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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. It is not only this, knowing one is all things and staying in that state of consciousness is very existentially lonely.
  2. Exactly, but the question eventually becomes what happiness can be derived from this knowledge? Alone as existence for eternity jesus
  3. Even the author there said he was in heavenly stages, Bliss and he fell into the void to finalize his awakening. Running away from bliss into nothingness what curious creatures we are.
  4. That is the truth... You are a part of the awareness that exists forever in that void, hallucinating reality people and things. I don't know what you seek to know more. If you would find a christian heaven, or Nirvana that would probably still be an illusion. For me i choose to live in illusion forever, Why? Better happy in a lie than experience nothing forever. So what if we are one? Enlightment doesn't give you powers, cure your illnesses or make you walk on water. It is useless in the dream, it is a running away. Where are you going? Nowhere lol
  5. The whole point is to forget what we are.There is nowhere to go and nothing else to do. Also there it is very lonely.
  6. Realizing reality is an illusion is only fun on paper isn't it lads? To think buddhists would love to stay in that void at least for a while EEEK
  7. I think this disproves it logically as well, for people with enlightment experiences. https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=37104 Furthermore with people who visited the godhead and had a godhead experience,being it.... Well many people report a similiar problem. They experienced being god only by themselves, after which they were inflated to see that only they were god... It could be the chemical inflating the person's ego to godhead.It could be a mechanism by which the ego survives, the trickster is your own mind. True god is the void the nothingness projecting spaciousness which is infinite .When one is that spaciousness he is all at once. I think it could be several godheads if it wanted hahah. Anyway this is my last post here on this topic, for me solipsism is nonesense, THE BEST ARGUMENT as many have said it's an idea that exists in duality, you stop thinking it and it has no reality. Cheers
  8. But then every finite mind is the void walking through itself... Tbh i have ptsd from my solipsism trips... Depression sets in easily
  9. I am projecting you,you are projecting me, each of us is the centre of the universe. When analyzed these centers inside themselves are empty and it is revealed awareness is looking at itself through these cameras.
  10. You became conscious that there is no free will. A big epiphany indeed. What you can do is enjoy the show and accept what is going on and what has happened,including loving yourself.
  11. In the beginning, there was Existence alone -- One only, without a second. It, the One, thought to itself: "Let Me be many, let Me grow forth." Thus, out of Itself, it projected the universe, and having projected the universe out of Itself, It entered into every being. All that is has its self in It alone. Of all things It is the subtle essence. It is the truth. It is the Self. And you are That. -- Chandogya Upanishad The "eternally complete consciousness," a. k. a. God/Goddess/Self is the Infinite One proclaimed by mystics from every tradition. Direct knowing of the One Consciousness dissolves the self who would be the "knower." There is no one standing apart from the One to bear it witness when awakening occurs. Rather, the individual self is understood to be an illusion of a separate identity. All duality ceases to have meaning; there is no opposition or division anywhere. In the deepest sense, no one can awaken to this truth. Becoming Self-Realized is the experience of knowing there never was and never will be anyone to become enlightened, and that nothing but Consciousness IT-Self is eternally real. Mystics throughout the ages have struggled to convey this apparently logic-defying Reality which seems to be saying that nobody is there when satori/samadhi occurs. But that is just it -- there is no body, there is only the One Eternal Self, the true Self who we all are. In this highest sense, we do not each have a distinct and separate Atman/Self. Rather, we are individuations, creative expressions of a Single Being. Throughout my life this knowledge has followed me as a reminder that nothing in this world is entirely as it seems, particularly not my own ego-self. Years after I had this experience I came across a Hassidic Jewish teaching that God needs man as much as man needs God, and this is definitely true. God needs creation as much as creation needs God, just as all of us need each other. We were created to be a loving universal family and to be beloved children of God forever. Yet the paradox is that although we have been "created" as eternal souls, we have never left the mind of God and in that sense we don't really exist, we're just God-thoughts. In some of the Eastern religions, they don't speak of God (or Goddess), but of "Self" because there is a level where there isn't anything to be drawn into the Light, there is just One mind dreaming the universe. Awakening to the self http://web.archive.org/web/20130606091318/http://www.elcollie.com/st/god.html I see a lot of ego here, a lot of selfishness I am god no one else right now is god, god is limited and can only experience one person, being at a time etc There is even this person here, who claims of having multiple infinite experiences at a time. What if each of us is an infinite mind within the absolute infinite mind and with spirituality we become more conscious of the whole, which is also conscious not unconscious. And remember INFINITY is not complete without deluded lonely solipsists who say "I'm the only one that exists" and others aren't conscious As for a method: https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/5l7wye/first_time_dmt_suffer_from_depression_and_some/ Don't worry, DMT will confirm your suspicions. But its much more interesting and wonderful than you suspect. You are the projection of something else's mind as am I and everything else. What is the golden rule? Treating others as you would yourself. As for anxiety, there's no need to worry about that. Any anxiety you have will only occur up until the point that you pop out of your head and meet the thing that "projects" you. You will not be stuck in an eternity, time doesn't matter. You will have an amazing, life changing experience and you will see the beauty in all things. There is nothing to fear. DMT is not like shrooms, though they are similar. DMT is merely a key. Mushrooms are also a key, but DMT fits the lock perfectly, mushrooms do not. Accept your fear and anxiety, and have the courage to do it anyway. You will be glad you did. Have a good one mates
