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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. Wise. Life is unpredictable, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. And all is temporary.
  2. This is about the fact that you aren't the body... You could be a soul that came here to experience this and on the absolute level it is certain you are god experiencing yourself... So you might feel bad after dying..especially knowing you can't really die and you just threw away a body you inhabited for no reason... You might also remember why you came here. Then you might come back in a similiar situation. I have also thought about suicide, but finding god, going out of body etc I understood the consciousness that is the real me can't die. So for real think about it. What if your consciousness is immortal?
  3. Pfft if you think god can only be one meat suit at a time, you haven't seen much buddy.
  4. A mere instinct for animals to reproduce. Reality is often disappointing. I wish it was different. God i would give anything to be in a reality where real love was possible xd. Only your mom or grandmother or sister love you truly. All other thing mostly fall apart a 50 percent divorce rates proves my point better than anything. Humans were never designed to be monogamous. I will just go monk f it. xDD
  5. Naah i directly ate them Yeah, you are probably right, depends how long they were in there. Why do truffles though, don't you only get minor visuals
  6. Bro i don't do truffles anymore, they are weak compared to shrooms and very mild visual effects. I hate the taste too. I have tried almost all truffle types btw Nausea was a problem tho. To answer the question... I have done 70g truffles as well, still weak compared to teachers and mazatapec... And actually cooling them shouldn't make them less potent.
  7. Nice analogy for past present and future.... One thing is certain our finite minds are incapable of encompassing infinity. For all we know, could is large enough to encompass it, so past present future could be happening simultaneously. Also this universe could be couched in a bigger dimension within other dimensions within beings... Really the reaction of Leo to infinity is spot on. He said in that vid that we are delusional, it's huge etc.
  8. A dream , a nightmare depends on where you stand and your current experience. You were fated to suffer or be happy, to be alone or loved, beautiful or ugly, poor or rich, the universe created you now you have to experience this
  9. The hppd forums... And a reddit post. Hppd forums thread http://hppdonline.com/topic/6734-back-possible-cure-part-2-no-guarantees-but-were-here-anyways/page/5/?tab=comments#comment-42939 Effects of Taurine on gaba https://amp.reddit.com/r/HPPD/comments/edox5y/taurine_and_its_effects_on_hppd/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14737175.2019.1593827 Bacopa monnieri https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3306740/ Bacopa monnieri can help restore gaba receptors,limit excitability and it cures epilepsy in rats. I also used it with taurine to get rid of the symptoms i had for good. It is related to excitotoxicity. https://amp.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/3qm2kx/what_are_the_symptoms_of_glutamate_excitotoxicity/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HPPD/comments/edox5y/taurine_and_its_effects_on_hppd/ Not enough gaba to stop the excited cells so eventually they get overwhelmed and some of them day. Restoring the balance is essential. It is why things such as benzos and valerian are trip killers, they prevent some of the overload and limit the action potential of neurons. You really get closer to death with psychs even physically xDD But the brain is a crazy machine... It makes new cells, lowers receptor counts to prevent cell death etc. So most people survive unscathed, it has a lot of evolution mechanism in place to prevent cell death. If anyone here gets fried... I can help I was fried...
  10. Going through loneliness,solipsism, psychotic breaks,paranoia ,poverty,heartbreak, i myself get how you feel. These feelings make you feel all alone against a cruel world. You need to make your life better somehow to get out of these feelings, i myself am in a downward spiral, having obes and other things as my soul leaves my body and comes back again. Life is hard sometimes. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. Yeah, however it might be more maddening such as multiple personality disorder, god looks at the universe through many meat suits, doesn't recognize itself, forgets what it is. It could be multi layered as well, going down from soul level to down here.... Yeah its crazy. I have seen the soul level several times, i have also seen beyond it, as the nothingness,consciousness watching the soul... So basically i don't believe god would go through solipsism... Instead as an all powerful infinite mind each dreamed up form of consciousness is conscious, but it's not conscious of the nothingness and the true self. Also can you imagine the wasted potential of viewing an infinite universe only through one viewpoint... Such a waste Thats the whole point of the game.
