I saw that past and future are imagined. I now seem to be identifying heavily with the content of the current present moment.
I feel like I am my surroundings and current train of thought/everything in awareness. But not the present over all time, just the single moment I'm in at any point. I feel like I won't experience the future, that it's just imagined in this moment.
This is manifesting in extreme impatience and an inability to concentrate or work towards the future.
Sometimes it's so bad I feel extreme resistance to even changing train of thought or anything about this moment, in a fear of death sense, like doing something different or thinking a different thought will be death. This is worst when procrastinating, I get locked in and feel like to stop procrastinating would bring a kind of death...
I think I had a timelessness insight without any ego death. So I feel like a human with no future haha.
If anyone has suggestions on what to contemplate/practise to resolve this I'd be very grateful. I have a lot of uni work due soon so not being able to concentrate is a problem.