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Everything posted by ertopolice

  1. Good point Mastering it Leo. Totally!!
  2. "The limit is you how deep do you wanna go with me" Leo Gura @Leo Gura Brilliant
  3. try opening new circles while at college it gets harder later in life i've lacked a big social circle and it affects for dating because u lose lots of opportunities to meet potential mates so better start now than u're young
  4. Even i support the lifestyle without being obsessed about it, sometimes is not about looks..but in women those lifestyle changes use to boost their self esteem and quickens their personal goals as a result.. Physically let's say i've considered myself a 6-7 when in the eyes of other it's been at least a 8. Issue here. I did not make the best of it because my inner low self esteem or something+shyness+not feeling the need to this survival thing of attraction. Some ppl said with my physique+intelectual level i'd get almost any guy i liked but further for the truth...i really struggle to find mentally attractive males for me.. what a dilemma
  5. @BlackMaze i share a similar experience summer of 2015 was the time when after reading it i realized of all the damage my toxic mother had made us and especially me. It was the hardest truth i've ever faced in my life. So painful that i think i "woke" up or some similar thing happened to me. I thought i was losing my mind, my identity and a new me was reborn. Till today, when i face a life and a view a bit ahead for non-conscious ppl in terms of awakening.
  6. @Ry4n really? i miss very much the concentration boost effect of the coffee..
  7. I got that book in my queue list for reading Any inputs is welcome
  8. sorry i posted twice
  9. I miss it for my training goals have to admit and i wonder how my body will respond. I've consumed high doses for years..with little HIIT cardio in the morning so.. After 1 + month i'm still as shredded as aswalys...but now that i'm changing my training and nutrition i'm curious about it. Today i tried with some caffeine pills i bought after quitting it. About 200mg dose each. NO EFFECT at all in my alertness of motivation. Do not recommend. I'll keep them if later on i need them as burners but never ever considered taken those so called fat burners fitness enthusiasts use. I'll update my thread on caffeine. Keep on with 0 coffee.. well done!!!!
  10. Following this thread closely Some time ago i listened to some kind of kundalini/ activation and in spite of listening from a shitty earphones i used i noticed subtle vibration my my lower chakras. Strange feeling. Now overtime i listen to it i barely notice any feeling but wow it was so powerful that time.
  11. @Preety_India Applies for almost everything in life "Just do it." Yes. I agree with the tips given to you
  12. I quit coffee last month I was so addicted to it that i did not even feel the boost i felt when i started taking it i miss the boost and it's effect on my mood and concentration tbh
  13. @Logan Some years ago many ppl advised me to do so, but for different reasons It's true that sometimes i feel that i do not fit in this town. Too small and not so many opportunities for growth. I jus tasty here for job reasons to be honest. Regadring apps and the distance when u match's true ppl in my country skip matches which they consider that are too far away from their place of residence.
  14. I would really appreciate your views form all over the world I am a 32 y/o female who lives in a little town Due to personal reasons, career goals and stuff I've never worried too much about the dating thing. I struggled with my self confidence and focused all my efforts on my career goals. During all this time lost in that area, I've realized there's something about me i should have fixed earlier. I've lacking social network for years and now all my fiends are on long term relationships or married. In others words my physique is above average. I got a professional career and a stable job. I am starting into this actualized thing awell.. BUT Even I notice men look at me.. (e.g at the gym) they never try to interact with me r something. I cannot get to meet new ppl at work nowadays and live in a tiny city. I was considering SOCIAL NETWORKS for meeting males/potential dates/ friends..but the little attempt to join i've made i've found lot of men feeling superior and asking for my IG. After transferring to IG, and due to my little posts and pics..they remove me. They were asking for full body pictures or cool stuff. I got a normal life. A real one. However I got an athletic body i do not show on my networks and i cannot cope with that! if u d not "sell" urself or ur body your are out of the game...come on...they use to be BELOW AVERAGE LOOKING MALES WITHOUT and also with no brains have to say. Any advice? should i join tinder? should i hire a photographer to pic me? thank you..
  15. following.. i quitted caffeine too
  16. and fairier for women too
  17. I am taking my 2nd those next week and I am more eager than ever to improve my consciousness and my personal development. I am considering taking Leo's LP aswell. Watch out what u hear please..
  18. @Preety_India i got his works pending to read
  19. You are probably right and i appreciate their respect for my training goals. As a 10000x multitasked person in the past i had little time to train so i was totally focused on that when i hit the weight room. Now, i realized that apart from married friends and all i lack new social stimulus so that's why i considered the idea of getting to know someone with similar "values" there..but yes, needs to be explicit and also in my experience i am a better match for older/ more mature men than the ones of my age.
  20. You're probably right regarding my mindset tricking me that i could not achieve something... Regarding those apps, the times I've tried to do a big of search..i end up disappointed because of my findings. Only sex, no brain, no interests, so i end up leaving those apps/sites and try again a few months later... True. The "nice" guys sometimes are rejected by us because the do not play very well certain roles but likewise i never trust very much the "bad" guys all of us cannot help being attracted to. It's a problem. @integral That app it is not so popular in my country unfortunately @Space Good explanation
  21. It's so complicated for us. Well, "just for sex" thing does not apply to me. Sex is energy. I watch out very carefully where do i spend my energies towards.. Yes. Most (if not all) of us are looking for a relationship..and seems those apps are full of males eager to find a sexual mate with no compromise at all
  22. Definately. My mind and my spirit do not deserve being overlooked by a guy who sees no further than a body.
  23. Many thanks for all your input actualizers!!! @intotheblack Yes, little town when everyone knows every other one..a bit o a problem there @Average Investor Definitely trying to find something new to do and meet new it's harder apart for gym/bars because of the lockdown. @Striving for more Yes..i guess..but i do not show up in the correct places i guess. Just socialize with some friends or workmates during all this time @Username Exposure, right places, making it obvious...sounds a world to me right now. Perhaps my biggest problem is my lack of a big circle of friends to introduce me potential dates.. @Peter Miklis Totally agree. Brain first. I am not a body.