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Everything posted by 4201

  1. Your observations are helpful to me, they are just not answering the question. The question was "should we just use the awareness of that story to stay blind to the content of this post?", to which you simply avoid by keeping the conversation on the awareness of the story. The awareness of the story is great, and way more important than my little argument here, on my personal level. Yet it is off-topic to this thread. There's nothing else for me to do here than accept the fact that you want to avoid at all costs entering the topic that is being discussed in this thread. The reason I initiated contact with you was because I would have valued such a conversation with you, because you may have a different perspective of the topic itself but not because I wanted a lesson on how my involvement with the topic is low consciousness or how the way I express myself is incorrect due to the fact I express my subjective opinion like objective statements. Yes those lessons are great, thanks for playing the teacher. It's just not what this thread is about in the first place. It is true that I have an adverse reaction to the avoidance of a topic (which you perfectly noticed), simply because this avoidance hints that something is hidden behind. My first answer was a neurotic response to your initial avoidance of the topic. Simply put, my experience of Leo's new videos is that they focus much more on the content of the video and much less to the users and the various types of people they might be. The old videos were carefully crafted to help you whoever you were and whatever you were doing. It was targetted to many groups of people and were much more accessible. A lot of emphasis was put on building the important habits and doing the work. Nowadays videos are more like topics discussed from his, absolute and high consciousness, point of view and has little to do with actually getting higher consciousness from ourselves. Perhaps he has said everything he wanted to say about how to self-improve and actualize. Perhaps he's tired of playing the life coach and wants to talk more about other topics. In the end its none of my business and I'll refrain for commentating further on this.
  2. Thank you for all these insights and thank you for focusing on my case so much. Thanks for pointing out the unconscious, hidden meaning of the idioms I use. While the content of your explanation (or movie) is great, I can't stress enough that the reason you are engaging into your movie (of focusing on my movie) is to distract yourself from something. Each of these threads are movies, and we are all engaging in them, yet I don't see you try to dispel all those conversations by pointing at fact they are playing a movie. Did you engage in this one purely to ask people to disengage in it?
  3. I know exactly what you are pointing too, yet I don't want us to be using this as a distraction mechanism from a specific topic. Can this well-crafted explanation be used anytime a problem is seen? "My room is not dirty, that's just my imagination!" I know the value of letting go of such imaginations and I practice my attempts at letting go of that everyday when meditating. Being aware of the movie doesn't mean stopping the movie. It's not a proper justification to not talk about a topic. Now wether I am totally delusional when I say Leo is unwell is probably the real question there. If instead we were discussing something more objective, let's say science, you would have no problem at all talking about the effects of psychedelics on the brain, neuro plasticity and all that (as we did before). Although these explanations and facts are indeed imagination, this statement is irrelevant to the discussion of psychedelics. The difference between the 2 discussions, imo, is your willingness to enter it. The mind really sees what it want to see. We all have blind spots and we keep looking at the blind spots of others to distract ourselves from our own blind spots. Your mind see my mind not being willing to see the story is it creating. My mind sees your mind voluntarily distracting itself from a topic by looking at the blind spots of my mind. My point is that this is a discussion board, and we are here talking about something. Using Truth as an argument for everything doesn't help creating a story where Truth can be achieved. Sure, all I did is give my own subjective opinion. Should we reject everything that is not totally objective? Up to you. Yes this entire post is a whole "Do you notice it too" poll, where we try to see if we are noticing the same thing from Leo's energy. Yes this is a total distraction from looking at ourselves. Yet it is more significative, to me at least, to notice such a thing in the person teaching me that for anyone else.
  4. Yes, there's an ego which wants to get better and is worried when their teacher, which has helped it a lot in the past years, starts showing obvious signs of unawareness and unhappiness. But should we just use the awareness of that story to stay blind to the content of this post? There's definitely a problem. Without doubt, complaining about it here is probably a worse solution that distancing ourselves from the teacher and finding more sources of information, new teachers and practicing ourselves. Yet it is painful to think of Leo in his current state, especially when it's Leo who taught me to avoid the traps he seems, from my limited judgemental point of view, to be falling into.
  5. I've been pretty liberal with the bounds for the inputs/outputs of the neural network (traditionally always between 0 and 1 rather than any number on the real line) but I'm sure this can be easily fixed with some sigmoid and anti-sigmoid functions. Otherwise I'm using the simplest form of neural networks, of which you can learn about here: This doesn't prove anything about god's infinite intelligence, but it proves that you and the universe is equivalent to a neural network of infinite size, but you could also be equivalent to a neural network of some size, as well as the entirety of the universe. I like doing this little thing though, although it doesn't really prove much in practice it was interesting. Also I need to figure out what to do with time. Not sure what time would be, some extra parameter? One more output of the universe/input of the mind? I don't know.
  6. Thanks, will keep at it!
  7. Sure, I like you answer and I think it has a healthy, positive change oriented mindself toward growth and self actualization. However, it doesn't define what time is exactly. (as a mental construct). Sure time is a construction of God but then if you were God how would you invent time.
  8. I don't think I need to. From the perspective of the mind, Reality is just some function, of possibly infinite complexity that maps your output neurons to your inputs by physical phenomenons of any sort. This function is equal to some neural network if the assumption is true. Perhaps that my assumption would prove your statement and perhaps the assumption is totally false. I have a "feel" that the assumption is not too crazy though. @Leo Gura That's what I did except my mind didn't want anything to do with looking at Truth. It kept looking away until it found a good enough distraction to get me to look away for good. This distraction was this proof. It's kind of frustrating though. I live my entire life pretending I'm all about awareness and Truth, yet when it comes to look at it I just voluntarily look away.