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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. Yes that is true. To clarify from god's perspective whatever you are aware of exists. So if god is aware of the room it exists. God is aware of you aka you are aware of yourself thats how you exist. If you weren't aware were would you be? Is it even possible to not be aware? I don't think so.
  2. They exist now but they are also awareness aka you.So when you view another person you mirror yourself. Remember it's like a black hole viewing itself. Imagine you could grow eyes at a whim from your body or arms. Lets say god has many "imaginary" arms which it uses to experience itself. All those arms are conscious and believe they are separate. But in reality they are god looking through a lens at himself.However god is so convincing he can make one arm forget the other etc. Essentially it imagines itself to be a human, an animal a plant at the same time. What we are is a really complicated organism,essentially infinite. Putting labels on it and trying to express with words has it's limits
  3. You always need a conscious viewer. Therefore god just takes the form of the viewer and viewed at the same time in the now. If you are viewing the room it exists. You leave your grandma is watching it therefore it exists. But if awareness is not viewing that room aka imagining it, it doesn't exist. It may exist in memory and when you come back it manifests again. Same with any conscious viewer and imaginary places.
  4. Well because what just for today said with the eyes,sounded a bit like solipsism, I'm going to offer a different model. According to my trips and other people' s experiences,just like leo said God is like a big server. It can play many characters(egos) at a time. Now i don't disagree with the eye thing,said by just for today. God uses the character's senses to create an imaginary boundary within itself and experience separation aka a self. But this is amazing isn't it? I would even suggest a way to verify this for yourself if you are that hardcore. https://amp.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/d7dfur/iv_realized_we_are_god_and_life_is_a_dream/ I experienced something similar with a friend. I felt like we are a part of one whole. Then like we are one being. So god has singleplayer with himself while to the ego it's multiplayer. He is doing the same with animals, trees,plants you name it. To me experiencing them all at once would really show the love he has for his creation. Final thought: there can be no you without other. THink this through how would you recognize yourself if you can't label other? Or an environment. There is just nothing no experience. Reality is perfect in a very twisted way
  5. Madness. When you die and all this is gone yes. But this doesn't encourage or fix anything. Sometimes it's funny how spiritual people are overly positive. Run away from suffering it doesn't fade away on it's own.
  6. Try your best to be happy on your own and get your own being in a place of happiness. People, places, relationships all fade away. But you are always there so if you are happy with your self eventually it won't phase you.
  7. You can't see yourself. You are so empty the appearances are the only thing that fill you up. But you are always so welcoming.
  8. There is a lot of funny stuff about awakening... You think that you can stay there in the void and play with yourself whatever that means.. It's funny because without duality nothing really exists,me,you the imaginary world... Duality is sacred. I guess it's really a matter of acceptance and making it work for you. I will fight for my happiness till i die, but i never felt more control than before and more sure in myself
  9. Sometimes it does feel like a life machine to me.. A love machine but a cruel one to some,kind to others. Yet it is all. The struggles and suffering maybe worth it in the end. It is only when i'm attached to desires and delusions that i suffer.I realized that after a while. One cannot hold onto anything for too long.
  10. Chronic disease, the woman i gave five years of my life to be with and im 40 000k in debt for to help her pay her schoolig left me,lied to me she would help me with the loan.I went through surgery pain and many other struggles including poverty. Icome from a poor country i still love it tho. If i knew she would leave me i would never be on this path,studying abroad and suffering as a total loner and outcast.Which then led me to god. Asking questions why are things like this anyway? At any rate man i'm not only sad at moments for my only suffering but for the suffering of others. I just wish everyone would be happy that is all. I know it sounds cliche and stupid. They are all unique and deserve to be happy. I lost faith in love, women and others. Instead i only love my friends and family and i will live for myself. Love is more trouble than it's worth. Finding god after all this was quite the shock.
  11. Hope i can experience that world after i die. I definitely would like things to be different. The current dream has been more than depressing and disappointing.
  12. I'm gonna be funny on this one because i struggled with it for a while...Now i'm sure my perspective is real.So then you aren't real. Etc. Going from this as Alan watts said is just having a bunch of people claiming i'm real no i'm real... Now what if god is infinite... An infinite mind... And what if this mind can appear separate from itself. Fully taking perspectives and talking to itself through different bodies. Do you really want to know this? Well here is how. https://amp.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/d7dfur/iv_realized_we_are_god_and_life_is_a_dream/ Trip with friends. You realize you are all one being. The ego is not god nope. Everyone is a huge vast mind interacting with itself. I gave you the instructions good luck with your endeavours. And yes i have tripped with friends and felt we are one being it's fun as hell.
