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About cl0udmaker

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  1. oh wow @Nahm beautifully said. Makes total sense. I agree with you, I'm definitely trying too hard and, hence, taking meditation too seriously. I'll try your suggestion. @Aaron p the sensations took me by surprise...I've never experienced anything like this during my other guided "meditations". @LfcCharlie4 thanks for the tips. Action for me is just to relax, let go and be effortlessly...
  2. Thank you eph75 and purerogue. I will stay the course then!
  3. Happy New Year everyone. I’ve been meditating on and off for for a year or so. For the last two months, I started to be more serious about it (inspired by all great experiences on this forum). I’ve been rigorously meditating 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins in the evening. The last week or so half way through my meditation my breath started to naturally become longer and deeper during second half of my meditation. When this started to happen, I noticed tingling sensation on my head and arms. It freaked me the first few times and I immediately opened my eyes. During my little freak out moment, it seemed that I did’t hear my breath anymore as I was inhaling/exhaling even though I could see my belly moving. My body had a bit of a motion delay as well. After a few minutes with open eyes, my breath returned to a normal rate. I also noticed chills in my body afterwards and a light hands muscle shaking for a few minutes. Nothing alarming but strange sensation nevertheless. I wonder if that’s because I took myself out of meditation by opening my eyes and forcing to return the breath to normal breath. I have not experienced anything like this before during my meditation sessions (hence a bit of a freak out moment)...Is this normal? Or am I doing something wrong? Thank you so much for any insight or advice.