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Everything posted by Ethan1

  1. Curious what are some things that draw communities and people together? Concerning social cohesion, social acceptance, & social inclusivity. Attempting to come up with a list: Music & concerts & plays Food & alcoholic beverages Art & festivals Sports & games & video games Festivals & parties Political events Business conventions Natural disasters & not having internet Religious & spiritual events Ted talks & Philosophical discussions Projects Construction Fund raisers Free stuff & give aways Belonging & group sense of identity Entertainment & fun stuff Cultural celebration & expression Commerce & exchanges & buying stuff Informing / Influence / discourse & talking about stuff
  2. Sounds like a University recreational center ran out of land for building a campus, so they put everything inside one rec building. I mean, if you were able to do it on a small scale I could see it being pretty cool. Seems like a large scope of projects that could create scope creep. I'd start small and see what works by testing out what seems most realistic. In theory, I like the idea, I'm just curious to see how it could be executed on. Like to have a visual demonstration of the idea. If you add scuba diving, then I'm all in. (Like portable refillable tanks for 10-15 minute dives.) Including exotic fish and some really uniquely designed trippy colored waterfalls / lazy rivers. Buy all the fish from pet's mart. Also, I figured this would be more of a career entrepreneurship compared to a society / politics category?
  3. Been on the road traveling. Really gets me thinking how most places look exactly the same in terms of the buildings and layouts of towns. It's confusing driving across the country and realizing how nearly every place looks nearly the same and super boring. All the exact dull copies of commercial real estate properties and franchises that are take up some of the best locations. Fast food, restaurants, and stores. Yet they look completely ugly. Not sure if this just symbolic of the business culture that doesn't really care about the vibe or feeling it gives off. Symbolic of our lack of spirituality & deeper connection to beauty & nature. Especially considering most of commercial real estate ... Office space buildings that look completely square, dry, and boring. Fast food Some look better than office buildings but they all look exactly the same. Little to no effort to create a unique experience. Just cheap copies. Malls tend to have a really soulless feel to them too. Not much of a real expression of creativity. Mostly just boring box style rooms. Governmental buildings look sterile, old, cold, and empty. Industrial commercial real estate is clearly extremely horrific to look at. It's obvious it's primarily set up for a utility purpose but still. I mean, majority of rural small towns throughout America seem to still have buildings from the 60's - 70's and look pretty boring and dry. Even some look like complete ghost towns which it's hard to believe people actually live in them. Roads and streets... it's like there's little to no effort in making them to look decent. Primarily a utility focus. Some areas in Florida have uniquely designed roads. Interstates going from are pretty beat up and not well maintained. Hotels across the US all are just replicas and nothing unique to them. Simply focused on profit. Yet they lease these rooms out for like $100+ a night you'd think they'd put more effort into them. Most of the decent looking buildings that really tend to stand out are like coffee shops and mainly bars. Some parks give a bit of a beauty to towns. Everything else seems to enjoy having a really boring dull exact copy look. Only beautiful places seem to be where commerical real estate hasn't taken over or it's difficult to build in. I find it weird how some buildings can give of a certain type of energy just by how it looks. Even some buildings that have been recently renovated still have a strange vibe to them that feels old. I've only seen a handful of places that really stand out that attempt to be different. Most are just conforming to similar boring building codes. Nothing outside the box. I couldn't imagine if there were more artists that designed buildings like Meow Wolf & things that really pop out. Then going to Greece and other parts of Europe it's crazy how completely different the architecture is there compared to America. Makes no sense.
  4. @Tyler Robinson Yes, that would spice things up a little rather than run down 7-Eleven gas stations. The whole Earth Ship projects have some pretty neat designs. I find it really interesting how they recycle stuff to build projects. Buildings that really outside the box thinking. Not a typical cookie cutter house. Most houses along the gulf coast are built out of weak & cheap materials that can't sustain impact from hurricanes.
