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Everything posted by ertopolice

  1. I understand It is said that "people forget your words but never forget how they feel about u" I tried to be nice and that but he asked SO many questions.. Also i keep it fun with some jokes that relaxed the intellectual stuff atmosphere..but that seems to be the "man's" thing to do. It sparkled light in his eyes and some smiles. I love that effect on people. I felt he lack some emotional, feminine carrot be honest
  2. @Karmadhi Thank you, but it may have had no effects since i haven't heard from him since yesterday.@something_else What do u mean we women find more attractive?
  3. @Karmadhi I found this guy highly attractive and mysterious since i came to find him at my local gym. Kinda shy, mysterious, highly traininng-committed person. Then i realized he got lots of pagan stuff tattooed and it boosted my interest even more. One day i dare to talked to him around martial arts and stuff. We both weight train and are into martial arts aswell. Then... I kept pursuing :DD..and added him to social media Till today It's not the looks it's the way he speaks and defends his views on life and the world. He is not such a hottie physically and does not give too much attention to his clothing to be honest. He is an intellectual, love reading, loves alone time for himself but also seems to support getting a nice/intelligent woman to form a family with... If you ask about'd be 6 But overall...would be a 7 for me Lacks financial security and i am still trying to assess his past regarding some extreme views on politics he seem to still support. And I worked SO hard to reach my financial freedom... Hope i answered ur question
  4. @gettoefl Sorry i did not understand your last advice. Yes, direct in "evaluating" yesterday's date ( initiating again via instagram about it?) BY FAR i appreciate people time and effort to face to face interactions. I love it and love to play my cards being mysterious but i am insecure about that 2nd date. Perhaps i've read too much about women-men interactions and the he should reach out first if he is interested.. I definitely found we both enjoyed the conversation and that it is not an usual thing to find such many coincidences over here!! it can lead to something but i don't know what exactly that would be, perhaps just some chemistry that's all..because i feel he is not ready for a i dunno want to waste my time either
  5. @Karmadhi It's simpler that way, but i got serious doubts that he is actually into dating for some serious thing in spite of all his views on traditional values, family, commitment and that stuff. I initiated all contact since the very beginning and he accepted my dating offer with politeness. It has happened to me before that guys i date from the networks got amazed after they know me in person (i do not show off many pics of me on the net) and that use to generate attraction...
  6. @Leo Gura I did not let it go too far in this first approach. Did not show my cards but i tested him that i bring up this pagan/mystic stuff it definitely ignites a fire in him. It's would have been fun honestly. It was a shame that time went by SO fast so i could test his intentions with me. Sharing these things is definitely a plus. It gets 100x more exciting. @Jennjenn That's it!!! i'd have loved to put all those to work..but i cannot help getting into intellectual conversations...but yes, somehow i know he's surrender to a goddess power. As i've already said, he's too much into mythology/pagan stuff and all that
  7. He certainly dismatches my nerdy guy type, honestly. He seems so alpha and on his masculine power (especially when discussing politics and intellectual stuff..). I think he knows how to keep the distance and show cold. He claimed to be "straight edge" after realizing it was not the way to go and some other stuff in his teens/youth. I am over average looks, and people use to like me more when they know me intellectual/emotionally. I find it a curse being intellectual and only getting attracted to these profiles of guys to be honest. The thing is that i will not surrender to any physical stuff so easily but i wonder if playing the game on him will make his assume i am surrendering. He seems to be dating for casual sex other women, but follows traditional values and believes in traditional stuff .May he be pissed off of all this dating game? he seems to have lost faith in society and human relationships haha (i do too :D) Too much of a flirtatious game with this pagan stuff we love and share :D. It an extremely weak point for him as a man, i realized hahah. Should i keep texting him and be the PURSUER?
  8. It happened to me that I was left on read after saying it was OK to settle a date for last week. I am still waiting to his response..but i was left on read..
