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Everything posted by UnconsciousHuman
Astrology is one sign off. That being said, reading my chart has been shockingly accurate until I realized the existence of confirmation bias. Example: I have a moon in Aquarius, It's true that I think outside the norm and create new ways of understanding things and bring that to the table, but this characteristic can be hinted at by other aspects of my chart, so if I happened to have a moon in Leo, other aspects of my chart would compensate for that assessment. Also, there is a lot of things about my chart I don't agree with but it's easy for me to say "Well I don't agree with them because I just don't know myself enough" or "This aspect of me is still in development" so there is always a way to dismiss that astrology is wrong/flawed and instead to just believe in it. I myself think that there is more than just a genetic effect and early imprints of life that shape us, as Ruper Sheldrake Ph.D. talks about with morphic fields. I think the earth and other planets have an effect on how we are shaped, I just don't think it's very mappable and especially not in the form of astrology natal charts and readings. People take on astrology as a form of religion and for some folks, it is the very thing that keeps them on the edge of the cliff. So it can have psychological benefits of making one feel like they belong and it can make a person think they understand the world. I'm not sure about how real astrology is, but I am openminded to the possibility of it being so. I think that astrology is a very stage purple development. I don't know why and how you would go about combining an inaccurate system like astrology with Spiral Dynamics though it does seem like a fun idea and I would like to see it happen.
@Julian Thanks a lot for sharing this:
@Leo Gura Should doctors start their own at-home clinics and make that their business? That would open the doorway to so much bullshit. Hospitals make more sense to me. What do you think?
@lmfao Playing the anime genius know-it-all again? Just drop it dude. I don't like it when people psychoanalyze me and put me in their categories and imply the inferiority of my behavior or operations. I wouldn't make such claims as This is your projection. Drop the judgment, if you have something useful to say, go ahead if not I wont bother responding to or let alone reading your replies or remarks. Im putting an end to this back and forth. I wish to participate in loving and informative dialogue, not this. Good day.
@Leo Gura My dad is a doctor and my uncle is a lawyer, they aren't slaves like you might think them to be. Lawyers even less so.
@Raptorsin7 I'm going to start law studies in September. Why did you drop out?
@Leo Gura What is the alternative? For doctors and lawyers to quit?
Me: Cognition facet is Yellow. A lot of other aspects of me are Orange and Green. Forum population values facet: 30% Orange 40% Green 20% Yellow 10% Turquoise The way I decided on those numbers is by thinking: "Out of 10 people how many are Orange, Green, Yellow and Turquoise?" and based on my impressions of interactions I've had previously, I decided on those numbers.
UnconsciousHuman replied to Soulbass's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Preety_India How do you get profile banner art on this forum? -
The next time someone tries to belittle or make fun of you... just remember the model. What's really happening is that the individual is experiencing insecurity and expressing SELF. "High-intensity expression of SELF" of ONE intention of communication.
This model is looking at something separate from the "Cognition" or "Values" facet of Spiral Dynamics. This model is isolating, and looking in-depth at just your intention when communicating not what you communicate. As Insecurity goes up, the intention to express SELF or OTHER becomes unhealthy. As Intensity goes up the need to Express SELF or OTHER becomes stronger. The Intentions Of Communication: ONE: SELF/OTHER in an unhealthy manner. Low-Intensity expression of SELF: Belittle. High-Intensity expression of SELF: Dominate. TWO: OTHER/SELF in an unhealthy manner. Low-Intensity expression of OTHER: Not confront. High-Intensity expression of OTHER: Conform. THREE: SELF/OTHER in a healthy manner. Low-Intensity expression of SELF: Present OTHER as wrong/flawed/inappropriate. High-Intensity expression of SELF: Present SELF as right/perfect/appropriate. FOUR: OTHER/SELF in a healthy manner. Low-Intensity expression of OTHER: Appreciate. Mid-Intensity expression of OTHER: Connect and bond. High-Intensity expression of OTHER: Revere or esteem. FIVE: Intention: To better understand, clarify, or inform without regard to the role one plays in their environment. This intention is empty of the expression of SELF or OTHER. Additional Clarifications: Combined intentionalities do exist frequently and this model acknowledges them. Your intentions of communication are separate from your Spiral Dynamics stage. Alternation between different intentions of communication is not only possible but happens all the time. (You aren't locked into one intention of communication) The purpose of this thread is to present the model. I ask of you that you post only relevant and illuminating questions or remarks. I want to keep this thread organized and clean.
@blowfish This model allows you to better and more accurately understand first, your own intentions when communicating and secondly, the intentions of other's communication. Describing intentions of communication using adjectives, or sentences has the limitation of not being in the proper context, and that opens the possibility for weak and partial understanding. For example: I have the intention to belittle you. What is that an expression of? and why am I doing that? Is there a more healthy intention to have? This model indicates the fact that I feel insecurity and I'm expressing SELF. This model also shows what healthier intention to have. Using your line of thought... “Well, why is Spiral Dynamics more convenient than describing people by characteristics and behaviors?” And the same gist of what I expressed earlier would be used to answer that question. The thief wants to threaten but what is the more raw, felt intention? This is what I mean by looking in-depth. It is looking at the prior, more subconscious intention before it crystallizes as an action or behavior. You would have to put yourself in the thief's shoes in order to really understand what that's like. Example: You could have the intention to kiss your lover but the deeper, more raw intention is to "connect and bond". Im sure this clarified some of your confusion. I ask of you that you not respond to this reply for reasons explained above in the original first post of this thread.
