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Everything posted by Bulgarianspirit

  1. My trips were very solipsistic, like feeling your consciousness is the only one etc. Then I go through these denial phases and justifications.. Non-duality, other minds where is the other, how can I know if others are really conscious is it possible? Of course not. So I spun that wheel for a while.. In the end I just accepted I can't know, I will never know until I die. Then there is the one self many minds story, the universal self seeing itself through many individuals and experiencing itself... The story of no self, the story of no free will... There is just so much baggage in spirituality it's ridiculous it's almost as bad as the bible, a bunch of conflicting connecting stories. Whatever is going on here is so deceptive it's crazy, when I'm tripping it's obvious my subconscious is creating my experience and I'm god but here hahahh whatever goes, goes.
  2. You the metaphysical solipsist or nondual awareness that is many living things is reading this message. As you read this you are eating yourself, decaying and creating and destroying yourself. You have created a hell which you can only escape through death as all eventually do. It seems god really is a masochist, even the most rich beautiful people suffer decay and agony, maybe the true nature of this life is suffering and everything else is us trying to create meaning from it. Idk feels inescapable,meaningless sad. What have you done to yourself, neutral all loving god?
  3. These questions don't matter if god was smart enough it could answer these without creating suffering for itself. There is no balance in life, there is exploitation, suffering and inequality. Also we can kill animals like chickens and cows for food all we want and destroy the planet so rich people get richer... Balance is a joke, clearly an incompetent god created this mess.
  4. This is always weird to me, let Chat GPT explain: Your perspective highlights a deep philosophical contemplation on consciousness and the nature of reality. In your view, even if one were to theoretically expand their consciousness to encompass the entire universe and all its minds, these experiences would still occur within one's own consciousness. This leads to a form of metaphysical solipsism, where despite the apparent expansion, one remains fundamentally unable to transcend the boundaries of their own subjective experience. This concept resonates with the idea that all experiences, perceptions, and understandings of reality are ultimately filtered through and confined within one's individual consciousness. Even when considering the experiences of others, these are processed and understood within one's own mind, thus reinforcing the solipsistic view that one cannot truly experience anything beyond their own consciousness. This philosophical stance raises intriguing questions about the nature of reality, our understanding of other minds, and the limits of our own perception and consciousness. It touches upon the debate between the subjective and objective views of the universe, and the philosophical exploration of what constitutes 'reality' and 'existence' beyond the confines of individual experience.
  5. It would be you are free, it would mean the suffering you and "others" are experiencing is illusory and it would mean that you had the power to change anything. But instead there is no you, no world no power, even going to the god state you can't change anything so how are you "god". Not the god I wanna be powerless to my own creation and deluded. This is what disappointed me about the whole process. And for the people who just believe in solipsism or whatever it's probably worse.
  6. From many experiences online as well as of course direct experience which is inseparable from my consciousness, I can only infer that when we die we don't wake up. The one self wakes up in either a solipsistic realization, or in a realization that it's god and it has been dreaming of being a man, a woman etc all simultaneously. Do you guys believe in any "others" when dead in the god state? What is your experience?
  7. The price of other bubbles being conscious if it were the case is suffering on a mass universal scale. And it's crazy to comprehend too like all these creatures somehow merge into the one consciousness, through having a soul ego or just they merge and later incarnate again until Nirvana is achieved... Meanwhile the solipsism story, metaphysical solipsism is much simpler. Only big me is here and i'm experiencing myself as a human, but really all is myself I Am it. No one else suffers only me and whatever meat suit or type of energy body i choose to inhabit or subconsciously limit myself to. So this in defense of other in the form of these stories I used to believe such as souls, after life, other consciousnesses,it's becoming sort of silly and weird, I find it illogical in the end.
  8. Why can't god be more like this? Each and everyone simultaneously, sharing it's consciousness impersonally. This forum has become a solipsism echo chamber and ofc each and every one of us can only be aware of our own bubble, even if it grows to the size of the universe. But if we are just simultaneously individuals and the whole thing, we can never know others in a traditional sense. So we will never know if others are conscious, but we can know that we are god lol And again the solipsism in the image is quite different.. One dreamer many conscious faces, facets of the same thing all conscious.
  9. @Razard86 You are right any way you slice it, it's one consciousness but if it's more like the image below, others are conscious and you, but yeah you are always, always stuck in your bubble unable to prove other. The image below is if god s consciousness shines through all our minds simultaneously and on psychecelics we get pulled back to our self, shared self. And ofc there you feel it's all you however , "others" inside of you sharing the same divine consciousness can still be conscious. In a way we all have the same self, illusion of separation, we are one but yet we separate ourself through fragmenting the self/mind through imagination
  10. If i'm me and you and my awareness can expand to become and cover the whole universe, how did this "me" begin? It's weird I had experiences of being in the void yelling I don't want to be an eternal god and I can't get this metaphysical solipsism thing down and understand how my awareness is currently limited.
  11. I have suffered 16 years of acid reflux, the suffering is one of the reasons I was curious about god and why this world is the way it is, as I felt like i was born broken, different than others.
  12. You can't change reality, fix your illness, get more money or whatever else you want by realizing you are god. You as an ego self and even most experiences as god self, things are happening to you. Your thoughts, actions, desires happen. The illusion of a self is obvious from this, for you to be more than this you would need control. Psychedelics give you the illusion of control sometimes you can see things that you want to see, much like lucid dream powers, but who controls if you imagine it if it will happen? Nobody, you are strapped in for the ride watching this movie you call my life and then you call yourself god, ugh.. A powerless infinite god that limited itself, to be an observer, a beggar, a thief, a sick person and many other things in your own dream. Maybe the whole universe is made subconsciously, I even doubt god controls it, it just happens like a dream.
