Kid A

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Everything posted by Kid A

  1. I don’t know what I would have done without dating apps. I’ve never even been close to getting any results from social circle, work/studies or nightgame, and Norway isn’t really suitable for daygame, but on dating apps I get great results. I’m in a relationship now thanks to Hinge.
  2. I feel very much loved, yes. He does everything for me and contacts me almost daily. He’s the kindest father you could have. There have been more emotional and deeper conversations in the past, but it’s been a long time since then. Now there seems to be some kind of barrier that neither he nor I seem able to break through.
  3. I would say I’m one, but me and my father only talk about the most practical and superficial stuff though. I’m not sure why… Sorry to hear about you dad. That sounds awful.
  4. The characters in Black Mirror are often very cartoonish. It’s so black or white, and I think this is a huge mistake. It doesn’t fit the series.
  5. I’ve watched one season of both the American and Swedish versions of Love is blind. I found it interesting how much less mature the Swedish guys seemed.
  6. I’m pretty sure most people answer how they actually feel on the survey and not how they should feel… The question people are asked is «On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst possible life and 10 is the best possible life, how would you rate your own life?»
  7. But why wouldn't all of these factors be reflected in the survey results?
  8. No, Norway and Switzerland are not happier than Sweden. According to UN’s happiness index, Sweden is in 4th place, while Norway is in 7th and Switzerland in 10th. Be careful about focusing too much on Swedens problems. It’s easy to get lost. I don’t agree that you can’t measure happiness. If you ask enough people from all the countries in the world how happy they are on a scale of 1-10, i would argue you get a pretty clear picture.
  9. Wow. May I ask why? I think it's absolutely amazing. The dinner scene is one of the best and most intense scenes ever made imo. It's so real. I can kind of confirm, as someone who used to be pretty far right.
  10. I think the X-Men movies are generally a real positive exception to the otherwise terrible superhero movies. Avengers and stuff like that are the most overrated movies ever. Other overrated movies: Badlands, Cool hand Luke, The deer hunter, Scarface and Ferris Bueller's day off.
  11. I must admit: Weed was in the picture both times… I love From dusk till dawn! The only movie Tarantino does a decent job as an actor.
  12. I’ve been really interested in movies for most of my adult life and have watched way too many of them from various decades. No movie experience, and actually no other experiences either, come close to the first two times I watched Interstellar. It was the movie I had been waiting for my entire life.
  13. No. People are just so bored with life that they need conspiracy theories about everything to keep it going.
  14. Daygame in Japan. I’m not gonna lie: That sounds like hell. The only reason daygame is possible here is that we have a lot of foreigners. I’ve never been able to get a date with a non-foreign girl through cold approaching. You guys have even less culture for cold approaching than we do, and you basically have no foreigners from outside East Asia. I’ve heard from people who have been to Japan that things move a lot slower with girls there. Time is your best friend. Try to make the interactions as long as possible and always try to get an instant date.
  15. Definitely. If you look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Sex is a physiological need and that can be met by jerking off. «Sexual intimacy» is a Love and belonging-need, which is higher on the pyramid.
  16. I, and probably many others, interpreted this as you supporting genocide. Is this the case? The thread was locked right after your post, so never got to ask.
  17. In the gaslighting video, Leo says that you should stop looking to others to tell you what is real and what is true, but how do I find the confidence to do that when other people clearly seem to have a more accurate sense of reality? I was recently diagnosed with Asperger’s after going through the first 29 years of my life thinking I was pretty much completely normal. Getting the diagnose was a little shock for me, but nobody else has seemed surprised when I’ve told them about it. It’s like everyone has always known except for me. I’ve also found out that my friends have been tolerating things I’ve said and done which they would never have tolerated from anyone else, while I’ve been going around thinking I’m behaving just fine. People have also all my life kept telling me things about me that I don't recognize at all. My physical appearance is the greatest example of this. When I look in the mirror, I see something VERY different from what others see. I see an extremely handsome guy, but when I took psychedelics for the first time three years ago, I suddenly saw a stranger looking back at me with a face that much more fits the description others have of me: A stone face with little facial expression. All this combined with very poor dating results has led me to have very low self-respect and confidence at this point, which makes me trust others way too much and that keeps getting me into trouble. Any advice?
  18. Sorry for late reply. The advice I got here was really helpful and even life-transforming. Thank you so much, everyone!
  19. What are your thoughts on the coup he was referring to? You claimed that the leftists are «just as bad» and that «over the last 10 years especially they have shown their true colors». If this is the case, then why haven’t they attempted a coup?
  20. Because of our «overbearing nanny states», we Scandinavians have much better opportunities to do personal development than you Americans. We are also happier with our lives. Now most of us just sit in disbelief and horror while we observe you guys being brainwashed into selling your souls to Antichrist himself, just to keep your corrupt dysfunctional system going.
  21. If you expect people to watch anything you post when you act like a 12-year-old, you're going to be disappointed.
  22. Yeah, really clever. I bet this and calling people «libtards» is going to convince many.
  23. I wasn’t able to pass the first year of nursing studies, even though I worked my ass off. Made me a little suicidal too. Two years later: Now I study something I’m much better suited for and I’m happy with my life.
  24. You know they’re pretty far-right when Marine Le Pen doesn’t like them.