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About Sattu

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    Noida India
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  1. Hi Normally I open my facebook acount, Gmail at night 10p.m. from monday to Friday but saturday/sunday anytime. I will also not open my facebook/gmail untill night 10p.m.and same also for tomorrow and everyday
  2. Hi. I have found some quotes. they says. I have learned two things from below two videos. porn and masturbation should not alternate to sex. You can avoid porn and masturbation right now (only this moment.) else in future it never possible to overcome this. If you think if I would marriage then i will escape from porn/masturbation but not, if your wife went then you will do the same thing as you are doing now. So leave it now.
  3. you have written awesome. Thanks.
  4. Hi... Leo Gura (Golden Word.). Self Value,Self Respect, True Love on give one person that is you only, Girlfriend give you sex, some little value, family give you name. 2.)I am completely independent of either Good or Bad openions of other. Brother choose the quote whichever shoot to your personality and feel you pride when you remeber this and use this word as prayer at least 5 times in a day. Really this helps me. I have chosen 10 quotes of different people which shoots my personality and i am doing prayer 5 times daily using this word. Thanks
  5. I appreciate your hard work. keep it up. I also started excercise 5 miutes daily.
  6. Amazing goals you have. The of the below two words said by Leo gura i am remembering and doing as prayer repeating six times in a day. Excercise and Meditation should be done daily and in fixed time,else don't do that i will frustrate you. Honey and Decipline.. if you have commited 3:00 p.m. to for study in daily routing you should be do this between 3-4 pm. what i am doing, I stated warm up my body 5 minute daily in the morning, because it is not possible for me do this for more than 5 minutes daily, so i am doing 5 minutes daily. So my previous frustration gone i am not excercising.
  7. Leo Gura(Really a man speaks logically)
  8. Thanks Brother and please let me know whenever you will find which will start working for you.(:-))
  9. Hi one of Golden word of Leo Gura(True Love, Self Value , Self Respect only fulfill by you and done by only you to yourself nobody else gives you, girlfriend give you sex, family give you support only). you know brother I am repeating these words(including 7 more). 6 times in a day daily.
  10. Hi What i found working for me. whatever my weakness is . i have listened the vedio and journals. Finally I have done this. just one example. Said by Leo Gura(Its golden word for me) Excercise and Meditations should be done daily and in fixed time, else don't do that it will frustrate you. I involved 1 above and 7 more quotes in my prayer . I am remembering these words daily. 8,10 a.m. 12 3 5 pm and while i am sleeping daily at least six time i am repeating these words as prayer its working for me.
  11. Thanks for your support. yesterday I was so depressed on my lifestyle so i wrote it.
  12. Hi My name is Satyendra.I am a software engineer. I loved one girl in 2004(12 class) but when i proposed her in 2008 she has engaged with another guy and get married. Same time one girl proposed me she has elder than me 3 years, she belongs to poor family.Some reasons we could not get marry ever, but she has said to me you have to take care of my whole life, if you leave me then i will sucide.I am earning 24,000 inr. I am giving her 5000 per month. My cousin brother is living with me so I have taken the room here i am spening 10000 inr. In my 12th i lived in aunty(my cousing brother mom) house she has motivated me for Rest I am investing on me. I start from 7:00 am in morning and reach at 10 p.m. just checking email and news sleeping and going on. On weekend Saturday & Sunday Just doing R & D to speed up my office work and past weeks listing Leo Gura and Team Span and other motivational vedio. Anybody share their experience what is the end of this type life(Good or Bad).