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Everything posted by Shiva99
It has helped a ton of people and it will probably help you. So get the book asap.
Contemplate about death and become very conscious of how short life is. You have little time to achieve what you want in this life. Memento mori.
No it's not lmao. Some people have actual lives.
Go meditate for hours and hours and stop pursuing this girl. You clearly have a lot of shit you need to work on if you care this much about a stupid text from a girl you barely know.
Your signature answers your question: Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action. Stop relying on some kind of burning desire feeling, motivation or endorphine rush. All of these are always temporary. No one is feeling that way all the time. That's exactly why reaching anything profound in life is hard. You just have to do what you know that you need to do, in order to reach what you want. You need to leave yourself no alternative. Sometimes you have to pull yourself through like a stubborn dog. If you can't do that, it's over.
developing skills, doing consciousness work, etc. is something you can start doing today, right now. Your mind is fooling you into thinking masturbating is something that is witholding you from doing that. You need to work your ass of in spite of your so called masturbation addiction. What you need is discipline. This stuff doesn't come easy. Hard work everyday. No excuses. Will you care about masturbating etc if you are kicking ass everyday in spite of it? I don't think so. It will become a non issue.
Gl. U can do it.
I just went to the hairdresser, and i'm having a couple of balding spots again. It's not that bad, but it's kinda annoying because now it's semi visible for some time. Been suffering from this autoimmune disease for a couple of years now. Is anyone familiar with it, and knows any remedies? My dermatologist always wants to use corticosteroid injections or creme, but i'm not feeling it because that's obviously unhealthy af. My diet is decent in general. Lots of fruits, veggies etc.
The fact is you can't controll her actions. What you can controll is how you feel about this whole situation. You need to come to a point where you are completely ok with her leaving you. Letting go is key. If this situation doesn't escalate in you doing or saying things that will show her that you are being insecure and needy, another situation will pop up in the future and she will run away nevertheless. If she doesn't run away, than she has a lot of stuff to deal with herself. The most toxic relationships are the ones were both are feeling unworthy and constantly projecting these feelings onto each other.
@Michael569 @JonasVE12 Thanks for both your answers. A lot of stuff to think about. I'm going to be contemplating on this in the next few days.
Today i will start the second week of a new job, and i'm already kinda done with it. It's not the field, because i like working in IT. It's just that i'm always thinking and looking for a way out so i can be selfsufficient. I don't want to work like this for my whole life. How do i practically go about this? My passion is helping and motivating people who are stuck in life, mentally or physically. So i've been thinking about becoming a life coach long term. It's just that i have little time to work on this project apart from the weekend. I need advice from people who did this, while still working, with little time to spend. Thanks.
Hi, I'm feeling very confused and trapped in life. I've been unemployed for almost a year, and yesterday i was finally able to land myself a new job which starts this monday. I should feel happy about this, but i honestly don't. It's going to pay me more than i ever had, it's giving me more opportunities than i could ever dream of, I'm most likely going to get a company car etc, but i just can't be bothered and feel very meh about it. The idea that i'm going to have to work again for a boss, the lack of freedom etc is killing me inside. I really feel like i don't want to work for a boss anymore. I wanna do my own thing, but i don't know what. I lack adventure in my life and I feel a big need for freedom and space to do whatever i want, whenever i want, because life is short as fuck. This goes together with a lot of anxiety about dead. A lot of people that i've known well have already passed away. Even some of the people that i went to school with, or worked with in the past have already passed away. They were the same age as me (29), which makes me rethink my life like crazy. Dead is something that i've been thinking way too much about lately, and i don't know how to stop being so scared about it. At the moment i don't have any friends, and my mom is kinda the only one that i have good conversations with. For some reason i'm also scared that she's going to pass away soon, because she had cancer twice, and doctors are constantly telling her that she has the body of a 80 year old when she's only 55. If she dies, i honestly don't know what i'm going to do. I'm not sure what i want out of this post. I don't really have a question, apart from how to deal with this, or inspect this further. I'm feeling trapped like hell.
Unfortunately i'm making the decision to pause this journal for now. The forum is becoming a a huge, huge distraction for me. The journalling is very good for me, but i find myself drifting off way too much in other topics etc on this forum. Result: too much time gone. My life needs radical change, which is already happening right now, but i have to go way more radical. I can't justify wasting any more time at the moment, i just can't. It's eating at my brain every day. I need to go all in.
