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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. God is imagining all povs, therefore god is all povs simultaneously. Thats why when you view it from the top it's all you... That doesn't mean other people aren't conscious it's more like they share the same being with you , your true being. I truly wish you all the best and be careful don't drive yourself mad with ideas, experience them yourself. Just be careful
  2. Materialism arguably causes more suffering. Atheists as you know believe we are a fluke a random coincidence living in a cold heartless universe, separate from everyone and everything. With our death we end everything forever no more world, no souls, no god. Before spirituality the fear of death was driving me insane. I had a chronic disease and believed i would die forever and envied people who are healthy. Now i'm chill accepting and unafraid, even curious of death and my upcoming dmt experience xDD The separation and loneliness aspect also comes from believing you are truly separate from others. That also caused suffering to me. The bliss i felt in oneness is comparable to the bliss i felt when with a partner. This oneness, is pure peace and love our true nature
  3. Combining multiple personality disorder, dreams and the power of the mind you have a being that is everywhere, has forgotten itself (mostly) and each part feels separate. A universe out of nothing.(out of mind,imagination) bloody magic!
  4. In none of my experiences was solipsism an issue, when i leave the body or see everything is consciousness only when the ego comes back and tries to make sense with what the hell it has collided
  5. The slice matters for some ppl, if they say others aren't conscious, they might do anything they want without empathy or anything. Empathy is something which you have because others are conscious. I think Leo stating that solipsism is true on the absolute level caused a lot of chaos and confusion.
  6. This is not an outside world, it's the equivalent of being in a mind. I have clearly seen this. If solipsism were true, why would the world easily include this truth, i thought that if i am a lonely god, this truth would be hidden as i don't want to know it. I mean who would want to know he is a lonely god for all of eternity, could you take this knowledge? For me it's a pain in the ass. And the most hilarious part of the argument you say i'm conscious i say i'm conscious... I know i'm conscious lad, so what's it gonna be? ;d
  7. There is a higher self, below Brahman, a sort of soul self, made of light. I have experienced that self and flying through colorful tunnels of light as well as that self going in and out of realities in my dreams, after i had a few Obes. You could say in a way those slots are taken and if you aren't fully enlightened( Infinite self state) you can't really access those viewpoints. The infinite self viewpoint, which is also the no self can access any viewpoint it wants i think. However you might forget you were a human, or what you wanted to do. The whole thing is layered and very complicated. I wouldn't call myself fully enlightened or even half, as Leo says it is layed, i have seen and experienced different layers and have answered my most wanted questions. However i have only read the infinite self viewpoint. People describe it as seeing souls and others as being your feet or parts of your body. It is when the illusion of the soul merges with the real self. What i think happens after you die is that you explore a few realms or a lot and decide if you want to reincarnate or stay there forever. I have also experienced my infinite self partially as a black formlessness watching over my soul flying in the tunnel. So the thing is really complicated. All I'm sure of is that death is not the end, not by a long shot. Edit: On a salvia trip i also saw the light self projecting me down here, it was like a huge blob of light connected to me by a cord. At first it was alien it even had eye like appendages. I could never forget that experience. I felt only bliss, when experiencing this, only pure bliss. In none of my other trips had i felt such a bliss. Salvia is probably the craziest drug to exist. You can smoke it and become a conscious table. Really teaches you that everything has a consciousness lol
  8. Without the ego you wouldn't even have the idea of solipsism xDD
  9. True, according to his logic you can't prove either one lol. Only his experiences can shape his belief. Btw solipsism is like the exact opposite of non duality. We are one vs I'm all alone ;d After these experiences one receives the knowing he is not the one who imagined all this, but instead life imagined me and everyone and it is everyone simultaneously who is conscious. Without that deep knowing you can spiral into solipsim all you want, no matter what kind of proof "others" offer. There is an argument made here of how we actually know stuff, but it is this feeling of knowing after experiencing.