Thief points a gun at the victims head displaying "high-intensity expression of SELF" of ONE intention of communication, the victim, on the other hand, displays "low-intensity and high-intensity expression of OTHER" of TWO intention of communication.
@Thewritersunion @Consept @GodDesireOnlyLove @Preety_India @Cykaaaa@w4read The new refined and more easily understandable version of this model.
A student asking a question to their teacher in class because he doesn't understand something. Displaying FIVE intention of communication.
A Spiral Dynamics stage RED gang leader being kind and loving towards loved ones. Displaying FOUR intention of communication.
A bleeding heart Spiral Dynamics stage GREEN social justice warrior displaying ONE intention of communication, harassing and belittling anyone who opposes her opinion/worldview. (Homophobes, Transphobes, Islamaphobes, Anti-Environmentalists, etc..)
If you know Coldplay you know their new album "Everyday Life" On the track "Trouble In Town" you can hear that there is a police agent aggressing a person. The police agent's values and morals are probably that of a Spiral Dynamics stage BLUE and his Intention of communication is "high-intensity and low-intensity expression of SELF" of ONE. Skip to minute 2:21 to hear the dialogue.
A demonstration of the different intentions: Imaginary dialogue between @Leo Gura and a materialist. Materialist = Spiral Dynamics stage ORANGE person. The dialogue: Leo Gura: On psychedelics, you can begin to see that everything is conscious and that you are connected to everything. Materialist: *intention to better understand* But Leo couldn't that just be the effect of your brain experiencing the psychedelic compound as the neurotransmitter oxytocin? It is known that oxytocin is the bonding chemical, so couldn't your perception of "everything is connected" be explained by that perceived increase in oxytocin? Materialist: *intention to appreciate Leo + to better understand* What you're saying is truly magical! I agree with you, that is what appears to be the case, however, I have a question, couldn't your perception of "everything is connected" be explained by the psychedelic compound mimicking the neurotransmitter oxytocin? Anyways thanks for even sharing these wonderful insights! You're the best ❤️ Materialist: *intention to present Leo as wrong* Leo, you're blind to the reality that this experience of connection is simply because the psychedelic compound mimics the neurotransmitter oxytocin. This means that when you experience everything as bonded and connected its because your neurotransmitters make you feel that way. Materialist: *Intention to "not confront" + to better understand* Yes, on psychedelics everything seems connected I agree with you, however maybe this connectedness could be a result of the psychedelics mimicking oxytocin...I'm not sure though, Im not disagreeing with you or anything. Materialist: *intention to belittle and dominate Leo* What are you a fucking idiot? Woo-woo piece of shit. You just want to believe that because you're an emotional little snowflake. The reality is that psychedelic compounds mimic the neurotransmitter oxytocin and that tricks you into thinking everything is connected. Pathetic girly snowflake. Same idea, different intention. Same world view, different expression.
@w4read I fully agree that this model shouldn't be used as a weapon against others. In most cases, it shouldnt be used on others not because it's wrong, but because there is a lot of room for error of judgment and because it can be misused as a "belittling tactic". I agree 112312313489% that the application of this model should mainly be on one's self. However, let us not undervalue the usefulness of using this model on others (in an accurate manner; lacking distortion).
@w4read Indeed, your intention reveals the structure of your ego.
@w4read The content of what is being said is in most cases stems from the intention. But that is besides the point. How the content is presented can very easily show your intention. Here is an example of how the content can stem from the intention: If I have the intention to prove you wrong, I will look for things that help me prove you wrong, and then present them to you as content. In the example of the "Imaginary Dialogue Between Leo and a Materialist", you can see how different intentions changes the way the content is presented.
@w4read Insecurity increased. Yeah, there is no shame. I've had the intention to prove myself right multiple times on this thread. If I'm not mistaken this reply was a mixture of: low-intensity-GREENintention + low-intensity-BLUEintention + low-intensity-ORANGEintention. Why do I think this? 1st part of the reply: Sharing or contributing without the need to connect (GREENintention). 2nd part of the reply: (BLUEintention) "I'm not necessarily saying..." which is nonconfrontational but also not "conforming" and then hinting at my own use of insecure intentions (a sense of proving me wrong) but without the need to prove yourself right (ORANGE intention).
@w4read@Consept@Cykaaaa@The observer@Virgo@Keyhole@fridjonk@Carl-Richard@Thewritersunion Explanation: As insecurity goes up, unhealthier manifestations of SELF and OTHER come about. As intensity goes up the need to express SELF or OTHER becomes stronger. Additional Comment: FIVE's intention-of-communication is empty of the need to express SELF or OTHER.