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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. The puppeteer is all puppets. One puppet says i'm the best puppet. One should humble himself knowing,he is like all,but also love your uniqueness.Also know they are you,from above so really feeling special is silly. All is life We are a being speaking from a variety of bodies.
  2. I asked 4 meo to show me reality is an illusion... Never had a crazier obe.Became nothingness observing the room, saw the atoms in the room.Felt cold disappeared and died.Then my "I" returned. This was the day after doing it in the forest and having a "normal" trip.
  3. I have a similar problem, before psychs i close my eyes and i still sort of see in the room or a image of the room,the shadows of objects. Now i see emptiness. Pretty messed up.
  4. Take dmt,astral project...Many means but what matters is.. You can be without seeing.. Deep sleep is proof as well as closing your eyes.
  5. Too much pain,disappointment and finding no reasons to live. Many people take their life, it is a result of fate i think (as we have no free will). I judge no one, but for me i will stay to see how the movie ends. I know i can't die anyway FUCK
  6. No not made up friends,literally you talking to yourself in different bodies,people keep simplifying this like it's the ego imagining reality and thats bs I imagine reality as god lets say, people trees,the earth the infinite universe and so much more. Now all of the beings i'm imagining are living,"existing" within this infinite mindspace. It is unlimited because the substance is consciousness. The one mind permeates all imagined selves, it is all of them. Closest thing you can find is multiple personality disorder,however here it is like facets of a mind,creating the illusion of a separate identity. You can try right now imagine a woman and man on a beach. The man says what a lovely weather, the woman hugs him. The waves brush on the shore. Because god has so much power,in it's mind its happening as a illusion,as a idea manifested in reality. But see in this example both these people are in your mind,they are you,your creations. Some call it the god of dreams.It can dream up anything. After waking up several times,it probably decided to try how it can fully utilize it's power,whether consciously or not,so it created an infinite dream. You could say we are god thoughts. Behind it all we are all it. Parts of the one mind,which can realize they are the whole.
  7. It's a fair question, i can only speak on the benefits of awakening or awakening experiences with psychedelics and inquiry. One thing is the free will thing. We are anxious,afraid angry and frustrated because we think we control "fate". However you are just witnessing this life,it's all predetermined,god's will. Most spiritual teacher say this there is no "doer" only the illusion of one. The good side of this is you stop the blame game.Anxiety,etc. You realize you never had control,forgive yourself and even find peace with most situations. That's a positive. What else hmm.. More compassion for "others" realizing they are also you. More kindness and love and understanding,knowing people don't have free will the blaming stops. Instead you enjoy the variety of people in front of you. Now for full blown enlightment idk positives. People describe a state of eternal bliss etc,but i'm not sure that exists. Thats also an illusion. I have had the experience of "the void" and it's where consciousnes actually is. You become nothing in nothing. Or in other words formless awareness aware of itself(sounds weird,experience is weirder.) This happened EXACTLY after an illusory bliss experience,bliss is just an idea as well never forget this. So overall i would say it has it's uses, but ending all desires,rebirths and just remaining in oblivion seems pointless to me personally. I would rather live a rollercoaster life,but each to our own. Possible negatives: alienation, no one understands you,try to share your experiences you sound crazy to others,also now you know a deep secret,that if you continue to pursue can make you mad. It's why i quit i had probably over 20 trips Started having hallucinations,vivid dreams in which i melt into waves and other things.Glad that hell is behind me it was like PTSD
  8. I had this happen to me as well. The way i got past it is i told myself not to invest too much in people and if they go ,let them go if they want to stay,let them. However never let your happiness depend on them,they are like clouds they come and go.Love yourself first always,because you are most important
  9. You can't die bro. Might as well enjoy it. Do things you enjoy. I have been in your shoes many times but i always bounce back up. Been cheated on have chronic diseases,poverty all kinds of problems. But i fight. You would also hurt the people who love you siblings,parents,etc. And who knows if you kill yourself you might get a worse life,so don't risk it
  10. We are "It" but we have no control. We are witnesses within these bodies, we have no control over what we desire,how to get it, our thought patterns beliefs and sensations. When you close your eyes and inquire you can see you just experience thoughts you have no control over them. God is always doing, you are just watching.That is the role of the separate illusory self or ego.
