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Everything posted by UnconsciousHuman

  1. Leaving this forum because of dogma. Most of you including me trick yourselves into experiencing what Leo says cuz you got that good of an imagination. This forum looks to me like a bunch of depressed and confused people that are latching on to non-conventional spirituality. You will not get closer to spirituality looking at Leo and the forum. You will become spiritual looking inwards and doing your own spiritual practices. If spirituality is something you want to pursue I recommend you change your email and password to something you don't know and leave the forum as well. The first step after leaving this forum will be to throw away all of the dogmas behind. Any idealogy or system of identifications. So, bye-bye guys, I did meet and interact with interesting people but its time to end it all.
  2. @AprendizZo Thanks. I dont know why the sudden blessing, but I bless you back twice as much
  3. @Amit I don't care and don't know. To me, he speaks dogma, to him it's his experience. Also, there are things outside of his experience he talks about. Karma, past lives, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember this very moment. Dude if you wanna follow Leo and his ideologies and dogmas do so, there have been others here that waste as much as 8 years of their life only to come to the conclusion that this forum and Leo is the perfect distraction from actual spirituality because it is a distraction which claims it is spiritual.
  4. @AprendizZo First lie: telling me that I'm lying.
  5. @Amit To start, Dogma is anything you think is true that didn't come from your experience. Leo will talk about ego, karma, spiral dynamics, low consciousness, and a bunch of other shit.
  6. @AprendizZo I see you are trapped in a time strange loop, maybe doctor strange will help you snap out?
  7. @Amit Amit, my one and only Indian? Leo... I will leave this forum and never return. If I come back you will be the first person I message. But that won't happen because I see the lies this forum and "Leo culture" generates, for me at least, I can speak at least for myself.
  8. @AprendizZo This post has escalated into a swirling strange loop so quickly! Maybe you need better karma and a higher stage turquoise development to see the infinity of the strange loop.
  9. @AprendizZo I see you judging.
  10. @meow_meow Hahahhaha good analogy. I'm leaving the forum for 2 reasons, My thinking is not my own anymore, In other words, I'm dogmatic as a result of listening to the dogma of the forum and Leo. This fucks with my personal experience in spirituality and in life. I want to pursue spirituality and this forum holds me way the fuck back. Again because of the dogma.
  11. @Amit No, I won't be back. Nice profile picture, you're missing a black shirt & background, and a shaved head.
  12. @Tom T Dude cringe to you. "I met a yellow thinker, dead inside, enlightened child, oh my god, he understands the cosmos" *squirt* Stop projecting onto him that he's a prophet. When I was a kid I went for piano lessons and was asked to close my eyes and hear a melody than after that I had to try and repeat the melody I heard on piano, I did it perfectly, my piano teacher started to have an orgasm while saying "OH my, such a musical child, he's a genius, it's like he's a musical angel". You're doing the exact same thing. @Leo Gura Cut the dumb idealogy. "karma", "you're born with a predisposition to be spiritual because of your past life". Tell me, how the hell do you know that? You don't. So stop vomiting out dogma. What's more the case is that this person was born with a configuration of brain set up for less monkey chatter and didn't have experiences that persuaded him into dogma and closed-mindedness.
  13. I love the gains Im already getting, but they're just too slow. Any recommendations are appreciated.
  14. Wim Hof, meditation, exercise, work, and a dream board are a must for your happiness. Secondly, go on meetup.com and meet up with folks with similar interests. You should be able to stand without friendships but at the same time chose to have friends because it's fun and adventurous and supportive. You gotta aim for interdependent friendships. Secondly, If you're in a relationship, the need for friendships won't be as strong. So, in short, make the 5 things I talked about in the first sentence a daily habit and meet up with folks that enjoy the things you enjoy.
  15. You've focused too much on thought. There are 3 things in existence ever Perception Sensation Thought If you stop identifying with thoughts or in other words focus on Perception or Sensation you will become enlightened. I recommend you chat with @Nahm via PM.
  16. I hear you brother. I think your problem is that you used self-actualization and spirituality as an excuse to not take on the responsibilities of creating an ecstatic life for yourself. This includes: Creating: money, meaningful relationships, fitness & health, a comfortable living environment, career, hobbies, etc... To self-actualize is to work on yourself and make real your potential, and you haven't done that in those areas. You don't need less self-actualization you need more of it. Spiritual practices should take up a portion of your life not all of it until you have settled those aspects of your life then you could start to take spirituality more seriously. I recommend you leave the forum and Leo and pursue your own life. Keep doing spiritual practices but make sure they occupy a maximum of 1 hour a day, and the rest of your time should be spent on creating results when you have the results then focus more on the spiritual path. It is easy to fall for the trap you've fallen in, I'm sorry to hear that and I think its a really sucky situation to be in, but there is only forward from this point on, so look ahead, fix your problems and create your dreams.
