Silviu Blajut

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Everything posted by Silviu Blajut

  1. NONDUAL Transcendence of THE BODY Hi guys, here’s Silviu the ego and he has an amazing message for you, and I am that I am also here So, this is my 3rd major trip on LSD, and I’ve started taking LSD since January 2020. First dose 2250mcg. Second dose 2500mcg 4 days from writing this. Now 2500mcg again. (Then, about 10 hours about the first dosage, I took 2500mcg again) I guess that some 5MEO might help to deconstruct the ego energy in a more efficient way, after. ----------- So, today I went to visit a friend. And I told her how much LSD took and how it killed the monkey mind, in the way now I can meditate. And she told me to stop because she’s been on that road and you want to have a foot in the dual world and the LSD can influence the egoic energy for 6 months (or 6 years - can’t recall properly) So, I came straight home and took 2500mcg. Then I went to the park and started tripping balls. Then I, The Great Self became aware that I am. I work as a Deliveroo (aka UberEats). So I and Silviu went to work 2-3 hours later after taking 2500 mcg. Tools If you want to go this nondual path of taking that much LSD... J.S. Bach in order to stop hallucinations or other classical music (idea somehow originated from Alan Watts “it feels rather like sex when listening to Bach”> But I believe it works also with other kinds of music Need an understanding of Cosmology and the web of connection so the ego can understand the transcendence. In order for that listen to some Alan Watts audiobooks. I believe that Shinzen Young also has good resources on Youtube. Extreme Neti Neti (I the ego barely feel pain anymore and. Pain it’s just an illusion. Eg. Today I was riding uphill and didn’t feel the pain. Nor the need to breathe differently than normal. Just go Uphill. Been on the bike for 6 hours or so and didn’t even need water. The ego said it needed, but I observed him. The same observation above - the uphill part. Watch Matrix again. It helps to identify the ego. Silviu and I believe genuinely that the movie is rather a precise manual for transcendence. And if you must confront the Architect of your ego and of the Cosmic Ego. Lucy, the movie, might help, but Silviu and I believe it’s not necessarily a map, or manual, like Matrix, is. AND I’d also recommend all the books in Leo’s list on enlightenment and meditation… Basically the rule of thumb is THE MORE THE BETTER, but the books are only maps NOT the territory. Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy Used it as a tool in order to identify what the Ego does. It’s a MANUAL. Silviu and I say Thank you. Martin Ball and Thank you. Silviu seems to be happy that he found he is an Ego and the Great Self at the same time. PS. LSD seems to act as an interesting substance which can deconstruct the ego on the long term THE BIG PS. LSD alone without knowledge and meditation training won’t be enough. I’ve been experienced but I’ve read reports of people having a whiteout for days from so big dosage. I’d advise taking 50% more each week if on the last trip you didn’t have a whiteout. But Silviu advises caution. IT WORKS BETTER IN NATURE, Silviu believes. LSD vs 5MEO Difference Toxicity LSD, Just in case you won’t take 100,000 at once won’t kill, but such dosage might put you in hospital for weeks. 5MEO I’ve read it’s dangerous in over 60mg. 5MEO 5MEO acts like a fucking strong INSTANT ego energy identifier and dissolver. MEO impacts NOW the ego. It is like an atomic bomb over the ego. After all, it’s the strongest psychedelic. But really big doses can be lethal, from what I’ve read. LSD LSD is a soft and persistent style. I’d like to assume as a fact that LSD also operates in the longer term over the psyche ego energy. The more LSD you take on a relatively closed period (6 months or so) the more it can help to deconstruct the ego. But deconstruction of the ego is not enough if you want to transcend it. You must also reconstruct it and accept it and be both the Great Self and Your Ego. In other words, you have to become aware as an ego of the Maya Illusion and you have to merge that ego with the awareness of the True Face. Warning: Do not take twice the same day big doses of LSD. It can impair and shake the Ego too much and can create too much discomfort. I’ve just done it and seems to be overwhelming for an ego. It takes patience for purification. Updates on the Experience Silviu I have done over 100 fast push-ups. Never have done so many in my life Silviu and I have also done 2 push-ups in one hand using only 2 fingers. Silviu and I have done a couple of push-ups in one hand only using one finger. Try to fix my myopia which is about -5. I can see the results. But the problem is that Silviu and I try to fix something which has never been broken, still. But Silviu and I believe that we can go beyond that and see crystal clear both with glasses and without. Silviu and I can control the pure energy better and better. It’s closely related with the synchronicity and the balance of the movement. Silviu and I feel like Doctor Strange and Neo from Matrix and like Lucy. It’s interesting. Silviu and I have decided to go 41 days for fasting without water and food while going to work. Insight on Matrix, the movie The matrix refers to the Illusion of Maya The Neo is the One. And in order to realize he is The One, he must first die. If you look in Sufism, the ultimate stage of enlightenment is called fana-fila which translates