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Last week I took 20g of mushrooms from 1g capsules. I emptied the powder out into a tea and drank it. Drinking the powder almost immediately gets it into my system with no digestion and causes a much more intense peak. This won't just be a trip report, but also a lenghy report of a very profound insight that could be very benifical. During this trip an entire new way of looking at the world opened which ive never heard anyone talk about on here or anyone who does psychedelics talk about. I've spent the last week really contemplating what it was that I seemed to gain understanding of because it really knocked me off my feet and was so paradigm shattering that integrating it has been as mind boggling as experiencing it. This way of seeing the world is so alien and controversial that I've put it off from posting on here or anywhere because it's sounds so magical and fantastical. Please keep in mind I have over 200 trips under my belt and this trip was like a mega sum total of everything I have learnt and integrated in the past. I have perhaps gained one of the greatest peices of wisdom that could possibly work as a master key to all things in life. This is still under a lot of contemplation however. Trip report The come up - I drank the tea and within minutes i started feeling immediatly the state of no mind. I lay on my bed. There was a sense of dread and panic on the come up as the room I was in very quickly started to transform into a liquidy morphing entity of confusion. My ego rapidly started to disolve as i decended and melted into the madness that was all that was. This happens incredibly fast as the psilocin was immediately in my blood stream and shooting into my brain at such high amounts with such speed. The peak - Eventually my panic melted away as I realised how stupid it was to be afraid of myself, and by myself I mean all reality. My mind. My consciousness. It all became one and I was home. I fell into an even deeper state of love than ive ever felt of off previous trips. It was all just me. It was all just love. How could I be so stupid? Why did i ever fear anything at all? The illusion of seperation and lack evaporated and was so ridiculous to me. The idea that there was any power outside of me was so illusory yet such a profoundly deep level of hypnosis that I broke free from. My mind was ripped to shreds. Language, symbols, sounds, physical objects. You name it. Anything that was any sense of "reality" was dismantled and was scattered across infinity. I was back. I was here all along and this was always me. It was the most real thing I've ever felt. My entire life and all of time was just a single thought. I can't even say at this point that it felt like an eternity because time made no sense. Eventually I started seeing an ocean of the most beautiful neon geometric patterns form into an orchestrated structure of dimensions that made up my entire consciousness (sorry i really can't explain what I saw). The most bewildering bueaty took form around me. As I started to feel a sense of self return these patterns of neon colours started to take form as a body. They started to form arms and hands and I became a divine entity sitting on a throne. I wasn't merely flying through some dmt realm I was the king of it and in the centre. I was the most beautiful majestic, most powerful being in all of existance. I stated to feel my physical body once again shaking on my bed at the ecstasy. The descent back down - This is where it gets juicy. What appeared in my awareness were these infinitely interconnected strings that connected my whole reality together. Or this dream of my life. I saw how every single thing from my thoughts, my emotions, my I sense and idea of who I am, time, space, my idea of what the world is and other people were all connected to each other in ways I never thought I could imagine are possible. I cannot stress enough that there is no seperation. I felt in that moment I was reinventing my life and all the laws of the dream. This next part is very radical and may be controversial, but never the less, this is my experience. As I was coming down i went through a life review of some sort. I realised that every single event, situation, person I've met, beleif ive had. Everything that has ever happened to me was actually just a mirror reflection of who I was at that time. It was a reflection of my identity, thoughts, emotions, ego, sense of self. I dont mean something as simple as "yeah you attract who you are, your friends are gonna be an extension of you duh". No I mean random people that you come across, events, or opportunities or even accidents are all direct reflections of you and there are no coincidences to anything that happens. Even though there is no logical explanation of how an event that seems to "accidently" happen to you, it is however a direct reflection of you. I became so aware of this that there is no debate about it. You are just not aware that this happens. I went through so many examples in my own life of this happening. This is controversial because the consensus is on here: youre imagining reality and your ego has nothing to do with what you experience. This is not true. Your sense of self, your thoughts, your ego is directly connected behind the scenes by strings (metaphorically speaking) to every other aspect of your life that holds this entire bubble of reality or dream together. That means that making changes to your mind doesnt just impact the decisions you make, but the entire dream your living in. The problem is most of this is happening on the subconscious level that waking everyday conscious does not operate on. Imagine a pyramid for an analogy. Imagine that the pyramid holds thoughts and ideas. Now imagine that the pyramid illuminates a hologram of all the thoughts and ideas. Now imagine that right at the top of the pyramid there is a cut