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Everything posted by vinc3nc

  1. @Swarnim There's no such thing as "happiness". There's only peace. And that peace is experienced where there's no mind, no sense of self. When "you" are in the now completely.
  2. @At awe I get your point, but... By this logic, let's have all the pleasures. Let's eat junk food all the time, let's have sex as much as we can, let's party all the time, let's get drunk all time, let's do drugs all the time, let's travel all the time, let's play video games all the time... Because fuck it, we might die tomorrow, right?
  3. @WonderSeeker I've had a few short relationships. But this is not the point here. I will try to define success from my point of view here. So, for me success is, first of all, being healthy (having a fit, healthy body), achieving peace of mind, financial freedom (a lot of free time), providing value to society, having good social skills & other useful skills, a few high-quality friends, a high-quality partner (eventually). Now, let's try to answer a few questions here. What do you think it takes to get all that? Do you think it takes a lot of hard work, consistency, self-discipline, emotional labor, energy, time? And do you think that this takes a few months of hard work, or do you think it takes more like 10-15 years of hard work? Do you think a young guy who hasn't worked on himself at all, who gets in a relationship early on in his life and has kids before, let's say, he's 25 - because he just copies what everyone else around him does - can ever create the kind of environment for himself to ever achieve some of the things above? What's the chance that this guy: won't be a wage slave for the rest of his life? will have the time to do the things he would want to do in his life? will achieve his full potential? got together with the right partner at that age? will be a good father to his kids (teaching them the right things)? etc. etc. etc. I'm not trying to tell you what is right or wrong here. And I never said that getting in a relationship can't be beneficial in some ways. I said that for me it made all the difference. I also said there are exceptions. There are many areas in life that you can work on, and you just can't master all of them. You'll have to sacrifice some of them. Always. Now, what you do you want to sacrifice? Your health? Mental health? Finances? Friends (socializing)? Dating girls all the time? What else? I don't know what your mindset, your worldview, etc. is. Do you want to live a mediocre life, just like most people, or are you willing to sacrifice some of the things to set yourself apart from others and be different, and then get all the rewards after that? That's up to you. No one is forcing you to do anything.
  4. @flume This post is not to get validation. Why would I need that? This is not about whether or not I am doing the right thing. This is just me giving advice to young men. If you read all the comments, then you would know that some people found it useful. And yes there are distractions out there in the world. Choose your habits wisely.
  5. @At awe What is there to convince myself? I've been single for a lot of years now and because of that I've had a lot of freedom. I love solitude so much and I'm not even a hardcore introvert. I don't think you can achieve much in life without plenty of solitude. You need a lot of time for yourself - to think, reflect, plan, read, write, etc. As that quote goes: "An unexamined life is not worth living." I couldn't agree more. Working on myself all the time gives me the most amount of joy possible. It gives me that sense of purpose. That I am moving in the right direction (even though you can't really get anywhere). Sometimes I question if the things I am doing are worth it, but what else is there to do? I look around and see other people on autopilot. No, I don't want to be like them. There's nothing I regret. I've pretty much become financially free thanks to this lifestyle. There's no way I would have been able to do that if I hadn't been single and with so much time on my hand. And don't get me wrong. The money itself won't make you happy. It will just give you the freedom, and then that freedom to do what you want can make you happy - if you do the right things. So again, I think it's worth sacrificing that area of your life when you're in your twenties to work on yourself and achieve the things that you want. And this is not advice for everyone. Only a few people can live like that. Just like escaping wage slavery - only a few people will do it.
  6. @At awe FInd out for yourself. @NatureB Glad I could help. @Preety_India Maybe I should have said how men (instead of society) perceive women. Look, you can do whatever you want to do. Grow as a person as much as possible if that's your goal. If you already have a high-quality bf, then you probably don't need to worry about attracting anyone, especially if he's satisfied with you the way you are. What I'm just saying here is how women's value is perceived from men's point of view in general. So, most men, high or low value, are attracted to women's looks first and foremost. That should be obvious by now, shouldn't it? Personality and other stuff come behind that. That's how it is. I am just telling you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Young, attractive women are already a finished product, so to speak, while young men are an unfinished product. But that product can increase its value over time, by making itself more developed. Women's value on the other hand will just decrease over time - as they age - no matter how much they develop their personality because their looks will fade. (So, it's the complete opposite. It's like yin and yang. How beautiful.) That's why I think being a man is why better (of course I am biased). You're like a character in a video game. You can achieve pretty much everything if you put in the work and you can develop yourself in so many ways. But I'm also aware that women's thinking is completely different. They don't look at these things in such a way. So anyway, if women are judged by their looks the most, that's not my fault. And also dont blame me when I point that out. So, that's the value I'm talking about. Now, what you think about your value or what you think of yourself in general, that's completely beside the point here. Thinking highly of yourself is always positive though.
