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Everything posted by 4201

  1. I know who you are trying to make fun of but this is a dishonest strawman. Nobody denies the fact UFO exists or are confirmed (there are things in the sky that fly which are not identified). Some people see UFO and conclude it's aliens some people see UFO and refuse to conclude its aliens. Seeing a phenomenon you don't understand and saying "It's aliens!" is similar to seeing electricity in the 1200s and saying "it's magic!". There are a lot of things we don't understand about the universe and so far truth has always been more intricate than a catch-all explanation like aliens (or magic). If you start believing in aliens you can simply attribute every thing we don't understand to it. Expansion of the universe? Alien technology. How did ancient egyptian make the pyramids? Aliens! Why did Trump lose the election? It was rigged by aliens!!! The main problem with this world view is not that it's "too crazy" or "too radical" but simply that it stops the mind from staying curious. That's what conspiracy theories and catch-all explanations do. No need to look further, you already have a crazy explanation which is so vague it covers everything.
  2. @Ananta I'm not taking about recent replies. Bullies have deleted their messages since but you can still see some replies to their messages in the early pages I don't think we should focus on this now but I believe this is what OP meant when he talked about people calling him a victim. I don't think anyone else brought up the topic here. Who said what is quite irrelevant though. Not trying to make a trial here.
  3. You are not your mindset though. No matter how much people "insult" your current mindset, that mindset is just a mindset, it's not a mind and it's not you. What are you if you are not your mindset? You are a mind capable of adopting any mindset there is. This gives you infinite potential. Infinite potential for suffering and infinite potential for pleasure. Some mindset feel good (pleasure) some mindset feel bad (suffering). Your mindset might convince you that you can't change your mindset, but that's just the mindset and not the mind itself. That being said I'm not saying this in support for the few people who came into your thread to bully you. I don't think name-calling people who struggle as "victims" is going to help that much either. But the problem definitely is in the mindset. We went deep in genetics. You can keep finding new "causes" for your suffering that are not your mindset if you want but none of them will ever be true.
  4. It's pretty impolite for all of you to all talk so much about aliens but not even go meet them. Would you like it if we all talked about you in your back, judging you and debating whether you are real or not? I think you should all take some DMT, introduce yourself to them and apologize for such disrespect.
  5. No you cannot make an economy based on something anyone can produce easily. I just need one seed an a field to make an infinite amount of seeds overtime. How are you going to distinguish the real ones from the ones I made? GMOs? Your GMO seeds would need to not be able to produce more seeds which makes them much less valuable than actual seeds. On top of that it's biodegradable which is highly inconvenient.
  6. No reason to drink coffee, it only tricks your system into thinking it's less tired than it is. Just get good sleep and eat healthy, you'll be full of natural energy. I used to drink it a lot but quit 2-3 years ago. No problem since.
  7. Good then. But the calculations are not necessary, you can just do what feels great all the time without stressing with any sort of calculations. If you were asked to predict the future, calculations would be the best you could do but that's impossible anyway and no one asks you to predict the future. We could argue whether or not we will enter contact with aliens in X amount of time but there's no proper calculations to determine a likelihood for that. This 95% / 5% your pulled out is just out of your ass. Statistically, the chances of something happening that never happened is always 0 but things that never happened happen all the time. We are really just splitting hairs at this point lol
  8. I'm curious if you have evidence for this claim. Scientists who claim stuff without sufficient evidence would sure lose credibility, but if there is convincing evidence there would be no reason to not publish it. Your likelyhood metric is based on past events or past information. You could compute the likelyhood of going to work based on the amount of days you called sick in the last year. Or you can just feel whether you are sick or not. The latter is much more useful and uses direct evidence rather than trying to overanalyze past information.
  9. In reality you don't know the future. In september 2001 would you have leaned toward the possibility of there being an attack on the world trade center or would you have leaned toward the possibility of it being a normal day? Surprising things can happen, we have no idea what we will experience tomorrow. This is no justification for aliens of course (not trying to prove A) but there is no reason to assume the future will be in a certain way instead of another. The only reason you want to "lean" or believe is for practical or survival reasons. It's not practical to live life assuming a terrorist attack is about to happen or aliens are going to spawn. But assuming those things won't happen either doesn't prevent them from happening. IMO we can just live and embrace the unexpected no matter what it is, without leaning or believing in a particular future. It makes the future less boring because it stops always being "what you expected" and it stops being stressful when it diverges from what was expected. I don't think your mindset is particularly problematic but this whole "leaning" or "believing" is what causes this ridiculous debate in the first place. If what you want is pull your hair out arguing for "not A" against people who argue for A it's up to you. I argue that we don't know, because we don't know. At the end of the day I'm as ridiculous as anyone here arguing in this thread. If someone wants to believe in fairy tales instead of looking at the evidence, it's really up to them.