off point separating the top part into a small portion and the bottom part into a larger portion. The top part is the part of your mind you are aware of in real life and how you make decisions or your conscious mind. The bottom portion are the subconscious and unconscious mind. Like traumas or ideas that still run that you are not aware of. Now imagine the pyramid illuminating a hologram based on itself and using its top portion to fight and control the hologram even though it's mostly being illuminated by itself and the bottom portion; the part its not aware off. Well if you can understand that analogy, thats what your doing in your life. Don't beleive me contemplate it for yourself. Contemplate if there are any real life examples of how the outside has reflected who you are or where you are in life like a mirror. I realised that mastering your own mind and your inner state of being independantly from external influence or validation is what gives you access to an insane level of power in your own life as everything comes from within. I'm not saying become arrogant and shut yourself out from the world. I mean simply by mastering your being; your approach to life can become much more effortless with less conflict as the world mirrors your being. Another thing is you can look at situations, people or events that you attract as messengers telling you who you are at that time. I would like to elaborate on this so much more but I dont think I could fit it all here. I will just say that before I get objections look at your own life and contemplate events that have reflected yourself. Look at others, try to see what's in their minds and look at their outside circumstances. Look at people who are doing well and ask "do these circumstances reflect how they see themselves" and do the same for people who are opposite. Thanks for reading
@Keryo Koffa I guess it's an interesting way of calling it a distraction. This dream is a distraction, even this conversation. I do beleive desires, no matter how primordial or even selfish are there to teach us to evolve in our way of achieving them. In fact a had a very awakening myself into the fact that the only thing that separates us from our desires are the distinctions we create in our mind from them by giving them the authority to remain out of reach, or to remain in the state of not having them. If we can achieve the state of having them this seperation held first in our consciousness will collapse and they can be easily manifested. I awakened to a hierarchy of desires, each go higher and higher even reaching into higher dreams that are transcendent of this one. The more we can awaken to our own godlike power locked away by illusions, we can realise each of these desires and shed more illusions of "limitation" and awaken. Desires are actually themselves an unavoidable consequence of being finite, and since the finite self is fundamentally false then you are left forever to feel desire until all infinity is once again fulfilled. They start of egoic and shallow and work their way up to higher desires for union and so on. I guess were left to burn that karma off.
@Keryo Koffa karmic ties?
@Keryo Koffa sounds pretty trippy. I find it funny how I come back down to "reality" and I'm unable to remember god mode even from the trips. It's like trying to remember a dream.
@Ero Sounds about right
@numbersinarow Also what makes you think I haven't experienced a degree of psychological torture myself? Whether through life or the past 200 trips? What makes you think I havent been at "0" on whatever dumb scale? I've been suicidal at certain points in my life and even in very challenging nightmarish trips. Also who can classify what 0 is? The degree of torture is relative. What is torturous in one state is paradise compared to another torturious state.
@numbersinarow the nature of reality is infinite consciousness, that means an infinitely tortorous hell is part of reality wether its psychological or physical or beyond even whats perceivable, but doesn't make it non illusory. It's doesnt make it non illusory what you experience if you take a high dose of every psychedelic. Nothing is real only the infinite possibility of consciousness itself, and that is love.
@Jehovah increases correct.
@Jehovah increases Not in the absolute sense, but there are distinctions within consciousness and labels for them. Subconscious is just a label for the part of your mind you're unaware of in your waking state. Correct.
@halfknots absolutely
@halfknots because it opens the door to choosing what reality you experience in real practical life. It'd not the case of yeah I trip and now I'm back and everything is solid and I have to go by the same practical laws it actually opens the door to having more control of the dream of life which ive heard said many times on these forums is impossible for the ego which it is, but if new ideas and thoughts where impressed into your subconscious your life itself can radically change as a reflection of the subconscious. You have the tools to manifest whatever reality you want. I look at like like this. Consciousness in its truest form is infinite light projecting infinity, its infinite potential to be anything. Your sense of self and ego is like a film frame or a lens that distorts the light to illuminate itself. That means that the life that you experience is your ego, even things that are unrelated like galaxies, or politics or whatever. So if you change your sense of self on a deep subconscious level the film frame will change and so will the life or reality being illuminated. If this is explored it makes a lot of technical and practical info taught on these forums olbsolite, as there is no need to fight the life that you yourself are illuminating. You just have to change to be the person aligned with what you want and that will be projected outwards from source onto the screen of space which is your life.