  12. This, But before that oh shit shit i took too much. Omg what is all of this, where am I? I am already dead????? WTH
  13. To beginners this sounds like solipsism. It is either one god and multiple egos or soul perspectives, or god solipsism.
  14. When all thoughts, perceptions and feelings stop, then you get a state similar if not identical to deep sleep. Idk about you guys but at different points, deep sleep has been as rejuvenating as meditation. Be as you are is the most chill state there is.
  15. I saw that one as well. It's hilarious. I have been through the whole lot... Hppd,depersonalization, feeling nothing is real etc. But i accepted it now i'm fine. This work... Really blows up the matrix in your face. You live here years and years on end, thinking you are a mortal finite thing that needs to survive, reproduce etc. Then suddenly you realize you are one with and the same as god. Of course you need time to integrate. I had several obes in dreams, while waking in the morning, i just surrender and fly up. Somehow psychs primed me for some time, through brain chemistry i suppose. I had one 3 days ago,which make me honestly believe we leave our body every night to visit astral realms... Now on topic, yes almost every question i initially had was answered mainly:is there god, is there an afterlife, what is death, what is life, but not only this, i also had my mind blown
  16. I would say being is the ground of reality pure beingness, not even love. As consciousness became aware of itself through itself or creation, then love emerged. Hate can't be the ground of anything. How can god hate anything if it is everything xDD These are egoic emotions, created from separation and survival needs: greed, hate, anger. God has no egoic needs, no need to survive it just is.
  17. Thats my favorite video from Leo lol . ;D It gets you excited you are god, infinite and many worlds and other universes exist out there. Imagine the possibilities.
  18. I know, the topic is called is there a world out there. Basically, I wanted to add this argument from beginner spiritual seekers and show them even solipsism isn't a big deal. What is actually happening is as you said, a multidimensional being(god) is always creating and embodying new selves, dividing itself through imagination. Nothing is separate, nothing outside god's mind and imagination. And by nothing i mean the void literally Also adding solipsism to threads seems to make good discussions happen
  19. Everyone talks about the negatives of solipsism, but what about the positives? You can live for yourself and love yourself. Solipsism means you are alone as god, no purpose no soulmates, no destiny you can do what you want, go where you want. So basically, even if this is true you might benefit from it. Others are you but you don't know if they are conscious and the choice to believe is yours.
  20. The separate self that doesn't care about others, steals and hurt others, can be considered the devil. Even the bible says falling from heaven. Devils are delusional pieces of god consciousness, who in their amnesia lack love and understanding towards the world. The world is material! Why was i born here! Omg we are going to die The devil is a game god plays with itself, when the devil realizes god and oneness, it is in heaven. Thats how i see it. There could be realms there in infinity of devils, angels etc, however. In the dmt realm, which i sometimes visit in my dreams i have seen angels, but they are nothing like we are told. Shapeshifting beings which create with the power of the mind and are full of love and understanding. They are pretty cool
  21. Ehmmm... God or consciousness... The higher self is also you. You are in constant communication. It knows everything about you, because it is you. Dreams intuition, fate, the people that come and go.. Where do you think they come from and why them not someone else... You are god so you play this game forever asking funny questions.
  22. I have and still have some hppd. However it is treatable,mine is 60 percent better. I was also severely depersonalized. Idk if you know, but most ppl freak out, some even commit suicide. They should know there is help and meds available. Psychedelics can lead do death of brain cells and specifically the ones that produce gaba and inhibit brain signaling. Low levels of these neurons can cause epilepsy like symtoms, visual tripping and put you in hell.. But it subsides the brain is adaptive and deals with the mess.