  9. We all have insecurities and wounds to heal but..sometimes you need to step out of this confort zone of having them as an excuse for not growing or reaching a fuller potential
  10. Hi there I posted about a particular guy some weeks ago regarding whether i was doing the right thing reaching him via texts or should be he the one initiating most of the time. The thing is We met each other in the past at the gym Now i met him on social media and we talk throught it I appreciate his interest in my way of thinking, we share views on many topics, and hobbies. He is so polite and never showed flirty or anything... I am both attracted to him mentally and phisically He joked a bit about writing him if i happened to pass through the park he uses to walk the dog but last saturday i wrote him and he answered he was out of town. He did no plan any other date or encounter Wat should i do? should i force another date, should i keep on chatting about interesting stuff via social media? i wanna date him to assess wether it is real attraction what i feel or if i could just get a nice chat face to face with this guy HELP appreciated
  11. UPDATE Start to feeling really sick of social media but... After posting the thread i kept on commenting occasionally on his stories on iG. Those chats led to longer conversations that as i've said, i enjoyed Lat one i end up telling him that i wished we followed the conversations face to face Yesterday after commenting a funny picture of his dog, he proposed directly to meet up next week Did i played well my cards? might he just being polite with me? it speak well of him having the politeness of meeting me at least as a person to enjoy a conversations with...i guess
  12. @Preety_India Definately So that's why i say intelligent successful men. If I were a male I would look for both assets intelligence/beauty.
  13. Many thanks @Emerald . I'm already subscribed to Helena's channel and Bran's. it's a bit of a help when u are so lost in this dating/relashionships issues. I think I act from a position of "neediness" sometimes..even i tried not to and trust on my inner feminine power and all that stuff. I've realized i act this way because of my lack of options because of my lack of a solid social group and family issues i needed to get solved first. .@Vzdoh I got your view that many women can be both. An intellectual, hard working, "successful" female and a stunning women physically. You can fulfill and work in every of those areas so you can be whole. You cannot focus 100% all time of your life on a career and not in your health, your body, your mind. It's not a shallow thing to take care of your physique. It's a need, a survival thing actually. If i guy does not appreciate all this wholeness, sorry he probably is not for me... so perhaps that's the issue here FINDING CONSCIOUS MALES that can match us. I still believe there'd be someone out there for time and space.. @Preety_India I really understand your explanation. And yes some women act like that..but as i've said previously...many of us try to be whole and are no shallow at all. ISSUE HERE: some of those socially acknowledged succesful/hot men tend to prefer those kind of girls because of the easiness of it all i guess. It get easier not to worry about your woman's intellectual needs and focus only on yours.... The successful men I'd consider to be so WOULD CARE FOR MY INTELECTUAL NEEDS aswell, would be proud of his woman and would love to have me as a challenge mentally... Responding to the forum member, YES. You can find intellectual women out there who would be interested in you!
  14. @Karmadhi It's a curse trust me because if it's not intellectual at all i cannot get attracted enough It's also true that regarding this guy i am attracted to right now i've seen him in person and know how he looks..and even not being extremely handsome or tall i ming him a hottie
  15. @Karmadhi Exactly. It's their personality or aspects such as intellectual value which attract me most
  16. @Karmadhi I am quite over average looks to be honest and i am attracted not to the hottest guys out there.
  17. @RendHeaven Damm social networks.. t the end it's been my fault not caring for a mate earlier on in life. It's so difficult via social networks if u wanna show intellectual. You lack opportunities for those assets to show up. In real life the little count of guys I've dated would have follow dating me but i was the one who put an end to it. I guess i've should have dated more.
  18. @Vzdoh Thanks for ur input! Yes. I guess he just enjoys a chat friend or something hahah By what he said in some messages i bet he is currently in casual dates with other better forgetting about him It was just that we matched very well intellectually...
  19. @Vzdoh I got it So, in ur opinion suggesting a guys to follow the chat face to face would be an example of that? That was my last approach with some guy i aM really attracted to He just replied with a "like". So i'll quit contact and never ever contact him again if it is not for setting a date..
  20. Regarding desirability... what traits would you care for in a woman's desirability?
  21. @RendHeaven @Preety_India @Preety_India is quite correct about that feeling they should have on me being "unwanted by men if i approach them ...but hey, what happens i am really interested? but yes...seems needy sometims @RendHeaven no, they do not approach i barely go out and we're mostly females in my workplace
  22. I am struggling with my approach initiating. I feel too much masculine vs. needy sometimes that i got to get obsessed about it
  23. @Flowerfaeiry I feel needy because I think i am not reaching all my potential as a woman. By taking care of myself i am really lost on what else to do , honestly I am strict with my health and my body, i got a job and also i am always pursuing to promote to grow professionally. I lack social circle because of that...that's a HUGE PROBLEM. You end up isolated.
  24. @Loba I guess it lays on dependency You make him take u from granted and the leave..creates attachment, right?