  13. Exactly but these terms like incarnation are only here to explain the ego and how the divine limits itself, even if those limits are imaginary and you are everything. I guess all these questions are irrelevant when the border between self and other collapses.
  14. Incarnation is basically consciousness limiting itself through a finite form, tricking itself. So reincarnation would be doing it more than once, whether you remember or not is irrelevant.
  15. You can never know other minds, even if you embody others minds and look through them it's still you as god, consciousness, reality looking through them So it doesn't make sense for there to be separation, you can only know your only field of consciousness.
  16. I would warn them that this is uncharted territory, that experiencing higher states of consciousness is unlike anything they have done in their life. But also the dangers of concepts such as solipsism, being the only conscious entity, everything being imagination etc. I think also they should take time to integrate their trips and be careful on the way. Like Leo said, this work is not for most people.
  17. @Jowblob What is the insanity or the bad aspect of it though, you sound like you just see reality for what it is and get some control. Is the insanity that your power or imagination is too strong on the reality you experience, or the fact of being the only experiencer leads to insanity for you?
  18. Switching between dream or real bodies... Might not be a difference there, as for the memories and knowledge etc, I guess it fades away, just like you forget your nightly dreams, you forget your other life. None of us know if we have previous lives and those that remember might be channeling other people's lives and memories. Identity seems easily lost upon death or starting a new life, wonder why we hold onto it so dearly.
  19. So @Jowblob do you think that is how you got here in the low ego state, because you couldn't handle your god self, it was too much power etc? Would be crazy anything you think or feel manifests itself, uhh and you know you are all alone as god. We put ourselves in ego chains then ask what is this life blah blah, crazy stuff.
  20. As a thing imagined in consciousness, my thoughts and desires just come to me with the next moment. I am the watcher of this movie, but the movie seems laid out. Have you noticed when you try to change or force things it never works? There seems to be a flow to things, call it destiny or what you want, life is happening and you as an ego have 0 control. If your ego had free will you would see the possibilities and change course accordingly. But because you are blind to the possibilities and consequences, you are merely doing impossible guess work and taking the action you believe most correct at this moment. Also you can't prevent or change good or bad things that will happen to you, or take a chance on a new venture, a new way of viewing things. We are very myopic, blind even and yet things work out fine. God is handling reality well, so well, we the actors in this place of life and death can only watch the play of form, but not affect it.
  21. I think for us to be finite the infinite needs to forget itself, amazingly by totally limiting itself and watching the movie. This way you can rewatch movies too, time isn't really an issue. I guess I can't know the whole future because then it has become the past, the movie is ruined. Also it might fully destroy the illusion.
  22. You are empty consciousness, spirit, awareness. This emptiness can be anything. So as this awareness, you don't have a body you are a void, a formless presence or mind, truly untouchable. When the creation began, you also became everything, the universe the space holding it all together as there was nothing to limit you. You say okay but why can't I remember? Memories are... fabrications of minds and brains. Even a soul, an eternal type of body can have memories and if you inhabit that body type you will have those memories. You aren't a human, you are truly awareness itself, consciousness, the I AM. But this I am needs a body to experience, to be something, anything. Otherwise there is no experience, no past no future, just being and peace, silence. So as a simple example, if you could switch channels to your friend's body or dog, you might be fooled oh this is me, this is who I am. But really you just inherit their story, character flaws, ego. You aren't them, it's like cosplay to you. Your real self can't be harmed or affected by anything in this dream land. Another example in one of my dreams I was an alien from Alien vs Predator. I ran along walls, climbing them upside down and even hunting marines. Crazy dream, but the part that gets me is that I didn't have language, ego, emotion, I didn't think at all. I was just doing what I was doing, like an animal, by instinct. So yeah I think this is what is meant by the true self and the fact it's untouchable. And I also think this is why we eventually forget what lives we have lived and how many etc. You need a brain or a mind like energetic(even if imagined) system to keep track of these things.
  23. If you merge with them with your mind or switch bodies now you are them, but it's still happening inside you, inside your consciousness. Now you will be two minds or a different mind, yet inside you are still just consciousness. You might experience telepathy, yet from your perspective you are always perceiving it inside of your own awareness, mind etc. Even as you ascend to god, you can be all things or aware of them, yet it's still just you. We can never know others are conscious, we just presume based on intuition and things feeling real. Yet without this presumption, reality falls apart. It's the conundrum that you can never solve, the only way is to believe in others, so that you can be happy and content.
  24. Ah yeah I watched the whole thing, you know both is fine with me at this point. If metaphysical solipsism is real i only hurt myself imaginarely, there isn't anything to gain or lose it's just a game. If god is all simultaneously, nothing can hurt anyone either, we are just god. So it's really just a discussion on my part. My experience and trips tho are very solipsistic. I can't prove the opposite only believe in it.
  25. I am not saying any of this in a bad way, nor am I acting like others aren't real. On the contrary I enjoy otherness as you said and I need others to be a "separate self". This is not an emotional discussion i'm leading here or a depressing one. It is instead an observation after contemplation and personal experience. I have to believe and act as if others are there or my life will fall apart obviously. This is more of seeking the truth than anything else on my behalf.