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Everything posted by Endangered-EGO

  1. @AminB501 Yes that's a genuine insight into what you are. You're the consciousness, not the thought about consciousness or the representation of itself. You should also know that you are not a human that has consciousness, but consciousness that experiences the body right? It's fun to play with that realisation. You're not this not that, now you found the emptiness that is distinct from this and that. What you can do now is "know" the consciousness in every qualia/percept/sense/object. Just like maintaining the knowledge of what you are. I'm not sure what teachers talk about that.
  2. @Tim R You isolate the variables. and use a control group, but that would just be for later. I don't want to waste too much money I'm more doing statistics and probability with fewer variables. For your plants its very hard to first find the variables, and second isolate them. And try not to have selection bias etc. You don't need to prove if meditation is the direct causation of having better results than chance. But what would be the underlying cause then? We would have to do more experiments and find the variables etc. "you still can't say for sure that it's because you meditated on the numbers. " Well you can be pretty fucking sure. The odds of winning 10 times in a row is 1 in 13.000.000^(10). 1 in 130000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Now you could say:" oh but maybe mother nature wanted you to win the lottery either way. That's why we would need to have a control case. Then a double blind etc etc. But in the beginning you just need probability, if it indicates that we win too much compared to chance (5percent) than we can proceed.
  3. If he didn't get the money, he didn't guess the numbers. @Tim R If the experiment suggests that it's very unlikely for it to be chance, we can set up proper data collection. Double blind placebo study lol. But it's not correlation if it works. Imagine winning the lottery jackpot 10 times in a row because we meditated on the numbers.
  4. @Moksha That's also what I think, I just use other words. 0, from which forms show up. Eternity (infinite time and the ultimate) from which time shows up.
  5. @Moksha Something you could be interested in, because you already set up similar experiments with your students.
  6. @Gabith Can you link his transmissions?
  7. @Moksha With Universe I mean Consciousness. Both with a Capital letter. So IT just IS what it IS. Basically. So it's instinct and playing, both and none of it simultaneously. Okay. Yes universal laws. Separation, merging. Creation, destruction. Opposite forces that are basically 0 and infinity in a constant exchange. Coming and going. Okay it has no attributes.
  8. @Raptorsin7 No it wasn't. But do you think that most serious spiritual seekers mind is impeccable before taking psychedelics? I can't say it enough: if you have psychotic delusions or are on the schizophrenia spectrum, you don't know you have it unless it's really really bad. They think they have a strong spiritual sense. And honestly we can't blame them.
  9. @Raptorsin7 He has taken shrooms. He talked about it with sam Harris (on sams podcast) and just said:"I don't know if it's useful, I prefered the grounded experience" Also you don't need to take any to see how things can go south. A friend of mine dated a girl who claimed she was very spiritual and saw things only she could see. She talked about demonic entities trying to trick her, other people being possessed by demons or "by God". Even though she only took lsd once, she developed paranoid schizophrenia. Dont underestimate the risks. It might be worth it for most people, but some non-negligent amount of people are going to have a really really bad time.
  10. @Gesundheit2 I don't even find free will in my direct experience. The deeper I look the more I find the absense of free will.
  11. @Moksha But is the universe struggling and goes in every possible direction, or is it playing with itself, for fun? Does it create light for itself to find the door, or does it bang against every part of the wall until it finds the door? Meta question: Why give the universe human attributes, if the universe already gives us these attributes for survival for example.
  12. @Alysssa Look at the stars, how big the universe is. "WOW- the universe is amazing." How is that possible? Isn't it magic? A miracle? That's spirituality. Have fun. Chose a path you enjoy. I'm desperate for liberation, it's the opposite, but not better. @Leo Gura I don't think what she said disqualifies her from chosing a path.
  13. @seeking_brilliance I'm sorry you live in the same world as me :D. I don't want to hurt anybody either, but if jesus couldn't stop violence, how could we be able to do it? I've been into fights, because of some stupid shit people try to do, or some misunderstandings. I don't know what I would do if Talibans tried to oppress me. Some people also go as far as putting muslims into concentration camps to prevent chaos and suffering. (CCP) Actively harming people in order to avoid potential chaos. This chaos is not going to end anytime soon, or ever. Because if we would be peaceful, what about animals. What about rat infestations and insects? No moustraps, no pesticides etc? No animal anuse at all is also not possible. I just don't see how this world could be based on utopian peace without any violence.