  10. I'm not "playing safe" or "am afraid to be wrong". There just isn't enough evidence to conclude anything at the moment. That is the truth. Why assume anything when you don't actually know? There's no value into believing something that is not backed up with evidence. "Today I'm gonna just assume the weather is going to be nice. No no I'm not gonna check the weather online. You believe like me that the weather is going to be nice today, you are just suppressing what you believe."
  11. My point is that for every "evidence" that gets brought up there's an entire scientific community analysing it who would be just as excited as you are to discover there are aliens. There's not just deep space telescopes out there, there's a myriad of other tools being used to monitor the sky in tons of ways. You either have to declare yourself more qualified than this entire community of specialists in their own field when it comes to analysing UFO footage or you have to believe they are conspiring against you to hide the truth to the public. Both options are bananas. Sure if you want to verify you can qualify yourself but doing so while already believing there are aliens is just confirmation bias.
  12. But you don't have to choose. There's no reason to pick one and risk being wrong... (on a topic you have no control over anyway) If we don't know we don't know, you can't assign probabilities to not knowing.
  13. Personally I find mega doses of LSD much more risky than mega doses of shrooms. The max amount of LSD I've ever taken is 300ug and it happened that I put myself in danger by going outside and be a jerk to cars as a passerby. Yet I've taken 80mg of 4-AcO-DMT (~9g in dry shrooms I think) and it's much more "calm" IMO. There's not that much dumb shit. I definitely have more to explore in the LSD realm but I don't feel confortable doing big doses of LSD unassisted, yet for shrooms I know the worse that will happen is I'll feel bad and go to bed taking an "angry fake nap". But to OP, I think mega doses can be useful although you want to "climb your way" up to the dose with small increments rather than do a big jump I think. A trip sitter is always a good idea. There won't be many resources because not everyone have the balls to do it hahaha
  14. If you want to believe there are aliens, you sort of have to believe astronomers are conspiring against the mainstream and trying to hide it from the public. The pentagon is not the only organisation looking at the sky. Evidence which is actually relevant to alien life gets published in academic papers. Just jumping to rogue conclusions from a blurry video is ridiculous. It doesn't mean there's no aliens but it doesn't mean there are either. Astronomers are probably the most passionate people about alien life. This idea that they would deny the truth out of close mindedness is ridiculous. Concluding there are aliens is silly yet concluding the are no aliens is not correct either. We simply don't have enough evidence to conclude anything at this point. Why so eager to claim those types of things as a forum member? If you really care that much get into astronomy, observe the sky and then you'll claim what you want from your observations.
  15. No, what it means for something to be an opinion and what it means for something to be a fact is well defined in the english language. You can deconstruct language and what it means for something to be objective but it wouldn't make "my life is shit" any more factual. My initial point is that it's not only a POV but it's a terrible one to have. No matter where you are in life, judging your life as shit is the opposite of making it better. Taking drugs can be a distraction from making it better but this is only true in a context where it is assumed the life is shit to begin with.
  16. Nice! It's so easy to dismiss any spiritual practice. All this judgement and comparison between meditation, contemplation, psychedelics and etc. is really not what meditation is about in the first place. Still, I find myself doubting meditation everyday and not actually going all the way. Glad you managed to though.
  17. Not a fact though, an opinion
  18. IME, the only condition to making a trip go well is not thinking it will go bad. If you believe the idea that bad mood = bad trip you might bad trip out of this belief but it won't because of the bad mood, only because of the belief. In practice there's no benefit to challenging yourself and tripping in the worse conditions ever. As long as you have a clear constructive intention and you are in a good setting, it will likely be a good experience. Even if you end up not judging it a "good" experience, there is stuff to learn on why you thought it was "bad".
