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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. Duality is an illusion, the self is an illusion, consciousness awareness or being is all that is. Now fellow spiritual people, the question is how does this "mind" imagine worlds, people and experiences and they become "real" The dream we have is the most real thing, unless you take psychedelics or meditate then you see, we are in god, looking at god experiencing god. You see the very fabric of reality, scream fuck what is this, then see you aren't separate from anything. Then the thought comes, if the mind was separate how would it know what is out there? Cells and electrical signals? Really science? Electricity in a meat box. We have a long way to go
  2. Nonesense. Some people can be destroyed by obstacles and they fall away. Lose their homes etc. Saying obstacles can just be overcome is nonesense. Life wants us to suffer.
  3. I would say I'm god experiencing itself, it's creation over and over again. There is nothing to do it's "for fun" Just like playing a game of chess or a video game ,you do it for the experience, not to gain anything or be a certain way. We tend to take it very seriously tho, because it feels very real... After psychedelics tho... realness also gets a reduction. It's like training the self to see itself always. The result for me is, feeling both real and unreal, as i have almost cured Hppd, now i'm a bit on the real side again xDD
  4. Yeah and also holy shit i'm the eternal void. The lies of bliss and heaven get you hooked and like a fish you get reeled in....
  5. Melt the ego mind to find god... It doesn't end well for everyone but for most it ends well.
  6. You as the higher self/soul did this to yourself. I have personally seen my soul self, it's all my fault i'm here. I have many regrets now and it's all my fault. I'm glad this life is so short. Leaving is always an option.
  7. I don't know the answer, if there are loyal people i haven't met them. Furthermore both groups act similar, until something better comes up. Also feelings change. I don't think it is easier for men or women. If women are left alone with a child it's bad for both the child and the woman. If a man is left because of another man, he loses his family and barely sees the child. Also he pays huge alimony in the western countries. But in both cases, both parties lose. Furthermore, single moms and dads find it harder to date later on. I myself am a child of a single mother, my father left when i was young.
  8. You have to provide something to a woman to love you, emotional, financial or some kind of other value. Otherwise you are as good as a brick. Also if you can't provide that anymore you are also as good as a brick. Sometimes it's status.etc It's all about survival of the human race, women reproduce with men with resources and security, genetics in order to have a higher chance for their offspring to survive. TBH i don't really care about women anymore after finding out this information. I don't care if humanity survives as well.Since there is no real love here, i can die in peace, knowing i never lost anything. If there was real love, life would have some kind of purpose, but it doesn't. I will let the animals reproduce, while meditating and quitting the social game.
  9. Just don't invest yourself too much, emotionally and financially. Admittedly the more you invest the more it hurts, also the more disappointment there is. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt and know that this is life anything can happen, they can meet someone better or you can do that, so you shouldn't really care about them enough to put your happiness on them. Gain stability, the job you want and if people come let them, but don't go into this "this person is the one" No, life is unpredictable, they are the one for today, tomorrow they could be gone. I have listened to many tails from exes, you are the one for me I love you forever etc. Never again falling for that. They are temporary appearances in my life, i wave them goodbye.
  10. Yeah i think this forum focuses only the absolute, but i have experienced both higher selves, the soul and the absolute. Within creation both are necessary vehicles for holding consciousness, while the absolute is literally the mind holding creation within itself.
  11. Yes you are literally nothing, vapor, it's really hard to explain in words how nothingness can appear as a mind or as something. This does it better than me It is difficult to be "myself" Everytime i wake up, everytime i think i am a me i become this meat sack ;D And survival keeps you in the illusion.
  12. Ermm i was just describing the state, no connection to nihilism. You make your own meaning
  13. Absolute nothingness, The void being conscious... It is weird to explain it with words... Basically it is a game god plays with itself, souls meat suits etc. That state is just being. No feelings, no suffering, no self just is. Not even bliss. Any feeling, perception and label is just a part of the illusion of duality. For me this is not a competition per say. Im only arguing with myself. This thing we are... The nothingness managed to imagine it is souls, then meat suits. I think it's even more complicated but with over 50 trips behind me i'm not in a competition who is more enlightened or not. I'm merely arguing with myself anyways. Suffering is also an illusion, everything is. Including happiness and love. You need other and a world to experience these things xDD Most people wouldn't be on this forum, if they were happy before hand. In fact if they had just a semblance of what they want in life they wouldn't pursue spirituality. I know this life won't make me happy and i know there is nothing in this life which has any meaning. People leave. Circumstances change, you can't keep anything, the only constants seem to be loneliness and change. So i don't really care either way. I don't even care that i'm god, as i can't change anything yet it is in this i find my prepation to truly let go of the self in death.
  14. I inhabit this meat suit, temporarily. I was out of body so many times. Misery and psychological pain can also make the soul want to leave, but i always come back, because i leave the body intact, one day the body will rot, the spirit will fly away I have contemplated suicide hundreds of times, I dont see a point in this hell anymore. The God I am probably got bored, decided to go through hell idk. But i am tired of this game, there is no love here, no purpose nothing. I know what I am i don't care even if i die tomorrow. I was offered death on a pedestal, yet when my soul flew away it remembered it's identification oww I remember a human life and i came back... Dammit It is why i reply to this topic, i feel the same way as the author. But knowing i can't really die... killing myself is also pointless.
  15. God really created hell for itself. I feel the same man. Suffering madness and hell without the bliss part :DDD This dream will end sooner or later ;d I will be free
  16. Yeah it depends on how you define it. You could say awakening is realizing you are god and enlightment constantly experiencing that state.
  17. Yes, but i'm specifically refering to permanent enlightment, they call it mahasamadhi in Indian tradition. In buddhism when one becomes a boddhisatva, he no longer identifies with the body mind and it is a permanent state. Of course there are many enlightened states, but if you shatter the ego permanently, through silence or constant spirituality you should get permanent spiritual awareness. When you have no more desires ,suffering is gone, silence remains.
  18. If you define it as mahasamadhi, permanently staying as god he isn't. But he actually experienced his real self. If you get to mahasamadhi you don't come back that is the whole point You come back to the body but are not longer attached to it, you can let it go knowing 24/7 this is not me.
  19. Meh knowing it's all my fault, because i'm god makes me more disappointed than anything... Why would i do this to myself... Ahh it doesn't really matter this dream will end soon anyway it's been nothing but a disappointment.
  20. Welp you are enlightened. Onto better dreams, but don't regret knowing this. It's the only thing that frees you to be how you want. Furthermore you might not come back if you go too far and even if you do, you might come back seeing this isn't real 24/7 I had a case of that, i might say it is hell for the ego Just be careful or don't you are god
  21. I would say loving yourself most and treating people and knowing they are temporary, brings you calm and peace. I'm exactly like you, but i will never do this to myself again. It has hurt me more than it has been a useful trait. In fact i'm trying to be more selfish, to get away from all the pain.
  22. It's not only about words, people won't stick around when times are tough. Also you see an epidemic on single moms and dads, the family unit is broken. Nature simply gives humans hormones to reproduce nothing more. A waste of time in my opinion.