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  1. hahahaha true By all means. I intended to come off in a way that highlighted the positive aspects of the forum, while still giving a kick to the ones who are mentally masturbating. Nothing wrong with mentally masturbating. This post wasn't intended as critique, rather to be sort of a wake up call in a sense, because I know that I myself have been stuck in information gathering mode before and was unconscious of the fact which I was. I was simply trying to point out to an individual who could benefit from hearing it, "hey, you would see much more ROI by actually applying the stuff " I certainly see how I could have phrased my post better. Thanks for the feedback
  2. Personally Im mainly here to learn differing points of view. Its something that other forums cant give me as their users tend to all be made from the same grey wax. Half of what I write here I tend to hope that someone comes and points out flaws in my thinking, to give me something to question my own thinking and point of view, and it has worked immensely well thanks to a few key users here on You're so right. That is what makes this forum gold. It's all about what your intention is.
  3. I agree, the treatments aren't ideal, are monetized and could be improved. I'm not sure if you have done therapy, but "working at the root and finding a cure" is exactly what therapy helps patients with. Either with the life situation or deep rooted childhood issues like trauma. I would suggest you read about medicine in that area. I assume you are under-informed how far medicine goes. Most practices talked about here can be found in peer-reviewed science By all means it was ignorant of me to blanket all health care under one term. By no means am I an expert. I certainly agree that there are many beneficial sub-sects such as therapy. It is truly a cultural issue. Something that is not so easily solved. The way we are living is what is causing the majority of the suffering in America. The dopamine triggers which are setting up our youth for bastardization and addiction. But because it makes money and we live in a SD stage orange society that is acceptable.
  4. I am not interested in the current way that society treats mental health because it is more focused on monetizing the treatment of patients rather than working at the root, and finding a cure. I have had too many individual experiences with- as well as friends and family members suffering from -addiction, depression, suicide, anxiety, to believe that the current health care system in America cares about our health. The individuals on the ground floor are often great people. But you stick a diamond in a shitter and it is still going into the sewer.
  5. My bad yeah I was a bit of a dick back there. I'm much too tired to be doing this hahaha
  6. @Derek White The book SPQR by Mary Beard offers a fascinating account of the first 1,000 years of roman history, and the story which I am referencing is surprisingly enough the introduction to the book. I'd certainly recommend it if that's something which piques your interest.
  7. Medicine and meditation are not mutually exclusive. You can do both, I agree. My point is: if you are addicted, the wisest decision would be to seek professional help, because doctors are licensed and have a track record of helping people. I'm not sure where OP lives but where I'm at it will cost him an arm and a leg to seek help from a licensed doctor. I was attempting to give practical advice that could be applied today, and that I have seen the highest success rate when implemented. Then again, in my original post I was sloppy because meditation is medicine. Who are we to say whether a licensed medical professional is more effective in helping people recover from addiction any more than an acupuncturist, or a reiki healer? I don't know. I just know that the current way the U S of A handles people struggling with addiction in the professional setting is less than desirable. Question everything you were lead to believe here. What if he is right and everything you were lead to believe here is wrong? Have you considered that? I have considered that to a very deep extent.
  8. Just put the reference in there thinking a wandering eye might recognize it- and if they do it will certainly bring them a good chuckle *moderator note: please don't type in another language on this forum. It's been removed.
  9. Very true. Which is why I made the distinction between mental masturbation and being stuck in such a state- A.K.A. "mental edging" Ahhhh, yes. There's nothing static about the universe besides it's evolution. Naturally evolution is not always growth. And yeah, judging is just about the most counter-productive thing one can do. It's your ego's way of distracting you from the fact you embody that fault yourself.