  13. Well it's more painful to expand your awareness faster through psychedelics. Meditation and other traditions also prepare you for this state and when it happens gradually you have time to adjust. Psychedelics are like throwing an ice cream grenade in the brain to uncover the hidden goblins underneath. Very hardcore and unsustainable for most. Especially at the higher dosages so be cautious,you always get there one way or another.
  14. Well i had my most chill trip on chewed salvia leaf. My favourite psychedelic by far xD. I didn't even know one could have such a relaxing experience. Smoking it is hell i heard.Next i would say mushrooms,but if you go hardcore you go to Lucy...Man that just melts reality.Really everything comes off.
  15. Brother try something lighter before you jump in the deep end...See if you can get shrooms or chewable salvia otherwise 100 ug lucy,but don't underestimate it man you could be tripping for days. I highly recommend shrooms for beginners,much more positive trips.Lucy is direct,electric and higher chance for bad trips. It tends to reveal the bad parts about you as well and reality will melt like a soggy piece of cake. Good luck dude.
  16. Welp you can imagine this infinite empty mind projecting all these perspectives of itself...You can look at your body and see each and every cell is you.They are you but they don't know. Unless you distinguish yourself with a microscope. Imagine the infinite mind is the body of god. Imaginary but non the less for us reality. Within it couched universes,animals,dogs, anything that can be is. We as fragments forget we are the whole,but we are,just like the cells of the body. We are the way we are,because infinity isn't complete without having limited finite experiences couched within itself. But we are that mind experiencing itself. It's all that is. The power of imagination and hallucination... You can make anything real. What is real? If you can experience it its real for you. You can say this is nothing and we are nothing in nothing...But this void is so empty there is nothing there..So in comparison everything that god imagines can be thought of as real.Saying you hallucinate others etc is silly. They are you separating yourself from yourself. Its crazier than solipsism. I talk to you,you to me,but its just a vast mind talking to itself. Forgetting itself in forms again and again forever. What else is there to do than play? Btw super powers would ruin this reality lol ;D
  17. That same nothing can imagine anything and boom magic "reality".I think it was a good trip for you. It showed you how flexible consciousness is and taught you that it's all a dream. I find quids more enjoyable than smoking though. But hey you risked it and came out better on the other side.
  18. Where else is there to go?
  19. If non existence is imagined it's not real. Its just a definition in the mind... Also non existence doesn't exist by definition soo yeah enjoy eternity lol.
  20. You would think it is this simple yet... Its much more radical xDDD.. Nothingness imagining itself through infinite perspectives and yes loving itself. This is more like solipsism.One man projecting the world.However if you look at this picture and both the people are the same as the brain its more accurate as an analogy.
  21. Its silly to tell people what to do. That said salvia is awesome and worth it. If you are scared do quids with chewing its very mellow and calm.I would say calmer than the other psychs when chewed. Also internet is full of reports and stories you can check those out. This is my favourite salvia site. http://salviaspace.blogspot.com/?m=1 Good luck mate.
  22. I don't think any of us can prove it even but..What if eternal recurrence is real.Infinite infinities living infinite lives all perfectly balanced. Your life my life the lives of your other infinite selves.. Repeating over and over again for eternity. God having nothing else to do does it for entertainment.It could also be a way to make us, the characters more real.. Anyway just wanted to share this theory and maybe if someone has any experiences to share them. I came to this conclusion after sensing and seeing multiverse selves of mine with Lucy.I had found one trip of a man remembering this on dmt but sadly lost it. It was the only one with eternal recurrence.If this universe and this self that you are didn't exist infinity wouldn't be complete now would it?If infinity didn't limit itself in infinite forms that would be a limit (paradox). This suggests that reality is such a perfect machine it couldn't be any other way really. God has created as much as possible from nothing amazing right?
  23. Ahh physics,interesting how far it will go within our lifetime. The answers seem so near, but the material paradigm is so limited. If these bright people knew what we know.. The world would change.But they believe materialism too much it is what they have known their whole life.