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Everything posted by UnconsciousHuman

  1. @Thewritersunion Work on it, send it to me as soon as you complete it, i recommend you look into integral theory.
  2. @Thewritersunion I dont understand still.
  3. @w4read I just read that back, IDK what the hell I was trying to say. whoops, I removed it haha. I don't want to cause anyone confusion. But I think what I was trying to say was that your intention when "not wanting to use it on others" would be characterized by following the norm of "no harm against others" which is a stage GREEN norm but the intention to follow through on it is BLUE intention. Hope that makes better sense.
  4. @Thewritersunion In both your posts under this thread, I dont understand what youre trying to say. Could you elaborate?
  5. @Consept Spot on! You've nailed understanding this model. You've got no idea how happy that makes me feel that someone else sees what I see.
  6. @Carl-Richard If you don't understand it you don't understand it. Spend more time trying to understand it and you will, I can promise you that. For example, your last mesage you were using YELLOW intentionality of communication. You aren't interested in being right or being friendly or bonding you're interested in bettering your understanding and conceptualization. Thats just one instance of it, go and look at my other replies! AND REREAD THE ORIGINAL POST
  7. @Carl-Richard I think it could more easily be explained by this model. saying things like, "blue/red edge" what does that idea mean? Well, this edge you talk of, is represented very explicitly by this model. This was just one example out of the thousands you could come up with. You can distinguish between the intention of communication and the actual value by: Value: The content of what they say. The intention of communication: What is implied by what they said, what is the tonality? Dude Im sick of repeating myself! Go read my other replies!!!!
  8. @w4read Yes, when people become aware of their intention of communication they will notice that the more threatened they are the lower their LEVEL of "Intention Of Communication" this should help them advance and overcome ego constructs because, the more rigid the ego the more it identifies, the more threat it feels.
  9. @Carl-Richard Sure, Richard Dawkins, for example, is stage ORANGE and when he is on stage with Deepak Chopra he will use ORANGE/THREE intention as well. When you are stage GREEN values you are more likely to use GREEN intention. If you value veganism, the planet, other people's sensitivities etc... your intention of communication will be to manifest that loving-caring vibe, so you will be supportive, caring, empathetic, bond-creating etc.. However when a stage GREEN is communicating with someone who threatens their world view (a homophobe for example), they will have RED/ONE intentions of communication, and therefore seek to bully, harras, and belittle the opposing side. That is evidence that the intention of communication is separate from moral values/ "SD Stages".
  10. @Consept Im glad I could improve your understanding of your own intentions, make sure to read the compliments Ive given you in the edited version of my reply.
  11. @w4read The whole point of the model is to use it to better understand yourself! I would like to clarify, that when you say Orange part of me what you are referring to is your values, basically other facets on the SD model. Im suggesting that this one is totally independent, you oftentimes see Leo, who is reaching into late turquoise-early coral values, use ORANGE/THREE intention of communication. Another example is when a stage BLUE person wants to prove their Christianism to be better than Islam. "Proving them wrong, me right". which is ORANGE/THREE intention of communication.
  12. @Consept Im amazed that you actually understand the concept with great depth that you can comeup with your own examples. Youre very openminded and quick! I renamed the STAGES... In order to get rid of that confusion.
  13. @Carl-Richard Again dude. They will use logic, rationality, and science to explain their concepts but what is the intention of communication? Is it to prove the other side wrong? Is it to connect? Is it to improve your own and other's understanding? I have renamed the STAGES so that people don't make this confusion.
  14. @Carl-Richard Im tired of repeating the concept. Look at the "intention of communication". Not the values one hold about the world. A bleeding heart GREEN morals social justice warrior will use RED intention of communication, to harras anyone who opposes their opinion. Hopefully, this idea creates a clearer understanding.
  15. @The observer Another example: A bleeding heart GREEN morals social justice warrior will use RED intention of communication, to harras anyone who opposes their opinion.
  16. @The observer Proof, logic, reason, and rationality I've put in the YELLOW category. It is beyond trying to prove yourself right or have a personal agenda. You could design the model however you like, but you will end up with the same categories of intentions. (not saying the categories I made are the end all be all) Also do not forget that this model also acknowledges combined intentions. For you can have the intention of logic, proof, reason, rationality and also proving yourself right or playing yourself up. That would be in this model, YELLOW and ORANGE
  17. I really believe this model can really shine a light on what is really happening in social interactions. You could see it as a play of intentionality. The lower your intentions the more closed-minded you seem and the more you turn people off. I would say most friend's communication between each other is a display of GREEN intentionality of communication.
  18. @The observer @lmfao @Carl-Richard @Consept Heres something you might enjoy. If you know Coldplay you know their new album "Everyday Life" On the track "Trouble In Town" skip to 02:21 and listen to the dialogue, you can see that there is a police agent aggressing a person, his values and morals are probably that of BLUE but his intention of communication is RED. Skip to minute 2:21
  19. @The observer Again dude, you are confusing values with the model. Forget the spiral, for now, just think of it as intentions of communication. And there are primarley 5 different types, and 4 of them alternate between self and other (YELLOW does not have a personal) By personal agenda, I'm referring to an agenda that seeks to place self within the environment; finding out what your role is.
  20. @Consept That's more or less it, I suppose. Thanks for your wonderful input whatever your name is, you allowed me to connect the dots even better. GO TEAM
  21. @The observer You are confusing the Values facet of a person and the realtime intention of communicating with users. There is a line between the two. The term "Spiral Dynamics" is probably creating this confusion. Forget everything you know about spiral dynamics and just look at this model as 5 different kneejerk reactions to communicating with others here. Maybe the word intentionality isn't right. My vocabulary isn't as developed as I would like to be if I knew a better word for describing the concept I would have used it. I altered the original post of this thread in order to better explain the thing this model tracks. I added the line: This is separate from why you are on the forum. That would be an indication of your "Values".Rather this model is looking at the intention behind the things you say.
  22. @Leo Gura Wonderful, thanks for sharing.
  23. @The observer You dont understand the model. This is independent of world views. You can be TURQUOISE on all other facets and come in her with ORANGE intentionality. This is commonly the case here!!! Please do notice the nuances here and make the distinction between the individuals moral development and the simple 5 ways of going about navigating and interacting with the forum. Spiral dynamics does not just explain moral values it is a model tracking complexity, and Its application is astounding. I dont think many rules of the moral line of development apply to this one, for example the rule of regression backwards, I dont think you are locked in to one modality of intentionality all the time, you can alternate between them. Another facet I discovered is “Routine Planning” Im not going to talk about this in much detail cuz Im tired of repeating myself at this point, you can look under my thread “Lines Of Spiral Dynamics...” Also stop trying to mask an ORANGE intentionality with the typical systematic YELLOW words, terminology and talking points. Its manipulative and you don’t acknowledge within yourself what youre doing. I advice you reread the model. A good way to see the LEVEL of intentionality is to look at what is implicitly being communicated. To clarify to you: I will keep developing the model, pointing out flaws and increasing it in accuracy... the model will evolve. If you can provide a useful new insight that could help with that evolution it would be better as opposed to saying what you are saying right now.