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Everything posted by intotheblack

  1. Nobody ran away, there is just no point to try and have a conversation, since its obviously a joke to you and you are trying to wind people up to get a reaction. your joke responses aren't very funny
  2. No it’s wild and beautiful. Is that how you catch and eat your meat? not really the same is it? Do you see the difference
  3. people do think like this about animals though and those who do the mass animal slaughtering have to think that way in order to be able to cope with it. They have to Imagine that the animal is just an object, otherwise it would be too difficult. of course if you are hunting an animal because you are starving and need to feed your family to survive, that would also make it easier to kill, because you will die otherwise.
  4. haha i find it amusing, it has a nice ring to it hmm ya true i have heard that type of thing before lol yeah its a weird one.. i mean technically once a woman has her period she has entered "womanhood" and in previous years girls would become a woman at age 16-18 by having children very young and then being married age 20. they would be seen as a woman from then on. whereas today that doesn't happen until late 20s - 30s so probably why people now think of a woman as being 30+
  5. we should start saying Gals. guys and gals sounds better. I never hear anyone using the term boy... actually I remember I did one time and someone got offended by it. guy is not offending but boy is apparently
  6. i thought the same about it being one of those flashing planes because I see them all the time, and its the same type of flash
  7. i agree. why is it that people still refer to women as girls? but they don't refer to guys as boys?
  8. they could easily set up some of the best, state of the art, night vision equipment if they really think its ufos.. they wouldn't just keep using the same old fuzzy cctv cam. if I saw aliens cicrcling my back yard, i would be trying my best to get some clear shots taken.
  9. it's always hard to get a clear image at night. but still even using an iphone camera would have a clearer video. why is the video evidence always recorded on the worst quality cameras? why cant the pentagon set up some high quality night vision cameras to get clearer shots? why are the aliens only circling the pentagon?
  10. Makes sense. Also less people see the need for getting married, especially since women earn their own money now. Whereas up until recently and even to this day women were stay at home moms and the husband controlled all the finances. They were more dependant on men, so no matter what the man was earning or what job he did, it would always be more than his wife. The man held the position of power in the relationship, so he could just pretty much choose any woman who needed to be taken care of. Now though, women are more independent and they don’t need men for that financial support so much. So they can now afford to be more picky with who they want to be in a relationship with, and can search for a better mate based on values and connection. whereas before, it was more based on who can give you the most financial security. Whether or not the man could take care of her was more important than if they had a deep connection. Now they have the opportunity to have well paid jobs, better education and lengthy careers. I can see how it might be more difficult to find a partner who is equal or higher, and how men might feel intimidated by a woman earning more or being of higher status than him. So I guess that’s what we see with the celebrity examples that were given...if the woman has high status and money she will more likely pair with someone of equal/higher status... or.... a man who is not gonna be intimidated by that (but this comes down to consciousness I believe) I suppose it depends on the individuals and if she/he wants his/her partner to be earning more/less than him/her. But of course, it’s all very materialistic, and stage orange. David deida also talks about a similar thing regarding consciousness
  11. Maybe sooner than we think... the topic is being explored in Switzerland. Atm the government said the move is too radical.
  12. European countries will be the first to end factory farming I think. But who knows when that will be. It’s just gonna take a long time because barely enough people are at the consciousness level to be on board with it. I think it will happen slowly but surely as people awaken to the horrors and gradually stop buying. It can’t go on long term. I say by the year 2100 it will be history. ??
  13. ?. if you feel angry at this try watching some slaughterhouse videos. most of the people working in those places are miserable and have mental health issues dealing with killing and seeing dead bodies and the overall death vibe inside of them. It’s not good for human nature. Less and less people are willing to do societies dirty work for them. It’s either gonna become a super high paying job to get people to do it, or there will be robots. personally I don’t see a place for it in a conscious society. I don’t see how the more conscious a person becomes they can be ok with it. The only way people can do it now is by not thinking about it. Ignorance is bliss
  14. Yeah you are right! I also understood this side from her, in general I do like her though, and enjoy her talks. Yep agree
  15. Yep. Pretty much every girl I’ve known, whenever someone mentions they are dating someone new, the first question is always ‘show me a picture of him’ ‘what does he look like?’ I think young girls especially care about looks. It’s usually when they get a bit older they stop caring as much about it... unless of course the car or the money is more important to them..but in general they care about what their friends or other people think about how attractive the guy they are dating is. lol one thing I have never been attracted to was a man flaunting a car or money! It never resonated with me.
