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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. How He Made $10,000,000 To Pay For Medical Bills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIoD-bwqA7s
  2. I am shure some groups and races might feel disrespected by this observation
  3. Maybe it is time to think again what racism is. Let's say you are a businessmen in the world and you try to find a patterns about which custormers should receive more attention in order to make money. Is that a racist approach? Or at which point does it become problematic?
  4. This spiral dynamics stuff can diffuse racism by saying bro you are not Tier 2 you do not understand. It is foolproof. Mazing' Btw we are all one God here. That might make things a bit different
  5. It might be important to not become like man countries where the official narrative is mostly a lie.
  6. We should read the context to not make mistakes like in this case
  7. Yes right it is true because you said so and someone has written about it. That is what every guru says. You might know what is lacking here?
  8. Good starting point why we should burn most books in the world because they are full with misinformation and should cancel most artists and comedians.
  9. Oh right the Indian sages had the solution so did many snake oil salesman. Sounds like I have to study 10 years why Hitler ordered the Holocaust but in general I am a fan of Hitler.
  10. Why would a science denier care about logic and research? You go by intuition. Even if they kill apostates it is still ok because it feels right.
  11. If a news channel would make journalism that might help a bit.
  12. Shure we love Hitler though we are not allowed to praise him he is not as bad as antivaxxers though.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MqbdX6n6yY&t=274s The Yakutian Morning Routine: Ice Bath (-50°C/-58°F)
  14. DO THIS: When I hear Philosophy and Competition this comes to my mind. The debate culture of the Tibetian monks and the Jewish Tora debate culture. Tibet Tour Highlight: Tibetan Monk Debate Little Monks Debate on Buddhist Philosophy
  15. AA Destroying The Social Lives Of Thousands Of Once-Fun Americans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n86JKqA8o4w
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_BN2jTXijs Denmark to End All Covid Restrictions on Feb. 1
  17. Or when they said the Wuhan lab leak theory was a conspiracy theory