  19. For this to happen, the food that get stuck would need to have high adhesion to the body but low cohesion to other food particles. Even if you somehow ingested glue, it would likely stick more on the food than onto the intestine itself and you would unlikely see food particles stay stuck. Food particles that are stuck would need to resist friction with other food particles passing by constantly. You could make the argument that old food particles get replaced by new food particles constantly and there's always a little bit left over but it wouldn't become toxic nor would accumulate. I'm also just speculating here, couldn't find any study on this because it's probably more of a rumor than anything else.
  20. IME, I used to be much more attracted to feet and submission back when I identified with shame on a personal level (thinking I have a reason to be ashamed). Since fully letting go of that aspect of my shadow, "regular sex" is much more attractive to me compared to fantasies of being ashamed which aren't really exciting anymore. I do think that kinks are symptoms of psychological trauma and letting go of the latter breaks the former. But that's just my experience.
  21. All suffering is lack of understanding, there is no reason to make a distinction between the two. I do understand that you suffer from chronic illnesses and went above and beyond to try and heal them. I can see why you would despise the idea of seeking lack of suffering because you essentially did that and it did not work out. But the self that wants to be free of this suffering needs to be fully accepted, not hated for having "failed", and projecting this hate to @Salvijus will not help either. Any suffering is a sensation that is being rejected. I feel a blade cutting open my skin, I don't like it and therefore I suffer it. It sure would be challenging for me to be in your situation and accept the sensations of my body indicating me that my tyroid gland is falling appart or simply accept the fact that my body lacks energy because of that. But really there is nothing else to do for now than to accept it. There might or might not be a cure (I can't tell you, I am not a doctor) but until you find your cure, the best way forward is to just accept your current condition fully. This will not only put you closer to God, but allow you to fully let go of any suffering which is never necessary in the first place. If you want to dismiss everything I say because "I'm not woke" is your choice but even if I'm totally off the mark here, your emotional reaction to what @Salvijus wrote at least warrants some contemplation. This idea that killing the body will lead to lack of suffering is total bullshit. If you reject God's dream that is this life, what will God do? Grant you heaven? God is not the ego, if reality is the way it is, that's God's will. If you suffer from tyroid problems, that's God's will. If you kill your body to avoid your tyroid problem, God might make you dream in a world where everything is the same but your tyroid problem is 100x worse. I'm exagerating here, but killing the body is really the ego trying to overwrite God's will, and I don't think this will lead to what the ego wants. But we can only speculate about what would happen within the dream if we kill the body, just like we can only speculate what would happen within the dream if I open the door to my room. Killing the body is still content, something that happens within the movie. There's no guarantee that killing the main character ends the movie or makes it "better" for that main character.
  22. I think what makes this much more acceptable is that people are aware that this will happen in advance in much cases. For example with sadhguru's wife, everyone knew 9 months in advance. It's totally different than just killing yourself without telling anyone and then your wife and 2 young kids just find out unexpectedly. It's not conscious if you are unconscious of the harm it will cause to your loved ones. Mahasamadhi will never fix your problems though. If you think you have problems or if you think there's a self that wants to die, you're not awake. Then it's not mahasamadhi, just some dumb suicide branded as "conscious" for the ego.
  23. I would suggest simply going out and making friends. A good easy way is to join a club of some hobby you like or get involved in local volunteering. If you do volunteering you'll meet other people, there's a lot of respect and people will appreciate you just for being there. It's generally quite stress-free work and the people going there are very nice people. You seem to know what you want, just keep focusing on that, and in no time you'll be out of this bad place. The only way the future can be more painful is if you keep focusing on what's bad. There is no reason to do that. You have the power to change your life and make your future better. You aren't disliked here. You are going through tough times like many of us did in the past. On top of that we are in mid pandemic, everyone is a bit more lonely and grumpy. It sure is harder, but it's going to pass.
  24. Ah yes, the very well known hardwiring If you think it's well known, ask literally anyone. Ask the author of the paper, she literally debunks you IN THE PAPER. The fact that your average depressed joe think like you doesn't make it any more true.
  25. The one who has little power to unimagine it, is what is being imagined! All limitations are imagined, especially the limitation that makes it hard to unimagine. You won't even see the lawsuit coming on this one! What a genius way to pay my rent. Thanks for the idea. Statistically speaking though, there is a demographic of people that will be helped from debunking their suicide ideation, even if it's just one video. Even if it's not that interesting to you personally, I'm sure it will save lives over the years. Not necessarily members of the forum, but random suicidal people who stumble on your video by accident and end up not taking their lives thanks to it.