  5. What is God? God with a capital G. God is.. God is... God is........ ISness? Words attempting to describe: Enlightenment The one The all Nothingness Non-duality Infinity Absolute infinity Self-realization Presence Being Existence Suchness No self True self (S) The self(S) Mind (M) Universal mind Spirit (S) Revolation Illumination Rebirth Holy Spirit The void Emptiness Nirvana Yoga No Mind Buddha mind Satori The Gateless gate Shiva Allah The greater Jihad Lord Supreme being The all-seeing eye Yewei I Am Creator Kinda hard to find the words to really describe what God is. --- Reputable source: God
  6. The words we speak have power. Thank you for encouraging better communication.
  7. How about both hike / kayak and talk about non-duality at the same time.
  8. Simply asking questions and looking for more questions. Not looking for an answer necessarily. Some questions are pretty much the same question so they could be emitted. 5W1H Do you truly love you?... Do you believe in yourself? Do you really care about yourself? Do you love yourself? If yes, then how so? How have you loved yourself? In what all ways? How do you feel when you give yourself love? What did your family teach you about self-love? What did your peers teach you about self-love? What did your lovers teach you about self-love? How do you know when you feel love for yourself? How do you show love for yourself? How often do you love yourself? What do you love about yourself? What is the most self-loving thing you have done for yourself? If no, then why not? Why would you not love yourself? How have you not loved yourself? Is self-love (not) important to you? Is self-love selfish? How can you love or accept the things you can't change about yourself? What is something you can do right now to love yourself? What is the hardest thing about loving yourself? What does self-love mean to you? Can you feel love for yourself? How can you? If not, why not? How can you love yourself going forward? What ways can you love yourself more? What are loving things you want from others that you can do yourself? Have you forgiven yourself for this lack of love? Where did you learn to not love yourself? Where do you feel the most self-love? What can you love more about yourself? What is the most self-hating thing you consistently do? WHY? Other questions... At what point does self-love become self-obsession? How much self-love is possible? What's the difference between self-love and narcissism? What is not self-love that is misunderstood as self-love? How does your self-love or self-hate impact your interaction with others? How does your self-love impact your ability to love others? How does self-love affect relationships? Do you love your self more than others? Where's the balance? What's the difference between self-love and self-hate? How can we create a world where people have self-love? What are signs of healthy self-love in others? What is the most self-love you have ever felt? When & how? Why does society not care about teaching self-love? What is the most self loving thing? What systems could be created to help people learn to self-love? Where could we teach self-love? What are signs of unhealthy self-love in others? Does knowing thyself start with loving thyself? Words Philautia
  9. @Tyler Robinson You're not alone. You are worthy of love. I'd be curious to hear your perspective on some of the questions above to dig deeper. Also, thank you for bringing up a good question about external environment setting the stage.
  10. I feel ya man. I've been in the same boat and I'm 29 too. Self-avoidance is such an easy thing to do because most people in society aren't taught this stuff. I mean, it's a heavy question to go to anyone and ask. Most people feel a huge sense of vulnerability admitting something like this. Which I respect that you said that. Thank you.
  11. Working on a Google Spread Sheet for hourly pay comparison. Figured I'd share if anybody wants to add on to it let me know. Hourly pay comparison Weekly pay comparison (10 - 40 hours a week) Monthly pay comparison (40 - 160 hours a month) Minimum wage Lowest paying jobs Highest paying jobs I recognize it's a moving target with inflation & the present value of the dollar constantly changing. Figured it would offer some value to people making decisions on jobs.
  12. People are addicted to their phones these days. Really no reason she can't reply back in a timely manner. Many women do this even when they are interested. Pretty backwards thinking. Have some self-respect. Walk away and do your own thing. Best not to take it personally. Live your own life and if someone wants to join you cool. Don't be needy. Meet your own needs. Have some standards for what you tolerate. You teach people how to disrespect you by what you tolerate. Only other thing you can do is set boundaries for yourself with the phone and only use it to set up dates. Nothing else. You can't control her.
  13. Not sure why people give these people attention. Hard to know the full truth is but they both seem off and pretty messed up. All drama. Could be reactive abuse and playing the victim card to elicit pity. Could be the case she's eliciting a reaction online and framing him. Highly skeptical about big tit girl being an innocent little angel. no sir. Pretty good video on forms of overt and covert aggression. Literal game of tit-for-tat. It's not about the money as he says. It's about the power dynamic & reputation / social image. Could be she's feigning ignorance and she wants the negative attention for the sake of attention. It's not about logic. It's not about being reasonable. It's about power & control on both ends of the table. Dude is clearly being controlling and he's being reactive to stuff she is telling him. Emotional abuse on both ends. They clearly are both pushing each other buttons intentionally creating a drama cycle. How do people get stuck in these kind of relationships?! Trauma bonds Learned Helplessness Stockholm syndrome Emotional immaturity Some good karma Hard to know the full picture but atleast there is some degree of truth being exposed with his rage.