  17. @Neuroknot Download Duolingo and keep learning new languages to think in, by the time you learn all the languages you'll be enlightened
  18. I thought I would share this recent discovery of mine, I'm going to list 3 of the most effective ways for me of slowing down the monkey mind immediately: Wim Hof Method or Pranayama + Cold Exposure Feeling into your emotions Thinking in a new learned, different language than the one you think in.
  19. The sphere represents the Ego. As the Ego structures grow they eventually break then new structures immerge in their place repeating the whole process anew. This is what happens as you go up the Spiral Dynamics stages.
  20. You're on the forum... There is a you and there is a forum. The forum is comprised of people and their opinions. How are you interacting with the people on the forum? That can be answered using this model. This is separate from why you are on the forum. That would be an indication of your "Values". Rather this model is looking at the intention behind the things you say. Again, the model you're about to see is different from the "Cognition" or "Values". This model here is really looking in-depth at your intention when communicating not how you communicate. You could see this as a "Map Of Intentions Of Communication" THIS MODEL ISOLATES THE "INTENTION OF COMMUNICATION" NOT "HOW" OR "WHAT" YOU COMMUNICATE. ONE: Your intention is to establish a power dynamic where you are dominant. (Trolling, belittling, hating etc...) TWO: Your intention is to conform, follow the tradition and preserve the norms. THREE: Your intention is to prove someone else wrong (debunk), and show that you are right. Or you are playing up your self-image. FOUR: Your intention is to be gentle, connect, bond, and support. Tier 2 which isn't interested in playing a role like the other stages: FIVE: Your intention is to learn and understand. You are looking for new perspectives and insights. The aim is to create a better "understanding" or "map of reality". I think depending on your mood, the subject of discussion, or other factors you can alternate between the stages. So the "mode of operation" you use to interact with the people isn't fixed all the time. It is also possible to have combined Intentionality. Example: Learning and proving yourself right/superior. FIVE + THREE. I developed this model myself recently so it is not complete. PM me if you have any input. Moderators can use this model to discriminate between Trolls and Genuine users. If a user is constantly showing ONE/RED "Intention Of Communication" they're likely to be trolls. Users of this forum can use this model to explain why someone said something a certain way, both inside and outside the forum. Since I have SD stage GREENvalues.. For this forum I hope this model can be used to better your understanding of your own "Intentions Of Communication" and when that happens you automatically notice how petty you are at times and then decide to stop that, thus helping create a more harmonious and loving community one person at a time.
  21. @Chakra Lion Why is this not good to live by? I have a much better understanding of my own intentions and others by using this model. Do I have a bias, yes ofcourse. Why the fuck would I not ?Its clearly evident to me that this model reveals much. What flaws do you see. Point them out to me. Don't play almighty god here. Have a look at your own intentions, see just why it is youre trying to present yourself as greater than you are, and in the meanwhile dismiss implicitly this model. If you looked at yourself and your own intentions you would see this model is accurate. In this case your intentions are clearly not to clarify or inform but rather to play some authority figure. I ask that you look at the new thread. Youre just saying that to say it, not because there are some flaws that you recognize. If you wanna piss away the model implicitly go ahead. No ones judging, I personally dont care a shit, you just wont benefit from the advantages of using this model. This model was developed even further in my new thread. Dont reply or write anything on that thread. And to be honest Im not interested in continuing this dialogue, I similarly have done so before with others who just had the agenda to dismiss it, which you share with them. Have a look at the new thread, see how the model tracks actual intentions and enjoy the benefits of heightened understanding of intentions of communication.
  22. @intotheblack Psychopathy 101.
  23. @trenton There's a point of having way more wealth than enough for pursuing creative projects, and creating an integrated lifestyle for yourself.
  24. @LfcCharlie4 It's not logical for everyone to have great marketing skills and set up their own clinics. I still firmly believe in physical communities of people working together to produce a result (a hospital), now that being said. Are hospitals corrupt, selfish, and are paid off by big pharma? A percentage of them are...In an ideal society, those things wouldn't exist what would exist however is the government paying the hospitals for taking care of patients and the doctors making a profit from that money. No middlemen. No one needs to be rich! What is the point of excess wealth anyway? Isn't bliss and joy what people really are after?