  16. Hehe. I know, the first time was over 700 comments!
  17. after more contemplating about it since I shared the video the first time.. the way I see it is that the containment is more about emotional support..that you are safe to just ‘be’ in your natural state. It’s a feeling of trust in the person. Like a knowing that they have your back, they are with you and you are on the same team. It’s like you are part of them and they have your best interests at heart. Feeling seen for who you are. This is ideally how it would be in all relationships. Child and parent, friends or lovers. But because this isn’t usually the case in the first relationship of your life (the one with your parents) trauma is created. So many men and also women, have a collective wound and simply aren’t capable of giving this emotional support to someone and taking them as a part of you... If you grew up without this loving and nurturing family relationship where you were seen for who you are.. you will feel alone. You’ll therefore end up in sexual relationships with the same sort of dynamic later in life. And this is what the lack of containment is. The people never felt ‘‘wanted’ , so then how can you possibly make another feel wanted and safe? They were never ‘contained’ so they don’t know how to contain another. I think the man being the one to do all the containing is a bit outdated, and there is also women who are incapable of it (myself included before I did any self actualising) A man also wants to feel like his partner is with him, and to feel nurtured and loved. I once read an article ages ago, but I always remember a part in it. It was written by a man who said that all men deep down want to be held and loved, and that the feeling of being in a woman’s arms and cared for by her, doesn’t compare to anything else. It is a place of peace. As a woman I’m very independent, and have never looked to a man for containment in the physical sense (money, a house, protection etc) I don’t want that a guy is doing everything for me or that there is an imbalance of power in the relationship... and maybe I will be seen as too masculine for that, especially by teal swan lol, she sometimes seems to look down on women who don’t like to depend on a man. I find a lot of her content interesting but sometimes she’s a bit condescending. to me containmant is more about that feeling of deep trust and companionship, that both partners give to eachother. It’s a gift! But this only happens in a healthy way when both partners are at the same level of consciousness and maturity. both of them can express their feminine and masculine energies out in different ways, but there has to be a balance of this openness and emotional support. I don’t think it should be so black and white regarding who does what, or who is/isn’t masculine, or who is/isn’t feminine. the important thing is accepting the other for who they are.
  18. Yeah which is why I said specifically the dating section, I wasn’t talking about actualized .org as a whole. But yes also that fact that its very male dominated also adds to it.
  19. You can only learn what you practice. There are specific skills and minsets when it comes to getting women. He won't learn them by hanging out with friends The point is that if he’s in a relationship he will be getting sex so won’t need to be ‘getting women’ in fact he can put his efforts into other areas of life
  20. If you don’t allow someone to feel in a safe zone with them where they can be completely themselves and vulnerable about how they feel, then they will act cold and put on a false front. If you prove to them that you will leave when they are honest, which is what happened in your situation, they will try to change themselves so that you don’t leave again. This is definitely a sign of anxious attachment and was likely a dynamic in the childhood. People with anxious attachment are better suited to someone with a secure attachment style. The worst partner for them is someone who is avoidant (you maybe) so ask yourself are you secure enough for the emotional responsibility of a relationship.
  21. It sounds like she does like you or she wouldn’t be still hanging around. She is secretly hoping for something more but won’t tell you that since you are keeping distance with her, she doesn’t feel that safety that she needs to be completely open and vulnerable with you, for fear that if she does you will leave....And you proved this before, she was open with you and you left. So she panicked and wanted you back. Sounds like an anxious attachment !! So she’s playing it cool and pretending not to care. you also have found that relationship bonding and intimacy is something that naturally starts to happen after spending lots of time together, you’ve gotten a taste for what real intimacy could be like if you would dive into it fully with no regrets. The options I see are these - you end things now, make a clean break and move on. Don’t keep seeing eachother for sex. at least for a while have no contact. If you want to remain friends later then fine. But sex + friends don’t last long term. - continue as you are, let the relationship run it’s course. Eventually she will get bored with the situation, because it won’t be emotionally fulfilling for her long term. She will meet another guy who can give her what she wants and won’t think twice to leave you... or... she will wisen up and go put her efforts into other areas of life and realise the whole thing was a waste of time. - you start a committed relationship with this girl. You commit to your self actualisation and learn how to navigate a relationship. You will have some of your biggest lessons in a relationship! You will realise things about yourself that you wouldn’t being alone. You will be challenged and pushed to be a better person. You learn what it means to really love. You become a team, and grow together. You can still learn social skills by going out together in groups... pickup is not the only way to learn that!