Here we go, a new journal. This journal mainly will be dedicated towards my self-improvement and life purpose.
It's important for me to focus on the consistent good things i've done, rather than on the things i'm failing at sometimes. Small habits over a long time make a big difference. Patience is something that i need to built in. I want crazy changes today, which is impossible. Doing the habits i'm doing right now, over a long time will have drastic results on my life. I just need patience.
I've decided to leave porn behind again. I'm going to put effort in avoiding it at all costs. Over the past few weeks i have been mindlessly indulging in it, without too much thought. I haven't experienced too much side effects from it, or at least i think i haven't, because most of the time i'm doing everything i can to improve my life, and i'm too busy to think for too long about it. I won't be counting days or whatever, as i want it to become a lifestyle. I'm also going to prohibit myself from masturbation for a while, as it's probably linked together. I can't imagine masturbating without porn, it's boring as fuck. Even porn is boring as fuck. So i definitely have a problem there. Period. The goal for now is to be able to enjoy masturbating without any porn whatsoever, and only when i'm really really horny. I feel like it's been ages since i genuinly masturbated because i felt horny, and not out of sheer habit.
I'm so glad today is not a stupid rest day. Looking forward to my run so much. I need it. Most likely going to run further than planned, but i think my body can take it. I have to beat my distance today. Edit: as expected the running was great. I'm feeling so good right now. I fucking love running. It truly gets me into my element. Was supposed to have a recovery run of 25mins but went for 40 mins instead. No pain, no problems. Let's fucking go.
Rant Fall of the wagon 1000 times, get back up 1001. I think this will be my new mantra from now on. Seems like my body is trying to get to homeostasis again, as my lazy ego is crying like a little baby. Maybe i'm going too fast, but fuck that shit. I don't have time to go slow and implement small habits over weeks and months and shit. My life needs to change right fucking now. I'm done with this shitty life. People can be so fucking evil sometimes. They rather see you fail together with them, than to see you succeed. It's un fucking believeable. I don't care if i'm going to die in the process bitches, because sooner or later we're all gonna die anyways. Watchout who you are trying to hold back, cause i have nothing to lose. Good luck. Eat shit.
I haven't been drinking milk for a very, very long time apart from a little bit in my coffee. Whenever i drink a whole glass of it now, my stomach starts bloating and i get crazy cramps. What could this be? I'm not lactose intolerant or anything.
I don't think i am lactose intolerant because i never had problems with this. I used to drink tons of milk when i was young without any problems.
01/02/2022 - Daily review Jobhunting: Ugh, i'm done for today with jobhunting. I did a fuckton of phonecalls, and i'm done with it for now. The same conversations over and over again on my resume and job experiences etc etc. It's so draining sometimes lol. At least all the calling paid of because i have another interview planned for tomorrow. It's better then nothing. After all i'm getting much better at calling because of this, which is good. I also got rejected for the temporary job in administration, which was to be expected. Not enough experience was the reason... Lol. Always the same story. Want a job? => Need experience => want experience? => Need a job. Unbelieveable. At least this woman was professional enough to call me and give me this feedback, so that's nice. Most recruiters don't give a fuck these days and won't even call u for feedback, so this was new. Apart from all this i have to watchout that i don't become indifferent to jobhunting.This is what happend last time, because i took it too personally. I just couldn't be arsed anymore and didn't apply for several weeks, which obviously doesn't help.
Methods of relaxation I need to implement some stuff that will help me relax and wind down from time to time. I will write them down here and use as needed. At the moment all of these things will definitely help me relax: Hot steamy bath/shower Meditation Masturbation/sex
I'm going to have a daily review on how my day went from now on. I will be journalling on what i feel was good, and what i could have done better. Corrections will be made the day after. 31/01/2022 - Daily review Today was a bad day in terms of jobhunting. Mostly because the main website i'm using for vacancies was down almost all day. I've only sent out one application, and only had one phone call with an agency today. It's better than nothing, but definitely not enough. Tomorrow i have to make up for this. No excuses. I also failed to complete my meditation session this evening. I only managed to do about 25mins. I already have a call scheduled for tomorrow that i will be doing in the morning, as soon as the agency is open. Besides this i'm going to look for other vacancies. I'm also planning on visiting random agencies and just going there to hand out resumes later this week.