  12. It doesn't seem right to me. Several people here are suggesting a kind of schizophrenic,lonely consciousness in a void, which is by the way very limited. If this beingness invented time,space,everything and has no "Limits",which Leo has said himself god is absolute infinity, then why can't this god be every possible reality,being and soul at the same time? I mean those are just fragments of itself right? I think one thing people on this forum agree is that we don't have free will as this ego state. However in drug-induced trips, we still don't have free will. We just surrender and experience unity, consciousness ,god in different ways. Every 5meo trip is different, every salvia trip every dmt trip. They have similarities but the ego, the person interpreting it is the one at fault. For example each of us has expectations regarding the trip. We read somewhere what will happen, what to expect, dosages etc. If one expects to become a lone god, maybe his soul aligns in infinity in a dimension where that happens,he can experience and hallucinate everything essentially if reality is a hallucination. But there is a difference between people who become enlightened with drugs and naturally induced enlightened experiences. Salvia: On my travels into salvia space, I heard something else. (More accurately sensed it as if it had happened to me) The One did indeed separate into the Many, but that was no act of love. It was an act of desperation fueled by abject horror. The One went insane, you see. The One was ALL that there was, the only single solitary thing in existence, and eventually after eons of that, it fractured into the Many in much the same manner that a schizophrenic descends into madness- out of sheer stark-raving terror. It was so *lonely,* so very *lonely,* and it could only hold dialogue with itself. More utterly *alone* than anything we humans can even begin to imagine, utter terror, the darkness of madness, and the prospect of eternal fearful isolation drove it to fracture itself into many minds all desperately trying to cling to and believe that they really are individuals which are completely separate from each other and above all else, that they're really definitely positively not in actuality only one being. (please oh please oh please let's never ever ever let ourselves remember that we're really all just one solitary being, not that, not ever, never please never, anything but that...) The whole reason we're "here" is so that we don't have to be *there.* There with the One, there in that awful state of knowing full well that we are not we, we are instead I, and I am fucking lonely and afraid and absolutely mindlessly terrified of my reality as the only fucking being in all existence. Not just the only being, but the only thing! Hell, there *IS* no existence, only me. Anything but that, anything but that, anything but that. Worse than death is eternal solitude. Worse than death is not being the Many. Worse than death is being all that there is. We cling to this reality with all our might, because it is the balm that soothes our brow, the sanity that we lack in our natural state as The One Single Being with nothing to do but contemplate itself and go eternally fucking nuts because of it. God has multiple personality disorder, times infinity.
  13. What do you think of the solipsism thread, in which a person said we are god and we live each human life one after the other, instead of being conscious at the same time?
  14. What do you guys think about this then And this Showing up as a single person really?
  15. This is heaven! I will also have a choice what to do
  16. I look at the whole thing,decide on a life and incarnate?lol
  17. I have had only glimpses of this. The amnesia is strong,but the love is always within.Even when loving someone else the love is always felt within. Btw is my actual self, holding all creation absolutely infinite as leo says? I have never touched that lol.
  18. Logically understanding everyone and everything is me forever and always.... There is nothing to hate. In fact i look at the world and i see insane beauty,creativity joy. Every sound,every image makes me happy if i think about it. My first mushroom trip i was smiling because i was touching the flowers and saying i created you. I felt so much love. Yet my other trips were so dark and depressing. I think thats the real problem. Feeling like an alien in the world results in suffering. Recognizing its you and unconditionally loving everything is the solution i think.(crying as i write this)
  19. God i wish i never walked this path i wish i never knew. I just wanted to be loved.
  20. Nothing sadder that being a lonely black hole
  21. Sometimes my experiences lead me to believe i'm a mere thought in god's infinite mind, not it. Seeing i can't control the way i am, the things i like and what i want from life.
  22. You project others, and they project you. This ties in with Quantum mechanics which states matter does not exist unless it is observed. Well, there you go. I observe you, then you exist. You observe me i exist. Aren't we just one awareness observing itself through these bodies?