  10. I forgot to mention the trip which i shared on the solipsism threads, you experience the POVS of other people ;D When I closed my eyes, I wasnt me. It was like what tethered me to the world was the ability to look through the telescope that was my eyes. Now my soul was loose. I felt myself and I wasnt me.. I felt bigger hands , and a flatter body, and sense we were all naked, when I reached down, I felt my dick too. I dont have a dick. I'm a girl, generally. I dont have a dick. And yet once more, I wasnt him. I had smaller legs, and when I felt up, bigger boobs then I usually did. " Guys.." I spoke, but it wasnt my voice, it was Heathers. I opened my eyes again, and I was me, but I saw Kaden and Heather sitting in the positions i had left them when I was in their bodies . All the proof we needed . I felt sick. " Why is something... missing?" Heather was the first to voice it. Youd think, realizing we are all the same , youd think itd make us feel less alone. but suddenly, we felt.. more alone then ever. We didnt feel each others souls. That's what was missing. We felt only one soul. we hugged each other, but it felt , like .. we were hugging ourselves. They say you are the center of the universe ... but there is only one center. There is only one infinity. Everything in the room.. I had made. I, the One, that we all are, had created it all. It was all extensions of us. Every song , every book , every show , it was all us, for us. We would be every one at one point ,but there will be no one else other then us. Us, I. https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/d7dfur/iv_realized_we_are_god_and_life_is_a_dream/ You can also do that but you would have to break your ego boundary somehow. Anyway man if you want to believe you are the only one conscious here by all means xDDD i wish you a nice human experience
  11. You know what you are talking about, in order to have any kind of experience of separation a separate ego is created in the dream. Solipsism is really a simplification saying my ego is god, your nondual self is god, this little toy that will fade away into the nothingness is nothing but a toy. You are eternal, life is a story. However let's recontextualize. You are god and are bored. You have infinite time.In the mind anything is possible, anything. So you can imagine yourself to be a man a woman and anything at the same time. Solipsism says ohhh i'm god and i couldn't imagine splitting myself, or that god can't control several meat suits. REALLY TEST THIS THEORY. Go with Leo or someone and drop acid, let me see you talk about solipsism then xDDD
  12. The proof is when you trip with others, it's the biggest proof. The infinite mind of god is so powerful it can hide form itself, imagine separation and make it as real as possible. Telepathy and other strange phenomenon can be experienced while on LSD with others, this is not the only evidence i have tho. I can see the transparent projection of the infinite mind( i can still see it up to a point i called that HPPD). I can see how people are squashed energy points in the same grid, therefore it's the same being perceiving itself through multiplication. I have all the proof i need, i told you tripping with a friend will cure your solipsism. When i tripped with mine he was like, you met yourself... Smart guy.... It all began with the feeling of us both being a part of some greater being, then a crazy trip. I have shared with you a trip some other ppl had, where they realized we are one soul, in many bodies. That is also enough proof. But for you to believe me and actually cure yourself and not think I'm just a bunch of words, you have to experience this yourself. Remember minds should remain separated, if you could hear other people's thoughts you would instantly know they are you, but not this you that you think you are. WE ARE ALL GOD collectively and that's damm powerful. Solipsism also puts a doubt on your whole life, why do you feel empathy and love towards others if they are dream characters? In my dreams i have killed characters and even cute ones, but i feel no remorse. Here it is different. Here they are conscious
  13. I'm 100 percent conscious yall... How complicated is the understanding that we are like smaller parts of one giant mind I know i'm conscious you all can keep having imaginary arguments tehe This is probably like the 6th or 7th solipsism thread. Entertainment when the parts of god are arguing who is conscious or not. You are all in consciousness, god and you are all conscious... See how that works? You wouldn't be alive if you weren't conscious, we are conscious manifestations of consciousness... You could say we are god perceiving it's own imagined body(the infinite universe) experiencing itself through these meat suits... But we are one fundamentally just like the cells inside a body, my cells don't know they are me, here it's the same people are ignorant that they are part of the larger being Inseparable.
  14. Bro it's all an imagination within consciousness, a dream. Atoms don't register anything, the universe experiences itself though atoms and matter. Consciousness identifies itself through form and thus experiencing happens. There was a spiritual master that said every particle is conscious to some extent. Let that sink in.
  15. Bruh you are literally all beings and all life at the same time, however you can lock yourself from the absolute perspective... Literally if you look at anything right now that is the projection of the infinite mind... Your body mind experience being a focal point of consciousness with which your god self experiences itself, just like the many other humans, animals and life forms. You could say every creature is a sensory organ of god and they aren't separate from it(you). Kill another you kill yourself.. Instant karma?
