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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. @Roy Really? They would not fight regarding Tibet, Taiwan, Hongkong, Xingyang? .https://theconversation.com/chinas-military-might-is-much-closer-to-the-us-than-you-probably-think-124487
  2. http://eckhart-tolle-forum.inner-growth.info/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=13976
  3. @Raze In 21.52 he talks about race and the stumbling gets stronger. I think he knows he is on a minefield In this one he talks a lot about politics. About genocides, feminism, world war. Sounds almost like Sadhguru a bit:
  4. He was excited that is why he stumbled. He excused himself because he talked too much. He said that the work of Russell is very important. A guy without ego does not say something like that I guess. Then he talks quite a bit about politics. I don't believe these guys "without" ego.
  5. I wonder how fascist shaolin tempels are
  6. Yes I did. Start with Tibet and Taiwan.
  7. Something is missing in the equation. Something more primal. When you have spock you need also the savage Captain Kirk. We have to integrate the Savage Dynamics into the higher colors:
  8. I am shocked CNN criticizing Cuomo:
  9. The higher one gets on SD the more easier it will be for China to deal with them. Northern countries have basically no saying in world politics. Germany goes with whoever has more power.
  10. Because Erdogan is big in Libya France is forced to team up with the egyptien dictator. Russia was not enough.
  11. NZ is a small island. So it's easy to handle the virus. When bigger problems come like China they will not be able to solve it that easy.
  12. Stopping China will not be so easy I guess.
  13. Letting lazy idiots vote. What could go wrong?
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noocracy#:~:text=əkrəs,his idea of philosopher kings.
  15. But in may be prove that we live in a non-dual world
  16. In the future I guess when the progressivs win you have to take complicated courses to learn how to treat animals fair without exploitation and stockholm syndrom method to exploit them emotionally.
  17. @Identity Yes AHMAZING
  18. Tolle is not christian but he got inspiration and his name from the christian mystic Meister Eckhard from the middle ages
  19. The big boy in this forum is the sufi Rumi. I guess for the christians is Meister Eckhart (Team Eckhart Tolle)
  20. It's sensationalist because it hast no chance to make it in to mainstream liberal media I guess. Many CNN viewers don't know these stories are happening like the people got killed by violent protestors like David Dorn and so on. You will probably not get this on CNN:
  21. I wanted to check on SD in wiki but there seems to be some potential for development there: https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Spiral_dynamics&redirect=no
  22. At least he motivates people who would not otherwise more about politics, history, economy and so on in a entertaining way. Because some guy calls himself Napoleon doesn't mean he can not tell real stories about Napolen's life. You have to pick people where they are. People need entertainment in a safe space. If you want to go to the next step you can go to a politics forum. where people slap each other with "facts" that can hurt.