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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. Thanks for the invitation. I don't think I will make it to the US in this life. I can only work with the limited information I have. I try to take both sides into consideration. https://www.bridgemi.com/detroit-journalism-cooperative/detroit-doing-better-how-much-thats-where-experts-disagree https://www.purpose.jobs/blog/9-reasons-to-live-and-work-in-detroit-michigan
  2. I am not shure about it. Some admins have a different opinion on it. In general I agree. Maybe that is why chaz is a good test run if it can made better. We can not evolve without experimentation. Though I am not ready if one should get tazered if one gets a warning at the forum. Some experiments should be taken with precaution I guess
  3. I know what you mean but still numbers count. Imagine a fascist telling you how awful london is. Would you believe him or would you say that he is not to be trusted because he is obviously biased. So one has to make his own opinions with limited data. That is life. I watched many videos about detroit and read quite a bit articles. I didn't even give you my opinion I just copied what is there in Wikipedia. I am shure there a wonderful places in or around detroit but that doesn't mean the numbers are incorrect.
  4. I think some numbers may give a fuller picture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Detroit
  5. @DivineSoda Buttons are pushed all the time. But there are many puppet masters. So nobody knows the outcome. There are many possible scenarios.
  6. Once the lizard brain gets the power the frontal cortex gets weaker. So she is not really wrong.
  7. Except for some. Napoleon wrote in his love letters that his lover should not wash herself in her private parts. Probably not realistic nowadays. On the other hand if it works it's a real chemical connection I guess and less work.
  8. @Dlavjr I think you want your cake and eat it. Nothing wrong with that. If you don't get it on your conditions you can get lower with your expectations. Like with everything else in life. I think you are doing good. I mean you have a realistic system, map.
  9. Yes we are hoping for a better world. A lot has to be done. But in the meanwhile there can be some friction.
  10. Defunding police was the first step, This is the current one: "Seattle protesters take over city blocks to create police-free 'autonomous zone' For three days, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or Chaz, has offered ‘a snippet of a reality the people can have’ " https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/11/chaz-seattle-autonomous-zone-police-protest
  11. Remembers me of Sadghuru's speech that might fit to this context at 4.50:
  12. More importantly do people use common sense? Probably not because it probably does not exist. So we are floating through life and there are random laws we follow or we break. In a non-dual forum guidelines sometimes can be seen as a funny concept though it still makes sense.
  13. @Serotoninluv You talk about not firing the culture war but legitimize looters and riots and killings like of David Dorn. You are in favor of defunding the police. That sounds for me like firing the culture war but I could be wrong. Even Leo thinks it's stupid to defund the police. In a nondual world that is just a story. The colors are a made up concept I am color blind. Plus check your white privilege I am a brown guy.
  14. I guess it is because it became boring. There is material for 1mio hours I guess. It is like watching paint dry. Maybe we need some new angle to make habits sexy again or at all. James Altucher has a ideas habit. He writes down everyday 10 ideas. It seems the trick to produce these ideas is to connect things that normally are not connected. Let's say one does meditation. There are endless options how you can combine meditation with some different elements. You can citate a poem while meditating. You can do all kinds of mantra while meditating. Or you can integrate micro meditations in your activities. To get back to the main question it depends. Some people stop smoking when the doctor says he may die very soon if he doesn't stop. If it depends on survival some habits become a priority. If a habit is on priority level 15 then it might never be integrated. I think in the Joe Rogan Podcast there was Guy Ritchie he did I think Joga for 1 year but it just didn't work for him. I guess it went against other priorities.
  15. What happens in Amerika happens basically in the world on a greater scale. If integrating other cultures would be easy the asian countries would open their doors. Even in the culture there is a lot of friction that is not an easy thing to solve. I posted Tucker because you said he didn't mention financial inequality. Well kind of did. I heard him even praising Sanders for being with the working class and critisized cooperate democrats and republicans. Trump got votes because he did talk about the working class who lost their jobs to china. If people would be like this guy things would work out faster I guess. I give him a 8 from 10.
  16. Ok you could be right if you talk about in 20 plus years. The current wars will probably not stop today and will go on tomorrow that is future.
  17. It is not easy to be unwoke
  18. The guys in Syria and Libya might object about your perception of reality.
  19. So the simplified version of what your are writing is that if the people will be good things will be good otherwise things will be bad. Because there were no world wars recently that means things are better. That is only one perspective. One can argue that things got better because it is much much more dangerous to make a mistake than in the past. If you make a big mistake nowadays a mistake like a nuclear war it is game over. I am with Nassim Taleb. You can not forsee black swan events. It is just not possible. I think the most important thing for politics is to not go into a big war. Everything else is relatively small potatoes. We already see USA is no more playing world police. The lion makes a pause the hyenas come out for example in Syria and Libya. Other empires are enhancing their power. We are getting closer to the pattern before the first world war or business as usual that is struggle for power.
  20. You are an optimist. The most violent cities seem to be led by democrats. So if they win there might be even more of such cities.
  21. Right that is why there are many angry people otherwise they would be depressed and thinking about suicide. Hate is sometimes the last tool in the toolbox.
  22. What is wrong with armchair philosophy. I think it is one of the best ways to spent time as long as the house is not burning. Intellectual curiosity saves lives and is a weapon to fight the mighty enemy the boredom.