  7. @Roy I'm glad you get it. @Preety_India I appreciate your long post. But here a few things you have to understand. First of all, what a relationship means to a man is different than what it means to a woman. For women, the end goal is to create a family. A loving man and a few children usually. And if you have a lot of self-awareness - if you understand where your desires come from - then you'll realize that the end goal is the children. That's how nature made you. Nature is always right. And as Nietzsche observed: "For the woman, the man is a means: the end is always the child." For men, on the other hand, a relationship or family is just one part of their lives. It's not the main one as it is with women. If that's your main goal, women will leave you because they will recognize you have no purpose in your life. At least high-quality women. So, your main goal as a man should be something else than a family. I'm not going into details about what that should be. Yes, being in a lot of relationships can be very beneficial for you. You can learn so much about yourself, and they can make you grow a lot overall. It's especially useful for young guys to make them realize that they need to start increasing their value after their gfs leave them, haha. Young men will usually end up being heart-broken eventually. That's something I think you have to go through as a man. It's like a blessing in disguise which makes you realize a lot of things early on. But most of them never learn I guess. They just keep chasing another girl and another and another, wasting time, instead of beginning that journey of self-improvement. Another big thing that you have to understand here is that men have to work on increasing their value, while women have to work on preserving their value. So, if you're going through hardship, pain, failures, etc. as a woman, you might develop yourself in a lot of ways. But you will also lose that innocence. You will lose that femininity. Your value will go down, through the eyes of society at least. While for men hardship, pain, failures are the best learning and growing experiences. They will make you more masculine. They will increase your value. Also, the more women you sleep with, the more your value goes up - and it's the opposite for women, of course. That's why they say women who are between the ages of 20-24 have the most value. Generally speaking, they look the best at that age and are also the most "innocent". While men with the most value are between the ages of 31-36. Remember, they have to create their value. That's why also this quote from Socrates makes sense: “The Ideal age for marriage in men is 35. The Ideal age for marriage in women is 18”.
  8. @ciclonado try to consistently meditate for a year or so, and you'll start to understand what happiness is about.
  9. @7thLetter yeah, it's better we stop talking here. I tried to make you better understand how market cycles work. But you're too stubborn to listen to me. I'll reply to you here in a couple of weeks when the price is much higher, so that you will see how stupid your 10k prediction was.
  10. Haha, you've got be kidding me. Are you aware that the graph is from 2018 and that line towards 100k is already less steep than what we're seeing now in cpryto? And on top of that it doesn't seem straight at all (you can clearly see curves). it's just hard to tell you anything because you don't understand that 40k BTC in 2021 doesnt equal 20k in 2017, no matter how many times I try to tell you that. You dont understand market cycles. I can't put it otherwise. BTC doesn't crash 80% every year, sorry. You can "confirm", but everyone else is "gambling". Haha, nice. What cringiness lmao? Do you even understand what that word means? Yes, you're a random guy. You're just guessing, as Leo said. Everyone can see that from miles away. You don't understand that TA is about probability. If I tell you that BTC has about 50% chance of hitting 25k, and about 30% to hit 20k, and less than 5% of hitting 10k, and less than 1% of hitting 1k, then you can clearly see that that odds are against you if you bet on 10k here. You will believe experts & gurus when they say it can hit 100k, but you won't believe them when they say that 10k is almost impossible, and that 23 or 25k makes much more sense. You'll just rather believe your own amateurish TA. That's weird.