  11. You have no power. Do the characters in your dream have any power? If the ego is an illusion, has no free will as you can find out ,you have no power. Things just happen including so called good and bad. Its a big show but you ain't in control. Thoughts cause feelings and actions also desires. But you don't control what you want and you don't control how to get it. Control itself is duality.An illusion of a separate self having influence over an external world. Contemplate this and also surrendering
  12. I took it from r/Dmt. The knowledge these substances convey can be shown in different ways. One of the members literally has visions like this and posts them there after drawing them on paper.
  13. You are all god lads what is the fuss about? We should use this knowledge to spread love and light, not quarrel amongst ourselves, who had a better awakening or more
  14. Here Exurbia also shares a trip he had to the void. You have to be careful with 5meo dmt and others when waking up from the dream xDDD Sometimes it begs the question is it worth knowing hmm. The illusion/dream is all there is.
  15. I am a fan of Alan Watts as well. One of the people whose ideas helped me on my journey.
  16. A finite being needs a beginning and end. However the being itself is a fiction,orchestrated by a bigger mystery a beingness. In deep sleep it is as if i don't exist because i don't perceive myself. Being in that state consciously is the timeless state i think, from experiencing similar states.
  17. That is the alternative yes. I would rather start a trip with an intention of getting an answer on a particular topic. I have never had a trip in which i had no answer lol I think he already found the real self. Now it is his choice whether to dissolve the illusion of separation from it
  18. Crazy thing that happens with psychedelics after a while is that you can have a very informative trips on a small dose. Maybe don't go to the void, stay more grounded yet be open for answers?
  19. We are infinite creative individuations of consciousness. These are just masks tho anyone can realize they are a part of the whole. The game is life itself, this is the idea life is endless. You fear death your whole life, yet it was an idea, a lie xDDD. Now hinduism explains it like this: The atman has a jiva in it an eternal soul, an eternal expression of consciousness.It keeps on reincarnating in different realms, until enlightened. When it becomes enlightened it merges itself with Brahman or the void and doesn't reincarnate any longer. However both states are eternal and i think even when you merge you can have a desire to separate and it goes on forever. There is nothing else to do lol. Separation is always an illusion. An infinite mind can appear within itself looking at itself and not recognize itself. This is how selves or egoes are created in the first place. Also karma literally means doing. So until you have desires, you will keep living as a separate self. This is why people who are clear of desire are the only one to merge with the selfless. It doesn't have any selfish desires, but also it is not deluded. We are deluded hey you John o hi Leo ETC. The whole self dies after mahasamadhi. If you don't get enlightened you get reincarnated again to experience similar problems and lives.
  20. There are no thoughts there, only beingness as he said. Once you come back to the ego it goes haywire: Omg i died,etc etc. We live in a thought created world, suffering exists only as a thought as well, so does love, other and "world", Imagination. Once the void has a thought reincarnation is instant i think
  21. That was beautiful. I really hope that is the case. Sometimes spirituality seems pointless, you ask yourself damm i'm risking everything here for what
  22. Reality is the escape... In a way it's a realistic dream, its real because what you compare it with is nothingness.. Therefore it's the most real illusion there is.
  23. Just know you have a choice and you are eternal. All is well.
  24. I prefer heaven with angels, or reincarnation in a better life or being rich,, Or being born in a human planet where people actually live well with nature.. I like others i guess thats why i stopped the whole process Also.. Been there done that and traumatized the ''vOID"
  25. The initial part of the experience is hellish for those I know who have had it (me included). Being absorbed into God isn't the same level as being embraced by God's Light -- the ecstatically beautiful experience of Lover and Beloved. Instead, it's like falling into a Black Hole where everything is sucked into nothingness except a Single Consciousness which is the one thing that exists. And you are It. There is an overwhelming loneliness and despair that comes with the awareness (which is also a tremendous sense of "remembering") that everything else -- all creation -- is a stupendous hallucination, a multidimensional holographic movie where the script writer, the producer, the director, all the actors, all the scenery and props -- it's all just One Being imagining it and pretending that it's real. http://web.archive.org/web/20130606091318/http://www.elcollie.com/st/god.html Not to mention the risk of psychosis,madness and feeling of unreality after these experiences... xDDD