  14. Why not entertain the idea of moving to Chernobyl and starting an organic garden near the exclusion zone? There's plenty of land Tons of interesting wildlife Probably quiet and peaceful scenery No too much sound pollution Cheap cost of living Not too many neighbors Tons of empty buildings to potentially start a business Hear me out, the only thing I can think of dismissing is the radiation from the nuclear power plant. Find a decent looking suit (Hazmat) and tie. Outside of that it's probably a decent place to live. That was back in 1988 so 34 years ago should be long enough to move back? Could start a radioactive organic Alvacado tree business. Sell guacamole in Chernobyl.
  15. I draw the line at not downloading the tiktok app and prefer to talk to people on a platform like this who ask good questions. The line for the general public. I have no clue. Really not my place to make choices for others. I agree, in certain contexts where your content is promoting awareness then I can see that as beneficial in some aspects. However, the entire platform is kind of rigged to get people addicted for a reason. Pointing out the way at which people are using platform could be beneficial. Bring up topics of general wellbeing and balance could be beneficial to counteract. True that, 6 hours of staring at a screen with tiny glowing pixels. I mean, what happens if a person turn off the screen and sits for 6 hours staring at the screen. Honestly I have no room to talk because I'm technically being a hypocrite by being on the internet. So yes, argue both sides. Still I'm not sure getting people hooked on a website from an overview perspective seems like a good idea. Yes, you could say it brings people together in some form online. Still there's a ton of issues that can't be avoided. Who's responsible for the irresponsible? In other words, the person that can't respond because they are locked in a self-gratification loop (addiction). Same goes for impulse buying. At what point does this become the responsibility of the business owner to not exploit vulnerabilities for opportunities? If others are willing to cut corners and do unethical practices to win then how does one compete in an unethical environment? How can you compete with a multibillion-dollar corporation that knows your impulsive thoughts and intends to collect data to sharpen results? How can someone that is wanting to be honest compete with cheaters when the system is rigged to cheat? For example, if you're selling on amazon and the competition is willing to generate 100's of paid reviews by giving out "free" gift cards in public to buy the product and encouraging 5 star reviews. Not only that where they use AI to do it for them automatically. To what point are you willing to participate in such loopholes to funnel traffic towards your long-form/services/products? Considering it takes a long time to generate authentic reviews organically. If everyone is doing it and the platform enables it then why compete? Do the ends justify the means? So wrong or unfair methods may be used if the overall goal is good?
  16. Ehh slot machines are fun but wouldn't 100% condemn them or 100% approve. TikTok is like putting a free slot machine on every block for everyone. The question is.. "At what cost?" Yeah, I have no issues with booty-shakin' irl (terms & conditions apply**). --- TikTok experiment vs marshmallow test. Who wins? Hint : Ego depletion and/or the boy that ate 2 marshmallows
  17. So... seeing how the current system is setup on the basis of a debt-based economy, fiat currency, and a fractional reserve system. With the current ("Real time") debt clock showing: $31,000,000,000.00 Considering recent governmental sequestrations, furloughs, raising debt limits, QE, and "failure" to balance the federal budget for decades. Or is this all a collective gaslight in regard to LIBOR rates, Fed Fund rates, and the entire stock market system of valuation? Seeing how most assets are in bubbles and comparing market-values to book values & p/e ratios. Where the whole system is supported by the belief of a dollar. Including the recent idea of digital currencies. What system is there to restructure such a dynamic system? I mean, what other ways are there to re-organize and re-systematize the current system? Is it possible to create a debt free system? Eradicate the entire concept of debt? Which means eradicating the concept of money? Debt = Money Get rid of the stock market & wall street all together? Replace it? What system could realistically replace the current system to help the average person? What's the reality of there actually being change to a more utilitarian system? Any realistic time frame from this present moment? What are realistic actions people should take to create a positive change to a more socially cohesive system?
  18. @Danioover9000 Eyyyy I respect that, love that energy! Speak from the soul! Yes, Tik Tok is cancer. For businesses it's a different story, it's a bit of an opportunistic market. ---
  19. Probably is an opportunity in the market to grab attention quickly & convert views to a sale but at what cost? Watching short clips in an auto loop format seems a bit dangerous of an idea. Instant gratification loops. I question the social implications and business ethics of exploiting people's short attention span. At what point does operant conditioning or a skinner box get out of hand? What impact will it have in the long term for mental health and society?