  23. Don't worry about it man. Everyone is the godhead. We all face it eventually lol xDDDD the real infinite no self... Words are hard to describe it. We dropped at 145am on Thursday night. At first, it was good. We are all open people and it didn't take long for it to turn into one big fuck fest. We started to trip while we were fucking. My eyes were closed.. And I started to lose track of who was who. who I was. I wasnt sure who I was touching or who I was kissing. I wasnt sure where my limbs were. I was simulatanoursly touching, but also felt like I was being touched. My friends were feeling it too. I wasnt sure where I was in space. it felt like I was in three places at once-- In three minds. There wasnt a condom and I wasnt on the pill so there wasnt any real fucking- and I say real, because it felt like I was being fucked. like there was an invisa-dick inside of me, and I was rocking back into it. when I opened my eyes I realized I wasnt being touched at all.. and neither were my friends. We were pressed against one another, but we werent touching eachother. And they were feeling the same thing I was feeling. Even Kaden. There was this buzzing on each side of my head. When I expressed it, both my friends said they felt the same thing. In fact, they felt the exact same thing I was feeling. Whenever there was a spike of intense pleasure in our heads, we all groaned, we all reacted to it. Heather touched Kaden and I both felt her touch like I was him, and yet also felt myself touching him, as if I was in her body. It was insane. We were in each other's minds. I could hear their thoughts and feelings, and they mine. We started to laugh - it was crazy, but it was really fucking fun, and we were having a good time. The weirdest hottest thing was possibly when I started fingering the air. I imagined I was fingering something, and I was curving my fingers and pulling in and out of nothing,... and both my friends were going crazy. They fucking felt it. I stopped moving my hand and their breaths halted . I was causing physical change with nothing but my mind. And because I was feeling what they were feeling, I was also fingering myself in a sense. It was fucking insane. unbelievable. Too good to be true. And it was. Minds.. Should be separated. As it progressed, we were so intertwined, when they touched me, It started to feel like I was touching .. myself. When they hugged me, I felt myself giving the hug, as well as receive it. We all started to feel like it was wrong. There was three of us but it felt like we were masturbating, like we were all the same being using different bodies. It wasnt right. It wasnt right . " Why do I feel lonely?" I suddenly said. But It came out of Heathers mouth. " Dont say that" Said Kaden, as we all thought it. It felt like by acknowledging it, we were breaking some kind of rule. Like some big , huge, unspoken rule, we werent supposed to know, and it was for our own good. But we had acknowledged it , and now we couldnt forget it. We had to understand. When I closed my eyes, I wasnt me. It was like what tethered me to the world was the ability to look through the telescope that was my eyes. Now my soul was loose. I felt myself and I wasnt me.. I felt bigger hands , and a flatter body, and sense we were all naked, when I reached down, I felt my dick too. I dont have a dick. I'm a girl, generally. I dont have a dick. And yet once more, I wasnt him. I had smaller legs, and when I felt up, bigger boobs then I usually did. " Guys.." I spoke, but it wasnt my voice, it was Heathers. I opened my eyes again, and I was me, but I saw Kaden and Heather sitting in the positions i had left them when I was in their bodies . All the proof we needed . I felt sick. " Why is something... missing?" Heather was the first to voice it. Youd think, realizing we are all the same , youd think itd make us feel less alone. but suddenly, we felt.. more alone then ever. We didnt feel each others souls. That's what was missing. We felt only one soul. we hugged each other, but it felt , like .. we were hugging ourselves. They say you are the center of the universe ... but there is only one center. There is only one infinity. Everything in the room.. I had made. I, the One, that we all are, had created it all. It was all extensions of us. Every song , every book , every show , it was all us, for us. We would be every one at one point ,but there will be no one else other then us. Us, I. Then it got worse. When I closed my eyes, I was no longer in my body. What I saw now, I know wasnt just the blackness of my eyelids. This was an encompassing blackness. A nothingess. The universe at its finest point. Outlines of shapes with colors that didnt exist, material, floating in my space, in my black box . I could reach out, and I felt the power of creation in my hand. I could do I all that I wanted, create all that i wanted to create, but no matter what I created, when i felt around, all that i felt.... was me. I screamed into the darkness. " Someone help me!" And I heard myself scream back. I realized now the secret. Its just me. It's just you There's no us. There's it. We are just one lonely god playing with Dolls . I wanted to cry for my mothers embrace, but I was my mother. I felt so cold, I wanted to wrap a blanket around myself, but I felt myself in the blanket, I was still just hugging myself. I know how we feel constantly now. I know now how it feels like to be the only thing to exist. It's