  10. I've struggled with my fair share of addiction over time, maybe I can be of use. What Leo said in the video is that all addiction is ultimately caused by a lack of emotional maturity- in other words, the inability to sit by yourself, in a room, and not have neurotic compulsions. Neuroses is in essence the inability to let something go. I've found that to be true in my personal experience. The other thing which I noticed was that I simultaneously held 2 conflicting beliefs in my mind. The first belief was that I wanted to stop my compulsion. The other belief was that I found immense pleasure in my compulsion and that I wanted to do it. Can you see why that might cause problems? As long as you are attached to the desire to indulge in your compulsion- you will continue to be an addict. Notice what I said there. I didn't say, "as long as you have the desire to indulge in your compulsion- you will continue to be an addict." I said "As long as you are attached to the desire to indulge in your compulsion- you will continue to be an addict." This is a critical distinction. Our thoughts only have as much power over us as we allow them to. What you feed grows and what you starve dies. What I would recommend to you my friend is that you take up a daily meditation habit- one to two hours in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. If you want maximum results you will go into a state of meditation immediately upon waking- before checking your phone, before eating breakfast, maybe after taking a piss. And you will meditate yourself to sleep in the evenings. This will do wonders for rewiring the neurons in your brain. You don't have to do that. Then again if you don't it's likely going to be much more difficult to break your addiction. As for the specific meditation you should partake in? Let me leave you a quick description of one that might be of use- luckily for you I just typed this out for another member of the forum on direct message a couple of hours ago. Make sure you are in an environment conducive to what you want to achieve. Turn the lights off, lay in bed, and play some light music. If you are doing this first thing in the morning- a seated meditation is ideal so you don't fall back asleep. Here is a link to the playlist which I created for my personal meditation sessions- - I'd recommend clicking on the video titled "The new butterfly effect," that is a very peaceful tune as are the videos next up, but experiment with what speaks to you. Definitely do one of the either 417hz, 432hz, or 528hz. Butterfly is 432hz. If you are living in a shared environment, use headphones, otherwise, play the music softly. If you are having serious trouble completing this meditation, put on a pair of headphones and utilize the first video in the playlist, a theta binural beats session. Trust yourself. Stay on each part of this meditation until you feel it is proper to move on to the next part. Take your time. This is all for you. Begin by relaxing your body. Take deep breaths, in for 5 seconds, out for 5 seconds. Move your awareness to your toes, and relax them. Move your awareness the soles of your feet, and relax them. Do this for each individual part of your body, releasing all tension, all the way to the scalp. Next, move your awareness to your heart center, and start to visualize a ball of energy, it can be any color you like, spinning in a circle counterclockwise. The longer your awareness is on this ball of energy the larger it grows, until it eventually surrounds your body, and then fills the entire room. Take your time with this. Feel the gratitude provided to you from your generous heart. Realize that it wants nothing more than to see you in a state of love. As you maintain your awareness on the energy around your heart center, release any attachment you hold to your thoughts- good, bad, these are all simply labels we create in our minds. Accept, and love every thought which passes through your mind, and do so from a state of total detachment from them, without judgement. If you catch yourself getting carried away by a thought, that's okay, just bring your awareness back to your breath, to your heart, to the present moment. Now you are in the operating system of your brain- the subconscious mind. Your analytical mind should be powerless- it truly only has the power parallel to the level of attachment you hold. While keeping your awareness in the space around your heart center, cultivate gratitude. What are you grateful for? You are alive. You are breathing. Look at the beautiful mechanism by which all of this is happening. Truly you need no reason to feel gratitude. Reason is a limitation provided to you by your ego. You can simply choose to feel gratitude. Set the intention. Notice the difference between desire and intention. Feel the desire to move your arm up. Now actually move your arm up. Notice that difference? The second one was intention. Become familiar with this energy and that is what you will use to cultivate the emotions you seek. From gratitude set the clear intention to cultivate love and appreciation. From love and appreciation cultivate joy and bliss. From joy and bliss cultivate freedom and the feeling of being unlimited. Notice how I do not say try to do these things. Just do them. They exist within you right now. The next thing that you're going to do is bless your energy centers, starting with the root chakra. As you're doing this, maintain the elevated emotions you just cultivated. What emotion is your choice. Bliss, freedom, infinity, gratitude, appreciation, joy, all good choices. Begin by placing your awareness, your focus, inside of your perineum, and hold it there for as long as you please, whatever feels proper to you. Next, you will move your awareness to the space around the perineum, and, same as before, hold it there as long as you please. Both pieces of this meditation, the internal focus on the energy center and then the focus on the space around it, are essential, as is the elevated emotion. Once you have finished with your root chakra, repeat that same process for the space right below and behind your bellybutton. From there, repeat the process for the space in the pit of your gut. From there, to inside your chest, behind the center of the breastbone. Next, to the center of the throat. Next, to the space between your throat and the back of your head, inside your head of course. From there, to the space in the center of your head. And finally, to the space approximately 16 inches above your head. Now, maintain that practice for as long as you'd like. The longer you are cultivating these elevated emotions the better. Once you feel grounded in these emotions, I want you to do a breathing technique that will work wonders in tandem with that portion of the meditation, and this breath is something you can truly do any time you feel energy getting locked in the lower energy centers, and it will elevate your state of being. Your breath should still be very relaxed. To perform this breathing technique, begin by ensuring you're in a position where your spine is straight, as it most likely already is. Begin to take a long, deep breath in through your nose, to the base of your spine. When you feel your breath apply pressure to the pelvic floor, contract your perineum- maintain the contraction and inhalation. Follow your breath, and when it fills your lower abdomen, begin to contract that as well. Same thing for your upper abdomen. Now, you should have the area of your body from your perineum to upper abdomen contracted. Inhale as full as you can while maintaining those contractions, and move your awareness to the very top of your head. Hold your breath for as long as comfortable, while maintaining your contractions and awareness of the head. As you exhale, release the contractions. You can perform that breath as many times as you'd like, it should assist with the meditation session. Now, simply meditate. Remain detached from your thoughts. Maintain elevated emotions. Do this for as long as you please. The longer you do it the more grounded you will make this state of being throughout the rest of the day, especially if you begin your day with this meditation. My friend, you have the power to win this battle. But it will not be a battle won in arms or in strength- it will be a battle of peace. A test of your ability to remain calm in the face of adversity. To simply say- "you know what, I don't even have to entertain that thought!" Remain detached. You got this. I'd also recommend Leo's videos on how to overcome a victim's mentality, it could be very beneficial. Godspeed My friend, medicine and meditation are not mutually exclusive domains. Medical professionals have a multitude of flaws in their own right. And "New Age" ahhahahaahha I wish I had the laughing emoji This stuff has been taught for multiple millennia It is you who knows not of what they speak of May you find peace
  11. (Moderator edited foreign language) This forum is the most conscious of any that I've ever had the pleasure of partaking in. I love what's facilitated here and the opportunities for growth provided by Leo and every other community member. But let me ask you this... Are you bullshitting yourself? Are you telling yourself, "Yes, I am being very productive by sitting here and consuming gargantuan amounts of information." If you are that's perfectly okay. Just be aware of it. That being said- there is no substitute for the inner work of personal growth. This isn't meant to be hostile, there's no doubt in my mind that Leo is aware of this. I just want to express this fact to any individual who is stuck in mental masturbation mode. I've been there. It's easier than ever today with the internet- you will literally never be at a junction where there is nothing to consume. Do you want entertainment or do you want to realize the Absolute Truth? Nothing wrong with relaxing and enjoying some friendly discourse, and if that's your plan- better here than social media or the likes of it. Shoot, I'm here right now myself and I'm loving it. Just don't delude yourself. The concepts discussed here and on Leo's channel can take anywhere from days to years to fully integrate and comprehend. Are you seeking, or are you distracting? Hmmmmmmmm......