  14. Well, he said it's not illegal and it's not goong to be illegal anytime soon. Soooo probably already fda approved, or not considered a "drug" He said he was going to reveal it soon. I'm also curious. Why wouldn't he say it right away? Probably because it has too many risks, too controversial, it's just not working for everybody, or because it's something absurd like cow-dung. The thing most people don't talk about is too-much-weed, and Benzodiazepine withdrawal. Both are known to cause depersonalisation disorder. But going through benzo addiction is like torturing yourself towards no-self.
  15. @seeking_brilliance Unfortunately people also like having fun, and want to impose what they think is right and wrong. It's impossible to have fun and cause no harm: here are a few extreme examples of conflicts of interest. Fucking children for fun -pedophiles. Killing pedophiles because they hurt children - parents of pedophiles. Wanting to make more money to be able to buy a nice boat (for fun). -rich jewish people Gassing the rich dominant superhumans for trying to control the world, and take back what they exploited from us. (because it's wrong to exploit people.) - communist antisemites. Now imagine what happens if there's not enough food. Would you watch your family starve to death, or cause harm to other families for survival? Here's the conflict of interest. Humans are never ever going to be totally peaceful when times are bad. The 1000 most enlightened people, stranded on an island are probably going to fight for food if there's not enough for everybody. At least that's how I view human nature.
  16. I just had an idea.... I have every basics in meditation, have read about every path to enlightenment that's reputable. Had a few glimpses. And really Incredible awakenings. But I'm not enlightened not liberated and perceive no real definitive progress in the NOW ... I'm basically just a borderline crazy guy wasting his time on this forum and spirituality. I just thought to myself. If I'm serious about enlightenment, why not livestream it, share my path and multiply the intensity of my practice? I thought about doing strong determination sitting live and increasing the duration from day to day until I'm able to sit 24/7. Then (and during my path) ask teachers, to guide me, help me, live streams. QnAs. etc. Intros and outros. I know that a lot of you guys have blogs and yt channels I'm gonna be the first case study of some regular dude reaching enlightenment. Written stories about people finding enlightenment started 4000years ago. Livestreaming "progress" might be the next step to awaken the world. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I wanted to write down that idea, to see what you guys think about it? Also, just for fun I'm gonna shave my head and beard for the first livestream and let it grow for years, so the more awakened I get, the more my hair will grow. (Just for the memes). I'm not gonna be able to let go of the path, so why not make it fun and share it with people?
  17. @Moksha Well maybe it's determined to be instinctive How would you describe the will of God?
  18. I'm not sure about that. There's a fight in philosophy about the will of god being deterministic or instinctive.
  19. I read it, your answer frustrated me, my conditioning brought me to answer you. It's groundless. You cannot point towards the reason for that free will decision, it's always groundless determinism. Me ",trying to get enlightenend" is also determinism. How did you discover free will, without cause and effect? There's none. There's also a free will awakening, Leo didn't talk about. Its probably one od the most freeing one's. You realise you have no choice but to do what you do, because of condition. Why pursue enlightenment and not survival then? Because You are conditioned to pursue enlightenment and not survival. You either had enough of survival or you long towards more. Where's free will, and where is a choice? You don't have free will, but you have to act as if you had free will.
  20. @Moksha Well that's it. I have control over nothing. Not my dreams, not myheart beating, not my next thought, notmy emotions etc. How would I be able to control siddhis if I (ego) can't control anything.
  21. @Martynas777 feel free to pm me if you have questions. Have fun, and trust the process.
  22. https://youtu.be/9zIKQCwDXsA https://youtu.be/BQ5B70ac_9M Watch all of those 3. I believe this is the direct and fastest way out of it. Shinzen Young was the only one that could make sense of my experience, I just wish I found him earlier, when I needed it most.
  23. @Moksha What you're saying is: Siddhis han happen but are outside of our control. That's the only fair point I've heard. And that I believe. But then why wouldn't it be chance/luck? Or just delusion for some people?
  24. @Martynas777 You got this technique from shinzen Young? Go into the facebook group: "Shinzen Young Mindfullness community" Usually SDS is not the only practice that is done. I guess now you will have to "recycle the reaction". Empty the reaction of its substance. I feel you, I had to go through DP/DR and also in some way what you describe. I remember feeling intense despair every day until one day my emotional Body was filled with despair in inch of my body. Then it went away and never came back. Wtf is wrong with that psychologist, every good mindfulness teacher knows what you're going through, and can guide you. You don't need an exorcist, but a teacher. But hey, congratulations. You're in for a ride for a few months, but if you're properly guided, you're going to have the best time of your life!