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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. What do you mean by microdose, is it 50 or 75 ug? People call it a threshold dose, so you still have like a 4-6 hour trip.
  2. You can't function in that state, let alone lead a coherent conversation... You might achieve an in-between state, or an emptiness state and barely function but a perceiving infinity and fractal state, while being a human, naah. You just leave your body it's too much information. Brain overload.
  3. That's the thing... I know this i have witnessed personally how all appears within the self, as the self not knowing it is the self... We are the godhead, consciousness experiencing itself. Somehow it might be possible that god loves everything and puts itself through hell, for the experience. Rubert Spira says suffering is the price consciousness pays for manifesting the world. Forgetting it's true nature, absolute peace and silence. However if i was an eternal lonely god(which i am a part of) i get it. You are alone FOREVER You don't even measure time and forever is just a word. Let that sink in. And you exist in this void,darkness. After millenia or who knows how much time, you would split yourself, fool yourself, maybe dream an infinite dream, all the characters and worlds are you, but you ignore your being. HELL.. If im frank with you, god is right under your nose. We are all this being. I used to feel suffering, when i saw suffering, a part of me has become numb because i know i don't have the power to stop the suffering.. But god probably doesn't see suffering the way i do. I am but a little ego, wondering what if it all could live in harmony and peace, while in form... You could argue with me, you could say boy, then it wouldn't be the physical and that would probably be correct. You could say then it would be the astral or some form of heaven, you would also be correct, but if we humans weren't so greedy, we could make the Earth nearly paradise for all. No more children dying of povery, people killing each other over trivial things such as land and money... We pretend we are so civilized yet idiots lead us into oblivion for their selfish profits... From the absolute none of this matters i get it, the Earth will continue long after humanity, long after we are put to rest as a species.
  4. I had this before too... I can only say yes the world is a mess and i need to remove the drive to help others as well in some way.. I am small like you if i was a billionaire or someone of importance sure i could help, but like this? Idk why even help them honestly, selfish monkeys stealing from other selfish monkeys making the world a suffer chamber... They are all selfish and self-centered and we should help them, instead of the god who created them? The god who doesn't know good from evil? Just watches idly as it all goes to shit. I am but a tiny spec of dust, i can't change what god has created, the suffering it wants to endure by being these creatures... God could create heaven, instead it tortures itself... Why are you like this god???? I run away from looking at the ugliness of the world, there is tons of it. Only focusing on the beauty gives me at least temporary relief, away from the misery of the hundreds if not millions of people and animals, dying cruelly or being used to fuel someone's greedy pursuits. We live in hell, i have all the proof i need.
  5. Lies,deceit broken dreams lead to suffering. She may tell you, she loves you, you are the one etc In my case it was five years down the drain to get cheated on in the end. I blame myself for caring and even falling in love. What a waste of money, time and peace that was. Detachment is the way to go then they make you happy, without the risk of self created suffering. You see men in twenty year marriages, providing and giving,get cheated on lose their family and home and a man lives with his ex wife and children and he has to pay her alimony. Then those men kill themselves. Life is cruel i understand i must live for myself, it's all nonesense and selfishness,humans are incapable of love. I envy players, from the start they know what i know now, by seeing how easily people betray each other, while also not being heavily invested emotionally. At the end of the day my life lacks romantic love and i don't care, because love almost destroyed me.
  6. I totally get when you say women can ruin a man, from personal experience. After this happened i have been single for three years .. I can't even imagine being with a female anymore. I have female friends, but i would never want to be their boyfriend. It's true a woman can never make you happy and fellas if you take care of her too much, she could hinder your progress. I wanted her to be happy so much i hurt myself in providing for her. I don't hate women, but i don't trust them with my heart.
  7. That all is god and we should do our best to make life heaven for everyone.Animals as well. Creating synthetic meat, fixing the climate, whatever it takes to make life better for all beings.
  8. If comparing to the void.. Anything will feel and seem real lol. Only god exists and it's many manifestations.
  9. You are like a sensory organ through which the universe experiences itself. Therefore what you are watching is yourself... This is where the mindfucks begin.
  10. God literally imagined the universe and is imagining it right now... Basically only the now exists moments get layered on top of one another in the now much like frames in a movie. From the physical you can't rewind, but from the absolute where all possibilities are happening simultaneously, it is very possible. People have reported on salvia, lsd and dmt time travel, experiencing other lives etc The theory that consciousness is like a radio and if you change your tuning fork you experience another reality. Of course it could be that people are literally creating those realities while on the substance, as god lies within them as well.
  11. Time never existed. It is a measurement of movement between objects in space, space being the distance between objects. But time is something we humans invented to measure movements, movements in cells, bodies etc. Time is one of the natural illusory binders, without it, its obvious we are living in eternity. The loop question... I think you will come back within eternity some day, but the same life looping,naah.. Awareness always changes what its aware of. Even this ego which is a collection of beliefs,perceptions and ideas is always changing. You are never stuck always flowing like water from one experience to the next.