  12. The ego loves to take credit. I can look back on the portion of my journey when I first started having mystical experiences and awakenings. Many were sporadic, and inevitably the feeling was temporary. I remember experiencing bouts of depression and suffering where all I wanted to do was get back to that state of bliss. The only problem? The ego can't induce those experiences! I thought I had it all figured out- "OK, I did it once, I can do it again!" No... Because you didn't do it! The ego loves to take credit.
  13. Hello all, The following is a meditation I have discovered and implemented along my journey. I call it new because I have never heard it discussed anywhere else explicitly, yet it has helped me tremendously in my personal development journey. This may seem basic but it is a quite profound shift if an individual is unaware of this. Through self-actualization, an individual is constantly evolving. The two pieces of the puzzle are feeding new states of being, and starving those which no longer serve. Naturally sometimes it is easier than other times. It can be the case where we become aware of a pattern of being that no longer serves us, and we desperately want to transcend it, but it feels incredibly ingrained into our state of being. We may even begin to fear this state. We program in a new set of neural networks in the brain, and think to ourselves, "I've done it, I'm feeling how I want to be feeling, thinking what I want to think, and behaving how I want to behave. As long as I don't think about _______ I will be fine." Or something along those lines. Basically- it is easy to fall into the pattern of fearing/not wanting old states of being to pop up and take you out of what you are currently experiencing. This is a deadly trap. An individual who had truly integrated that new state of being would not fear what you are fearing. If someone walked up to you and called you by a name not your own, or you accidentally thought of yourself as that name, would you fear? No. You would just laugh it off. It would be inconsequential. This is where the meditation comes in. Start the meditation like you would any other, relaxation, etc. Focus your attention on your heart center, cultivating love and gratitude for the world. Spend a few moments on garnering detachment from the processes of your mind- do this until you are completely detached from your thoughts. Have a clear intention of what belief you plan on rewiring prior to starting this meditation. For example I recently transcended my being of scarcity into one of abundance. Once you have cultivated the love, gratitude, and detachment, start wiring in your new state of being. Feel as if that person was you. Because it is! Be very present with the emotions that you would be feeling, and the thoughts you would be thinking, and identify with them. Visualize what you would be doing from a first person perspective. Detach from any thoughts and emotions besides what you intend to embody. Do this for as long as you'd like- the more time the better. When you feel that you have grounded your self in that new state of being- confront the old state of being! And by confront I mean look at it, and love and accept it in it's entirety. Take away any power it has over you. Remain detached and observational, dis-identified with it. Do this until it no longer has power over you. Do this for any emotions which you are trying to transcend. Simply face them in their entirety and love them in their entirety. At the end of any meditation session I ask myself, "Are there any emotions or thoughts I am running away from?" And if there are- I face them. All beliefs are a story which we have created and have the power to destroy. It is simply a game which we are playing with ourselves. Don't allow anything to have power over you. The key here is to also remain detached from the state of being which you are wiring in. Identify with the new state of being. But by placing importance on any aspect of this process you will sabotage yourself. Do this meditation, this rewiring process, with the same level of importance which you attribute to checking the mail. Any one else ever seen this confrontation meditation discussed elsewhere? I got the idea from John Assaraff, who has a "CRAP" board, which is full of things which he knows might hinder him on his path to his goals. I simply adapted it into meditation form for my needs. Much love. May this assist you on your journey
  14. One can not awaken by trying to awaken. One can not awaken by trying to not try. Power is realized through surrender. Life is realized through death. Growth is realized through subtraction. Understanding is realized by transcending reason. Infinity is realized through Nothing.