  11. 10-20k is a bit different than what you were saying a few posts ago (8-10k) when even Leo said you had no clue and you were just guessing. But anyway, I still think that even 10-20k is ridiculous. Now, near 20k might be possible, but below it would be a big, big surprise. You have to understand that when it comes to TA, nothing is certain. Everything can happen in theory. BTC can go to 0 tomorrow. So basically TA is about triyng to figure out how likely it is for a certian thing to happen. If someone told me BTC would go to 0k this year, I would tell him that he has no clue about crypto. If another person said BTC would go to 3k after this correction, I would tell him the same thing. If someone said that BTC can drop below 10k in a few months, I would tell him the same thing. That's the reason why I said that to you, too. It is a "problem" because you don't see the big picture (like in that graph I posted) and because of that you don't see how BTC tends to behave - why going to back to 10k doesn't make much sense, especially in today's environment. At this point, becoming bullish at 40k is late already. It doesn't need to go that high to know that it will break ATH. I used to listen to Datadash 3 years ago. He has no clue about TA. He's too young & inexperienced. I don't listen to these kinds of people anymore. I've learned my lesson. I know what McAfee was saying. What he says is irrelevant. I listen to what people like Peter Brandt, Willy Woo, Tone Vays, etc. have to say. These kinds of people have a lot of experience with TA & some of them know a lot about fundamentals. So, what are you going to say in a few months (or weeks) if BTC reverses at around 25k and then breaks ATH and goes to 60k? It seems to me that you're saying "100k is possible" just so that in case you were wrong with your 10k prediction, you can say "I was right about 100k".
  12. In 2013 mostly, in 2014 it was already over (the bear market started). Back then it was different in % gain only. This time the graph can look similarly, only the % will be different 500-1000% instead of 10000%. So 2 booms again are possible. Lol. it wasn't me who made this up. Lots of people with a lot more knowledge than me said that that could be the case - that this run might be more like the 2013 run than the 2017 one. We are both listening to certain people and make our opinions based on that. Don't act as I am the only one doing that. Where did you see that I'm not acknowledging the importance of timeframes? You just made that up. Trust me, I understand well enough that weekly or daily candles are way more important than 4-h, or 1-h candles. So, when I talked about closing of the candles, I meant big timeframe candles of course, but I just assumed you would know that. Look at the 2013 bull run. It made a lower low, but the bull market continued later. The problem here is that you're the one not looking at the big picture (long-term). We can call here any move upwards a bull run if we want, or we can be more accurate and call a bull run only when it happens on a larger scale - when we are actually in a bull market (after a prolonged bear market). I would say that long-term is 5, 10 or even more years, mid-term 1-3 years, and short-term less than a year. So for example, if you say that you're bullish long-term, that means you believe that BTC will succeed eventually as a cryptocurrency. If you're bullish midterm, then you probably believe that you're bullish for the next year or so, or if you're bearish midterm, then you're believe we will be in a bear market for the next 1-3 years. If you're bullish short-term, then maybe you're only bullish for a few months, or bearish for a few months. So you can be bearish now for a few months (till 20k for example), but you don't believe the bull market is over yet, because you believe it can hit 100k at the end of the year. Hope that makes sense. And no one said these graphs are perfect. But they can make you understand things better in general. They give you an idea what BTC is about, and how it behaves.
  13. The first mistake that you (or we) are making is that you're comparing this to the 2017 bull run. The current bull run will probably resemble more the 2012/2013 one. If you look at that one, you will see it had 2 booms in one bull run. But it never went below previous ATH, which means that it was one bull run really. It will probably happen similarly here. It won't go below previous ATH (below 20k), and so you won't be able to say that this one is over already. But if you're saying we're crashing to around 10k, then that's another story. Then you can say this bull run is over. Also, if BTC wicks below 20k but later closes its candle above 20k, then it doesn't count as if it broke 20k really and that the bull run is over. Lol, the current bull run is not over if it dips below 30k. I don't think you properly understand what a market cycle is, or a bull run for that matter. I'll post a picture for you below to help you understand what market cycles really are. Also, you're too focused on the price alone and not enough on the % of the price. A 12-13k drop might seem a lot in terms of price, but it's not even a 30% correction, and you call that the ending of the bull run. Again, see the picture. When I say "people", I also mean insitutions, banks, etc. Big players in other words. I think I am right. You think you're right. I can't change that. But yes, time will tell. EDIT: or maybe I should have been using the word "bull market" instead of "bull run".
  14. It might look like the 2017 bubble, but it's not. You can't really know how much there is left in this bull run. Also, the environment is different today. 42k today doesnt feel like 20k in 2017. It's not nearly as euphoric. Also, Biden will print way more money this year than Trump did. You can say that the bull run is over, but what exactly does that mean for you? A bull run can have corrections, just like it had in 2017 (at 3k, 5k, and above 7k for example). A correction is not the end of the bull run. But if you say that BTC will crash down to 8-10k, then that's a 75-80% crash, which I think can't happen without a black swan event. There's so many people waiting to buy BTC cheaper. It would be surprising if it goes near 20k again at all. You have to understand that a lot of people missed the boat on this run. The market just didn't give you a chance to buy in. It just went up & up & up. The value of dollar is decreasing more & more. Guess what that means for BTC. Anyway, that's your opinion. But in my opinion, that's silly. I can't see an 80% crash in this environment. I'm saying it can correct for like 40-50% at max (between 20 and 25k), and only for a couple of months. And then hit ATH again later near the end of this year (100-200k in price, maybe even more). I guess we'll see who will be more right in a couple of months.