  12. Did we choose this life, if so did we choose it to fulfill a purpose or learn something?
  13. This thread is a careful dance between solipsism, madness and non-duality. Here god argues with it's different parts over whether anything exists and what we should do about it. Do you really think universal consciousness is limited to one being? Oh what a waste of potential. And to the thread author, everything exists as experience and experiencer(duality of imagination) Collapse the whole thing and you get consciousness, self aware and alone. But it's behind all appearances,form and time. We are all literally one mind, each of it's parts separated by thought and imagination alone. The complicated nature of this can lead to explanations such as reality is magic etc. Well yes it is, how come imagination feels so real. Anyway the point of nonduality is to spread love and kindness, here using the cerebral drives people to madness, ideas like solipsism etc. I say it once i say it again if this was the truth, why would spirituality be so wide spread? Spiritual teachers like Leo, should be warning people against it. Oooh be careful don't want solipsim to bite your ass! Its silly really, this is what happens when you try to imagine your ego is god. We all exist as thoughts within god's mind. How is that for a twist? Or multiple personalities of it, or masks, but everyone is made from the same stuff consciousness. So fundamentally you are all life. This should be good news, celebrated, not this madness.
  14. All self equals no self equals all alone equals all one in a never ending spiral loop - El Collie
  15. Just chill out, you have plenty of time for everything. If i was you i would be out there enjoying life, enlightment won't go anywhere. It will always be here. You may have explored a bit, but haven't tasted the depths. Just live a normal kids life, that was taken from me it's why i got on this path lol Truth doesn't always equal happiness and we shouldn't mistake the two. In fact i would say i was better off without knowing this
  16. You win lad. I mean i have felt it on my trips as well. Some of it feels wrong, i even felt this whole game was my fault I'm glad i quit after like 30 trips. Still i sometimes come back, like today i had another mystical experience, it just keeps happening. I hope i excel in life, then i can leave spirituality truly behind me.
  17. SSris increase serotonin in the brain, lsd increases serotonin in the brain, serotonin syndrome is a condition in the brain which happens when too much serotonin has accumulated in the brain stem. It's an emergency state,precipitating an often fatal condition requiring immediate medical help. So no don't take those together. Even if you don't die, you might end up significantly downregulating the serotonin receptor and you could spin into psychosis or paranoia. Dangerous nightmarish states for anyone to be in. Look up Hppd, you will very likely get that as well. It is a perma-fried, perma-tripping state.
  18. A proactive approach is to create synthetic meat. When it is cheaper,tastier and more distributed than normal meat, humanity may change for the better. Animals that are bred only for slaughter are a shame it's true and most of the world eats meat. Our ancestors would have gone extinct without it.
  19. I had gone through the madness, but i eventually recovered, it was 4 months of seeing through imagination and reality.
  20. Fascinating, yet it seems that below this layer of imagination, one's own self disappears, vanishes. I had once such an experience, i had felt like i was falling apart and was behind everything,in blackness. Then even that disappeared. I vanished. It is through that state that truth is somehow hidden. All of those experiences of people trying to explain the void.. When i think it is below even this layer of imagination and really words can't describe the weirdness of the experience. There is a saying.. An eye can't see itself, yet it sees everything.
  21. It is from the same state i have experienced going out of body, but i have also been conscious of this ground of being. It is weird and subtle. If this is enlightment, it is too subtle lol
  22. After psychedelics, there isn't anything there when i close my eyes. It's different.. I can't even explain it, but basically i am only a presence. Before i would get an after image of the room, but if i concentrate hard enough sometimes it's like i can see with closed eyes. It's really strange i have no explanation for it.
  23. I will try my best of course, best of luck to all of you in this earthly realm. It is somehow about surrendering and trusting that this higher power has your back, a plan for you or something, the difficulty with me is with all i have been through, i am having doubts, but anyone would feel the same in my shoes. At the end of the day i am open to whatever happens,i don't feel like i have control or free will in this after all.
  24. As long as this body is inhabited, egoic needs get in the way. People who have more you compare yourself to them and feel less, you have a different path than them, you can't be them. Only when there are no survival needs, all is surrendered, you truly dissolve the illusion of separation. All is me, all is god, yet inhabiting a little ego, that suffers craves and has been through trauma is most honestly disappointing. I don't blame any external god, the god in me is responsible for everything. But you are also that god, everyone is this god, which is life itself. That primal consciousness that creates these forms. Back to the thread, egoic needs, cravings and comparisons create devils. I can't stay in that state and at the same time be here and survive. Here it is always do this, do that even if you don't want to. That's just the way it is. The ego is the devil, it seeks love,it seeks fulfillment outside itself, when that is impossible. No matter how many cars, women or money people have, if they are not happy with themselves and their purpose all is pointless. Не съм загубен в нищо, аз съм нищо и всичко едновременно, но знанието и изживяването не променя живота и не го прави рай, Всички сме заедно като едно цяло в този и всеки живот.