depending on their personal preferences. and vice versa. Times when looks may not matter so much to a girl is when you already know eachother and something has been building for some time between you then she might start to find you more attractive. for example some time ago a friend got in a new relationship wth a guy she had known for years, when i asked her to show me a picture of him she was like " he's not the most attractive, but we know eachother so well" basically warning me incase i judged him for being ugly. they ended up getting married and having kids. But that concern about him not being attractive was still there. But if a girl were looking at first glance without knowing you or having spoken to you then you probably would'nt get a second look if you werent attractive to her specifically. another time when looks may not matter is if gals are drunk they may let their attraction standards slip. same goes for guys. if you were drunk you probs would have made out with that girl. it's not just women who work on their appearance, men also can. But its true that men arent judged as much by society as a whole on how they look, the way women are. take a man whos out of shape, unkempt, has no personal style and crooked teeth... get him working out, give him a great haircut, get him taking care of his skin, give him a new wardrobe and braces and he will be upgraded. he may have personality issues to work on but upgrading his look will get him further than if he hadn't upgraded it. Not only men can work on their inner selves to have a more attractive energy.. women also work on their personalities and issues. which is why you often hear about a girl being really pretty but they ended up being crazy. or a guy who was really good looking but had a shitty personality. they had the looks surface level but nothing deeper going on. maybe the girl who doesnt care about makeup, likes wearing loose fitting clothes, who doesn't care about trying to attract guys, is working on herself and doing her own thing, will be invisible to surface level men as shes not seen as hot and sexy in the eyes of instagram and mainstream attraction. but will that girl anyway be interested in those type of guys? hell no. there is too many deep levels to this, but most people are operating purely on surface levels. Women get more heavily judged by society for their looks though which is no secret. actually, women are many times the ones judging other women for how they look. women feel forced to look better by society as a whole, not soley for the purpose of attracting men. They want to be more beautiful so that everyone likes them, not because they want lots of men flocking to them. But to fit in to what society wants.
  17. Could be something like this.. things moved to fast and she backed off.. she realised she doesn’t want to get in a serious relationship with u and doesn’t want to lead you on, but won’t tell you that so is distancing herself instead. Or something happened to make her see you in a different light? Perhaps seeing eachother so much became too overwhelming and needy so she got freaked out ? Or she really is just busy, and you already spent a lot of time together. What I would do is back off! Don’t text her too much! Yes go meet her on the next date but then after that don’t contact her. Try to chill and do things to take your mind off her. I know it’s hard, almost relationships can feel like a dagger to the heart when they fizzle out. This is just my thoughts as someone who has experienced being on the receiving end from a guy doing that and also being the one who did the distancing.
  18. I had metal fixed braces as a kid for 1 and a half years.. would that have affected me?
  19. @Hello from Russia If anything, I was only attracted to it because my mother would forbid me and my sister to watch things like that. But we would watch the horror and sci-fi channel in secret anyway. Also as a kid, I used to spent a lot of time with my friends who lived down the street, and their parents would allow them to rent scary movies, so I would go to their house to watch stuff. I was still afraid and would hide behind a cushion for the most part. It definitely didn’t make me more fearless in life or anything, I was a very quiet kid. Another thing is that my older sister was also very dark and a full goth who loved Marilyn Manson. So basically I was influenced a lot. I don’t think watching scary movies disturbed me in any way though and I just grew out of it eventually.. actually, I could never watch scenes of violence and still to this day I have to look away from violent scenes. If anything I learned what not to do if a serial killer comes knocking.. lol.
  20. a tasty and simple white bean recipe I came across, perfect to make in a big batch and eat for breakfast or lunch. goes well as part of a salad bowl or served with toast. white beans with garlic, sage and tomato recipe... dried white/cannellini beans, soak in water over night - the longer you soak them the better, reduces cooking time and is digested more easily. also keep in mind that the beans expand, so don't soak too many. your desired amount of fresh garlic sage - dried or fresh jar of tomato sauce Passata/chopped tomatoes optional extra tomatoes or tomato puree vegetable stock ___ 1. after the beans have soaked.. add them to a pot of boiling water, allow to cook until soft. 20 mins maybe longer. add extra water if needed. prepare separately 500ml vegetable stock 2. in a pan sauté the garlic then add the tomatoes 3. drain the cooked beans and add them to the pan along with the vegetable stock 4. add the sage, and seasonings of choice 5. allow to stew and thicken up
  21. my latest smoothie is a blend of fresh spinach, blueberries, 1/2 of banana, 3 dates, spoonful of spirulina, spoonful of tahini, oat milk.
  22. A quick google search and I found this: “Transmission HSV-2 is mainly transmitted during sex, through contact with genital surfaces, skin, sores or fluids of someone infected with the virus. HSV-2 can be transmitted from skin in the genital or anal area that looks normal and is often transmitted in the absence of symptoms.” also: “More women are infected with HSV-2 than men; in 2016 it was estimated that 313 million women and 178 million men were living with the infection. This is because sexual transmission of HSV is more efficient from men to women than from women to men.” Source: sounds very risky!
  23. Try reading a horror story, like Steven king for example. Misery and the shining were my favourites of his, and a lot more detail in the books than the movies. Plus you get to make your own image up rather than watching violence. If you have an interest in it then better to explore it, exhaust it and then you’ll eventually tire of it. I was reading all of the ‘point horror’ books from about age 12 and used to watch scary movies all the time as a teen. I would research all the scariest movies ever made and work my way through them. Don’t watch so many now since I’ve seen all of the good ones and the new ones aren’t even that scary these days, they are just repeats of the older ones. did it lower my vibration? I don’t know, but I was naturally attracted to the dark side lol I think if I was doing all of that now then yes, because it’s all just a distraction.