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Everything posted by Shmurda

  1. Really? I thought it was common knowledge by now that climate change is a mostly human caused phenomenon.
  2. Only doing self improvement is meaningful? Not true. According to you, you have to be like Leo or nothing... Use your imagination to find greater possibilities.
  3. Poetic, but striving nonetheless. The voice of God inside your head is still the Ego. Try to get completely non-verbal in your embodiment, at least at first.
  4. It is a good one, but not perfectly. I think fear is much closer to the truth than guilt as an example. Guilt is a luxury if you're fighting for your life and I sure won't be feeling guilty right after escaping.
  5. There is a lot to be said for the function of guilt. Guilt arises from the experience of being a subject that opposes itself to the objective reality aka survival. Yet, at the deepest level, we know that we are no different from the very things we label as other. Guilt arises because of this self-bias. Therefore this type of guilt exists because God splits itself into a multiplicity as OP suggested.
  6. There's a lot to learn from sitting with the experience of lack, difficulty and discomfort so I wouldn't call it a waste of time.
  7. Well, yes it would be total nothingness but total nothingness is completion, it is total bliss and it is the very fulfillment that the ego seeks but which cannot be achieved through the paradigm of separation.
  8. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I do think you're being lazy with your arguments here but hey you've got a lot on I guess. By the way thank you for doing what you do. Ironically I wouldn't have had this debate with you if you weren't first my teacher and encouraged me to open my mind a few years ago.
  9. What a great summary. Legend, well done mate!
  10. Globalized world and the future means we are immune to those points how? Anyway I think we agree that Earth is indeed (probably) heading for some serious climate related destruction and death no? Or do you imagine the future is bright in terms of prosperity and environmental recovery? If I'm honest the jury is out as to whether we will get full on collapse or a painful transition period. Either way, the ship named "average global temperature" is not turning any time soon. Also, you love consciousness Leo. Look up the effects of breathing air with increased CO2 on the human brain and nervous system.
  11. Lets have a look at the historical factors for civilizational collapse of the likes of Rome, The Mayans, The Han, The Incas: (1) uncontrollable population movements (2) new epidemic diseases (3) failing states leading to increased warfare (4) collapse of trade routes leading to famine (5) and climate change. Spot anything familiar? Do you think we might see anymore of these things occurring when food prices increase and mass migration occurs as land becomes more arid or sodden? But tech will save our global civilization! Not when the information ecology is so fucked that you can't get people and governments to agree on anything. Haha okay send me the nuke codes. Friend, I am not worried. I am happy. I often go out in nature; I work on a farm. But I also know when to call a spade a spade and I think a lot of people are avoiding their grief through optimism or bypassing.
  12. If you're implying here that the Universe has sort of evolutionary plan for life on Earth that transcends the destruction of the planetary eco-system then you really don't understand what infinite Love is. God doesn't have anything to prove. Of course, if you are saying what I think you're saying which is "all is well in cosmic consciousness" then heck yeah. Great. Aaaaaanyway we're still here on Earth destroying the very ground we stand on. Nice one. I'm glad its not "fool" this time. A bit more specific how gracious of you. Let me rephrase: Its far more likely that we will not turn this ship around in any way that resembles retaining civilized society and the untold suffering of millions if not billions of people. Still Myopic?
  13. I hear you Thought Art and I want to say your speculations are well founded. People on this forum are downplaying the issue because they don't want to face the grief of the situation. Even Leo with his blasé attitude saying things like "we can suck the CO2 out of the air" is, in my opinion, refusing to face up to the reality of the situation. Yes, he is speaking from the level of cosmic consciousness when he says "suffering auto corrects" but in doing so he is bypassing the unimaginable toll of suffering and destruction that we are potentially facing. This may well include the end of modern society - the very thing that allowed Leo to pursue an examined life. We will not turn this ship around. We will lie to ourselves and each other until we can lie no more because our water is dried up or our garden is burning. This is not alarmist, this is not 100% the end of the world but for God's sake people look at the science, understand ecosystem fragility and allow yourself to see where this is going and what it means for life on Earth and every-thing you claim to love.
