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Everything posted by MachineAnimaL

  1. Is there any hope for a sociopath / psychopath to ever grow his consciousness?
  2. @King Merk Thank you for your reply. I will check out Leo's course
  3. Hey I am 20 y.o and I feel stuck , confused.. I was dropped out of high school , didn't really complete anything in regards to education in my country, don't have a clear direction.. doubting my self if I will ever amount to something. All my life I had trouble understanding things , even the basic , simplistic things .. I feel stupid. I have had a few mystical experiences on LSD and weed , got me interested in enlightenment and spirituality and really took it the wrong way as well , I became kind of depressed and had quite a shock.. I don't know what to do ,I am kind of interested in programming but I don't know whether I will be able to get a job without a degree or something.. I became skeptical of myself and others to the point where I find it hard to believe something.. where do I begin in all this , my mind feels like it is overwhelmed by so many things .. what do I do where do I start? I had a kind of bad upbringing , did a lot of stuff I regret doing and saying .. i'm lonely virgin kid basically a complete loser. I need a way out of this BS stuff , is there any light? my mental state is kinda sh* but it is not "serious emotional problem" I just don't know where to post this thread .. i'm having a hard time articulating all this as well.. man I feel so confused my mind is cluttered