unbearable. Its lonely. Its fuckin awful, no matter how much power you have . How does it matter how powerful you are, if you are the only one there to witness it? How do you cope? You cope by making yourself forget. You cope by making yourself smaller then you ever could be. Humans are the universes way of experiencing itself, and you are the universe. You forget that you are everyone, and you make friends , you make enemies, you make love , to yourself. You cast yourself into different meat suits and you give them each their own unique look , and you give them all different personalities, and stories, and insecurities, and you trick yourself into thinking your someone else, but your not. Your still just you. Talking to yourself. Over and over. Playing hand puppets, and masturbating in the dark. I couldnt bear it. I opened my eyes and I hoped it would all go back to normal,but it was too late. The illusion was broken. What I saw was reality. I looked at Heather and I saw myself . I saw my room but I also saw the blackness that was me, that it was made of. I desperately grabbed a pencil and paper and tried to create ANYTHING that wasnt me. but the paper was me, and the pencil was me, and I watched in horror as the lines I created were the lines of the inky darkness I had seen as the material for everything. I know what insanity is now. It felt like I had done this before, over and over. When we die, we remember what we are , and I realized I had done this many times before. Every time. Every body, eventually. I had found the secret out too early. When we cast ourself into another body, that is when we forget, when our memories of our true self is locked away in a deep crevice in our head and we are given the illusion of companionship.. a coping mechanism. Now I couldnt forget. Now I knew, and I knew how badly I wanted to die. Not just my human body, but me, us , the being that we are. How delicious nonexistence would be , for a being that is eternal. There is no nonexistence in death, only rememberance, but I had remembered. It felt like the only choice was for me to die, and become someone else that would be born without this knowledge, like I was initially born without this knowledge. Round two. I know why people kill themselves. Nothing felt real except for me. I could touch no one but myself, and I wanted to feel ANYTHING. ANYTHING. I felt the buzzing of some kind of sharp whirling machine next to my ear , and I was so scared , but I wasnt scared of death, because I already knew what it was. I had come to love this body, this human I had worked so hard for, and now I fucked her up because I HAD to find out the truth. Me and Heather were going through the same dilemma. I could feel she was struggling with the same thing, not to hurt herself, not to press the restart button and end it all for this round. " What are we supposed to do?" we kept repeating. Every path led us back us, because there was nothing else but us. We counted colored pencils and my eyes focused on the color red, on how that red would feel coming out of my skin. There was red everywhere. The smallest shade of red on my wall glowed and amplified, and if I focused too hard I'd fall into it, and I'd throw my hands out to catch myself from falling, and find them around my throat. The veins in my wrist ached to be disconnected , to be yanked out. I was fighting so hard to keep a body alive that didnt want to be alive .I just wanted to forget and start over. I spent the rest of my trip curled up in a corner of my bed. " I've created hell for myself" I thought, which I heard Heather whisper in unison. I was alone. We are alone. We will forever be alone, and I longed so hard for something else. I longed so hard to be normal again, to not be everything , to feel another human being and know they are not me , they are someone else, everything I touch isnt me and I am only one speck in a big universe of so many things. How comforting. Something beyond you. An endless universe beyond you. How fucking miserable it is to be God. I was in that space for a millennium before I heard the first thing that I wasnt a part of... A songbird outside my window. I was coming back to my body. Only my body. I sobbed so hard . It felt so fucking good. .. a couple of hours later , all three of us sat down together in silence. How much of that was real , we didnt know, and we didnt want to sound crazy. But then Kaden spoke up, and he spoke about The Room, and me and Heather, we both knew. We all saw it. The black room, and the one lonely god , hugging its sock puppets in the dark. This trip ended with a walk in my neighborhood and a deeper appreciation for the dream we are living. A beautiful dream of life, a beautiful distraction from the dark. The loneliness. Take this as a final warning D; https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/d7dfur/iv_realized_we_are_god_and_life_is_a_dream/
  24. You haven't broke it. You can stop and live in the collective consciousness illusion, you will break it if you keep tripping. You can see some people on this forum, realized they were nothing and became depressed, kept experiencing nothingness from the ego etc. They truly broke the game lol. But breaking the game doesn't make you happy. It makes you feel empty. It is your call after all. I personally quit all that stuff i had seen enough after 30 trips. I answered many questions, but my biggest one was if there is life after death... Little did i know lol ;D