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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. There you were in the void, nothing and no one boredom. Then suddenly a flash of light ,infinity came upon you, the whole creation spontaneously and perfectly created. Time and space under your fingerprints you became blissful, wise, omniscient. Yet there is nothing to do there, heaven has no change, the infinite state where all is known, every possibility is boring. So you shrunk yourself again and again. Life after life you explore different possibilities and this life is just one of them.
  2. In one of my experiences I was in an infinite tunnel of realities, then I just merged with one of them and instantly had a body etc. Ofc without any experience I wouldn't be discussing this, it would be pointless. I also experienced incredible love, saw my soul and many other things, including the void or empty state, which still happens to me in my dreams from time to time. Feels like a middle state between waking and dream life.
  3. Yeah ,I always thought realizing I'm god would make me special or fulfill all my desires, solve my problems etc. Instead you come back to reality pretty much the same xD. I like a lot of your posts including your no free will thing, just makes sense man, it's like you become a slave of your creation, you have limited yourself to this human expression, even you don't know why and how and now you need to live it through just to die and start all over again.
  4. And so we distract ourselves until we die.. Make money, get women, make a legacy, become rich, we are chasing things in a dream of our own making. But mere distractions they are these pleasures, trials and tribulations. As all faded away into nothing. We cling with all our might to our self, then it is demolished and destroyed. Was it ever real to begin with? Or a dream for fools to be reeled in distracted and ultimately perish? What does an existence of impermanence mean, with an afterlife uncertain? A humanity abandoned to become god or a spirit, only to incarnate again, forgetting the past, to play a new game, somewhere, sometime again.
  5. It happened in your consciousness didn't it, that discussion, the sounds, the visual of the conversation. Even if you can get in their minds and read them, they would be a part of your consciousness, you would be aware of them. That is really the problem with solipsism. You can assume or believe others have an experience, but never prove it. There is no direct way of proving they have their own experience.
  6. Bodies.. Extend not to just your current experience, but to others too. Souls, spirits, dimensions and other lives are experiences that happen on DMT or other psychedelics. Becoming the universe or one with god, or god itself can also happen. And yet there is also a formless empty state. My theory about this is all bodies and embodiment is ultimately the deception or the masks that god puts on itself as the way to spread or trick itself. I had the experience of being my soul and choosing realities from a tunnel and becoming one with the chosen reality. I would automatically get a body in the chosen reality. I would also travel to distant places etc. And yet I had the weirdest experiences, where i was formless and didn't understand the connection. Until I had a dream that I was my soul flying through the same tunnel, then I saw myself from a distance as awareness, formless self. Then I understood things like souls etc are just other bodies. Maybe eternal bodies, but bodies none the less. Maybe even the universal self is just a body, the body of creation, respectfully and with love, but ultimately not the first body, the invisible formless ultimate reality that came into being from the void unto it's own and imagined/dreamt up the infinite universe. Just wanted to share these insights, tell me if you have experienced something similar.
  7. For all of you who can't disprove solipsism for themselves and for their experience, like me, you can try to find some peace with it. Even if it's just you experiencing these dreams one at a time choosing them one at a time or it's just your mind, or awareness happening now and creating everything, at least the suffering, pain and whatever is happening to the world ain't real either. Also as god it doesn't affect your real self, not really how can a dream affect you... I guess we can find some solice at least in these thoughts, that all the ugly things and nuclear disaster, pain and torture ain't real either, only as temporary experience.
  8. You become unlimited, realizing you are everything and yet you are still a single consciousness, of course my ego is not the only thing that exists, but that is
  9. I started this topic offering a different view, suffering and everything that is part of the dream is part of the dream. The things we don't like about the world, our pains and issues as well. Maybe some of us can find peace knowing this isn't real, it doesn't matter as the mortality of these bodies will teach us. Many could call it spiritual bypassing but really life seems to be a game and we are forced to leave in the end anyways.
  10. Of course, many will say god is undefinable etc and that is true. But to me this comes close, as much as a finite mind can understand god. So basically in the show there is this being called Yivo and he is a planet that has lived in loneliness for a long time, the show estimating it to be a trillion years, or as much as the known universe existed. In the episode the being finally comes in contact with another universe, after a rift is opened and the first thing it does is connect itself to every living being and give it unconditional love. The ones which are connected feel happy and relieved. Eventually they go on to live on the planet Yivo into a heaven like state in which they don't age and have infinite food, entertainment etc. Now this is not the important part. When Yivo is connected to different beings and speaks through them, that is exactly what i experienced with a friend when realizing everything is god. One being controlling(separated into through imagination) multiple millions trillions of beings. Of course the show does it in a physical way, the planet has tendryls and they connect to the beings. They even make a church worshipping Yivo. This type of godly being is how i think god actually is and nonduality, god is everything, everywhere in multiple bodies universes etc, not the silly solipsim, some of us are doomed to think we are the only mind there is Instead we are more like puppets or parts of the one mind that is.. Anyway if anyone is interested, https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Yivo The episode is called The beast with a billion backs if anyone wants to watch it.