@Jehovah increases this was in pill form so it was a powder which I emptied into tea. It was about 3 hours of actual tripping but it moved through my system fast.
For me personally acid, 2cb, RCs, MDMA, without a shadow of a doubt. Shrooms ive found to do the opposite if anything. There was bobbys perspective on YouTube who made a vid claiming 30g of shrooms healed his broken dick and an incurable disease miraculously but he took the vid down for whatever reason. I heard one incident about acid healing a womans stroke years ago, hearsay or not I stand that acid is very taxing on the body however. One thing I will add is that my breathing changes on trips. I naturally exhale and hold when heavy tripping, even without noticing like my body has a natural symbiosis with peak states. I looked into this and soma breathwork mimics a very similar breathing pattern and is researched to find evidence that the body releases stem cells after long periods of held exhalation. NOT CLAIMING PSYCHS DO THIS OR HAVE ANY EVIDENCE THEY HAVE DONE THIS FOR ME. I just want to point the link out as I find it interesting and always feel like "source" is filling my body with life in this symbiotic state. Again no claims just interesting link to add.
I've never made a post on here but I had to share this report as it's one of the most profound experiences of my life Background - I have been curious about the nature of reality since the age of 5. When I came across leo in 2016 the info resonated. In 2017 I had my first awakening sober. It was an epiphany into realising I am the whole immortal universe looking through my eyes and I was never the ego. 2019 I started getting into psyches. I tripped a lot and eventually stopped watching leo as much. I have had probably over 150 psychedelic experiences by now as sometimes I found I'd like to trip recreationally and also microdose. Recently - My focus in recent years was more on my actual life rather than spiritual. I ordered some microdose pills after a year of being sober from any kind of drug and never planned on tripping. I found them to be helpful from time to time to pick me up and help me stay motivated. To my suprise they where very strong and one pill was the strengh of more than a gram. Just last night i really went back and fourth on having a full trip. Whenever I tried to tell myself they where just for microdosing a voice would tell me "where has your child like curiosity is gone? you used to love tripping!" Eventually I caved and decided it was time for another and to go all out. I took 6 pills and smoked a joint and approached the experience with wonder like i was young again and just started. TRIP REPORT - As it started to come on I immediately let go and opened myself to embrace what was to come with wonder. From past experience I have learnt how to feel the feeling that this is gonna be a good trip. Not something you can force but a feeling you dance yourself into as you surf the waves of consciousness. I had an intuition that was strong to walk across town at night a few miles to a park with a lake. This didn't feel safe as I was only an hour in at this point and was completely losing grasp on reality yet I felt the oneness of everything ensuring me that i would be safe if i didn't cave into fear and had faith in myself as the whole universe. I started walking and something incredibly weird happened. I saw a man walking near me going down the street in front of me and I coward in fear to turn back but yet something communicated with me and told me I need to carry on and confront my fear to realise that there is no fear and trust my gut. I went down a different ally way and came across the same man and walked past him like i somehow new I would. The crazy part is that there where many different streets this man could have walked down and I walked around a whole block to avoid him and yet still walked past him. Almost as if the universe was directly guiding me to confront what I was supposed to, like i was connected to some level of omnicience and in synch with a higher more infinite mind connected to everything. At this point I knew I could trust my faith in whatever was guiding me. My intuition was unquestionable and i felt calm. Just past an hour in I started to feel like I was connected to other bubbles of consciousness like the individual consciousnesses of everyone I knew eventually realising everyone is part of one consciousness like an akoshic library (this opened my mind to the possibility of telepathy) This was an odd trip as it had 2 peaks. I reached the first peak an hour and 15 mins in. This was one of the most profound shocking moments of my life. As i was walking up this long road all separation ceased and I saw everything as one entity. Me. Consciousness. God. It was all conscious and alive and one being. I walked with utter shock that this was all a dream. No different than sleeping at night. It was all a dream! A dream that I was layers and layers and layers and LAYERS stuck in; when in my sober state. I once came slightly close to this realisation in the past and freaked out having a traumatic nightmare of a trip but since by this time I have had enough experience with exploring consciousness I manage to turn what would cause an inexperienced person to have a mental breakdown into an incredibly awesome and peaceful experience; embracing the fact that this is a dream. In fact this understanding helped me because I was aware with the intensity of this peak that it could snap into a million different nightmares at any second, but being aware that this was a dream gave me a feeling of lucidity that I could control with ease. I had a feeling of infinite power I have never experience in my life. I can't stress enough that this experience was indistinguishable from a lucid dream (just felt more real) and absolutely undeniable that this is the nature of consciousness. This