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Everything posted by Hamish78

  1. Hi there mate, i too was "diagnosed" with social phobia. It's very debilitating and you feel you're living a half life. Maybe not even that. I was addicted to heroin for 6 years. Been clean 4. Mainly because I am on suboxone. I am starting to taper down now as I feel ready. Addiction is an awful affliction, unfortunately brought on because of self medicating. The pain inside is unbearable. It's also perceived as a weakness to have mental disorders. People treat you differently to say, if you had a physical disease of some sort. What I realized is though, is that it's more self perception. With social anxiety/phobia, you believe everyone notices. In some cases they may notice. I.e. If you start to panic. i have come on leaps and bounds practicing cbt and NLP and diving deep into meditation and self actualizating. My psychiatrist told me there is no cure and it's all about learning to live with it. I call out bullshit to that. You can learn how to live without it. Face your fears. Don't be embarrassed. Talk to people face to face about it. Admit your feelings. You can get off drugs and you can get over your social problems. It takes willingness and time but you can do it. Sometimes it's like climbing a mountain and you take two steps forward then fall back one. Well, your still conquering the mountain, just a bit slower because if you don't let go and gain another two steps you will eventually reach your goal. I have seen the ugly, nasty and dark side to life mate and today as I sit in the sun my heart goes out to you and people like you. We get told "take this, take that". No, that's not the way. Mindfullness and courage will get you better. I know it's not easy. In fact it is brutally hard. I just want you to know there is a positive ending to this. Keep strong. Struggle the struggle. I am fighting different demons now. Though nonetheless I will beat them as I have before. Life is hard but does not have to remain that way. You will always have good days and not so good. Try increase the good ones. peace.