Yang Noctus

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About Yang Noctus

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  • Birthday 07/11/1997

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    The Netherlands
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  1. As Leo announced in his last video that he wants to turn Actualized.org in a kind of ''Sage University'' and things are starting to become more advanced. I'm wondering if the lifestage and emotional and psychological development start to play a bigger role. I'm 19 years old and still have a long way to go until my brain is ''fully developed'' at the age of 25 (Yes i know the theory of neuro-plasticity that the brain always changes). But still you are more mature in a psychological sense at the age of 25. Is it dangerous to do personal development (or learning about it, because In no way am i at the advanced stages, but still watch Leo's videos which are pretty advanced.) at it's advanced stages at my age?
  2. @Orange I totally agree with your sophisticated and well-thought vision. Ever thought about doing something with it? Maybe political philosophy?
  3. @DoubleYou That is where you are engaging in your ego, but the ego itself is far bigger more complicated and complex construct, being present is the only moment for you to be present, but you still have a sense of self, therefore you still have your ego in the moment. It's not as simple as you think.
  4. @Orange Are you aware that there are different levels for governance? For example in The Netherlands: prime minister, parliament, provinces, municipalities? It's not as centralized as you might think. I belief a centralized system is necessary for the proper functioning of a country. A good example of a decentralized system would be a Ancient Greece, there were all these city states, Sparta, Carthage, Athens etc. all with their own lands, but they fought all the time, a bunch of different states fighting amongst themselves in a whole country referred to as Greece. I belief a centralized system like we have nowadays is a representation of unity and order. Alot of people only have arguments against the system and wanting to change the system, but have you considered the benefits of the current system?
  5. What is the difference between growing in self-awareness and becoming more concious? For example, if you meditate mindfully and observe your thoughts, emotions. Do you become more self-aware or more concious, or both? What is the connection between them?
  6. @Deep Interesting, I want to investigate this further myself. Where did you find this information? What did you google/read/watch?
  7. @IndependantKouhai The earth is round, All the ''scientific proof'' for the flat earth theory is false.
  8. @reez I read ''No More Mr. Nice Guy'' but ''Models'' feels like a book that resonates with me! Thanks for the suggestion!
  9. @Chuck I admire the succes you have accomplished! I'm just reading the book ''The Game: penetrating the secret society of pick-up artists'' and if you want to do pick-up i suggest you read it for a core understanding of the deep mechanics and background information. What i've learned so far is that especially ''nerds & nice guys'', Smart people who don't have a lot of confidence around women tend to become heavily involved in pick-up. I don't know if you watched ''A rant against the pickup community'' on youtube, a video made by Leo. But it made me more aware. I will do pick-up to get more confident with women and maybe to get laid once in a while if the connection is great and I do it responsibly. But personally I do it from a place of inner woundedness. The ''need'' to do pick-up for me is a combination of biological drives and also a (sub)concious desire for approval and validation. to make my wounded inner child feel good. Pick-up is great but it's an external solution to problems. It's just like a drug addiction. Getting laid and getting good results with women will fix things on a surface level but deeper issues it will not solve. And I do enlightenment work simultaneously with pick-up. It's possible, but i do it more as a preperation for a later stage in my life when I will have built a strong ego and resolved my emotional issues so that I can intensify my enlightenment work then. But my main focus is to adress the core issues of my wounded inner child with therapy to fix the problem at the core and do pick-up for the surface results.
  10. @comp13 No it wasn't, I just looked at my hand and a thought rose up out of nowhere ''Who is controlling this hand?'' And then the ''implosion'' happened. I was kind of hyperfocussing my hand only, It takes alot of effort for me to see things as they are, It's an effort I can't describe in words but somehow you ''just do it''. And even then I get brief experiences of just seeing it, and then the mental labels and shape recognition come back.
  11. Hello all! So a few weeks ago during my meditation session I started trying to observe things without putting a label on it, I started moving my hand around and looked at my hand to see it as it is, to see the formless thing it was, and then the awareness of my mental sensations shot backward (inward) I felt a huge vast open space and nothingness, it was frightening and i felt a surge of panic, I didn't know who i was anymore, All i felt was a vast ocean of emptiness. It only lasted for a minute and then i lost it again. Since then I ''know'' on an emotional level that I don't exist, because I've experienced nothingness, but somehow it wasn't a permanent transformation like for example Eckhart Tolle went through. Any suggestions to make it reoccur and make it permanent?
  12. @Abhijeeth Nature has rhytms, day and night, summer and winter. And ofcourse our own circadian rhytm. You'll find that one day you'll have more energy than the other. It's also easier to study things when you enjoy them. To get more motivated eventhough you don't like it as much you could think active about it, instead of just reading it and learn passively, for this i higly recommend the book " What Smart Students know". It gave me a new way of studying and I'll implement it when i go to to University, but it's also great for high school! I hope it helps!
  13. Dear Leo, I read a post in which you said something about that there is something beyong rationality, that blew my mind. What is beyong rationality? What is this new frontier beyond rationality? In which phase of Spiral Dynamics does one experience this New frontier? How can we become a-rational? What is rationality exactly? What are it's functions? Can we live without rationality? Cheers, Mathieu
  14. Hello Matthew (Awesome name!) As you know, the beginning is the hardest, learning the basics, grinding the same chords and fingerpositiong over and over again (Boring! I've tried it for a few weeks) Sucks but it's like growing a tree, and once that tree will bear fruit. What i remember from one of Leo's videos is where he talkes about the ''Mastery Mindset", This mindset is all about enjoying the process, you should make the grind fun! A question you can ask yourself ''How can i make the process more enoyable?" Some examples: You could start a band, make friends who are into guitar and have jam-sessions with them etc. Learn a few chords and then learn some easy songs you can play with those chords and brag about it to your friends! What I've learned when it comes to motivation, you can motivate yourself, use micro-momentum etc. And i believe that with enough willpower and self-discipline you can do it. But the real thing is Inspiration, once you are inspired and take action on your inspiration everything becomes much easier, you'll love the process, self-discipline will be a breeze and before you know it you you'll play the guitar like a badass, So my message is get inspired and make the proces enjoyable! It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Cheers! Mathieu (Matthew)
  15. I simply believe control is an illusion, control is something like living in the Matrix, So you can be in control of your life, but therefore you're using an illusion to manage illusions. In my opinion control is a tool of the ego to maintain a state of security, because (most of us) humans, have a hard timing living in uncertainty, but once we let go of control and become okay with uncertainty, we are free. Letting the flow of life take us wherever we need to go, ofcourse we can still steer a bit, but we won't paddle up against the current (resistance). Once you are ready to surrender, you will experience true freedom. Carpe diem & Carpe noctem Mathieu