experience opened my mind to the idea of conscious manifestation. Something implausible from a sober state but impossible not to be possible from this state. This also resonated with neville goddards work which I recently have been getting into. This peak gave me insight into my own life and made me aware that in my sober life ive been going around like a hamster on a wheel trapped in the labyrinth of this dream without being aware of it and that the ultimate way out would be to change my identity and entire belief system in my sober state in order to progress foward in life; as your subconscious mind is the ultimate operating system and keeps you in the same type of dream out of many different dreams/life's you can live. The insight here is that your subconscious is a deep iceberg that is directly connected to the dream/life you're experiencing, but to many degrees more than what is described in many books. As this trip progressed to the second peak; this song came on, on my head phones that reminded me of this girl from the past. I felt an ocean of many intense emotions I still had for her and then was blown away by awakening to the fact that I created her perfectly, in fact I realised I created everyone and everything in my life perfectly, including my parents and myself and I did so out of pure love. (I'm even tearing up as I'm writting this) my heart burst out into waves of intense love and I tried not to make a mess of myself balling my eyes out walking the streets at half 1 at night. The feeling of love and awe almost knocked me off my feet. I realised that reality is nothing but states of consciousness, and that sulotions, answers and manifestations can only be accomplished through a certain state of consciousness first. With this insight i felt infinite power to create and manifest everything and anything i ever wanted, yet had too much love for everything to change anything dispite being stuck in a rut and dissatisfied with my sober life. (Of course a sober life sounded ridiculous form this state) As the 2nd peak hit the visuals became very intense and time slowed to feel like I was walking for centuries. Everything became loosy goosy with wacky hallucinations like a dreamy wonderland, I had a desire to dance to the music playing in my headphones. To celebrate the infinity that I am, and explore many imaginary versions of myself that I could choose from. I felt like I was in complete god mode but that I was always in god mode just asleep to it in other states. This part of the trip was fun and somewhat recreational. After I while I realised I didn't have water with me and was convinced that I was dying of first even though i drank a gallon before I set off. It was miles away from my home and I lost concept of distance so I started getting pulled into an intense thought loop that I was gonna die due to thirst mid trip. This ended when I realised I was one with god and to trust in god, and as I did all my anxiety melted away and I somehow didn't feel as thirsty. This gave me clear insight into letting go of fear and trusting intuitively in faith. As I got to the park where I planned to go it was like my entire reality had changed though not for the better or worse I still felt euphoric. It was a change in scenery so different from the streets I felt id entered another diemention. The sun was rising also. I noticed that the trees and the lake had the presence of a women and then had insight into the masculine feminine duality of reality or consciousness. The sunrise over the lake and trees was the most jawdropping beauty I had ever seen. The reflection of the lake felt like another entire cosmos in reverse going on for another infinity (maybe it is) everything was orchestrated in the most intelligent and elegant way possible like god is a master artist. I kept seeing reality from multiple perspectives at once only to realise that reality can be perceived from an infinity of perspectives. I was staggered by the absolute infinity of all of reality/consciousness. I left the park after what felt like an eternity only to realise I was only 2 hours in which was another mindfuck in it of itself. I heard an attractive female voice on the song playing and realised that everything in the universe is composed of different vibrations and frequencies that work to created this well orchestrated universe we live in. (I've heard this said before many times but now it's obvious) I realised that maybe law of attraction people are on to something because everything is vibration. The reason you find things / people attractive and other things / people repulsive is because theyre vibration either resonates or doesnt with yours. Like a man vibrating masculine energy is attracted to a women vibrating feminine energy and vice versa, and that its possible to alter your own vibration and change what you attract. I don't want to keep going on because there where too many micro insights, but after this 2 hour and a half mark the trip started to comedown and thoughts of my ego started to come back. I guess I was going back into the dream. As i did though i had my face smeared into all the parts about myself that I didn't want to look at. It was so bad it almost made me wanna move town and start a new life. Obvioisly not gonna make any rash decisions as of yet. Today I am left with much to integrate from this behemoth of a trip and still feel very emotional. I guess what im left with to go on is to let go of all the resistance and thoughts holding me back and embrace the love that the universe is naturally vibrating at and is always being thrown everyones way just everyone is too blind and caught up in their own traumas insecurities and subconscious programming to see it so we all block it out and carry on causing problems. That's all for now if anyone has made it this far and is reading this thanks for taking the time and much love...