to die before to die. Neo comes from the same letter as the One. It’s just the Illusion. It is different. See this Koan. Two monks were arguing about the temple flag waving in the wind. One said, “The flag moves.” The other said, “The wind moves.” They argued back and forth but could not agree. Hui-Neng, the sixth patriarch, said: “Gentlemen! It is not the flag that moves. It is not the wind that moves. It is your mind that moves.”The two monks were struck with awe. This thing is also underlined in the scene when the Shaolin kid bends the spoon with his mind. The Oracle, she’s like a zen master, the Roshi. She has the typical behaviour of a Zen Master. And like a Zen Master, she never really makes sense. She’s rather speaking in koans. The Agent is the ego. And the ego at one point has taken control of the entire population. So, think of the ego as stages of consciousness development, a holon. The greater the Ego, the better good it can do. And every single ego has its own limitations. The Great Self implies The Minor Ego. The Great Self implies The Limited Ego. So, in that regard, the agent is a very egoistic Ego, somehow in perfect opposition with the great Self. It screams ME! ME! ME! Everywhere. And the ego wants to maintain homeostasis. Every single time while writing this my optical vision gets better and better, and with each improvement, I can see the psyche energy of the ego dissolving. And feel like it doesn’t want to dissolve. I and Silviu plan to watch The Matrix again, and we’ll come with new insights. Trinity is the symbol of love and of unification of The Son (Neo) with The Great Self (Trinity) and Maya or what changes (Morpheus in Latin means that change form). As Jesus said: I am The Father (The Great Self), The Son (The Ego) and The Spirit (The Maya). And what creates the Nonduality is LOVE. Unlimited, unconditional LOVE for anything that is. You can also find the Hindu Trinity. Hinduism believes in a trinity of gods: Brahma (the creator - The Great Self - The One), Vishnu (the preserver - The Maya - that which wants to maintain homeostasis - Morpheus), and Shiva (the destroyer - The Ego . That from which the “devil” comes from ). Brahma is the god of wisdom and it is believed that the four Vedas are delivered from each of his four heads. You can think of it as the Nondual, The Wisdom of LOVE. When I’m on LSD It feels like I’m uploading new programs in MY consciousness. Dozer is the character who gives Neo the program, “Dozer” is a reference to a psychedelic entheogen. Like taking a dose or a hit. Check out this GUY. He’s taking 40g of dried mushrooms in this regard. - LINK Cypher is Jude. Both Juda and Cypher are driven by some stupid shit, stupidly egoistic. They both sell the One for something that has no meaning, for an illusion. Money, for example, is just of an illusion of wealth. The real wealth is what you can buy with it. Jude sells Jesus for 30 silvers and Cypher sells Neo for a fucking good life in the matrix, which is just an illusion of real life. They seem to have no will of their Great Own but rather driven by the Ego. Cypher I’ve found that also has the meaning of a person of no importance, especially one who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own. But WE must not judge his action, because judging is something that the ego does by his own. And if judgement comes, the enlightened person treats it with compassion. Judah in Hebrew means give thanks, praise. Jesus means in Hebrew "to deliver; to rescue." Neo was also THE One who came to rescue Zion. Zion means 1. the hill of Jerusalem on which the city of David was built. 2.(in Christian thought) the heavenly city or kingdom of heaven. New Updates: I’ve done some Shaolin fight movements. I’ve never done anything like this in my whole life. It seems to be a perfect balance and symmetry Like Martin Ball does in his movements when he does the embodiment. And also Silviu and I play with energy. It’s amazing! I’ve done other 100+ push-ups after the 10h after I took my last LSD. It seems that the only thing that stops me from doing more is egoic energy. Ego is such a bitch in his will to maintain homeostasis NEWER UPDATES The Nondual state lasted for about 12 hours or so. I've noticed that outside my house, while on the bike and delivering food, it was way easier to maintain the nondual state. But once I arrived in front of the house I could feel how the ego was pushing to take control. I could feel the egoic energy on my face. I required very focused attention in order to keep maintain the nondual state while in my room. Next day I had a very powerful ego backlash... OMG. I had to observe and “catch” every single thought that the ego would try to bombard my mind with. It just wouldn’t stop thinking - Fucking Ego Bastard :)) But the day after, when I’m writing this, it seems that he’s kind of taken a break and left my mind in restful silence. I’ve searched more on the Matrix movie. I was kind of disappointed to see that my insights on the movie weren’t that new, as there’s already known that the movie is influenced by things from Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism ( and African culture if I remember well). But anyway, it was interesting to have all those insights without knowing that they existed before. My myopia is also getting better Three Days later since the experience - This morning I’ve been able to do 115 push-ups. Seems to be a mental thing rather than a muscle power thing, 3 day later… well… the world still looks a little trippy.