  16. The hive mind is real in the sense we are one being speaking through a variety of bodies. You can most profoundly experience this while tripping with other people. First feeling them as a part of something bigger than as yourself. It was insane. We were in each other's minds. I could hear their thoughts and feelings, and they mine. We started to laugh - it was crazy, but it was really fucking fun, and we were having a good time When I closed my eyes, I wasnt me. It was like what tethered me to the world was the ability to look through the telescope that was my eyes. Now my soul was loose. I felt myself and I wasnt me.. I felt bigger hands , and a flatter body, and sense we were all naked, when I reached down, I felt my dick too. I dont have a dick. I'm a girl, generally. I dont have a dick. And yet once more, I wasnt him. I had smaller legs, and when I felt up, bigger boobs then I usually did. " Guys.." I spoke, but it wasnt my voice, it was Heathers. I opened my eyes again, and I was me, but I saw Kaden and Heather sitting in the positions i had left them when I was in their bodies . All the proof we needed . I felt sick. " Why is something... missing?" Heather was the first to voice it. Youd think, realizing we are all the same , youd think itd make us feel less alone. but suddenly, we felt.. more alone then ever. We didnt feel each others souls. That's what was missing. We felt only one soul. Source:https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/d7dfur/iv_realized_we_are_god_and_life_is_a_dream/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body The whole point of duality is amnesia, funny thing when i always right stuff like this the screen glitches lol the words don't want to come out... I had a experience with a friend on lsd, i felt as though i am him underneath and he is me, like a hidden layer connects us. I also saw the layer... It's all basically a projection of the infinite self and we are focused points within consciousness which perceive it. So yeah the hive mind is very real. Enlightment is as straight forward as seeing the geometric projections, realizing they are you and experiencing an out of body state as well as a no self void state. Afterwards these insights are obvious. We exist within a mind's imagination. Do you realize what kind of crazy secrets we hide in this forum? How would normal people react to this? They believe in an "outside world" death and duality.. We are an interesting bunch xDD
  17. I don't know man, it would seem that this reality is just one of many, in which the universe experiences itself. Heaven or hell are just words, it really depends on what is heaven or hell for you. For me this Earth is not heaven, not even close not in a million years. I prefer a place where we are free as souls, and get to do cool stuff fly around explore universes... Not feel the pain and suffering of desire, chronic disease.illness etc. This body is like a chain to me, i carry it's karma and the previous generations karma, i am uncertain if i will live or die tomorrow and i really have no idea what's going on with live and who to trust(but myself and the supposed source consciousness i have experienced) It's a mess here, this place hurt me badly, more than it has loved me and it will never be heaven.
  18. You know spirituality is the realization that deep down we are one right? Therefore telepathy and stuff like that should be easy in spiritual realms. Privacy is a human concept, as well as separation. I might say that if you love privacy so much you might be able to reincarnate. But ultimately privacy matters more here, because privacy is related to safety and needs being met. If i for example knew my guides know my thoughts, i would be a little disturbed but hey, what can i do. I can't control my thoughts only my actions right? I'm kidding i have no control. Anyway heaven is also an idea. So really idk if you can go to your own version of heaven after all this is over.
  19. Source:https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/jsaz9w/wrote_this_while_tripping_on_mushrooms/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=tp_title
  20. Solipsism threads, at least the previous ones were fun and engaging spanning at least 10 pages each, consisting of separate selves arguing, if they are god ;D
  21. Touche :D. You know it goes deep.. So the question is silly. Is an arm separate from the octopus? No. Same with all separate selves. Are any of your cells separate from you? No. Galaxies universes and beings are the cells of god's imagination. Limitless manifestation and power. God is so obvious and everywhere, the separate self learns to ignore it and forget. I think thats how the imagination of separation happens. It could be more complicated... Anything is possible this is just my experience...
  22. There is a chance for enlightment or madness.. But many prominent people are shocked by the experience, it turns them from atheist to believer in no time.
  23. That i am in control of my life decisions and i can hold onto things, people and even myself. That i have free will, or a way to change what i become. After this self acceptance is easier and you become more chill. But this clinging causes suffering and resistance, a great pain, which can be stopped through acceptance.
  24. We are one being me and you. If you had taken shrooms or Lsd you would see it, experience it. You would understand this is a sort of projection of mind and you are that mind as well as I. This consciousness or infinite being, holds within it all life, but not as separate entities but focused focal points, which it uses to experience itself and create a sense of separation and separate identity. Much like a mind with multiple personality disorder, but more complex and fascinating. It dreams souls it becomes souls, it dreams people it becomes people. Anything consciousness thinks subconsciously it creates and becomes. That's why at the very core of our being is empty presence. But don't take my word for it find out for yourself. Solipsism is a funny little idea, but the reality is mind blowing and radical. You never left god. You have always been here, swimming in mind and imagination. Can you die if you are one with god? An interesting question but not as much as this one: if everyone is god then who is god, the answer is obviously everyone,everywhere always.
  25. Each tendryl has a sense of sense and consciousness... And each of them are the vast universe.