  14. In case anyone is wondering, this is a reference to the "seven factors of awakening". You should study these factors and make sure they are present and at balance in your life if you want to be awakened.
  15. Notice the arising of the sense of self who takes ownership of the thoughts. It is also an object that can be observed.
  16. I have also wondered about this. The problem is as follows: Can anyone testify to an experience in which the ego literally ends like it would if your life ended?? Or is it just a fancy metaphorical way of saying that you've realised no-self and emptiness in your experience? Leo has mentioned this in his videos multiple times without elaborating on it which I found to be incredibly unhelpful. It seems like some sort of "look how huge my balls (spiritual attainments) are" brag if you don't explain what you mean!
  17. Hello everyone, To begin, it is my wish that all of you are currently experiencing a deeply fulfilling journey on the pathless path and that you are filled with loving-kindness. I also wish those whose path is colored by suffering, a resolution to that suffering and deliverance into peace. The question: There is a noticing that, as ego develops, its met with ever more challenging realisations about its own state of being. How can the ego best cope with these increasingly damning indictments, without freaking out every time it gets lost in thought? (Assuming a stable transformation into the awakened state has not yet occurred.) Here are some examples: that the ego is not safe, that it will definitely die and probably soon, that society is thoroughly more corrupt and out of control than it previously believed, that the systems it used to construct its current physical/social circumstances are also corrupt and no longer represent its interests, that its very own meaning making process is simply a process without meaning and thus all of its output has no truth value. From the perspective of this ego, it feels trapped between two worlds - one moment, its the peaceful state of presence and allowing. The next moment, its a state of emergency, hopelessness and panic. These new beliefs have simply replaced the old ones and fuck, they are way more scary!!
  18. I would suggest that the professor isn't racist, she simply pointed out a feature of the data she saw in confidence with a colleague. How did they get this zoom call by the way?? This is a serious issue with the reactive social media that is popular at the moment. We're creating a culture of desperate virtue-signalling that serves as a placeholder for actually being virtuous. For example "Oh look we fired her, we are dealing with racism" and then proceed to do nothing else because "you saw it, we've done our part".
  19. Buy the book "the mind illuminated" Concentration practice is a really important part of the path and Leo's video on the topic falls far short.
  20. @Eren Eeager @Carl-Richard Anyone who tries to tell you what happens after death, especially if they explain it in material terms, is speculating and imo you should not trust what they say. Conor Murphy seems to have gained spiritual cred here because he has a plastered his views on spirituality all over youtube. This is a bit like when you're in Science class and the loud kid always shouts out the answer, so most people assume he's one of the smart kids. If you believe him, you are falling into the trap of appealing to authority in place of developing your own understanding. Stop listening to Leo's, Conor's or anyone else's opinions about the unknown. Just sit every day for hours and hours and hours and eventually you will get it.
  21. @Megan Alecia take some more time to look into the evan rachel thing. It's pretty shocking but you'll soon get a better picture of him.
  22. Ah thats really cool man. I used to run some events/DJ for a much less wealthy crowd up in Leeds. What kind of events are you running? What are the clientele like? I would find it infuriating dealing with super privileged bar/club types but I bet they pay well. Right now I'm a Maths teacher working in International schools. At the moment I work in Vietnam. I love this place and my life just gets better and better. I resent having to work for an employer though so next step - escape wage slavery.
  23. @Leo Gura your advice in this thread seems to contradict the example of Joseph CAMPBELL WHO IS QUOTED IN THE LPC. Campbell had savings and a desire to study independently without any means of income, but by following his bliss he realized his purpose. Does this mean your views on this have since changed?
  24. Hi Aaron, What do you mean by a trap? When you say that the trap they're in is the trap you're in, do you mean in the non-dual sense like because subject and object are absolutely the same? Or do you mean that the idea that they're in a trap is actually a projection of your own ego, so it helps you notice how your ego is projecting a conceptual reality?