@Davino Keep in mind ive had close to 200 trips in the past. Though a minority are very large doses. If I was to go through all the profound experience ive had Id be here for a while. Ive had a lot of these awakenings before but not to the same degree. The reason why this trip is so profound is because it was built of off many other trips and realisations (also having weed, although not a psychedelic; definitely amplified the experience and I find synergies very well with shrooms). This trip felt deeper like a sum total of all my previous trips into an explosion of insight and awakenings deeper than before. I doubt many would come close to this level on their first ever shroom trip. I know I definitely didn't. It also took many years of integration, contemplation and reconstructing my world view many times. Either way I appreciate the breakdown and the read from you my friend 👌👍
Everything Leo said about the psychology of defence mechanisms when denied love is true, and it is happening that way, but why are they denied love in the first place? If we look at nature the weak participants to a large organism have always been brutally killed off. Animals in the wild born too weak to survive are left to die. Cells in your body that are too weak are eventually killed off by the body. The human race is a large organism, like the individual body has to preserve itself, so does the race. It keeps the healthy cells (human genes alive) and kills off the bad ones (seen in all of nature). Since women are the gatekeepers to sex, they are the selecters naturally making them hypergamous (selecters of the healthiest cells). While humans are naturally monogomas, it can't work that way for everyone considering the survival of the race through healthy genes. The reality of the situation is that it’s not that black and white. From looking at the predictability of nature, incels in humans are inevitable. Especially now considering the removal of organised social systems, ensuring marriages in tribes, and traditional and religious cultures. Regarding dating apps; on a big picture level they’re really just a exellerotor of wedding out bad genes and insuring the reproduction of good ones, since woman using them now having access to the top 20% of good looking men and mainly choose them only (studies show this) in large actually doing better for the race but not so much for individual men. theyre is also such thing as the hallo effect, to prove that humans subconsciously associate higher value to better looking people and lower value to uglier people. Seen as the most popular people in school are the best looking, same with actors, singers, people become billionaires just by being good looking and conversely there’s a popular video and YouTube that some guy made about his experience being ugly, contrast his experience to the experience of a model to understand natural societal value to the display of good genes. Hierarchy of cells health in an organism is basically being recognised and naturally ordered and it can be seen in the organism of society. At the bottom of this hierarchy compared to the top who is naturally gonna get the most and least love throughout they’re life and how will that compound to effect they’re mentality and worldview, what type of ideologies will they be most seduced by? ...exactly. Of course like I say it’s not that black and white. I used dating apps as example but that’s just a subset of dating where the conditions of selecting a mate are very specific. I am of course coming from this looking at it from a more animalistic perspective considering the predictability of nature when humans have the potential to be more conscious, and some are; progressing more past shallowness like seen in stage green. humans are more complicated then just cells in an organism and compared to other animals have the ability to have vision, learn complex things, problem solve, create things never seen before and most importantly have consciousness and willpower. In humans it’s possible to wilfully choose the degree of ones own strength rather then simply rely on and create an ideology blaming their determined strength as an individual cell. The degree of Awareness/consciousness and willpower is the key to liberating incels, but to say it’s imposiible for certain people to be doomed is very black and white.