  15. That probably has to be true, at least to a degree
  16. Dude, what are you talking about? I clearly said the increase in % will be smaller & smaller each bull cyle due to needing more money to push up the price. And you saw what I wrote and now you're still saying as if I am claiming the opposite. What the hell? No matter how you're making the measurement in terms of % increase - whether that's from the lows or the highs - it will be a lot smaller the next bull cycle. The fact is we're not going to a prolonged bear market like in 2017 at this point. This bull cycle is not finished, even if it corrects back to near 20ks. I don't even know what you want from me at this point.
  17. Yes, that's how I think it should be measured. I already said when I replied to you that 100k or 200k BTC wouldn't be a surprise later in this year. That's a 400-900% increase from previous ath, not 10000%.
  18. Lol, now that's strange. Btw, stop calling it BitCoin ffs Investing/trading whatever, it doesn't matter. Both allow you to make more. The fact is the more money you have (or BTC), the more patient you can be with market cycles, which allows you to buy low and sell high, and the more you can buy when the market drops in general - buying dips (dollar-cost averaging). Not sure what I said wrong... Everyone is guessing at the end of the day. No one knows where exactly it will end up in terms of price. But it's better to have some idea of how far up it can go (or down in the bear market), with all those TA tools that you have available, based on past price etc., than to just randomly guess based on your own "knowledge".
  19. The reason it makes it sense to look at growth through the lens of percentage is because it gives you a better idea of how much it can go up the next bull cycle. But you have to understand how market cycles work in the first place. It's logical that BTC will go up less and less in the future (as the price rises), because you'll need way more money to push up the price for the same % gain. Every market is "manipulated". The more BTC's you have, the easier it is to get more of them. Or in other words the rich get richer over time. You can't get around that. People with weak hands usually get burned. So, eventually 1% (just making that % up) of people will have the majority of BTCs.
  20. You're right. It is a distraction. Anyway, I've noticed that you don't properly understand crpyocurrencies and their real potential for transforming the world for the better. Not saying that to offend you or anything, just assuming that you never dug deep into cpypto. You seem to have a great deal of different kinds of knowledge, but I would say you lack one in this department. That's probably the reason why you never invested in crypto in the first place (I just assume that you haven't) and you might also think that you missed the boat on top of that. There's a lot negativity around the word "crypto" because so many people got burned over the years. There's also a lot of scams out there, etc. A lot of people just stay away from it just for that reason. It's understandable. And wouldn't you say that things like gambling, poker, trading, etc is a zero-sum game (one wins, one loses), and that investing in appreciating assets on the other hand is a positive-sum game because every "can" win?
  21. Not sure what sounded angry from my post, but it clearly offended your ego because I said you had no clue about TA. Not saying I'm an expert - otherwise I wouldn't be listening to other people and telling you what they say. I've just learned a few things from the last 3 years, especially from observation alone. You obviously don't understand the difference between 2017 and today. In 2016/2017's bull run BTC went up almost 2000%. From 1k - after it broke ATH - to 20k. In December 2020, after it had broken 20k, it went up a bit more than 100% (around 42k). So, if you think that this is the same situation as in 2017, then I will say again that you have no clue what you're talking about. Because you can't compare 100% increase to 2000% increase. Not saying it will go up 2000% again, but 100k or 200k BTC wouldn't be a surprise later in this year.
  22. @7thLetter I've been investing in crpyto since 2017 and I've listened to many TA experts, fundamental experts etc. Many of them say we'll never see 20k BTC again. 10k BTC can only be caused by a black swan event at this point. Do you know how many people are waiting to buy the dip? What the hell makes you think it could go down to 10k and that the buyers wouldn't step in way higher? You're definitely right about taking profits, but you don't have a clue about TA.
  23. Bitcoin goes through market cycles just like everything else. If you compare it gold, it just goes through those cycles way quicker. Gold needs a decade to go back to its ATH, while BTC only needs a couple of years to do so. So, even if you were stupid and bought BTC at 19k in 2017, you would still make profits if you held it and were patient. You don't really lose anything until you sell. Altcoins on the other hand are different. If people lose money, it's usually because of them, They're way, way more speculative and volatile. And most of them will probably never recover.