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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. @mmKay Great find. His life is actually a bit interesting. Reminds me of Tony Robbins where he interviews succesful people and brings us the golden rules. Though he doesn't get the validation of Dale Carnegie but of God.
  2. This whole thing shows the Royal institution is outdated. It does not make much sense in current times. Meghan seems to hot for her husband. She looks like Jennifer Lopez. She outmatches him on looks. So she just might digging what she sees as gold.
  3. Wrong that is the final boss of the game
  4. I would also say meditation. The second one would be workout. The third one communication skills like reading, writing, talking etc. 0 Sleeproutine, Diet 1 Meditation 2 Workout 3 Work 4 Communication 5 Visualisation 6 Mantra 7 Art, Karaoke etc
  5. I was addicted to music my whole life. I wanted to get rid of the additction but I wasn't ready yet. It was a long term project and specially when the bad effects of music happened it gave me more motivation to put energy in solving the problem. Like with any addiction you might want to start small. Finally it should be possible.
  6. Agreed. Additionally spending time with DMT and anti-science is not always helpful to further new findings.
  7. Even if that would be true under Obama there was no real fight against obesity. So millions of people might have died because Obama did not prevent it. Whataboutism is not always wrong but it opens another can of worms.
  8. Some religions might fit better than others. Islam is in it's essence an authoritarian religion. Buddhism and Christianity less so.
  9. Leo does have a extremely limited understanding of Islam. Additonally a 1000 year old religion does not have to be fitting for current times and may actually create problems.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBioneer/videos
  11. Still it is not so much compared to infinity. It is basically chimps stuff. I think with the help of AI we will get much more of it.
  12. If the human mind is so creative I must say I am not impressed