  20. Anybody here do EMDR from home? I've been attempting to sit down and do like one hour per day and write down just about everything that I recall & focus on. Wearing Bose 35 noise canceling headset and using a laptop. I've noticed a few moments where things that I forgot came to the surface. As if I was in like a hypnotic trance where the mind was open to recovering certain memories. Still takes a longg longg long ass time watching these videos to actually start to work for me. I've downloaded emdr apps on my phone plus watched dozens of these videos on youtube. Probably have done over 10 cumulative hours and not much has come up. I attempted at doing for a little while. I don't really see the whole point in paying for it when there's free videos online. Possibly with someone who is certified but the website was completely self-administered. Wasn't sure if there was anyone out there that has actually been to a certified EMDR therapist or Brain spotting and processed some serious trauma with this particular experiencal method.
  21. @vishnusavestheday From what I'm understanding, you're mostly frustrated with being misdiagnosed within a short period time from not hearing your full side of the story. You suspect there is something else. Then the person who is in authority has more power to claim what your diagnosis is. Against your will? In addition, you see pharmaceutical drugs as absurd and the entire field of psychology as a pseudo-science? The connotation of the word "disorder" does imply something is off and broken. The fact something isn't functioning appropriately does creates stigma because of the association with such labels or words. Sounds like you are mostly angry about the word "disorder" being attached to a certain description of characteristics. Words can influence + impact but they can also describe at the same time. It's a mixture of both.
  22. @Ulax You've got a good point with smaller repetitive traumas vs larger single events. I guess that brings up how affective EMDR is with C-PTSD. Microaggressions and subtle putdowns back-to-back for decades. I'm sure being with an EMDR therapist they're more direct towards keeping the client focused on certain thoughts. Whereas alone it's easy to get distracted by one's own thoughts or other random distractions. I'm currently rereading the C-PTD From Surviving to Thriving book by Pete Walker. Listened to it on audible multiple times so I figured I'd get the book. He does mention left brain dissociation with overthinking, so I figured with something more experiential to activating the emotions and right side. Grieving while listening to emotional music sure has truly helped a ton with processing this. I'll have to look into that book. Haven't heard of it. Oh Speak of left-brain dissociation, Ben Shapiro should check into Francine Shapiro if they're not related.
  23. @Yarco Yeah, I'm likely to apply for something on and see what beginner financial analyst jobs are out there. Start from the bottom or something. Truly I'm wanting to find something more meaningful that really leaves a mark on this world. Yeah, I took a couple entrepreneurships courses and attempted at starting an FBA business a few years back. Created a brand and sold a couple thousand units of inventory but the market was too competitive and over saturated. I was selling at a loss b/c of price wars. Still tons of opportunities but the amount of time it takes to get to market is months. I'm just skeptical with the supply chains. However, most of the suppliers are attempting to are attempting to cut out the middleman and dominate the entire market. Tons of businesses on Amazon are Chinese owned. Let me know if you know any low risk & high return opportunities lol I'm in the same boat with you on this one. I'm attempting to learn how to scrape data from sites. My last job was data entry. I mean, I enjoyed the flexibility, but it was about as fun as watching paint dry. Some of it was interesting with uploading data to ArcGIS and interpolating data. The whole manually entering data for a couple months gets pretty old quick. Sitting at coffee shops was about the best part. I mean, if you can automate a data entry job then what's the point of hiring a group of people to populate a spreadsheet. I was literally doing that at the last job which saved the company probably hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. Didn't get compensated for it too. I kind of shot myself in the foot for stretching outside the scope of the projects to make things for efficient. However, that goes back to your main point with finding a future-proof jobs from AI and automation.. @Clabber Girl I was wanting to get into property management when I was in college. Still considering such an option. I love the aspects of building science and real estate development with the creativity aspects of real estate. I could see CAD & estimator jobs being interesting ones. I feel you on the not so meaningful aspects of property management. I'm sure that's majority of finance related careers too. That's kind of what I'm wanting to better understand. I've talked to plenty of people that are making good money however the money becomes the main purpose of showing up. I just don't want the damn golden handcuffs get in the way of living a meaningful life. Question: Curious, if money weren't a thing and you had all your financial needs met fully what would you pursue? (In a realistic world)
  24. Pretty sure in the future disorders won't necessarily be disorders. Looking at the DSM5 and all the attributes that make up a disorder can overlap with multiple disorders at once. Even some disorders that seem maladaptive could be functional in the future. Likely because of the social rules that are acceptable today. I think IFS is a better system of getting to the root of issues because it's not based on stigmatization. Yes, I think Meds can be a catch all solution for problems that people are impatient to understand fully. The fact that CBT is the go-to method for mental health issues is a massive signal to the state of the mental health industry. Attempting to solve problems only on the surface and not resolving deeper-rooted issues is alarming. However, insurance companies dictate much of the marketing methods of today. Having explicit descriptions gives to bill on rather than something more abstract and complex.