@CultivateLove couldn't agree more I have the exact same criticism. He uses it too much as a lens and forgets to take it off. Some stuff he says is absolutely ridiculous which is why I verify the system for my self with it’s consistent self evidence proving itself to be correct in real life. If I was taught maths by a homeless man who thought the world was made of space monkeys it wouldn’t mean that I start taking all the maths that I’ve spent years verifying to be correct with a grain of salt. It wouldn’t mean that I would take 2+2=4 which has proven itself to be consistently correct throughout all my life with a grain of salt. Verifying for your self especially through direct application will wed out the uncertainty of whether a system is trust worthy or not. as far as what he says about enlightenment and the bible, yeah I completely agree he has no clue and he’s quite closed minded as he’s really just an average individual with the same consciousness as everyone else where he lives who just so happens to be teaching what I verify to be a pretty accurate system. Edit: my apologies for my retardation I misread what you said. Yeah I competition agree with everything you said.
@Leo Gura of course but there’s also an intelligence to be appreciated when looking at how these functions cause people to harmonise and how in the basic human form of social functioning there’s multiple ways that love is naturally expressed and received depending on the type and compatibility. Society evolves through multiple different domains of specialities for that to happen people need to function in specialised ways while harmonising with others, but also giving and receiving love in different ways with each type having their own way and when this fits together this creates compatibility and multiple different forms of experiencing love with perfect harmony depending on compatibility. Studying these functions shows the genius of how this all intelligently fits together. It’s like looking at a forest. The forest is full of natural systems that harmonise all the life to work together without fault. It’s the same with humans. We have relatively higher order functioning compared to animals naturally but that realm of higher order functioning can be studied to be a natural harmonising system just like in a forest. Its also not genetic. It’s just one in 16 particular specialities of functioning that are expressed. There’s interestingly a consistent certain amount of each type in a culture according to studies which is speculated to be because there needs to be more of a certain type and less of another for society to function as a whole. It’s really interesting.
@Himanshu Fe is not necessarily the love function. Fi is aslo focused on love. It’s just a different approach because it’s about what that person feels more than how others feel it’s nothing really to do with love. They’re both made like that so that two people can be compatible. Usually the Fi user feels a certain way and the Fe user can read how they feel and that’s a component of how compatibility works. If everyone were Fe users then people would get on each other’s nerves more than love each over.
INTP here been looking into this for ages all over the internet and have found that there are multiple different systems with there own theories and nuances that are all interesting and relevant. Ive been learning from this channel for around a year and a half and this one is by far the most advanced and a head of its time. This channel has completely changed my life and forever how I see myself and others including social interactions and situations in general. Make no mistake in thinking the info on this channel is the same as every over mbti channel because it’s miles a head of every other system I’ve been through including socionics. It’s given me an almost omniscient lens when it comes to reading all social situations and understanding myself and people I haven’t even met. I can’t exaggerate this enough because this is such a cutting edge system and when I saw this thread posted it would be a crime for me not to recommend this specific channel.
this dudes poem at least within explicable range sounds identical so what Leo says these days and was done 6 years ago. I found it and thought it’s gotta go somewhere cos it’s an awesome poem.
Camerong replied to WHO IS's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WHO IS sounds like your suffering in your life right now and you are resentful of reality cos of it, could be completely wrong. -
I’ve been doing that actuality technique that Leo once posted some time ago since my country went into lockdown in mid March. I started off starring at my hand or details in leather, or crumps and marks lying around. Then I moved into a spot in nature surrounded by trees starring at dead leaves. Eventually I started to gain the ability to hyper focus but be relatively hyper conscious at the same time. I got to points where I was like wtf this is real? Almost as things gain an extra level or realness, like pulling back layers of being asleep more and more. I do it for half an hour every other day or two, since my brain can’t candle that much strain of focus because it takes a lot. Recently while doing it I start laughing for no reason or feel intense waves of bliss, but also notice that my state seems to slightly change when I finish the sit. I decided I’d go balls to the wall and just hardcore focus for an hour. After I finished when my concentration lapsed I was walking back and realised I was tripping balls identical to a low dose of shrooms, I was on a very different state and it seemed to have a comedown with the feeling being identical to a trip as well. I was wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this where they are mildly tripping? Or at least had a very noticeable altered state after some type of meditation? Also, why does this happen? This doesn’t seem to happen for any other type of meditation. Only very strong focussing.
Camerong replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura I’m not demonising 5meo by making this comparison but the natural mechanism seems similar to that of meth or mdma; where you sacrifice contentment reached by uninfluenced aid to have that high. It interestingly sounds as though this is a similar case except with consciousness instead of a high. You have the dissatisfaction of never reaching that state sober for the sake of experiencing it through 5meo.