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Everything posted by Shiva99

  1. Lmao goodluck with that. This forum is full of people giving prescriptions for literally everything.
  2. Seems like he tactically avoided this one. hahahahaha.
  3. I like my woman T h i c c and tasty.
  4. Kill the idea of being in control part. Make it very practical. You have to experience it first hand or it won't work. 1) Write down everyday exactly what you want to do, how long you want to do it, and when you want to do it. 2) For each activity write down the time you start, the duration, and how you think it's gonna turn out or what will happen that day. If you really do this deliberately, you will see that it's not gonna workout. Life likes to do it's own thing, not how you plan it out. You really have to do this deliberately, and write down everything in minute detail, and be very precise. If you do it, and really see that it's impossible, you have a chance that something will collapse. you have to write it down like this: at 10.03am i will arrive at the grocery store. You can't write it down like this: i will arrive at the grocery store before noon. you have to write it down like this: i will wake up at 8.00am. You can't write it down like this: i will wake up around 8:00am. You probably get the idea. Being very precise is key. Even if you don't do it like this, and go on with the taking 100% responsibility part, something has to collapse sooner or later. There is no way you can take 100% responsibility all day without getting smacked in the face by reality. Unless you walk around with you're eyes closed and ignore all the things that are not working out the way you wanted it that day. Big or small.
  5. This is actually a good thread. I'm almost starting to think it's god who is doing this on purpose, to smack some of you in the face, destroying the stupid illusion you are holding up for yourselves, by thinking that Leo is and has to be a perfect human being at all times, who can't make any "mistakes".
  6. Stop torturing yourself into someone you think you need to be, but clearly don't want to be. This post is full of warning signs. You can either listen to them, or ignore them and keep going down the same route. Either way life will always try to give you what you need, not what you think you need/want. Just know that you can't keep ignoring this shit forever. Sooner or later something else will happen, which will bring you exactly back to this point. Life is trying to tell you something. It will keep knocking at your door until you listen. ? You are doing this with yourself atm:
  7. Oh, it seems like it quoted the wrong person. Btw, who doesn't want it .
  8. I'm getting scarcity vibes. I think you are meditating to get somewhere. Do you think meditation will happen if you totally let it go?
  9. It's actually very simple. If you feel the drive to meditate, you meditate. If you don't feel the drive to meditate, you don't. It's only difficult because you have certain expectations of yourself on how much, how consistent or whatever you have to be with meditation, and when reality doesn't meet up with that, you have an inner conflict. Stop.
  10. There is no balance, no matter what anyone here tells you. If you want to be free from suffering, you have to give up "going after stuff" as an ego identity, which doesn't mean that there is no "going after stuff" anymore after enlightenment, but there is a huge chance that it's not what you have had in mind for yourself. It's the end of "choosing" what you want to go after, and more like an unfolding of what reality wants to do through your "vessel". So if reality wants you to clean toilets all day, you clean toilets. You can't waste time btw. There are no good or bad things to do with your time. You can also be chillng and happy while cleaning toilets. A drive to success comes naturally when you let go of all expectations. I'm not sure how you view success at the moment, but success can be as simple as smiling at a stranger today. Stop doing, start BEING.
  11. If reality feels the need to kill someone with your "vessel" it will happen.
  12. Seems like you are stuck in your head friend. You need to sink into your body and calm down. What's wrong with BEING? Let life take care of you. Drop expectations of what i need to be, what others need to be and how life should be, and what not. Make BEING your passion.
  13. Why does there need to be a point to anything? it's not perfect, good, bad or anything. It simply is.
  14. If you really think you are inside your body, try finding out where exactly you are located. Don't use your mind for this. You need to experience it first hand. Maybe this video can help you too. It does for some.