  11. I had a similar experience with a friend on LSD. It felt like we are a part of one being. So yeah i believe and my experience is, that god is like a many heads hydra, each head having it's own experience of reality, yet at the center we are one being imagining everything. PARADOX all one equals all alone equals all one in a never ending spiral loop. And as long as this vast, empty consciousness can dream it will do this, probably for an eternity. What would you do trapped in a dark room forever, dream an infinite dream made of infinite universes and beings..... Waking up truly waking up is a no go, that would mean all parts of this infinite mind wake up, i don't even know if it is possible.... More like infinite dreams due to loneliness, boredom? What else is there to do? There are people saying ow i want to escape the dream, hell where would you go lad? The void and just stare into the nothing forever? You will be back quicker than i can say told you so Places like biblical heaven exist here, life is here, there in the nothing, well there is nothing... Touche D:
  12. I was pondering on the question of altruism, the self, the eternal soul and life in general. Our society values helping others and puts the people who do so on saint positions. However if you help someone, you must understand that they are not very likely to repay the same favor, if at all. Also as eternal souls incarnated here, creative individuations of god, this is only one out of many experiences through which we will go. So i ask this not in a foolish manner, it's more like an itch to me. i see suffering, pain and there is something in me that says help, change something etc. However changing something would be detrimental to my experience i.e i would give from my time, resources and energy towards fixing someone else's problem. While most people wouldn't do this. You see it all around you, billionaires and companies hoarding wealth, people with power and influence similar to Bill Gates being in total selfish mode. Are they wrong or right? They worked hard to get up there... It is a big conflict within me, i have already begun to draw the line, where it is reasonable to help myself first, then contemplate this topic. Is it even worth helping others if it doesn't aid your own value in life, your experience? Of course those others are you, but still, they wouldn't help you... Their soul might have chosen to experience misery to grow as well, who are you to help them when they chose to suffer? It really is a confusing topic for me and i have looked at every angle I can. Any opinion is appreciated.
  13. Bruh that didn't even happen. Trees of knowledge, Adam and Eve, fairy tales man. Death is a lie, you just change suits, you are god, playing with yourself over and over again. This topic is silly. Until you realize you are god you shouldn't post silly dogma D; Have you ever experienced death? Can you even imagine not being conscious? You see people are scared because they imagine a dark room or something of the sort. True death doesn't exist because you are consciousness itself, you cannot not be conscious you see, These fairy tales hold humanity from discovering their true belief and spirituality. People have killed each other over fake gods, who they thought they should worship, while your true self doesn't care if you worship it or not, IT IS YOU.
  14. The objective good thing to do is get vaccinated. Of course after it passes testing and everything. Saving lives and reducing the pandemic one person at a time. There will always be conspiracy theorists, but there always were for every vaccine in the world. So this means nothing, every vaccine is created with the dead virus or bacteria and some chemicals to ease absorption and help the immune system adapt to the pathogen. Not vaccinating could be foolish and harmful,if you catch covid you might have to spend time in the hospital and having to live with you grandparents or visiting them could prove fatal. Leo is right science all the way on this one
  15. Ohhh that state man, that state is so wack... Everything flowing like a river
  16. Time is an idea in god's mind. Basically we are in the now, did you see how if you lose your watch or don't watch the time you don't know what time it is? It is imaginary clocks and calendars that measure imaginary time in an imaginary world in consciousness
  17. Bro everyone is the center of the universe, reality projects us and we project it. It's all one process.
  18. Can you tell from the look in her eyes? We're going no where We live our lives like we're ready to die We're going no where You can run but you'll never escape Over and over again Will we ever see the end? We're going no where When a human comprehends what reality is
  19. I have had these ups and downs for three years now. I wish i never met her life is cruel sometimes. I just keep chugging along trying to survive and find a purpose in my disappointing life decisions. Who knows maybe we will survive this and in time the wounds won't be so fresh. Don't give the thoughts too much power, i had obes with higher entities offering me death, my soul just didn't want this body anymore, so really at the end of hell lies heaven. Somehow.
  20. Try Taurine or Valerian. Really calming, Taurine lasts around 8 hours 1 gram of Taurine. They have no side effects. Helped with Hppd symptoms they should help you with an overactive nervous system.
  21. Suffering and curiosity. It helps you see things in perspective.
  22. Most of those trips felt like dying then i "died". Had a few traumatizing ones and some blissful ones. Most of them were near insanity, i was like throwing myself alone in the fire, looking for the truth, but hey i'm not really proud or anything. I just don't fear death and if i die tomorrow i dont care. My life has been abuse and disappointment, it's why i was seeking the truth and if there is god in the first place. So yeah it didn't fix my problems or make my life heaven or anything. I don't really recommend going through what i went either. Totally not worth it
  23. Hello fellow tentacle, i see you have also seen that part... My over 30 trips had too much information. But the geometric tentacle connection thing ,i remember clearly